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(2/11) Be Content and Focused

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Hooghly District, preaching programme,
21 February 2019, noon, part 2
Translated from Bengali


Practise Krishna consciousness properly. Pray to your guru, worship your guru, and you will get supreme benefit. There is no time to waste.

উঠরে উঠরে ভাই আর ত সময় নাই
'কৃষ্ণ ভজ' বলে উচ্চৈঃস্বরে

uthare uthare bhai ara ta samaya nai
'krsna bhaja' bale uchchaihsvare

'Wake up, wake up, brother! There is no time! "Worship Krishna!" they call out loudly.'

(Acharya Vandana)

We can leave this illusory world at any time. We come from a mother's womb and we will again enter another mother's womb. But if, by the mercy of sadhus, gurus and Vaishnavs, some fortunate souls can surrender to the Lord, they will serve the Lord – they will offer bhog to the Lord and take the Lord's prasad – and get the highest, greatest benefit.

You are already doing everything, so you do not need to worry about anything. The Lord will arrange everything one way or another. You cannot get great things unless you give up small things. These small things are cravings of the tongue.

জিহ্বার লালসে যেই ইতি-উতি ধায় ।
শিশ্নোদরপরায়ণ সে কৃষ্ণ নাহি পায় ॥

jihvara lalase yei iti-uti dhaya
sisnodara-parayana se krsna nahi paya

'One who is subservient to the tongue and who thus goes here and there, devoted to the genitals and the belly, cannot attain Krishna.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 3.6.227)

If you go here and there following the cravings of your tongues, you will not come to Krishna. Be happy with whatever the Lord arranges for you, whatever He puts you through. For example, if you do farming, you can put seeds in the soil, but after that you need to water the seeds, and the water that you will use is the Lord's property. The seeds also belong to the Lord. If there was no light, air, wind, etc., the world would not be able to exist. We need rain for crops to grow; at the same time, if there is too much rain, everything can be destroyed. So, leave it up to the Lord to manage. If you can rely on the Lord in everything, He will take care of everything for you. Surrender to His will.

The Lord runs this whole world, He is managing everything, then why do you want to be a manager yourself? We cannot manage anything. The manager is He, and He is already doing everything. We must take shelter at His feet and stay at His feet. This is what so many people are coming here for from all over the world (from Brazil, America, Venezuela, Colombia, England and other places). Look at them and try to wake up. Think about their example. They leave their suits and boots and big houses and come here walking barefoot during the parikrama! They come begging with me, they try to think about service to the Lord.

Think about what I have told you. May the Lord bless you.

How long are we going to be in this world? Much time has already passed, so actually we do not have so much time left. It is said that in this age people live 120 years, but we will not live so long – people lose everything after eighty or ninety years. Even though we have little time left before we have to leave, if we can still serve the Lord during this time, then we can reach Goloka Vrindavan and receive service there. You must always remember this.

দুর্দ্দৈবে সেবক যদি যায় অন্য-স্থানে ।
সেই ঠাকুর ধন্য তারে চুলে ধরি' আনে ॥

durdaive sevaka yadi yaya anya sthane
sei thakura dhanya tare chule dhari' ane

'If, by some misfortune, a servant goes in a wrong direction, glorious is the master who catches him by the hair and brings him back.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 3.4.47)

Even if a disciple goes in a wrong direction, his guru will forcefully bring him back to the right path and engage him in the service to Lord Govinda.

Bound by illusion, people in this world are floundering in an ocean of material existence. They live in Maya's family, always thinking, 'My house', 'My room', 'My son', 'My family'. If they could come and serve Govinda, they would get ultimate benefit. There are even gods and goddesses in heaven who wish they did not live such opulent lives in heaven. Those who live and enjoy there forgetting the Lord are very unfortunate, but there are gods and goddesses who actually also aspire to serve Govinda, to worship Govinda...


— : • : —





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Size: 31 Mb
Length: 64 min
Language: Bengali




1) Step Forward
2) Be Content and Focused
3) Pursue Eternal Wealth
4) My Appeal to You
5) Lord Vamanadev's Appearance
6) Bali Maharaj's Sacrifice
7) Lord Vamandev's Gift
8) Rusted Souls' Solace
9) Read and Remember
10) Accept Guidance
11) Devotional Propriety




Jagadananda Pandit's Chastity
'Pastimes of Jagadananda Pandit and Sanatan Goswami that are an example for the whole world to follow: what is the real meaning of praise and chastisement? How extreme can one's chastity be?'

We do not understand the value of this life.