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jalamaya tirtha mrtsilamaya murti jalamaya tirtha–Holy waters [and] mrtsilamaya murti–earthen Deities sphurti deya–reveal dharma–religion jiva-hrde–in the hearts of souls bahu-kale–over the course of a long time. [1] Holy waters and earthen Deities gradually reveal dharma in the hearts of souls.
krsna-bhakta dekhi' dure yaya sarvanartha [But simply] dekhi'–by seeing krsna-bhakta–a devotee of Krishna, sarvanartha–all obstacles yaya–go dure–away [and] paramartha–the supreme wealth— krsna-bhakti–devotion to Krishna— samudita haya–arises in full. [2] But simply by seeing a devotee of Krishna, all obstacles go away and the supreme wealth—devotion to Krishna—arises in full.
samsara bhramite bhava-ksayonmukha yabe yabe–When bhramite–the souls' wandering samsara–throughout the world bhava-ksayonmukha–comes to an end, [then] bhagya-krame–according to their fortune, sadhu-sanga-samghatana habe–they attain the association of the sadhus. [3] When the souls' wandering throughout samsara comes to an end, then, according to their fortune, they attain the association of the sadhus.
sadhu-sanga-phale krsne sarvesvaresvare bhai–Brother, sadhu-sanga-phale–as a result of this association with the sadhus, sarvesvaresvare krsne bhavodaya haya–devotion to Krishna, the Lord of all Lords, appears jivera antare–within the hearts of the souls. [4] Brother, as a result of this association with the sadhus, devotion to Krishna, the Lord of all Lords, appears within their hearts.
sei ta' prakrta bhakta diksita ha-iya sei ta'–These prakrta bhakta–beginner devotees diksita ha-iya–become initiated [and] krsnarchana kare–worship Krishna, vasiya–following vidhi-margete–the regulated path. [5] These beginner devotees become initiated and worship Krishna according to the regulated path.
uttama madhyama bhakta na kare vichara vichara kare na–They cannot judge [who is] uttama madhyama bhakta–an advanced or intermediate devotee, [and] tahara samadara haya na–they do not appreciate suddha-bhakta–pure devotees. [6] They cannot judge who is an advanced or intermediate devotee and do not appreciate pure devotees.
krsne prema, bhakte maitri, mudhe krpa ara tihon ta' yanhara–Those who have prema–love krsne–for Krishna, maitri–friendship bhakte–with devotees, krpa–compassion mudhe–for the ignorant, ara–and upeksa–disregard suddha-bhakta-dvesi–for those who are inimical to pure devotees [are] prakrta madhyama bhakti-sadhaka–genuine intermediate practitioners of devotion. krsna-bale–By Krishna's grace, uttama ha-ibe–they become advanced ati sighra–very quickly. [7–8] Those who have love for Krishna, friendship with devotees, compassion for the ignorant, and disregard for those who are inimical to pure devotees are intermediate practitioners of devotion. By Krishna's grace, they very quickly become advanced devotees.
sarva-bhute sri-krsnera bhava sandarsana tihon–Those [who] sandarsana–see sri-krsnera bhava–the presence of Krishna sarva-bhute–in all beings [and] darsana karena–see sarva-bhute–all beings bhagavane–within the Lord, [and who] nahi–have no raga-dvesa–attachment or aversion satru-mitra-visayete–to enemies, friends, or the world [are] bhagavatottama–advanced devotees. ei–These [are] gaura-upadesa–Gaura's teachings. [9–10] Those who see the presence of Krishna in all beings, see all beings within Krishna, and have no attachment or aversion to enemies, friends, or the world are advanced devotees. These are Gaura's teachings.
visaya indriya-dvare kariya svikara sei mahasaya yanhara–Those great souls who svikara kariya–accept visaya–material things indriya-dvare–through [their] senses bhakti jivane–in [their] life of devotion [but] raga-dvesa-hina–have no attachment or aversion, [and who] dekhi'–see samasta jagat–the entire world [to be] visnu-maya-maya–made of Visnu's energy, [are] bhagavata-ganottama–advanced amongst the devotees of the Lord. [11–12] Those great souls who accept material things through their senses but live a life of devotion free from attachment and aversion, and who see the entire world as a manifestation of Visnu's energy, are advanced amongst the devotees of the Lord.
dehendriya-prana-mana-buddhi-yukta-sabe [Although] dehendriya-prana-mana-buddhi-yukta-sabe–they have a body, senses, a life-force, a mind, and intelligence, samichina bhakta–wise devotees moha-hina hana–remaining unaffected janma nasa ksudha trsna bhaya upadrave–by birth, death, hunger, thirst, fear, and disturbances, [as well as] anitya samsara-dharme–the temporary nature of this world. kala kate–They spend [their] time smari'–remembering krsna–Krishna. [13–14] Although they have a body, senses, a life-force, a mind, and intelligence, wise devotees remain unaffected by birth, death, hunger, thirst, fear, and disturbances, as well as the temporary nature of this world. They spend their time remembering Krishna.
yanra chitte nirantara yasoda-nandana yanra chitte–Devotees in whose heart yasoda-nandana–Krishna [is present] nirantara–always grahana–accept [engagement in] kama-karmera–worldly actions deha-yatra-matra–only to maintain their bodies. [15] Devotees in whose heart Krishna is always present accept engagement in worldly actions only to maintain their bodies.
kama-karma-bija-rupa vasana tanhara vasana–Material desire, kama-karma-bija-rupa–the seed of worldly actions, janme nahi–does not arise tanhara chitte–in their heart. ei–This [is] bhakti-tattva-sara–the essence of the nature of devotion. [16] Material desire—the seed of worldly actions—does not arise in their heart. This is the essence of devotion.
