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(13/15) Rejoice!

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nrisingha Palli, Sri Jagannath Misra Anandotsav
22 March 2019, morning class, part 13
Translated from Bengali


So, today is the ananda-mahotsav of Sri Jagannath Misra. We chanted yesterday:

চৌদ্দশত সাত শকে মাস যে ফাল্গুন ।
পৌর্ণমাসীর সন্ধ্যাকালে হৈলে শুভক্ষণ ॥

chaudda-sata sata sake masa ye phalguna
paurnamasira sandhya-kale haile subha-ksana

'In the year 1407 of the Saka Era (A.D. 1486), in the month of Phalguna [March–April], on the evening of the full moon, the desired auspicious moment came.'

There was a lunar eclipse on the full moon day in the Phlagun month in 1407. Whenever there is a lunar eclipse, all people (even those who normally never do it) usually chant the Holy Names of the Lord. At that moment, the Lord appeared in this world.

সিংহ-রাশি, সিংহ-লগ্ন, উচ্চ গ্রহগণ ।
ষড়্­বর্গ,অষ্টবর্গ, সর্ব্ব সুলক্ষণ ॥

simha-rasi, simha-lagna, uchcha graha-gana
sad-varga, asta-varga, sarva sulaksana

'According to the Vedic astronomy, when the figure of the lion appears both in the zodiac and as the time of birth, this indicates a very high conjunction of planets: an area under the influence of sad-varga and asta-varga are two all-auspicious moments.'

অ-কলঙ্ক গৌরচন্দ্র দিলা দরশন ।
স-কলঙ্ক চন্দ্রে আর কোন্ প্রয়োজন ॥

a-kalanka gaurachandra dila darasana
sa-kalanka chandre ara kon prayojana

'When the spotless moon Chaitanya Mahaprabhu became visible, what is the need for a moon full of black marks on its body?'

There arose such a spotlessly beautiful moon in Mayapur that there was no more necessity for the other moon in the sky.

নদীয়া-উদয়গিরি, পূর্ণচন্দ্র গৌরহরি,
কৃপা করি’ হইল উদয় ।
পাপ-তমো হৈল নাশ, ত্রিজগতের উল্লাস,
জগভরি’ হরিধ্বনি হয় ॥

nadiya-udaya-giri, purna-chandra gaura-hari,
krpa kari’ haila udaya
papa-tamo haila nasa, tri-jagatera ullasa,
jaga-bhari’ hari-dhvani haya

'By His causeless mercy, the full moon Gaura-hari arose in the district of Nadia, which is compared to Udayagiri Mount, where the sun first becomes visible – His rising in the sky destroyed the darkness of sins; all three worlds rejoiced and chanted Holy Names of the Lord.'

The Lord mercifully appeared in this world to rescue everybody, to rescue such fallen souls as ourselves. The Lord personally came to this earth, making His advent in Sachi Devi's room. Even Lord Brahma and Lord Siva ardently hanker and wait to attain His darshan, and this very Lord appeared in Sachi Devi's room assuming a human form, dancing and frolicking there – He is the very Lord who also crawls in the courtyard of Mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaj. Who will understand it? Who will be able to realise this? Who can say that the Supreme Lord who we all pray to so much becomes a simple cowherd boy and herds cows? Who can understand this Supreme Lord who all the gopis run after?

Born into a poor brahman family in Bamupara that sustained themselves on simple muri (puffed rice), our Gurupadpadma used to work as a cook for a doctor. But receiving his Gurupadpadma's blessing, he later travelled across the whole universe. Who can understand these things? And whom will you tell these things?

'Papa-tamah haila nasa, tri-jagatera ullasa. His rising in the sky destroyed the darkness of sins; all three worlds rejoiced.' We chanted yesterday also, 'Ek-bar jay dao jay dao (Come, give "jay"!). Gaura-chandrer uday holo jay dao (The Golden Moon has arisen! Rejoice!). Papa-tamah haila nasa jay dao jay dao (All sins and darkness is dispelled – rejoice!). Papa tapa dure gelo Hari bol Hari bol (All sins and misery have gone far away – chant the Lord's Name! Chant the Lord's Name!). Papa tapa dure gelo, Gaura-chandrer uday holo! (All sins and misery is gone – the Golden Moon has arisen!)' Did you hear us chant this yesterday?

সেইকালে নিজালয়, উঠিয়া অদ্বৈত রায়,
নৃত্য করে আনন্দিত মনে ।
হরিদাসে লঞা সঙ্গে, হুঙ্কার-কীর্ত্তন-রঙ্গে,
কেনে নাচে, কেহ নাহি জানে ॥

sei-kale nijalaya, uthiya advaita raya,
nrtya kare anandita-mane
haridase lana sange, hunkara-kirtana-range,
kene nache, keha nahi jane

'At that time, Sri Advaita Acharya Prabhu, who was in his house in Santipur, was dancing for joy. Grabbing Haridas Thakur, he danced and rejoiced, loudly chanting Holy Names. Why were they dancing? No one knew.'

Sri Advaita Acharya Prabhu worshipped the Lord with a Tulasi leaf and a drop of Ganges water, praying, 'O Lord, unless You come, this world will never be rescued!' Advaita Acharya Prabhu is actually Lord Vishnu Himself, and He Himself asked Lord Krishna to come to this world. Later, Gauranga Mahaprabhu said, 'I was resting in the ocean of milk when I heard [Advaita Acharya's] cries. The cries of My Nara [Caller] broke My sleep.'

শুনিয়া আছিনু ক্ষীর-সাগর-ভিতরে ।
মোর নিদ্রা ভাঙ্গিলেক নাড়ার হুঙ্কারে ॥

suniya achhinu ksira-sagara-bhitare
mora nidra bhangileka nadara hunkare

'I was resting in the ocean of milk when I heard [Advaita Acharya's] cries. The cries of My Nara [Caller] broke My sleep.'

(Sri Chaitanya-bhagavata, 2.22.16)

Nara is Advaita Ray – 'nara' means the person who comes to call somebody and forcefully brings them over. Sri Advaita Acharya brings the Lord from Goloka to Bhuloka (Earth). Such is the glory of a devotee.


— : • : —





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Size: 52 Mb
Length: 108 min
Language: Bengali




1) Take Prasad
2) Stay Focused
3) Remember Your Service
4) Help Yourself and Others
5) Avoid Offences to Service
6) Avoid Offences to Holy Name
7) Avoid Offences to Vaishnavs
8) Avoid Offences to Holy Dham (Part 1)
9) Avoid Offences to Holy Dham (Part 2)
10) Avoid Kali's Places
11) Devotional Strictures
12) Devotional Strictures
13) Rejoice!
14) Outstanding Happening
15) Wholesome Vision





Eternal Values
'How many days will you be alive in this world? Even if you are alive for thirty more years, then you will sleep for fifteen years, and the other fifteen you have other things to do, and the time is gone. How many days do we have to do Hari-bhajan? You must count it.'

Even Brahma may come and show us so much opulence, but we have no time to go there.