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Clean Hearts

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, evening class
Sri Varaha Dvadasi, 6 February 2020, part 8
Translated from Bengali


Many have money, houses, cars—people enjoy with many things, people live amidst enjoyment; there are many prime ministers, chief ministers in this world, but they do not have this mercy—they do not have the wealth that you all have. You are fortunate that you have been able to come to the holy abode of Nityananda Prabhu today. They do not have this kind of fortune. People can have money, people can have wealth, people can have power, people can be very proud—proud of their knowledge, money, etc. But Gaura Hari said,

দীনেরে অধিক দয়া করে ভগবান্ ।
কুলীন, পণ্ডিত, ধনীর বড় অভিমান ॥

dinere adhika daya kare bhagavan
kulina, pandita, dhanira bada abhimana

"Those who have a high birth, knowledge and wealth are so proud of themselves, but the Lord is very merciful to those who are poor and needy."

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Antya-lila, 4.68)

Those who have nobody have the Lord. If I say, "I have no one to protect me," then enemies will come and attack me from all four sides. Kama, krodha, lobha, moha, mada, matsarya (lust, anger, greed, illusion, madness, envy)—these enemies will come and start pulling me in four directions. Yet when I see, "My Guru and Vaishnavs are with me, my Lord is with me," then nobody will be able to defeat me—nobody will be able to make me their servants.

It is necessary to teach yourself.: How long have I been a servant of lust? How long have I been following lust's orders? I have been listening to lust and dutifully following all its orders, but even then this lust, etc. did not take any pity on me. But now I have understood—I have come to the association of my Guru and Vaishnavs, and they have taught me well. Now, I will stay in the association of my Guru and Vaishnavs and practise Krishna consciousness—I have got an opportunity to practise kirtan now. Therefore, we pray to you all: please come and spend this festival happily every year.

Not everybody has money, a car, a house, etc., not everybody can also help financially, but my desire is that you can come and can join the festival, spend the time happily, and when you come back to your home, you will leave bad practices and make your heart pure.

Go to your homes and explain to everyone that those who eat meat, fish, etc. are eating their own flesh. If you eat something in this world, it will eat you in your future births. If you kill a goat in this world, this goat will kill you in a future birth. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Because of such trifle things (because we cannot give up meat, fish, etc.), we are not able to take shelter of a genuine guru. If I tell you today, "Eat meat, fish, everything," you will see five hundred people will come and take initiation tomorrow. But because we cannot give up these small things, we will not be able to get Nitai—we will not get Gauranga.

Until and unless your heart becomes pure, how can Bhakti Devi come to your heart? You must have place for her to come—she wants to come to a clean place. When you take all these things (meat, fish, etc.), your heart will become polluted—your heart will be full of dirt. If you are to have a clean heart, you must give all these things up—meat, fish, eating cows, goats, etc. This is damaging your health. Such food creates diseases within a body. You have heard about the disease in China—so many people are dying now, and this disease has now come to Kolkata too. I have told you: you have a pharmacy near every house, there are big doctors in every village, there are so many doctors in hospitals, but even if scientists create a thousand medicines a year, Lord Yamaraj says, "I will create a million diseases a year! Let us see who wins."



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Full Surrender
The six constituents of surrender: accept the favourable, reject the unfavourable, humility, surrender, faith that Krishna will protect and take care of us.


Sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu jive daya kari'
'Humility, self-submission, embracing the Lord's guardianship, maintaining the faith that ‘Krsna will certainly protect me'...'
শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য প্রভু
জীবে দয়া করি'

Who Sriman Nityananda Prabhu and Srimati Radharani will take service from, that is Their matter, but we should try heart and soul.