Our Disciplic Succession:
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
25 October 2018, Dum Dum Park, part 3
We are singing the Siksastakam songs every day [in Kartik month].
Mahaprabhu is Radha-Krishna's combined form and Siksastakam is His
cheto-darpana-marjanam bhava-mahadavagni-nirvapanam
sreyah-kairava-chandrika-vitaranam vidya-vadhu-jivanam
anandambudhi-vardhanam prati-padam purnamrtasvadanam
sarvatma-snapanam param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam
"The Holy Name of Krishna cleanses the mirror of the heart and extinguishes
the fire of misery in the forest of birth and death. As the evening lotus
blooms in the moon's cooling rays, the heart begins to blossom in the nectar
of the Name, and at last the soul awakens to its real inner treasure a life
of love with Krishna. Again and again tasting nectar, the soul dives and
surfaces in the ever-increasing ocean of ecstatic joy. All phases of the self
of which we may conceive are fully satisfied and purified, and at last
conquered by the all-auspicious influence of the Holy Name of Krishna."
Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur writes:
pita-varana kali-pavana gora
gaoya-i aichhana bhava-vibhora
"Golden Gora, the saviour of the age of Kali, sings this, overwhelmed with
divine love."
chitta-darpana-pari marjana kari
krsna-kirtana jaya chitta-bihari
"All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the sheer joy of the heart that cleanses the
mirror of the heart!"
Chitta-darpana: if you have a mirror in your house and do not
clean it, you will not be able to see your face in it. Your heart is also
like this—your heart, your mind, everything is full of dust! What dust is
it? Kanak (desire for money), kamini (desire for companions),
pratistha (desire for name and fame), kama (lust),
krodha (anger), lobha (greed), moha (illusion),
mada (intoxication), matsarya (envy). Your mirror can become
clean with good association, sadhu-sanga and
sankirtan—Krsna-kirtana jaya chitta-bihari, chitta-darpana-pari
marjana kari.
krsna-kirtana jaya klesa-nivrtti [3]
"All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the extinguisher of the fire of material
existence that ends all suffering!"
krsna-kirtana jaya bhakti-vilasa [4]
"All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the joy of devotion, which shines moonlight on
the evening lotus of good fortune!"
krsna-kirtana jaya siddha-svarupa [5]
"All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the embodied perfection and the life of those
who have newly entered into the domain of pure paramour love for the
krsna-kirtana jaya plavana-murti [6]
"All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the embodied flood that makes the milk-ocean of
ecstasy swell!"
pade pade piyusa-svada-pradata
krsna-kirtana jaya prema-vidhata [7]
"All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the bestower of transcendental love that allows
the soul to taste nectar at every step!"
bhakati-vinoda svatma-snapana-vidhana
krsna-kirtana jaya prema-nidana [8]
"All glory to Krishna-kirtan, the very basis of transcendental love that
bathes Bhaktivinod in his own soul!"
It is very nice. We must practise this song.
namnam akari bahudha nija-sarva-saktis
tatrarpita niyamitah smarane na kalah
etadrsi tava krpa bhagavan mamapi
durdaivam idrsam ihajani nanuragah
"O Lord, You have manifested Your many Names, put all Your power in Them, and
made no rules regarding the time for remembering Them. Such is Your great
mercy. My misfortune, however, is such that I have no attachment to Your
tunhu daya-sagara tarayite prani
nama aneka tuya sikhaoli ani'
"You are an ocean of mercy. To deliver the souls, You have brought Your many
Names to this world and taught everyone to chant Them."
sakala sakati dei' name tohara
grahane rakhali nahi kala-vichara
"You have put all Your power in Your Names, and You have not made any rules
regarding the time for chanting Them."
You can chant the song at any time, you can chant the maha-mantra at
any time—during prasadam time, while sleeping, sitting, walking,
driving, etc. You can chant the Holy Name, the maha-mantra at any
sri-nama-chintamani tohari samana
visve bilaoli karuna-nidana
"Your Names are wish-fulfilling jewels equal to You, and You have distributed
Them throughout the world, O ocean of mercy!"
Krishna's Name, beauty, pastimes are non-different from the Lord.
Sri-nama-chintamani tohari samana—Krishna's Name and Krishna's form
are fully equal, the Holy Name is Krishna Himself, it one and the same,
non-different from the Lord.
tuya daya aichhana parama udara
atisaya manda natha! bhaga hamara
"Such is Your extremely liberal mercy. I, however, O Lord, am extremely
nahi janamala name anuraga mora
bhakti-vinoda-chitta duhkhe vibhora
"I have no attachment to Your Names. The heart of Bhakti Vinod is overwhelmed
with sorrow."
trnad api sunichena
taror api sahisnuna
amanina manadena
kirtaniyah sada harih
"One who is humbler than a blade of grass, more forbearing than a tree, who
gives due honour to others without desiring it for himself, is qualified to
always chant the Holy Name of Krishna."
sri-krsna-kirtane yadi manasa tohara
parama yatane tanhi labha adhikara [1]
"If you aspire to chant the Name of Krishna, then, with great care, become
qualified to do so."
