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(10/15) Please Come Home!

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Kalarait (Kolkata), 4 December 2020, part 10
Translated from Bengali


We are told to search for our own home. Many people stay in rented places. When you stay in some rented place for four months, you may not get on well with the landlord and have some problems. You will think of finding another place to stay at. You go to another house, stay there for two months and see that there are problem with water and bathroom. You again look for another house. You keep changing houses like this, and in the end, you think, 'Even if I buy some cheapest land and make a tin shed, it is still better than living in rented places.' Is that not so? In the same way, every single time we come to this world, we take refuge at somebody else's house. But your own house was created before you. Search for your real home!

There are fourteen worlds in a universe: Bhur, Bhuvar, Svar, Maha, Jana, Tapa, Satya; Atal, Vital, Sutal, Talatal, Mahatal, Rasatal, Patal. Earth, where we are, is situated in the middle, and there are seven planets above it and six below it. Beyond this universe, there is the Viraja River, Vaikuntha, and the transcendental abode of Goloka Vrindavan. Lord Narayan stays in Vaikuntha, and Lord Krishna and everything conceivable resides in Goloka Vrindavan. Even Paramatma has nothing to do there. The soul (atma) wants to serve the Supersoul (Paramatma), but this Paramatma has nothing to do in Goloka Vrindavan – what will it do there? In Goloka Vrindavan, there is only Lord Sri Krishna, and He resides there in His full manifestation.

Search for your own home. As our Param Guru Maharaj said, 'Back to God, Back to Home.' Return to the Lord! Come back to your home! There is an English saying, 'loving search for the lost servant': Lord is searching for us all because we are His lost children. When a father loses his child, the father cries for his son, and the son also cries for his father. We too must cry like that for the Lord. When Mother Yasoda tried to bind Krishna, the rope was always two fingers too short. What do these two fingers mean? One finger means desire, and the other finger means mercy. If a child does not cry, the mother does not give milk to it. So, if you do not cry, if you do not make a step towards the Lord, the Lord will not look in your direction. If you think about the Lord, the Lord will also think about you. And if you think about yourself and do everything yourself, then the Lord says, 'He is doing everything and taking care of himself, then why will I worry about him?' Therefore, think about the Lord! Stop thinking about yourself!

আত্মেন্দ্রিয়প্রীতি-বাঞ্ছা—তারে বলি 'কাম' ।
কষ্ণেন্দ্রিয়প্রীতি-ইচ্ছা ধরে 'প্রেম' নাম ॥

atmendriya-priti-vanchha—tare bali 'kama'
krsnendriya-priti-ichchha dhare 'prema' nama

'The desire to gratify one's own senses is kama (lust), but the desire to please the senses of Lord Krishna is prema (divine love).'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.4.165)

Thinking about yourself, thinking about your own happiness is lust (material desire): How will I eat? What will I wear? How will I sleep? How will I get two sons? How will they study? We always think about these things and enjoy with these things. I am praying to you all with folded palms: please chant the Holy Name.

কলিকালে নামরূপ কৃষ্ণ-অবতার ।
নাম হৈতে হয় সর্ব্বজগৎ-নিস্তার ॥

kali-kale nama-rupe krsna-avatara
nama haite haya sarva-jagat-nistara

'In the Age of Kali, Krishna personally appears in the form of the Name, and the entire world is delivered through that Name."

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.17.22)

In Kali-yuga, the Lord appears as His Holy Name in this world! That is why we must chant His Holy Name without offences:

অপরাধশূন্য হয়ে লহ কৃষ্ণ-নাম ।
অচিরাৎ তুমি পাবে কৃষ্ণ-প্রেম-ধন ॥

aparadha-sunya haye laha krsna-nama
achirat tumi pabe krsna-prema-dhana

'Chant the Holy Name of Krishna without offence and you will quickly get the treasure of divine love to Krishna.'


— : • : —





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Size: 39.1 Mb
Length: 87 min
Language: Bengali




1) Demolish Wall of Ego
2) Live in Hari-Katha
3) Do Not Waste Time
4) Waiting—Not Wanting
5) Focus on the Lord
6) Stepping over Liberation
7) Beyond Karma-Misra Bhakti
8) Evading Maya's World
9) Descend of Scriptures
10) Please Come Home!
11) Do Not Live Like Outside People
12) Fruits of faith
13) Pure Sankirtan in Pure Association
14) Covet All, Lose All
15) Kali-Yuga Brahmans




Do Not Waste Your Time
'When you come to Gurudev and practise under his guidance, you should think that having finished your 84 lakhs of lives you do not have to return there.'

What is this heavy head on my shoulders for? If you pay obeisance to the Lord, to Guru,
Vaishnav, Bhagavan, your head will become light.