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(2/6) Service Foundation

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
12 March 2020, evening, Sri Nrisingha Palli
Part 2


I always tell you about these things, and I have also written about them all in this book, Guidance (Volume 4). You can buy this book and read it. This book is very nice; it contains everything about guru-tattva. Most of what is written in it is what I heard from Gurudev. I gave some subheadings also – if you read them, you can also understand many things. For example, 'Real Practice Is Possible Only If You Have Sincerity.' In other words, it is possible to practise Krishna consciousness only when you have sincerity, anugatya (strict adherence, submission) and nistha (constancy).

Many try to go where they have no right to go. For example, according to your qualities, Gurudev gives you cow service, but you want to be a great speaker (you want to be a great Maharaj or a great lecturer). That is not good for your practising life. Serve according to your qualification. Do the service that Gurudev has given you. We do not want to be big things, it is not necessary. Only do the service that Gurudev has given you with your heart and soul. When Gurudev decides, he can give you another service. You think, 'I do not like this service', 'I do not like that service', and you go to do something else or you start arguing. I do not like this attitude. This is not what service is. Serve according to your qualification. I have written all this in this book. If you can understand what is written in this book, you will understand everything.

There is such thing as unconditional service. You must place no conditions. 'I will serve Gurudev but on this condition', 'I will stay at the temple and do service provided I get what I want' – this is not service. Service must be unconditional. This is the means to attaining spiritual benefit. It means that conditional service will not give you any spiritual benefit.

There is one more aspect in service called chastity. Chaste service brings quick progress in practising life. You must stay chaste. If you follow what your mind tells you (your mind tells you to go in this direction, and you go there) – this is a dangerous situation. Chastity means that Gurudev has given you some service, and you stay chaste to that service, you do not waver, or wander away, from it. If we follow Gurudev's order, then we will be invincible.

Those who do not hear Gurudev's lectures and kirtan become removed. There are examples of this everywhere, both in Srila Sridhar Maharaj's time and Srila Prabhupad's time. Those who listened to Prabhupad's lectures became proper gurus, and those who did not listen to his lectures went here and there and began fighting. In the same way, those who did not listen to Srila Sridhar Maharaj's lectures fought against Gurudev, and those who did not listen to Gurudev's lectures are now fighting for material things. You can see many people causing trouble and disturbance now, but who are they? They are those who did not listen to what Gurudev said properly because they have other desires. They want this, that, they want money in lieu of their service. There is no use in such service – you will not get any result. If you want to attain great things, you must give up small things.



— : • : —





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Size: 36.2 Mb
Length: 80 min
Language: English, Bengali




1) Love Your Service
2) Service Foundation
3) Guru–Disciple Relationship
4) Preaching Guidance
5) Meaning of Surrender
6) Demons Among Devotees




When the Family Is Against
Not everyone is placed within favourable to Krishna consciousness circumstances. His Divine Grace gives guidance to those who find themselves among those who try to obstruct their devotional practice.

Who is able to see the Guru? Those who have mercy from the Guru, can see the Guru.