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His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, morning class
15 February 2019, part 7


Once, somebody asked Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur a question, "Prabhupad, how will we get the right to chant the Holy Name?" He replied very nicely. Who brings this Holy name to this world? Sriman Mahaprabhu. So, you must first serve Mahaprabhu's devotees. If you serve Mahaprabhu's devotees, then through their service you will get the right to chant the Holy Name.

Somebody asks also, "How can we get Vaishnavata, qualities of a Vaishnav?" Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur told that many people do not want to be servants of Vaishnavs, but they want to be Vaishnavs—he said it is impossible to become a Vaishnav without service to a Vaishnav's servant.

Prabhupad said also: I am not a devotee. I cannot serve the Lord and the Lord's servants constantly, at all times. Sometimes we are born as a man and we are attracted by the beauty of ladies; sometimes we think we are a lady and we are attracted by men. How can I be a devotee? I am a pasandi, an atheist! How can a naradham sinner like me become a devotee! Do you know the English word for naradham? [A devotee: An animal with two legs?] [His Divine Grace laughs.] Fallen people (naradham) cannot become a devotee.

Another thing Prabhupad (and Gurudev also) told is this: I cannot understand it—so many people are chanting the Holy Name, they actually want to serve devotees, but do they increase their devotion? They are only mind-enjoyers—they are only enjoying with their minds...


— : • : —





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The Power to See a Vaishnav
'Our eyes are always covered with the dust of the mundane. so we have no quality and qualification to recognise a Vaishnav, but one can only recognise a Vaishnav through Gurudev—Gurudev has so much power, and when that power is transferred to somebody, it can do many things.'


'One who very carefully recites aloud this Sri Gurvastakam during the brahma-muhurta (the ninety-six minute period before sunrise) attains direct service to the Lord of Vrindavan at the end of life.'

How much do you think about yourself, about your pratistha, establishment,
and enjoyment? Then you can realise whether you are increasing
your devotional life or decreasing.