Who can chant the Holy Name?
trnadhika hina, dina, akinchana chhara
apane manabi sada chhadi ahankara [2]
"Give up your false ego, and always consider yourself lower than grass, poor,
needy, and mean."
vrksa-sama ksama-guna karabi sadhana
pratihimsa tyaji anye karabi palana [3]
"Practise tolerance like a tree. Give up vengeance and nurture others."
jivana-nirvahe ane udvega na dibe
para-upakare nija-sukha pasaribe [4]
"Do not trouble others for your own upkeep, and forget your own happiness in
the course of helping others."
ha-ileo sarva-gune guni mahasaya
pratisthasa chhadi kara amani hrdaya [5]
"Even if you are a great person endowed with all good qualities, give up
desire for prestige and make your heart free from any honour."
krsna-adhisthana sarva-jive jani sada
karabi samana sabe adare sarvada [6]
"Being always aware of the fact that Krishna resides within every soul,
constantly treat everyone with respect and affection."
dainya, daya, anye mana, pratistha varjana
chari-gune guni ha-i karaha kirtana [7]
"Humility, compassion, honouring others, and giving up prestige—become
qualified with these four qualities and chant the Name."
bhakati-vinoda kandi bale prabhu paya
hena adhikara kabe dibe he amaya [8]
Crying at the feet of the Lord, Bhakti Vinod says, "O when will You give me
these qualifications?"
Bhaktivinod Thakur says: "When will You give me the right to chant the Holy
Name? I have no right (adhikar) to chant the Holy Name because I have
no humility, I have no tolerance, I cannot give honour to others. I do not
have these qualities. Mahaprabhu's Siksastakam says that you must be
humble, tolerant and give honour to others, but I do not have those
qualities, then how can I chant the Holy Name? When will You give me that
kind of quality, when will You give me the right to chant the Holy Name? That
is everything—you must be humbler than a blade of grass, more tolerant than a
tree and give honour to others without expecting any honour for yourself. If
you have these qualities, you can chant the Holy Name, but I do not have any
of such qualities, then how can I chant the Holy Name?"
This is a very nice song—it contains important things. Gurudev always
preached these things all over the world.
na dhanam na janam na sundarim
kavitam va jagad-isa kamaye
mama janmani janmanisvare
bhavatad bhaktir ahaituki tvayi
"O Lord of the universe! I do not desire wealth, followers, beautiful women,
or learning. Birth after birth, O Lord, let me have unconditional devotion to
prabhu tava pada-yuge mora nivedana
nahi magi deha-sukha, vidya, dhana, jana [1]
"O Lord! This is my appeal at Your feet: I do not pray for bodily happiness,
knowledge, wealth, or any friends or family."
I am praying to you Prabhu: I do not want any bodily happiness, I do not want
any kind of education, I do not want any wealth, property, popularity—I do
not want it.
nahi magi svarga ara moksa nahi magi
na kari prarthana kona vibhutira lagi [2]
I do not pray for heaven, I do not pray for liberation, and I do not pray for
any supernatural powers.
"Nahi magi svarga ara moksa nahi magi": I do not want liberation, I do
not want to go to heaven. "Na kari prarthana kona vibhutira lagi": I
am not praying for any of these things, I do not want to have any mystic
powers (to be able to do any astonishing things).
nija-karma-guna-dose ye ye janma pai
janme janme yena taba nama guna gai [3]
"Whatever birth I get as the result of my own actions, qualities, and faults,
may I birth after birth sing Your Name and glories."
ei matra asa mama tomara charane
ahaituki-bhakti hrde jage anuksane [4]
"This is my only desire: may unconditional devotion to Your holy feet awaken
in my heart at every moment."
visaye ye priti ebe achhaye amara
sei mata priti hauk charane tomara [5]
"May I love Your feet as much as I now love this material world."
vipade sampade taha thakuk samabhave
dine dine vrddhi hauk namera prabhave [6]
"In misfortune and in good fortune, may that love remain the same and day by
day increase by the influence of Your Name."
pasu paksi haye thaki' svarge va niraye
tava bhakti rahu bhakti-vinoda-hrdaye [7]
"Whether a bird or a beast, in heaven or in hell, may devotion to You remain
in the heart of Bhaktivinod."
I can be a bird, I can be a beast next life, but please give me that kind of
devotion to Your lotus feet—I want only that. I only want pure devotion to
Your lotus feet. If I have devotion to Your lotus feet, that is sufficient
for me. I want only that. I do not want anything more than that.
Jay Om Vishnupad Jagad-Guru Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami
Maharaj ki jay.
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His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj tells about
the close and reverent relationship that Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar
Dev-Goswami Maharaj had with his godbrothers, Srila Bhakti Saranga Goswami
Maharaj, Srila Bhakti Kamal Madhusudan Maharaj, and Srila Krishna Das Babaji
Krsna haite chatur-mukha |
'After Jnanasindhu came Dayanidhi. Dayanidhi's servant was Vidyanidhi. After Vidyanidhi came Rajendra. Rajendra's servant was Jaya Dharma. Know the parampara properly in this way.'
কৃষ্ণ হৈতে চতুর্ম্মুখ |