nitai gunamani amara nitai gunamani
aniya premera vanya bhasala avani [1]
Nitai, the jewel of all good qualities, my Nitai, the jewel of all good
qualities, brought a flood of divine love and inundated the earth.
prema-vanya laye nitai aila gauda-dese
dubila bhakata-gana dina-hina bhase [2]
Nitai brought a flood of divine love to the land of Gauda. The devotees
immersed themselves in it, but the unfortunate floated on its surface.
dina-hina patita pamara nahi bachhe
brahmara durlabha prema sabakare yache [3]
The sinful, unfortunate, and fallen did not desire this divine love, which is
difficult for even Brahma to attain, yet Nitai begged them to accept it.
abaddha karuna-sindhu katiya muhana
ghare ghare bule prema-amiyara vana [4]
Nitai cut a canal into the sealed ocean of mercy and a flood of nectarean
divine love spread to every home.
lochan bale hena nitai yeba na bhajila
janiya suniya sei atma-ghati haila [5]
Lochan Das says, “Anyone who did not serve Nitai knowingly committed
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