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His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Adhivas of Lord Nityananda Prabhu's Appearance, evening class
Sri Ekachakra Dham, 24 February 2021, part 10
Translated from Bengali


One time, there was a brahman in Nabadwip who came to Mahaprabhu to express his doubts regarding Sri Nityananda Prabhu. Mahaprabhu removed his doubts by quoting this sloka from Srimad Bhagavatam:

dharma-vyatikramo drsta isvaranam cha sahasam
tejiyasam na dosaya vahneh sarva-bhujo yatha

"The status of powerful controllers is not harmed by any apparently audacious transgression of morality we may see in them, for they are just like fire, which devours everything fed into it and remains unpolluted."

(Srimad Bhagavatam, 10.33.29)

Fire can consume everything and can remove all impurities, all dirt, but the fire is not affected by that. In the same way, even if Nityananda Prabhu transgresses the religion of sannyas, He has no fault. He is higher than any rules and regulations. All rules and regulations, all prohibitions exist for the conditioned souls living in illusory environment—they are not for the Lord. If somebody criticises Sri Nityananda Prabhu for His behaviour not knowing who He is, they will suffer birth after birth.

This is how Sriman Mahaprabhu expressed the supramundane glories of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu to that brahman. He also said, "Sri Nityananda Prabhu possesses supreme qualification; if you have little fortune, you can never understand Him (it takes a great fortune to understand Him). Those who look at His supramundane activities with affection receive liberation. Nityananda Prabhu appears in this world to save fallen souls, and all jiva souls receive liberation by His mercy. His behaviour is above any Vedic regulations. Indeed, who is capable of understanding Nitai?"

You know, one day Mahaprabhu came to the house of Srivas Pandit and said to Srivas Pandit, "Srivas, have you let this Man stay at your house?! He has no house, no room; do you even know who He is? What if He steals or does something bad and runs away? What will you get?" Srivas Pandit laughed when he heard this. He replied, "Prabhu, have You come to test me? You want to check how much I love Nityananda, do you not? Have You come to test how much faith I have for Nityananda?" Mahaprabhu was happy to hear Srivas Pandit talk in this way.

Mahaprabhu said, "Who has the capacity to understand Nityananda? If somebody criticises Nityananda not understanding anything, their attainment of devotion to Lord Vishnu will be obstructed. O brahman, go quickly to Nabadwip and explain all this to everyone. If anyone criticises Nityananda in any way behind His back, they will not escape the punishment of Yamaraj! Nobody will be able to save them. Go quickly to Nabadwip and see to it that no one blasphemes Nityananda. If someone loves Nityananda, then I think that they love Me; and if someone does not love Nityananda, they do not love Me either. So, if Nabadwip citizens genuinely love Me, then they must love Nityananda. Brahman, I am telling you the truth. Even if Nityananda comes holding a drunk Muslim woman, Brahma will pay his obeisance to Him."

Srila Guru Maharaj also writes here (in Sri Nityananda Mahimamrita) that by the wish of Sriman Mahaprabhu, the six goswamis headed by Sri Rupa and Sri Sanatan preached in Vrindavan, and Nityananda Prabhu preached massively in Sri Gauda-desh together with His associates.

We can see that there are two Vyasas of Chaitanya-lila, and both of them received Sri Nityananda Prabhu's mercy. First, Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur got His mercy and wrote Sri Chaitanya-bhagavatam, and the second Vyasa of Chaitanya-lila is Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami, the author of Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita. Srila Gurudev composed a sloka about both Vyasas of Chaitanya-lila:

dasa-vrndavanam vande krsna-dasa-prabhum tatha
dvau nityananda-padabja-karuna-renu-bhusitau
vyakta-chchhannau budhachintyau vavande vyasa-rupinau
sri-guru-gaura-gandharva-govindas cha ganaih saha
jayanti pathakas chatra sarvesam karunarthinah

"I offer my obeisances to Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur and Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami, who made public the pastimes of the hidden avatar, Sri Chaitanya. They were both adorned with the mercy-dust of the lotus feet of Nityananda. I offer my obeisances to these two inconceivable sages who assumed the form of Vyasadeva, one—explicitly (Vrindavan Das Thakur), another—hiddenly (Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami). Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharva Govinda and Their associates are ever victorious and we, the students, pray for Their mercy."

Therefore, if Nityananda Prabhu had not come, we would not have known anything about the transcendental pastimes of Sriman Mahaprabhu because it is by His mercy that these two Prabhus (Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur and Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami) granted this world the gift of sweet pastimes of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

After Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu's sakti, Sri Jahnava Devi took the helm of this sampradaya. She lived in Vrindavan and gave initiation on behalf of Sri Nityananda Prabhu (she accepted disciples). The other sakti of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Vasudha Devi begot a son, Sri Virachandra Prabhu. Sri Virachandra Prabhu took initiation from Sri Jahnava Devi and preached magnanimously and very widely. In particular, Sri Virachandra Prabhu brought many Buddhists to the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu.

This is how, through Sri Nityananda Prabhu, it was and is possible for all jiva souls of this world to get Mahaprabhu's mercy.


— : • : —





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