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Remembering Glories of Sri Nityananda Prabhu

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Adhivas of Lord Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance, evening class
Sri Ekachakra Dham, 24 February 2021, part 6
Translated from Bengali


Sri Nityananda Prabhu stayed at the house of Srivas Pandit and treated Srivas Pandit's wife, Sri Malini Devi, as His own mother—when He called her 'Mother', milk would flow from her breasts! Malini Devi was, perhaps, seventy years old, but seeing Nitai milk would flow from her breasts.

One time, Malini Devi was doing puja at home when suddenly a crow came and took a pot away. Malini Devi began to cry, "Prabhu [Srivas Pandit] will come and see it. He will scold me!" Then, Nityananda Prabhu said to the crow, "Return My Mother's pot!" And the crow did—it flew back and returned the pot.

Sri Nityananda Prabhu rescued Jagai and Madhai. Mahaprabhu ordered Srila Haridas Thakur and Sri Nityananda Prabhu, "You must go door to door, distribute the Holy Name to everyone!" Sri Nityananda Prabhu thought then, "If I could bring these Jagai and Madhai to this path..." Many had warned Him against it, but He did not listen to anyone. Srila Haridas Thakur was behind and ran away from the place, but Sri Nityananda Prabhu stayed. Madhai hit Sri Nityananda Prabhu in the head with a clay pot from wine. Madhai hit Him, and Jagai saved Him. Yet Sri Nityananda Prabhu rescued Madhai. Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami writes,

জগাই মাধাই হৈতে মুঞি সে পাপিষ্ঠ ।
পুরীশের কীট হৈতে মুঞি সে লঘিষ্ঠ ॥

jagai madhai haite muni se papistha
purisera kita haite muni se laghistha

"I am more sinful than Jagai and Madhai and lower than the worms in the stool."

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Adi-lila, 5.205)

Jagai and Madhai attained Sri Nityananda Prabhu's mercy. Sri Nityananda Prabhu begged Mahaprabhu for Madhai, "Prabhu, if You have appeared in this world to rescue low and fallen souls, then where will You find anyone more fallen than Madhai? Do not kill him." Sri Nityananda Prabhu begged at Mahaprabhu's holy feet to forgive Madhai. Sri Nityananda Prabhu embraced Madhai, and Madhai became a greatest Vaishnav.

Jagai and Madhai committed many sins, but they never committed Vaishnav-aparadh. You must remember this. They did not criticise or offend Vaishnavs. You may think, "Madhai hit Nityananda Prabhu, is that not an offence?" If Madhai had not hit Sri Nityananda Prabhu, would Sri Nityananda Prabhu's glory have become manifest in this world? Because he had hit Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu became manifest in this world. Sri Nityananda Prabhu can give this kind of divine love—"Mar kheye prema dey, eman dayal ta' nai he! Lo! No one is as merciful! Nitai is beaten, yet He gives divine love in return!"

You can see Sri Nityananda Prabhu's house nearby, and all the land around it (many acres all around), all the fields belonged to His family. One time, some thieves tried to rob Sri Nityananda Prabhu. They had tried many times and in many ways, but they could not rob. First day, when they came to steal, they saw there were a lot of scorpions, snakes and thorny shrubs. They did not dare enter the land. Another time, they came and saw there was a whole army of soldiers guarding the place. They could not enter. When they came last, third, time, the thieves entered the house but became blind. Then, they begged at Sri Nityananda Prabhu's lotus feet for forgiveness. Sri Nityananda Prabhu said, "All right, I am giving you one service. You want My mercy, and mercy means service. Here is your service—you must make all the dacoits in this area good."

This Sri Ekachakra Dham is a pure land. Sri Jagannath, Baladev, and Subhadra are also here. One time, Sri Hadai Pandit said, "I want to go for Jagannathdev's Ratha-yatra." Sri Nityananda Prabhu said, "Father, how will you go for Ratha-yatra at your old age? Will you manage the crowds, etc.? Better I bring Sri Jagannath, Baladev, and Subhadra here." This is how Sri Jagannath, Baladev, and Subhadra appeared here. We will go to the temple to take Their darshan. The temple used to be very small, but now it has been made much bigger.

Here is also Sri Ekachakleswar Sivji Maharaj. We will take his darshan tomorrow during the parikrama. The place is very small, try not to crowd and be careful—people always lose their mobile phones, earrings, golden bangles, etc. Be careful with your mobile phones and money bags because many people will come amidst us, but not everybody comes for Krishna consciousness. Somebody comes to steal—some will come to take your money bag. They will come, make friends with you and rob you. Be careful during the parikrama. Keep your mobile phones, money bags, etc. carefully—better still, if you have a room, leave these things in the room. The parikrama is just two hours, you can leave your things in the room; and if you take things with you, then take and be careful. So, Sri Ekachakleswar Sivji Maharaj is here. Sri Hadai Pandit (Sri Nityananda Prabhu's father) served this Deity of Lord Siva, he is the family Deity of Sri Nityananda Prabhu.

Here is also Kadam Khandi. One time, Sri Nityananda Prabhu (Balaram), disappeared in a pond here, nearby, and He re-emerged in Kadam Khandi. When Jahnava Devi went to the Yamuna River, she found the Deities of Krishna and Balaram there. Those Deities are still there.

In front of our temple, there is also Pandav-tala. When the five Pandavs (Yudhisthir, Bhima, Arjuna, Nakul, Sahadev, and Kunti Devi with Draupadi) lived incognito, they came there and lived there during one year. Vyasadev also came there and stayed at a brahman's house. When I first came in 2004, we saw that brahman's house. I do not know if that house is still there or not, I have not been there for a long time. I know they have made a temple there now. A little far from here, there is a place where a demon named Baka lived. The five Pandavs killed him. There is also Radha Kunda and Shyama Kunda here. This Ekachakra Dham is non-different from Vrindavan, so Radha Kunda and Shyama Kunda are also here, but they are far from here. I have never had a chance to go there. We do not have so much time—we come for the parikrama, and we have not had the time to go there.


— : • : —





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