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asadhu-sange bhai krsna-nama nahi haya bhai–Brother, krsna-nama–the Name of Krishna haya nahi–does not appear asadhu-sange–in bad association: namaksara–the letters of the Name bahiraya–appear, bate–true, tabu–but kabhu naya–never nama–the Name. [1] Brother, the Name of Krishna never appears in bad association: the letters of the Name may appear, but the Name never does.
kabhu namabhasa haya, sada nama-aparadha kabhu–Sometimes namabhasa–a semblance of the Name haya–appears, [but] nama-aparadha–offences to the Name sada–always [do]. janibe–Know e saba–all of these, bhai–brother, [to be] krsna-bhaktira badha–obstacles to devotion to Krishna. [2] Sometimes a semblance of the Name appears, but offences to the Name always do. Know both of these, brother, to be obstacles to devotion to Krishna.
yadi karibe krsna-nama sadhu-sanga kara yadi–If krsna-nama karibe–you want to chant the Name of Krishna, [then] sadhu-sanga kara–associate with sadhus [and] dure parihara–leave behind bhukti-mukti-siddhi-vanchha–the desires for enjoyment, liberation, and supernatural power. [3] If you want to chant the Name of Krishna, then associate with sadhus and leave behind the desires for enjoyment, liberation, and supernatural power.
"dasa-aparadha" tyaja mana apamana tyaja–Give up "dasa aparadha"–the ten offences, mana–honour [and] apamana–dishonour, bhunja–tolerate visaya–the world anasaktye–with detachment, ara–and laha–chant krsna-nama–the Name of Krishna. [4] Give up the ten offences, honour, and dishonour, tolerate the world with detachment, and chant the Name of Krishna.
krsna-bhaktira anukula saba karaha svikara svikara karaha–Accept saba–everything anukula–favourable krsna-bhaktira–to devotion to Krishna, [and] parihara kara–reject saba–everything pratikula–unfavourable krsna-bhaktira–to devotion to Krishna. [5] Accept everything favourable to devotion to Krishna, and reject everything unfavourable to devotion to Krishna.
jnana-yoga-chesta chhada ara karma-sanga chhada–Give up karma-sanga–attachment to material activity ara–and jnana-yoga-chesta–endeavours based on knowledge and yoga. tyaja–Avoid markata-vairagya–'monkey renunciation', yate–in which [there is only] deha-ranga–bodily enjoyment. [6] Give up attachment to material activity and endeavours based on knowledge and yoga. Avoid 'monkey renunciation', in which there is only bodily enjoyment.
krsna amaya pale rakhe jana sarva-kala sarva-kala–At all times, jana–know, krsna–"Krishna rakhe–protects [and] pale–maintains amaya–me." ghuchao–Put an end janjala–to [your] troubles atma-nivedana-dainye–through self-surrender and humility. [7] Always know, "Krishna protects and maintains me." Put an end to your troubles through self-surrender and humility.
sadhu paoya kasta bada jivera janiya janiya–Understanding [that] paoya–finding sadhu–a pure devotee [is] bada kasta–very difficult jivera–for a soul, krsna–Krishna aila–came nadiya–to Nadia sadhu-bhakta-rupe–in the form of a pure devotee. [8] Understanding that it is very difficult for a soul to find a sadhu, Krishna came to Nadia in the form of a pure devotee.
gora-pada asraya karaha buddhiman buddhiman–O intelligent soul, asraya karaha–take shelter gora-pada–at Gora's feet. ke va ana–What other sadhu–sadhu [or] guru–Guru achhe–is there vai–besides gora–Gora? [9] O intelligent soul, take shelter at Gora's feet. What other sadhu or Guru is there besides Gora?
vairagi bhai gramya-katha na sunibe kane bhai–Brother, vairagi–renunciants sunibe na–should not listen gramya-katha–to village talk kane–with [their] ears [and] kahibe na–should not speak gramya-varta–about village news yabe–when milibe–they meet ane–with others. [10] Brother, renunciants should neither listen to village talk nor discuss village news when they meet with others.
