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Sri Ekadasi


eka-dina gauraharisri-gundicha parihari'
'jagannatha-vallabhe' vasila
suddha ekadasi dinekrsna-nama-sankirtane
divasa rajani kataila [1]

eka-dina–One day, gaurahari–Gaurahari parihari'–left sri-gundicha–Sri Gundicha [and] vasila–sat 'jagannatha-vallabhe'–in the Jagannath Vallabha garden. dine–On the day suddha ekadasi–of pure Ekadasi (the day on which Ekadasi begins before dawn), kataila–the Lord spent divasa–the day [and] rajani–night krsna-nama-sankirtane–chanting the Name of Krishna. [1]

One day, Gaurahari left the Gundicha Temple and sat in the Jagannath Vallabha garden. It was pure Ekadasi, and the Lord spent the whole day and night chanting the Name of Krishna.

sange svarupa-damodararamananda vakresvara
ara yata ksetra-vasi-gana
prabhu bale, "ekamanekrsna-nama-sankirtane
nidrahara kariye varjana [2]

svarupa-damodara–Svarup Damodar, ramananda–Ramananda, vakresvara–Vakresvar, ara–and yata ksetra-vasi-gana–other residents of Sri Ksetra (Jagannath Puri) [were there] sange–with [the Lord]. prabhu–The Lord bale–said, "ekamane–"Single-mindedly krsna-nama-sankirtane–chant the Name of Krishna [and] varjana kariye–avoid nidrahara–sleeping and eating. [2]

Svarup Damodar, Ramananda Ray, Vakresvar Pandit, and the other devotees residing in Sri Ksetra were there with Him. The Lord said, "Single-mindedly chant the Name of Krishna and avoid sleeping and eating.

keha kara sankhya-namakeha danda-paranama
keha bala rama-krsna-katha"
yatha tatha padi' sabe'govinda' 'govinda' rave
mahapreme pramatta sarvatha [3]

keha–Some of you kara–should sankhya-nama–chant japa, keha–some of you [should] danda-paranama–offer obeisances, [and] keha–some of you katha bala–should speak rama-krsna"–about Balaram and Krishna. padi'–Bowing yatha tatha–wherever [they were,] sabe–everyone rave–chanted 'govinda' 'govinda'–"Govinda! Govinda!" [and became] sarvatha–completely pramatta–intoxicated mahapreme–with intense divine love. [3]

"Some of you should chant japa, some of you should offer obeisances, and some of you should speak about Balaram and Krishna." Bowing wherever they were, everyone chanted, "Govinda! Govinda!" and became completely intoxicated with intense divine love.

hena kale gopinathapadichha sarvabhauma satha
gundicha-prasada lana aila
anna-vyanjana, pitha, pana,paramanna, dadhi, chhana,
mahaprabhu-agrete dharila [4]

hena kale–At that time, gopinatha–Gopinath, padichha–Tulasi Padichha, sarvabhauma satha–and Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya lana aila–brought gundicha-prasada–prasad from the Gundicha Temple. dharila–They placed anna-vyanjana–rice, vegetables, pitha–pancakes, pana–sherbert, paramanna–sweet rice, dadhi–yoghurt, [and] chhana–curd mahaprabhu-agrete–before Mahaprabhu. [4]

At that time, Gopinath Acharya, Tulasi Padichha, and Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya brought prasad from the Gundicha Temple. They placed rice, vegetables, pancakes, sherbert, sweet rice, yoghurt, and curd before Mahaprabhu.

prabhura ajnaya sabedandavat padi' tabe
mahaprasada vandiya vandiya
triyama rajani sabemahapreme magna-bhave
akaitave name kataiya [5]

prabhura ajnaya–On the Lord's order, sabe–everyone dandavat padi'–bowed down [and] tabe–then vandiya vandiya–offered prayers mahaprasada–to the mahaprasad. sabe–They kataiya–spent triyama rajani–the entire night akaitave–earnestly name–chanting the Name, magna-bhave–immersed mahapreme–in intense divine love. [5]

