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Sri Sivananda Sen's Mercy

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Adhivas of Lord Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance, evening class
Sri Ekachakra Dham, 24 February 2021, part 7
Translated from Bengali


The glories of Sri Nityananda Prabhu are unlimited. This book (Sri Nityananda Mahimamrita) describes everything very beautifully, you should buy this books—you can study when you are at home.

Sri Nityananda Prabhu bestowed His mercy on Srila Raghunath Das Goswami. I told you about it yesterday, so I will not tell much about it now. Sri Nityananda Prabhu explained by that pastime that without His mercy it is impossible to attain any result. I told you also about Sri Ramahari Chakravati, how Sri Nityananda Prabhu bestowed His mercy on Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur, and how Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur preached about Sri Nityananda Prabhu later. I told you about it all yesterday. There is another pastime I would like to tell you about today.

When Sri Sivananda Sen was taking all the devotees to Sri Puri Dham, he got delayed because in those days boats did not take so many people, and Odiya people like to take money. (You know that you can even pay money and climb Jagannathdev's chariot. One time, a foreign devotee told Gurudev that he was allowed to climb the chariot after he had given his wristwatch and paid very much money to the panda. Gurudev asked him, "What for did you climb on the chariot? We never climb on the chariot; we always pay our obeisance from downstairs." They think they have climbed the chariot, so they have received a lot of mercy, but Gurudev scolded him a lot.) So, that time, when Sivananda Sen was getting all the devotees across the river, some Odiyan man did not allow a dog that was following Sivananda Sen's party to enter the boat. Sivananda Sen said to the man, "You charge every man for getting across the river, and I will pay four times more for the dog. Let it go." The man agreed. Then, coming to the Odiyan border, they were supposed to pass the tax. Sri Nityananda Prabhu went first, and when He was asked for the tax, Sri Nityananda Prabhu said, "Our leader is behind, he will pay." Everybody passed in the same way.

Sivananda Sen's house is in Kulingram. Mahaprabhu said, "I love Kulingram devotees so much. I love even the dogs from Kulingram! I love even the parrots from Kulingram for they chant the Holy Name of Krishna!" It is near Jogram station. I have been to that place a few times when I was doing collection. Sivananda Sen was one of those Kulingram devotees. He had five sons, one of them was Kavi Karnapurna, a dear devotee of Mahaprabhu—he composed Sri Gaura-gana-desa-dipika describing the identities of the the Lord's devotees, who was who in Dvapar-yuga and who came as who in Kali-yuga. Kavi Karnapur's name is Puri Das. When Mahaprabhu told him, "Chant Hare Krishna," he did not chant. Mahaprabhu asked Haridas Thakur, "Haridas, what is this? When I go down the street, even tigers and deer chant the Holy Name, but this child is not chanting?!" Haridas Thakur said, "Prabhu, he took initiation from You." "What? What do you mean?" Haridas Thakur explained, "You told him to chant Hare Krishna, so he has heard this mantra from You, and a disciple cannot say the mantra in front of his guru." Mahaprabhu said, "Has he really taken initiation?" Haridas Thakur said, "Yes, he has." Then, Mahaprabhu told Puri Das, "Tell me a sloka from Srimad Bhagavatam!" And Puri Das, a five-year-old boy started reciting slokas. This is how he forcefully took initiation from Mahaprabhu.

So, coming back to Sri Sivananda Sen's party travelling to Puri, everybody passed the border saying, "Our leader is behind." Then, when Sri Sivananda Sen came to the border, the guards stopped him, "You have brought so many people, you must pay!" Sivananda Sen was a thrifty householder, so it took him some time to bargain with the guards. In the meantime, Sri Nityananda Prabhu went far ahead and He became very hungry—it was past their meal time. He was so angry that His words were like bullets so much so that Sri Nityananda Prabhu cursed Sivananda Sen! He said, "May Sivananda's two sons die!" Sivananda Sen heard that Prabhu was very angry, so he quickly went to Him to pacify Him. He paid a full obeisance to Sri Nityananda Prabhu saying, "Prabhu, please forgive my offence. It is all my fault, it is all my fault!" He was paying obeisance and apologising, but Sri Nityananda Prabhu kicked him in return! Sivananda Sen's wife began to cry a lot, and Srikanta, Sivananda Sen's nephew, became angry, "Everybody respects my uncle so much, and He is kicking my uncle! I will complain to Mahaprabhu!" So, Srikanta ran to Mahaprabhu. Mahaprabhu is antaryami: He knows everything, He can understand everything. So, when Srikanta came panting, Mahaprabhu said, "Srikanta, do you want to say something?" But Srikanta could not say a word—under Mahaprabhu's influence, he could not complain about Sri Nityananda Prabhu. And Sivananda Sen's wife wept, "Prabhu has cursed my two sons to die!" Then, Sivananda told his wife, "You do not understand anything! What Thakur said is not a curse, it is a blessing! If your sons die with His blessing, they will attain the Lord!" Sivananda Sen began to dance, "I have been serving the Lord for so long, but today I have got the Lord's mercy! The Lord has kicked Me today!"

This is how Sri Nityananda Prabhu bestowed His mercy.


— : • : —





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