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(5/13) Excreting Visaya

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ganga Sagar, evening class,
Deity Manifestation Anniversary day
12 January 2019, part 5
Translated from Bengali


Srila Raghunath Das Goswami was the son of a big landowner in Adisaptagram. He walked to Mahaprabhu for twelve days, and during those twelve days he ate something only three times. Srila Rupa Goswami and Srila Sanatan Goswami left their minister's posts and took shelter of Mahaprabhu's feet. On the way to Vrindavan, Mahaprabhu stopped in Kasi to rescue mayavadi-sannyasis, and Srila Rupa Goswami and Srila Sanatan Goswami first met Him there.

Srila Raghunath Das Goswami left everything (all material things, all material life) as stool and urine and went to Mahaprabhu. Suppose you get on a local train to get from Kalna to Sealdah. There are no bathrooms on local trains, but if you suddenly feel that you need to use a bathroom to pass stool, how long can you stick it? You will feel miserable. When you can stick it no longer, you will run to any place you see and pass stool there – once you pass stool, you will feel so much relief and happiness. You all know what kind of happiness it is. So, Srila Raghunath Das Goswami composed a sloka where he says that just as you feel happy when you pass stool, in the same way, if you leave all visaya (material world and everything in it), you will also feel happy. But if you are holding on to the material world and have attachment to it, you will suffer very much.

In our lives, we have no such agony because we know that everything belongs to the Lord, the Lord is the Master, so He will protect, so we rely on Him. We must leave everything up to Him. This is Gurudev's temple, Guru Maharaj's temple – it is the Lord's property, so the Lord will protect it. Some disturbance can come for some time, but after that, everything will be peaceful again.

This is how we must practise spiritual life.

দুর্ল্লভ মানব জন্ম লভিয়া সংসারে ।
কৃষ্ণ না ভজিনু দুঃখ কহিব কাহারে ॥

durlabha manava-janma labhiya samsare
krsna na bhajinu—duhkha kahiba kahare?

'I have got a very rare human life in this world, but I have not worshipped Lord Krishna. Whom will I tell about my misery?'

সংসার সংসার ক'রে মিছে গেল কাল ।
লাভ না হইল কিছু ঘটিল জঞ্জাল ॥

'samsara' 'samsara' kari' michhe gela kala
labha na ha-ila kichhu, ghatila janjala

'Time has passed as I have been busy with my material life, and the result is nothing – only garbage.'

(Sri Kalyan-kalpataru, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

We are creating garbage...

কিসের সংসার এই, ছায়াবাজী প্রায় ।
ইহাতে মমতা করি' বৃথা দিন যায় ॥

kisera samsara ei chhayabaji praya
ihate mamata kari vrtha dina yaya

'What sort of world is this? It is only a trick, a show. While I affectionately take it as my own, days pass by in vain.'

(Sri Kalyan-kalpataru, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

Our days are passing in vain – day after day, moment after moment, hour after hour, our life is passing. Srila Prabhupad said,

উঠরে উঠরে ভাই আর ত সময় নাই
'কৃষ্ণ ভজ' বলে উচ্চৈঃস্বরে

uthare uthare bhai ara ta samaya nai
'krsna bhaja' bale uchchaihsvare

'Wake up, wake up, brother! There is no time! "Worship Krishna!" they call out loudly.'

(Acharya Vandana)

You must practise Krishna consciousness, you must chant Hare Krishna Nama on the beads.

হরে কৃষ্ণ নাম জপ অবিরাম
যে কই দিন আছে ত প্রাণ

hare krsna nama japa abhiram
ye kai dina dehe achhe ta prana

'Incessantly chant the Holy Name of "Hare Krishna" for as long as you have life in this body.'

Always chant the Holy Name, always chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra. Do you know how you can remove anarthas (evil tendencies, bad elements)? When some bad thoughts come to your mind, chant Hari-kirtan loudly. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. Chant in this way, and you will feel peace – all bad tendencies and thoughts will gradually go away. I am teaching you what you can do to remove anarathas. Always remember and follow this.


— : • : —





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Size: 44.5 Mb
Length: 89 min
Language: Bengali




1) Clean Your Heart and Cultivate Devotion
2) Seva-Dharma and Mano-Dharma
3) Strive for Spiritual Subsistence
4) Where There Is a Will There Is a Way
5) Excreting Visaya
6) Live in Domain of Mercy
7) The Side-Tracked and the Drowning
8) Servants' Wealth
9) Live Thinking about Lord
10) Turtle Consciousness
11) Learn and Practise
12) Sadhu's Duty
13) Internal Asuddha




Sri Guru: Dedication and Determination
'Your aim should be straight, 'I will do what Gurudev wants. Any kind of condition can come, any problem can come, any sadness or unhappiness can come, but I will not leave Krishna consciousness, I will serve my Guru.''

If you know the meaning of the song, you will always get energy to do kirtan;
if you just sing a song, you will not that energy.