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(11/14) Who Is Your Own?

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Srila Gurudev's Vyasa Puja Adhivas, Nrisingha Palli
13 December 2019, part 11


Those who are fortunate can understand Sri Gurupadpadma's mercy. We must not pretend. You must actually become a sadhu, not just look like one.

If somebody cannot rescue you from this deathly material world, he is not your father, he is not your friend, she is not your mother and she is not your wife (you must not touch even water that she gives you). No matter how close or dear that person may be to you, you must not associate with them. The scriptures say it very strictly. Be it your son, wife, daughter or a friend, until and unless they can help you in Krishna consciousness, you must keep away from their association. 'Duh-sanga parityajya.' And if somebody practises Krishna consciousness, if somebody sincerely serves the Lord, then there is value in their association.

You adore your sons so much, but do they listen to you? Do they think about you? Do they take care of you? They do not. We forget about it.

কৃষ্ণ ভুলি' সেই জীব অনাদি-বহির্ম্মুখ ।
অতএব মায়া তারে দেয় সংসারাদি-দুঃখ ॥

krsna bhuli' sei jiva anadi-bahirmukha
ataeva maya tare deya samsaradi-duhkha

'Forgetting Krishna, the soul turned towards the external illusory world in primaeval times. As the result, illusion (Maya) gives such a soul various material miseries.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.20.117)

Because we forget the Lord, we are suffering so much now. If you want to get relief from this suffering, then the only way is to surrender to the Lord. There is no other way.

We have nothing to think or worry about except for the mercy of our guru. How can one serve Gaurasundar? Through kirtan. This here is kirtanyakha-dham (the abode of kirtan); therefore, Gaura and Gurudev are served here through kirtan. Always think about the holy lotus feet of gurudev. There are many beautiful kirtans about gurudev: 'Sri Guru-charana-padma', 'Gurudev krpa bindu diya' and many others. Chant them to yourself. When I am alone, I also chant them to myself.

Suppose you come to stay at your guru's temple. You have been given a separate room. They have given you respect, honour, received you cordially, but if one day you do not get such respectful treatment and have to sleep in the nat-mandir; if you are sick and nobody will give you medication – then you say that this is abuse and you will leave Krishna consciousness. When gurudev chastises me or somebody insults me, I leave Krishna consciousness – will you show such mood? That is why gurudev says, 'I do not particularly chastise or discipline anyone because there are no suitable disciples who can be chastised.'

People like pratistha and flattery. Especially here in Bengal, many say, 'Oh, gurudev never calls me to ask how I am.' I have several thousand disciples – if I were to call everybody, I would sit the whole day on the phone. If you feel sad that 'Oh, gurudev does not call me to ask how I am,' then pick the phone and call gurudev yourself and ask, 'Gurudev, how are you?' But you do not do it – instead, you blame gurudev, 'Oh, gurudev never calls me.' Do you see what kind of disciples we have created?...

And when you are severely rebuked, you will say, 'That is it. Dandavat. If gurudev does not like me, then what more is there for me to hope for? He chastises me, he hates me, then what is the use staying at the temple?' Srila Prabhupad said, 'Everyone is my guru, I have no disciples. That is why I never chastise anyone. If I chastise someone, it can offend them. That is why I do not chastise anyone.' Gurudev said also, 'If somebody gives you mouth, kicks you, beats you with a broom, what will you do?' A sincere disciple will say, 'By your mercy I have understood that but for you we have no other way. Where will I go? What will I do? I will live till the end of my life at the house of my guru.'

Remember these things.



— : • : —





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Size: 38 Mb
Length: 78 min
Language: Bengali




1) Golden Time for Golden Purpose
2) Emerging from Darkness
3) Leaving Maya's Shelter
4) Sitting on Two Chairs
5) Deep Chastity
6) Accept and Appreciate
7) Join Service Festival
8) Meaning of Chastity
9) Leave Bargaining Mentality
10) Appreciate and Care
11) Who Is Your Own?
12) Spiritual Determination
13) Spiritual Progress
14) Service, Submission and Purity




'May Krishna Always Bless You'
'Not everybody has that kind of fortune, not everybody can do service, not everybody can join service and do proper preaching. Preaching is the main thing: many people can make a temple, but it is necessary to preach.'

If maya takes our time, we will not get the proper time to chant
the Holy Name and serve our Guru.