On the Lord's order, everyone bowed down and offered prayers to the mahaprasad. Then they spent the entire night earnestly chanting the Name, immersed in intense divine love.

prabhu-ajna sire dhari'pratah-snana sabe kari'
mahaprasada sevaya parana
kari' hrsta chitta sabeprabhura charane tabe
kara-yode kare nivedana [6]

dhari'–Holding prabhu-ajna–the Lord's order sire–on [their] heads, sabe–everyone pratah-snana kari'–bathed in the morning, [and then] parana kari'–broke the fast sevaya–by honouring mahaprasada–the mahaprasad. hrsta chitta–With joyful hearts [and] kara-yode–joined palms, sabe–they tabe–then nivedana kare–made an appeal prabhura charane–at the feet of the Lord. [6]

Holding the Lord's order on their heads, everyone bathed in the morning, and then broke their fast by honouring the mahaprasad. With joyful hearts and joined palms, the devotees then made an appeal at the feet of the Lord.


Sri Ekadasi in Sri Ksetra (sri-ksetre sri-ekadasi)

"sarva-vrata-siromanisri-hari-vasare jani
nirahare kari jagarana
jagannatha-prasadannaksetre sarva-kale manya
pailei kariye bhaksana [7]

"jani–We know [that] sarva-vrata-siromani–the crown jewel of all rites [is] jagarana kari–staying awake [all night] nirahare–without food or water sri-hari-vasare–on the day of the Lord (pure Ekadasi or Mahadvadasi) [and that] ksetre–in Sri Ksetra, jagannatha-prasadanna–Jagannath's prasad manya–should be honoured sarva-kale–at all times. pailei–Whenever one receives [it,] bhaksana kariye–one should eat [it]. [7]

"We know that the crown jewel of all rites is to stay awake all night without food or water on the day of the Lord. We also know that in Sri Ksetra, Jagannath's prasad should be honoured at all times and should be eaten whenever it is received.

e sankate ksetra-vasemane haya bada trase
spasta ajna kariye prarthana
sarva-veda ajna tavayaha mane brahma siva
taha diya ghuchao yatana" [8]

ksetra-vase–Living in Sri Ksetra e sankate–with this dilemma, bada trase haya–we feel great fear mane–in [our] minds. [Our] prarthana–prayer [is that] spasta ajna kariye–You give [us] a clear instruction. sarva-veda–All the Vedas [are] tava–Your ajna–instructions, yaha–which brahma–Brahma [and] siva–Siva mane–follow. ghuchao–Please put an end [to our] yatana–confusion diya–by giving [us] taha"–that [such an instruction]." [8]

"We live in Sri Ksetra and are very afraid because of this dilemma, so we pray that You give us a clear instruction. All the Vedas are Your instructions, and Brahma and Siva follow them. Please put an end to our confusion by giving us an instruction."


Sriman Mahaprabhu's conclusion (sri-mahaprabhur vichara)

prabhu bale, "bhakti-angeekadasi-mana-bhange
sarva-nasa upasthita haya
prasada-pujana kari'para-dine paile tari
tithi para-dine nahi raya [9]

prabhu–The Lord bale–said, "bhakti-ange ekadasi-mana-bhange–By failing to observe the devotional practice of Ekadasi, sarva-nasa upasthita haya–total ruination occurs. prasada-pujana kari'–If you worship the prasad [and] paile–take it para-dine–the following day, tari–you will cross over [this dilemma because] tithi–the lunar day raya nahi–does not continue para-dine–the next day. [9]

The Lord said, "Failing to observe the practice of Ekadasi leads to total ruination. If you worship the prasad (on Ekadasi) and take it the following day, you will cross over this dilemma because the period of Ekadasi always ends the next day.

trpta haya vaisnava sujana
anya rasa nahi layaanya katha nahi kaya
sarva-bhoga karaye varjana [10]

sri-hari-vasara-dine–On the day of the Lord, sujana vaisnava–pure devotees trpta haya–are satisfied krsna-nama-rasa-pane–by drinking the rasa of Krishna's Name. laya nahi–They do not partake anya rasa–of any other rasa, [and] kaya nahi–do not speak anya katha–about any other subject. varjana karaye–They avoid sarva-bhoga–all [forms of] enjoyment. [10]