jnana-karma-varnasrama dehera svabhava jnana-karma-varnasrama–Knowledge, action, and social duties [are] svabhava–attributes dehera–of the body, [and] 'aham-mama'-bhava–the conception of 'I' and 'mine' haya–arise sanga-dvara–through attachment tahe–to them. [17] Knowledge, action, and social duties are attributes of the body, and the conceptions of 'I' and 'mine' arise through attachment to them.
deha-sattve 'aham-mama'-bhava nahi yanra vichara karaha–Consider tihon yanra nahi–those who have no 'aham-mama'-bhava–conception of 'I' or 'mine' deha-sattve–in relation to [their] body [to be] hari-priya-jana–dear to the Lord. [18] Consider those who have no conception of 'I' or 'mine' in relation to their body to be dear to the Lord.
vitta-sattve tahe chhadi' sva-para-bhavana tanhara yei santa jana–Peaceful souls who chhadi'–reject sva-para-bhavana–the conceptions of 'mine' and 'other's' vitta-sattve tahe–with regard to property, sattva-bhede–the distinction between 'tumi'–'You' [and] 'ami'–'I', [and] mitrari-kalpana–the conceptions of friends and enemies, [and who are] sama-buddhi–equal sarva-bhute–towards all beings, [are] ganana–considered bali'–to be bhagavatottama–advanced devotees. [19–20] Peaceful souls who reject the conceptions of 'mine' and 'other's' regarding property, reject distinctions between themself and others, reject the conceptions of friends and enemies, and are equal towards all beings, are advanced devotees.
krsna-pada-padme sei sura-mrgya dhana tihon ye jana–Those who chhade na–do not leave krsna-pada-padme–Krishna's lotus feet— sei sura-mrgya dhana–the wealth sought by the wise— lagi'–for the sake of bhuvana-vaibhava–worldly opulence, [and] tyaje nahi–do not neglect krsna-pada-smrti–remembering Krishna's feet nimesardha–for half a second, [are] vaisnava-agrani–advanced devotees [and are] maje–immersed paranande–in divine ecstasy. [21–22] Those who do not leave Krishna's lotus feet—the wealth sought by the wise—for the sake of worldly opulence, and do not forget Krishna's feet for even half a second, are advanced devotees and are immersed in divine ecstasy.
krsna-pada-sakha-nakha-mani-chandrikaya kena–Why [would] se–the soul yanhara hiyaya–from whose heart sakala–all tapa–miseries [have been] nirasta–driven away krsna-pada-sakha-nakha-mani-chandrikaya–by the moonlight from the jewel-like toenails of Krishna's feet anvesibe–seek visaya-surya-tapa–the misery produced by the sun of mundanity? tara–Their hrdaya–heart rahibe–will remain sitala–cool sarvada–always. [23–24] Why would the soul from whose heart all miseries have been driven away by the moonlight from the jewel-like toenails of Krishna's feet seek the misery produced by the sun of mundanity? Such a soul's heart always remains tranquil.
ye bendhechhe prema-chhande krsnanghri-kamala hari–The Lord chhade nahi–never leaves sarala hrdaya–the sincere hearts tara ye–of those who bendhechhe–have bound krsnanghri-kamala–Krishna's lotus feet prema-chhande–with the rope of divine love. [25] The Lord never leaves the sincere hearts of those who have bound His lotus feet with the rope of divine love.
avaseo yadi mukhe sphure krsna-nama yadi–If avaseo–even involuntarily krsna-nama–the Name of Krishna sphure–appears mukhe–in [their] mouth, [then] sei–they [are] bhagavatottama–an advanced devotee, [and] sarva kama–all [their] desires [are] purna–fulfilled.[26] If even involuntarily the Name of Krishna appears in their mouth, then they are an advanced devotee, and all their desires are fulfilled.
svadharmera guna-dosa bujhiya ye jana sei ta' ye jana–Those who bujhiya–understand guna-dosa–the qualities and faults svadharmera–of social duties (the duties of their varna and asram), [subsequently] chhadi'–leave aside sarva dharma–all [such] duties, [and] bhaje–serve charana–the feet krsnera–of Krishna [are] uttama bhakta–advanced devotees. jagate–Throughout the world, keha achhe na–there are no ara–other bhagavatottama–advanced devotees tara sama–equal to them. [27–28] Those who understand the qualities and faults of social duties, subsequently leave aside all such duties, and serve the feet of Krishna are advanced devotees. Throughout the world, there are no advanced devotees equal to them.
krsnera svarupa ara namera svarupa keha vaisnava sujana nahi–There are no sincere devotees tulya–comparable tara yei mahajana–to the great souls who bhajana kare–engage in service janiya–understanding krsnera svarupa–the true nature of Krishna, namera svarupa–the true nature of the Name, bhaktera svarupa–the true nature of devotees, ara ara–and bhaktira svarupa–the true nature of devotion. [29–30] There are no sincere devotees comparable to the great souls who engage in service understanding the true nature of Krishna, the true nature of the Name, the true nature of devotees, and the true nature of devotion.
svarupa na jane tabu ananya-bhavete bhai–Brother, janibere–know tihon–those who jane na–do not understand svarupa–these truths, tabu–but ananya-bhavete–exclusively [and] saksat–directly bhaje–serve sri-krsne–Sri Krishna nama-svarupete–in the form of [His] Name bali'–to be bhaktottama–advanced devotees. chaitanya gosani–Lord Chaitanya diyachhena–has given ei–this ajna–instruction. [31–32] Brother, know even those who do not understand these truths but exclusively and directly serve Krishna in the form of His Name to be advanced devotees. Lord Chaitanya has given this instruction.
Translator's Note |
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