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(2/11) Pleasing Gurudev His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
When you went for the parikrama today, you saw that four time more people came. I came a few days ago but did not have time to go on the parikrama – I had to go out every day because it is necessary to please Param Guru Maharaj. I know that if I serve Vaishnavs and devotees, then I can serve Param Guru Maharaj and make him happy. I know that. That is why I personally went to Mayapur, Svarup Ganj and other places, some houses also, and invited everyone to come for this festival. If we can serve Param Guru Maharaj, then at least our Guru Maharaj will be pleased. This is what pleases him more than anything else. If we can make good vaishnav-seva, then Guru Maharaj will be happy to see it. That is why I came here a few days ago, on Monday. I went to the market in Kolkata and brought many things. I had not decided where I will keep everything, but I went to all the places to invite everyone for the festival and then came here. In this way, I am trying to serve Gurudev, knowing that if I can serve Param Guru Maharaj in some way, Gurudev will be happy. Gurudev said, with pain, 'Everybody is calling me to come, but if I came to Nabadwip, it would be very painful for me.' So, at the time of Param Guru Maharaj's disappearance, Gurudev mostly stayed outside – he would not come to the Nabadwip temple. He would always keep himself busy somewhere else. On this way, when he spoke, he would be overcome with transcendental emotion; he would not be able to control himself. That is why he always kept himself busy with preaching in other places. Since the time I came to the Math, I remember that Gurudev came to Nabadwip at this time only three–four times, not more than that. He gave me an order one time, explained how to do everything, told me what Guru Maharaj liked and what he did not like. I followed what Gurudev said and arranged prasad accordingly... Srila Param Guru Maharaj established this Chaitanya Saraswat Math. He always stayed there and preached there. We must always engage ourselves in the service of this Math. What does service mean? Service is not pleasing yourself. Service means pleasing your gurudev. I do not need to be pleased – I must always think how my guru can be pleased. Is Gurudev pleased with my service or not? If Gurudev does not like something but you forcefully do it, it can never make your guru happy. You have all heard about Sri Madhavendra Puri. He would cry:
অয়ি দীনদয়ার্দ্র নাথ হে
ayi dina-dayardra natha he 'O gentle-hearted Lord, ever-gracious upon the destitute, O Lord of Mathura, when shall I see You again? In Your absence my broken heart trembles. Beloved! what shall I do now?' (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.4.197) When Madhavendra Puri recited this verse and cry, his disciples Ishwar Puri (who later became Mahaprabhu's guru) stayed quiet because he could understand how much pain his gurudev felt. But Madhavendra Puri's another disciple Ramachandra Puri said to his gurudev, 'Why are you crying like this? You are the knower of Brahman, why do you need to cry and lament like that?' Madhavendran Puri replied, 'Go away! Go away!' He turned him out. 'You do not understand anything. Although you are my disciple, you cannot understand it. Go away.' In this way, Ramachandra Puri lost his guru's mercy and service. He became overcome with many faults, and in the end he was removed from Krishna consciousness and went to hell. Who is able to know and understand the guru? Always think about this.
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