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"I am touching your feet—please come!"

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham
28 February 2012


(His Divine Grace reads 'Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikramay Ahvan' ('An Appeal on Sri Nabadwip Dham Parikrama') composed by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, translated into English by Sripad B.K. Tyagi Maharaj.)

bhramite habe na ara—e-chhara bhuvana

You do not have to wander any longer in this vile world.

anitya e deha-rathe chadiya mrtyura pathe
himsra-sarddula-purna samsara-kanana
bhramite habe na ara e-chhara bhuvana [1]

You do not have to wander any longer in this vile world, riding along the path of death in the chariot of this temporary body within the forest of material existence, which is filled with ferocious tigers.

Those who do this Nabadwip Dham parikrama do no have to wander any longer around these three worlds, they do not have to come again and again in this world—if you do this Nabadwip Dham parikrama every year, it is not necessary for you to come back again in this material world.

anchale anchala bandhi' yauvanera sadha sadhi'
'grha-vrata' name sudhu ha'le parichita
janma-janmantara dhari' grha parikrama kari'
bujhile ki maya-bhumi—kantaka-avrta? [2]

Pursuing the desires of youth and getting married [lit. 'tying the borders of your cloth together'], you have known the 'vow of household life' in name only. Continuing in this way birth after birth, circling about in household life, have you realised the land of Maya is covered with thorns?

ara-o karitechha mana bhramanera ayojana—
desa hate videsete grama-gramantare,
ekhano meteni asa ara-o bandhitechhe vasa—
du'dinera pantha-sala—prthivira pare? [3]

Not only that, your mind has made arrangements to continue your wandering from country to country, from village to village, yet your desires have never been fulfilled. And still you have built a residence—a mere temporary inn which lasts but a few days—upon this earth?

It is written very nicely. Who much more are you going to roam this world? How many more times will you come back to this world? When you were a cow, you lived in a cowshed; when you were a frog, you lived in water; when you were an elephant, you lived in an elephant's house. Is it not so? You were a plant, you were a tree before... How many more days will you roam around?

mahamaya-moha-ghore ara kata-kala ore!
anitya o grhatire—karabi bhramana,
dara-putra-paribara asara-anitya chhara
bile—khale—anstakude mile ki ratan? [4]

Hey! How much longer will you wander in the darkness of Mahamaya's illusion, in that temporary home? Your wife, sons, and family are worthless, temporary, and vile. Will you find a jewel within a swamp, trench, or rubbish heap?

Gurudev is saying, "I am folding my hands, I am touching your feet—please come at Gaura Purnima!"

paye dhari kahi sara bhramite habe na ara
nahi hetha bharasara—eka-bindu jala,
nahi asa santvanara, achhe sudhu hahakara
samasta samsara bhara—jalanta-anala [5]

Clasping your feet, I tell you this essential truth: you do not have to wander here any longer. There is not one drop of the water of hope here. There is no hope of any solace and only cries of distress. The burdens of material existence are like a blazing fire.

bhramite habe na ara samsara-kanane
ai sona gaura-jana dake sarva-jane [6]

You do not have to wander any longer in the forest of material existence. Sri Gauranga's devotees call everyone: "Hey listen!

aya aya tvara kari bala-vrddha nara-nari
pranayi-bhakta sane jivanera subha-ksane
gauranga janma-dine aya parikrami [7]

"Men and women, young and old, come immediately! Come to the divine abode made of wish-fulfilling jewels, the land of Sri Gauranga's advent! Come circumambulate it in the company of loving devotees during the most auspicious time of your life: the day of Sri Gauranga's advent.

dhama-parikrama ka're sanga habe chira-tare
ananta janama dha're brahmanda-bhramana,
dure yabe bhava-roga khandibe sakala bhoga
bhuloke-goloka-labha—dake gaura-jana [8]

"Circumambulate the divine abode and your wandering throughout this universe for innumerable births will end, the disease of material existence will go away, all of your suffering will be dispelled, and you will experience Goloka on this earth."

bhramite habe na ara e-chhara bhuvana [9]

You do not have to wander any longer in this vile world.

You do not have to wander in these three worlds if you do Nabadwip Dham parikrama with devotees.

গৌর আমার যে সব স্থানে
করল ভ্রমণ রঙ্গে ।
সে সব স্থান হেরিব আমি
প্রণয়ি-ভকত-সঙ্গে ॥

gaura amara ye-saba sthane
karala bhramana range
se-saba sthana heriba ami

"In the company of loving devotees, I behold all the places my Gaurasundar roamed during His ecstatic Pastimes."

Do parikrama in devotees' association, with love and affection—put on tilaks, wear Tulasi-mala, and go.


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Original Bengali Text:

শ্রীনবদ্বীপ-ধাম-পরিক্রমায় আহ্বান

ভ্রমিতে হবে না আর—এছার ভুবন ।
অনিত্য এ দেহ-রথে চড়িয়া মৃত্যুর পথে হিংস্র-শার্দ্দূল-পূর্ণ সংসার কানন ।
ভ্রমিতে হবে না আর এছার ভুবন ॥
অঞ্চলে অঞ্চল বাঁধি' যৌবনের সাধ সাধি' 'গৃহব্রত' নামে শুধু হ'লে পরিচিত ।
জন্মজন্মান্তর ধরি' গৃহ পরিক্রমা করি' বুঝলে কি মায়াভূমি—কন্টক-আবৃত ?
আরও করিতেছ মন ভ্রমণের আয়োজন— দেশ হতে বিদেশেতে গ্রাম-গ্রামান্তরে,
এখনো মেটেনি আশা অরও বাঁধিতেছ বাসা— দু'দিনের পান্থশালা—পৃথিবীর পরে ?
মহামায়া-মোহঘোরে আর কতকাল ওরে ! অনিত্য ও গৃহটিরে—করবি ভ্রমণ,
দারা-পুত্র-পরিবার অসার-অনিত্য ছার্ বিলে—খালে—আঁস্তাকুড়ে মিলে কি রতন ?
পায়ে ধরি কহি সার ভ্রমিতে হবে না আর নাহি হেথা ভরসার—একবিন্দু জল,
নাহি আশা সান্ত্বনার, আছে শুধু হাহাকার সমস্ত সংসার ভরা—জলন্ত-অনল ।
ভ্রমিতে হবে না আর সংসার-কাননে ।
ঐ শোন গৌরজন ডাকে সর্ব্বজনে ॥
আয় আয় ত্বরা করি বাল-বৃদ্ধ নর-নারী দিব্য-চিন্তামণিধাম—গৌর-জন্মভূমি,
প্রণয়ি-ভকত সনে জীবনের শুভক্ষণে গৌরাঙ্গে জন্মদিনে আয় পরিক্রমি ॥
ধাম-পরিক্রমা ক'রে সাঙ্গ হবে চিরতরে অনন্ত জনম ধ'রে ব্রহ্মাণ্ড-ভ্রমণ,
দূরে যাবে ভব-রোগ খণ্ডিবে সকল ভোগ ভূলোকে-গোলোক-লাভ—ডাকে গৌরজন ।
ভ্রমিতে হবে না আর এছার ভুবন ॥


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'The extraordinary beauty of your divine form shines with the exalted joy of benevolence, the brightness of divine sweetness.'
জয় ‘গুরু-মহারাজ’

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Actually, they are not practising, they are cheating.