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Sri Advaita Prabhu's Nityananda Stuti

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Lord Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance, noon class
Sri Ekachakra Dham, 25 February 2021, part 1
Translated from Bengali


[His Divine Grace chants the kirtans "Are bhai, Nitai amara daya avadhi", "Nitai mora jivana dhana", "Rada majhe eka chaka name achhe grama", "Gora preme gara Nitai amara", "Iha Kali-yuga dhanya", "E-bara karuna kari Chaitnaya-Nitai", "Nitai-Chaitanya dohne bara avatara".]

Sri Advaita Prabhu sang in praise of Sri Nityananda Prabhu. His stuti (glorificaiton) is recorded in Sri Chaitanya-bhagavata (2.24.470-490):

dekhiya advaita nityanandera sri-mukha
hena nahi janena janmila kona sukha

When Advaita saw Nityananda's face, he could not understand how joyful he became.

'hari' bali' lagilena karite hunkara
pradaksina dandavata karena apara

He roared loudly and chanted the name of Hari. Then Advaita circumambulated Nityananda and offered Him obeisances.

kara-joda kariya advaita mahamati
santose karena nityananda-prati stuti

The broad-minded Advaita folded His hands and happily offered prayers to Nityananda.

You know, one day, Nityananda Prabhu came to have a meal in Sri Advaita Prabhu's house. Nityananda Prabhu kept saying, "Give more! Give more!" He ate everything! He ate everything He was given. Advaita Prabhu said, "What is this? We are poor brahman family. Why are You doing like this?" Nityananda Prabhu replied, "Why did you invite Me then!" and He took a handful of rice and threw it in Advaita Prabhu's face! "You are telling Me such things when I am taking prasad! You have made an offence!" Mahaprabhu saw this and laughed thinking, "Maha Vishnu and the Lord have met, and They are having a fight!"

dekhiya advaita nityanandera sri-mukha
hena nahi janena janmila kona sukha

When Advaita saw Nityananda's face, he could not understand how joyful he became.

'hari' bali' lagilena karite hunkara
pradaksina dandavata karena apara

He roared loudly and chanted the name of Hari. Then, Advaita circumambulated Nityananda and offered Him obeisances.

kara-joda kariya advaita mahamati
santose karena nityananda-prati stuti

The broad-minded Advaita folded His hands and happily offered prayers to Nityananda.

"tumi nityananda-murti nityananda-nama
murtimanta tumi chaitanyera guna-dhama

"Your form is Nityananda, and Your name is Nityananda. You are the personification of Lord Chaitanya's transcendental qualities.

sarva-jiva-paritrana tumi maha-hetu
maha-pralayete tumi satya-dharma-setu

"You are the ultimate cause of all living entities' deliverance. You protect religious principles even during the total annihilation.

tumi se bujhao chaitanyera prema-bhakti
tumi se chaitanya-vrkse dhara purna-sakti

"You propagate Lord Chaitanya's devotional service in ecstatic love. You are the fully empowered branch of the tree of Lord Chaitanya.

brahma-siva-naradadi 'bhakta' nama yanra
tumi se parama upadesda sabakara

"You are the supreme instructor of all devotees headed by Brahma, Siva, and Narada.

visnu-bhakti sabei payena toma haite
tathapiha abhimana na sparse tomate

"Everyone attains devotional service to Visnu by Your mercy, yet You are never touched by pride.

patita-pavana tumi dosa-drsdi-sunya
tomare se jane yara achhe bahu punya

"You are the deliverer of the fallen souls. You do not find faults in others. Only a person who has much piety can understand You.

"Those who have some piety can understand You." You must have mercy to understand Nitai.

sarva-yajna-maya ei vigraha tomara
avidya-bandhana khande smarane yanhara

"You are the personification of all sacrifice. Simply by remembering You, all bondage of ignorance is destroyed.

yadi tumi prakasa na kara' apanare
tabe kara sakti achhe janite tomare?

"If You do not reveal Yourself, who will have the power to know You?

akrodha paramananda tumi mahesvara
sahasra-vadana-adi deva mahidhara

"You are free from anger, You are supremely blissful, and You are the ultimate controller. You are the thousand-headed original Lord who sustains the universe.

raksa-kula-hanta tumi sri-laksmana-chandra
tumi gopa-putra haladhara murtimanta

"You are Sri Laksman, the destroyer of the demoniac dynasty. You are Haladhara, the son of the cowherd.

murkha nicha adhama patita uddharite
tumi avatirna haiyachha prthivite

"You have incarnated in this world to deliver the foolish, fallen, and wretched souls.

ye bhakti vanchhaye yogesvara muni-gane
toma haite taha paibeka ye-te jane"

"The devotional service desired by the best of the mystic yogis and sages will be obtained by anyone and everyone by Your mercy."

kahite advaita nityanandera mahima
ananda-avese pasarilena apana

As Advaita glorified Nityananda, He became absorbed in ecstasy and forgot Himself.


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