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(9/11) Read and Remember

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Hooghly District, preaching programme,
21 February 2019, noon, part 9
Translated from Bengali


I am inviting everybody to Sri Nabadwip Dham for the parikrama. We will do the parikrama from wherever I will be at the time. I have given you invitation cards. Also, we have a new book, Sri Nityananda Mahimamrita (Second Edition). There are also three volumes of Upadesh, where my Hari-katha is recorded (the third volume was made by me personally). Take books with you and read them at home. There is also another book that I am trying to get published by Gaura Purnima.

I understand how hard it is to make a book. I am staying up until one o'clock at night, proofreading it. Even today, when I get back in the afternoon, I will sit and proofread it again. After that, I will take prasad in the evening, and when get free at eleven o'clock in the evening, I will again sit and proofread. First, I write it by hand, then I give it to the printer to have it typed. Then, I check the text, correct mistakes and send it back to the printer; they correct it, then I must again proofread it – I find mistakes again, send it back and then check again. Hired typists make a lot of mistakes, that is why it takes a long time to correct all the mistakes. We try not to put high price for books unlike other missions. We stand for quality, and our quality is very, very high. Somebody prints books using cheap paper (newspaper quality), but we print using good white paper so that the books can last long. Our calendars also have just come out. We usually print them by Gaura Purnima, but this year we have made them earlier so that you do not have to crowd so much to get them, and we also used good paper and laminated covers this time. It has come out very nice this year. We have not brought many copies with us today, but you can get them – if you are coming for Gaura Purnima, you can get them later during the festival.

Always practise Krishna consciousness properly. Always read the calendars. You sing in the kirtan about subjugating the six urges and correcting the six defects, but what are these urges and faults? You must read and remember it. The urges of stomach, genitals, tongue, mind, anger and speech must be controlled. Do you know what Srila Prabhupad said? He told one very nice thing. If somebody criticises you or says something bad, you must tolerate and ignore it (lit. 'do not rub it on your body', গায়ে মাখবেন না); but if somebody says anything bad about your guru-varga, you must explain to the person why it is not right to say this and bring them to the right path. This is what Srila Prabhupad said. We must always remember it.

Sri Nityananda Prabhu is non-different from guru-tattva.

প্রেমে মত্ত নিতয়ানন্দ কৃপাবতার ।
উত্তম, অধম, কিছু না করে বিচার ॥
যে আগে পড়য়ে, তারে করয়ে নিস্তার ।
অতএব নিস্তারিলা মো-হেন দুরাচার

preme matta nityananda krpa-avatara
uttama, adhama, kichhu na kare vichara
ye age padaye, tare karaye nistara
ataeva nistarila mo-hena durachara

'Intoxicated with ecstatic love, Nityananda is mercy incarnate. He does not distinguish between the good and the bad. Nityananda Prabhu does not judge who is good and who is bad: He saves anyone who falls before Him.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.5.208-209)

He does not consider who is high and who is low. I told you about Sri Nityananda Prabhu the other day. You must understand how Srila Raghunath Das Goswami and Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami received His mercy. They got His mercy through vaishnav-seva. Through Srila Raghunath Das Goswami, Sri Nityananda arranged a chida-dahi mahotsav in Panihati. Many of you have been to Panihati.

One day, Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami's brother invited a brahman called Gunarnava Misra to their house, and that Gunarnava Misra did not show any respect to Minaketan Ram Das, Nityananda Prabhu's servant, because he did not like Nityananda Prabhu and could not understand His behaviour. But what did Mahaprabhu say to a brahman one day? 'O brahman, go back and explain it to everybody so nobody ever thinks that Nityananda has any fault!'

মদিরা যবনী যাদি নিত্যানন্দ ধরে ।
তথাপি ব্রহ্মার বন্দ্য কহিল তোমারে ॥

madira yavani yadi nityananda dhare
tathapi brahmara vandya kahila tomare

'Even if Nityananda Prabhu comes drunk with a Muslim lady by His side, He is always worshippable for Lord Brahma.'

(Sri Chaitanya-bhagavata, 3.6.123)

You must always remember this.

সংসারের পার হৈয়া ভক্তির সাগরে ।
যে ডুবিবে সে ভজুক নিতাই চান্দেরে ॥

samsarera para haiya bhaktira sagare
ye dubibe se bhajuka nitai chandere

'Those who want to dive into the ocean of devotion, crossing over material existence, must worship Nitaichand.'

(Sri Chaitanya-bhagavata, 1.17.152)

Read about all this in books, it will be very good for you. Sri Nityananda Mahimamrita and Guidance, volume 3, have come out recently, so read them.


— : • : —





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Size: 31 Mb
Length: 64 min
Language: Bengali




1) Step Forward
2) Be Content and Focused
3) Pursue Eternal Wealth
4) My Appeal to You
5) Lord Vamanadev's Appearance
6) Bali Maharaj's Sacrifice
7) Lord Vamandev's Gift
8) Rusted Souls' Solace
9) Read and Remember
10) Accept Guidance
11) Devotional Propriety




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