"On the day of the Lord, pure devotees are satisfied by drinking the rasa of Krishna's Name. They do not partake of any other rasa or speak about anything else. They avoid all forms of enjoyment.

prasada bhojana nityasuddha vaisnavera krtya
aprasada na kare bhaksana
suddha ekadasi yabenirahara thake tabe
paranete prasada bhojana [11]

bhojana–Taking prasada–prasad [is] nitya krtya–the daily activity suddha vaisnavera–of pure devotees; bhaksana kare na–they do not eat aprasada–non-prasad. yabe–When [it is] suddha ekadasi–pure Ekadasi, nirahara thake–they fast, [however, and] tabe–then prasada bhojana–they take prasad paranete–to break the fast. [11]

"Taking prasad is a daily activity of pure devotees; they do not eat anything that is not prasad. On pure Ekadasi, however, they fast and then take prasad to break their fast (the following day).

anukalpa-sthana-matraniranna prasada-patra
vaisnavake janiha nischita
avaisnava jana yaraprasada-chhalete tara
bhoge haya diva-nisi rata
papa-purusera sangeannahara kare range
nahi mane hari-vasara-vrata [12]

vaisnavake janiha–Devotees should know nischita–for certain [that] matra–only niranna–non-grain prasada-patra–prasad [is] anukalpa-sthana–a supplement [acceptable on Ekadasi]. tara yara–Those who [are] avaisnava jana–non-devotees bhoge rata haya–enjoy diva-nisi–day and night prasada-chhalete–on the pretence of [honouring] prasad. range–Lightheartedly, annahara kare–they eat grains papa-purusera sange–with the association of the personification of sin [and] mane nahi–disregard hari-vasara-vrata–the rite for the day of the Lord. [12]

"Devotees should know for certain that non-grain prasad is the only supplement acceptable on Ekadasi. Non-devotees enjoy day and night using prasad as an excuse. Lightheartedly, they eat grains in which the personification of sin is present and disregard the rite for the day of the Lord.

bhakti-anga sadacharabhaktira sammana kara
bhakti-devi-krpa-labha habe
avaisnava-sanga chhadaekadasi-vrata dhara
nama-vrate ekadasi tabe [13]

bhaktira sammana kara–Everyone should devoutly honour [and] bhakti-anga sadachara–properly perform the practices of devotion. [Then] bhakti-devi-krpa-labha habe–they will attain the grace of the goddess of devotion. [So,] chhada–reject avaisnava-sanga–the association of non-devotees [and] dhara–follow ekadasi-vrata–the Ekadasi rite nama-vrate–by following the rite of chanting the Name. tabe–Then [your observance] ekadasi–of Ekadasi [will be successful]. [13]

"Everyone should devoutly honour and properly perform the practices of devotion. Then they will attain the grace of Bhakti Devi. So, reject the association of non-devotees and follow the Ekadasi rite by following the rite of chanting the Name. Then your observance of Ekadasi will be successful.

prasada-sevana ara sri-hari-vasare
virodha na kare kabhu bujhaha antare [14]

bujhaha–Understand antare–within [your] heart [that] prasada-sevana–honouring prasad ara–and [honouring] sri-hari-vasare–the day of the Lord kabhu na–never virodha kare–conflict. [14]

"Understand within your heart that honouring prasad and honouring the day of the Lord never conflict.

eka anga mane, ara anya ange dvesa
ye kare nirbodha sei, janaha visesa [15]

sei ye–Those who mane–follow eka anga–one practice ara–and dvesa kare–disregard anya ange–the other practices [are] nirbodha–foolish. janaha–Know [this] visesa–for certain. [15]

"Those who follow one practice of devotion but disregard the others are foolish. Know this for certain.

