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(5/11) Live In the World of Faith

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Adhivas of Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj's tirobhav
Sri Nrisingha Palli, 12 August 2018, morning, part 5
Translated from Bengali


One time, it was December 2009, Gurudev told me, 'You are looking after everything – you are doing the cultivation, you are making big buildings and so on. But you are not looking after me.' At that time, I could not understand what Gurudev meant by saying I was not looking after him. Anyhow, after that, Gurudev sent me to Australia.

[To somebody in the audience] Do not use your phones here. Keep them switched off. If you think that your phone is more important than Hari-katha, then you can go away from here. When you are here, please listen to Hari-katha. No phones are necessary. Your family should know that it is festival time now, and if somebody does not understand it, it is not necessary to speak to them on the phone. Always remember this. If your phone is more necessary for you than Hari-katha, then take your phone and go outside. I do not mind it. Even if there is only one person sitting here, it is sufficient – if it is only person, but this person will be good. I have told you many times what Guru Maharaj often said. When you go to primary school, there are a hundred pupils; by the time you reach high school, there are only fifty pupils left; when you go to college, there will be only ten people left; and when you go to university, there will be only two people left with you. If you sieve something through, only good things will remain.

What did Srila Sridhar Maharaj say about devotion (bhakti)? He said that we have faith that there is devotion and that there is Lord. Why do we believe this? You can understand it yourself. If you call a blind man to see something, he will not see anything because he is blind. In this world, there are so many trees, moon, sun and so many beautiful places to see. When you go for the dham parikrama in devotees' association, you will not see those places with your blind eyes – we must see those places with our heart. If you ask a blind man, 'What do you see?', what will he say? 'Oh, this world is dark, there is nothing to see in it.' All the beautiful things – the sun, the moon and so on – are of no value to him. But does that mean that we must accept that? We cannot. Because we can see so many beautiful things around us. We can go to different places and take their darshan, we can meet different people at home and outside. But those who are blind will say that there is nothing to be seen in this world.

This microphone here is working, there is some Hari-katha and kirtan going on. But if somebody is deaf, they will feel nothing – for them the world of sound has no value. A deaf man will say that there is nothing to be heard in this world – there is no such thing as a world of sound. Will you believe that? You will not.

So, just as there is am aural world for those who have ears, a visual world for those who have eyes; in the same way, there is God for those who have devotion. We must have faith in this. Srila Sridhar Maharaj writes this in his Harikathamrita book.

Therefore, we must know and understand what we must see. If you want to get the Lord, if you want to love the Lord, then you must serve Sri Guru and Vaishnavs.


— : • : —





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Size: 46.6 Mb
Length: 97 min
Language: Bengali




1) Genuine Relation with Sri Guru
2) Pleasing Gurudev
3) Giving Gurudev Place In Your Heart
4) Gurudev's Transcendental Care
5) Live In the World of Faith
6) Value Your Service Life
7) Power of Genuine Devotion
8) Give Wholesale Attention
9) Harmonising Wisely
10) Seva-Sprha
11) My Humble Prayer to You




Gurudev's Vyasa Puja
Is Coming
'Gurudev's lila is going on, but only the fortunate souls can see it, that is why we must engage everybody in service on his appearance day. Whatever capacity we have—with body, mind, and speech—we must serve his appearance day.'

I see no way how to be rescued from these material things—everything around me is very sad... Prabhu, what can I do? I have nobody, I am an orphan, so I am crying to you!