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Quality and Qualification

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Vrindavan-Worldwide, 11 April 2021, part 4


Question: Srila Sridhar Maharaj says if we chant with a wrong conception or unconsciously, then it is called Namabhas, or shadow of the Name, that we will not get the real thing through that. What should our conception be? What should we be thinking while we are chanting?

Gurudev says that the main thing is not to make Nama-aparadh so much. We are always making so many Nama-aparadhs. You can often see that when somebody comes and says, "Prabhu, can you do this service?" We say, "Oh, I am busy, I am chanting japa!" I have some service, but I am avoiding it, and that is also called Nama-aparadh.

Srila Haridas Thakur said, "How will we get liberation? Through Namabhas." Sometimes, we are sleeping and chanting, that is not chanting, that is Nama-aparadh. Sometimes we are chanting and suddenly some service comes, but we avoid that service. What for do we chant? We chant in order to get service, so when we get service, chanting becomes of secondary importance. That is why, Gurudev sometimes told, "Everybody tells me they are chanting sixteen rounds, they are chanting sixty-four rounds, but when I am chanting four rounds, I sweat too much!"

"Sevon mukhe kaha Krsna Nama." It means you should chant the Hare Krishna maha-mantra with your mouth when you are doing service, that is the best process.

Question: How can we use common sense in Sri Gurudev's service for his satisfaction?

The scriptures, Gurudev, and Guru Maharaj say, "What is called seva? Service means we must satisfy Gurudev and the Lord." If we think how Gurudev, Guru Maharaj, and the Lord will be satisfied and do that, that will be service.

Question: Is thirteen years old too young to take the second initiation?

Do you want to do more service?

Devotee: Yes, I want to help with the cooking and puja.

Then it is necessary for you to take the second initiation. It does not depend upon age, it depends only upon one's qualification. Those who have the quality and qualification can take the second initiation, or the first initiation. If you have no service mood, no service quality, what for will you take the second initiation or the first initiation? If you have service mood, if you are eager to serve, if you have desire to serve the Lord, to engage in the Deities' service, in the cooking service, then you should take the second initiation.

Question: I understand that the connection with the Divine Plane is through a Guru, but in my case I have abandoned my diksa-guru and at the moment I am without any formal initiation. My question is who do I offer my service to? Can I offer it to you?

That is up to you. If you have faith in me, I have no objection. You must always serve my Gurudev. I accept service for my Gurudev, not for myself.


[Regarding another devotee.] I have invited him to please come here, and now I am waiting when he will come to see my ugly face. I have sent Kamalendu Prabhu, Sudevi Didi, and Navin Krishna Prabhu to invite him because I do not want to go to the mission where he is staying—I have already sold my head to the lotus feet of Gurudev and I keep my head under my Gurudev's guidance, I cannot give that head to others, that is why I cannot go there myself.


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