svapaneo na kara bhai stri-sambhasana bhai–Brother, stri-sambhasana kara na–do not converse with women, svapaneo–even in dreams. bhai–Brother, chhadiya–you have left stri–women grhe–at home [and] asiyachha–come vana–to the forest. [11] Brother, do not converse with women, even in dreams. Brother, you have left women at home and come to the forest.
yadi chaha pranaya rakhite gaurangera sane yadi–If chaha–you want rakhite–to maintain [your] pranaya–love gaurangera sane–for Gauranga, yena–then mane thake–remember katha–the story chhota haridasera–of Chhota Haridas. [12] If you want to maintain your love for Gauranga, then remember the story of Chhota Haridas.
bhala na khaibe ara bhala na paribe khaibe na–Do not eat bhala–fancy, ara–and paribe na–do not dress bhala–fancy. sarvada–Always sevibe–serve radha-krsna–Radha and Krishna hrdayete–within [your] heart. [13] Do not eat fancy food, and do not wear fancy clothes. Always serve Radha and Krishna within your heart.
bada haridasera nyaya krsna-nama balibe vadane vadane balibe–Loudly chant krsna-nama–the Name of Krishna nyaya–like bada haridasera–Haridas Thakur, [and] sevibe–serve radha-krsna–Radha and Krishna kunja-vane–in the groves asta-kala–twenty-four hours [a day]. [14] Loudly chant the Name of Krishna like Haridas Thakur, and serve Radha and Krishna in the groves of Vraja twenty-four hours a day.
grhastha vairagi duhe bale gora-raya gora-raya–Gora Ray bale–says duhe–to both grhastha–householders [and] vairagi–renunciants, "bhai–Brothers, dekha yena–see to it that dina–a day yaya nahi–does not pass vina–without [chanting] nama"–the Name." [15] Gora Ray says to both householders and renunciants, "Brothers, see to it that a day does not pass without chanting the Name."
bahu-anga sadhane bhai nahi prayojana bhai–Brother, prayojana nahi–there is no need sadhane–to perform bahu-anga–many practices: suddha karaha–purify [your] jivana–life krsna-namasraye–in the shelter of Krishna's Name. [16] Brother, there is no need to perform many practices: purify your life in the shelter of Krishna's Name.
baddha jive krpa kari' krsna ha-ila nama krpa kari'–Being merciful baddha jive–to the conditioned souls, krsna–Krishna ha-ila–appeared nama–as [His] Name, [and] daya kari'–being compassionate kali-jive–to the souls of Kali-yuga, krsna–Krishna ha-ila–appeared gaura-dhama–as Gaura. [17] Being merciful to the conditioned souls, Krishna appeared as His Name, and being compassionate to the souls of Kali-yuga, He appeared as Gaura.
ekanta-sarala-bhave bhaja gaura-jana bhaja–Serve gaura-jana–Gaura's devotees ekanta-sarala-bhave–with perfect sincerity, [and] tabe ta'–then, bhai–brother, paibe–you will attain sri-krsna-charana–Sri Krishna's feet. [18] Serve Gaura's devotees with perfect sincerity, and then, brother, you will reach Sri Krishna's feet.
gaura-jana sanga kara gauranga baliya baliya–Chant gauranga–'Gauranga' [and] sanga kara–associate [with] gaura-jana–Gaura's devotees. bala–Chant nama–the Names 'hare krsna'–'Hare Krishna' [and] nachiya nachiya–dance and dance. [19] Chant 'Gauranga' and associate with Gaura's devotees. Chant 'Hare Krishna' and dance.
achire paibe bhai nama-prema-dhana bhai–Brother, achire–soon paibe–you will attain nama-prema-dhana–the Name and the wealth of divine love, yaha–which prabhura nade agamana–the Lord came to Nadia bilaite–to distribute. [20] Brother, soon you will attain the Name and the wealth of divine love, which the Lord came to Nadia to distribute.
prabhura kundale jaga kende kende bale kende kende–Crying, prabhura–the Lord's kundale–angry jaga–Jaga bale–says, bhakata sakale–"O devotees! bhaja–Serve nama–the Name! gao–Chant nama–the Name!" [21] Crying, the Lord's angry Jaga says, "O devotees! Serve the Name and chant the Name!"
Translator's Note |
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