ye angera yei desa-kala-vidhi-vrata
tahate ekanta-bhave hao bhakti-rata [16]

ekanta-bhave–Sincerely bhakti-rata hao–devote yourself tahate ye angera–to each practice yei desa-kala-vidhi-vrata–according to its place, time, rules, and rites. [16]

"Sincerely devote yourself to each practice according to its place, time, rules, and rites.

sarva angera adhipati vrajendra-nandana
yahe tenha tusta taha karaha palana [17]

vrajendra-nandana–The prince of Vraja [is] adhipati–the enjoyer sarva angera–of all the practices, [so] palana karaha–adhere taha yahe–to that by which tenha–He [is] tusta–pleased. [17]

"Krishna is the enjoyer of all devotional practices, so adhere to what pleases Him.

ekadasi-dine nidrahara visarjana
anya dine prasada nirmalya susevana" [18]

ekadasi-dine–On the day of Ekadasi, visarjana–give up nidrahara–sleep and food, [and] anya dine–on the following day, susevana–fully honour prasada–prasad [and] nirmalya"–the other remnants of the Lord." [18]

"On the day of Ekadasi, give up sleep and food, and on the following day, fully honour prasad and the other remnants of the Lord."

suniya vaisnava sabaanande govinda-rava
dandavat padilena tabe
svarupadi ramanandapailena mahananda
'udiya' 'gaudiya' bhakta sabe [19]

suniya–Hearing [this,] vaisnava saba–all the devotees anande–joyfully govinda-rava–chanted, "Govinda!" [and] tabe–then dandavat padilena–bowed down. svarupadi ramananda–Svarup, Ramananda, [and] bhakta sabe–all the devotees 'udiya' 'gaudiya'–from Odisha and Gauda pailena–felt mahananda–great joy. [19]

Hearing this, all the devotees joyfully chanted, "Govinda!" and bowed down. Svarup Damodar, Ramananda Ray, and all the devotees from Odisha and Gauda were overjoyed.

ohe bhai!
gauranga amara prana-dhana
akaitave bhaja tanreyabe tabe bhava-pare
sitala ha-ibe tanu-mana [20]

ohe–O bhai!–brother! gauranga–Gauranga [is] amara–my prana-dhana–life and wealth. bhaja–Serve tanre–Him akaitave–sincerely. tabe–Then, bhava-pare yabe–you will cross the ocean of material existence [and your] tanu-mana–body and mind sitala ha-ibe–will become tranquil. [20]

O brother! Gauranga is my life and wealth. Serve Him sincerely. Then, you will cross the ocean of material existence and your body and mind will become tranquil.


Serving the Name and following Ekadasi are one
(sri-nama-bhajana o ekadasi eka)

sri-nama-bhajana ara ekadasi-vrata
eka-tattva nitya jani' hao tahe rata [21]

jani'–Knowing sri-nama-bhajana–service to the Name ara–and ekadasi-vrata–the Ekadasi rite [to be] nitya–eternally eka-tattva–one, rata hao–practise tahe–them both. [21]

Knowing service to the Name and the Ekadasi rite to be eternally one, practise them both.


"Different Practices
for Different Devotees"

"A Collection of Hidden Truths
about the Name" ⇒



Translator's Note
In Praise of Sri Sri Prema-vivarta
Sri Sri Prema-vivarta:
1 Invocation of Auspiciousness
2 The Composition of this Book
3 First Obeisances
4 Gaura's Greatness
5 Transformations of Ecstasy in Service
6 The Journey of the Soul
7 The Name is for Everyone
8 Give up Deceit
9 Proper Renunciation
10 Caste and Class
11 The Light of Nabadwip
12 Glories of the Vaisnavas
13 Eagerness to see Sri Gaura
14 Contradictory Transformations
15 Morning Pastimes in Nabadwip
16 What is Love?
17 Different Practices for Different Devotees
18 Sri Ekadasi
19 A Collection of Hidden Truths about the Name
20 The Glories of the Name
+ The Ten Offences to the Holy Name
+ Glossary