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(8/8) Decision Is Yours

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Preaching programme, morning
Translated into English from Bengali
18 February 2020, part 8


We always only talk about our own problems and always fight for our interest... We do not fight for service—we fight among ourselves only. I told you the story about two disciples who always fought between each other. One said, "I do more service," and the other one said, "No, I do more service!" One said, "I do the puja," and the other one said, "Yes, sure, you do the puja—you only ring the bell, but I do everything else. I cook and offer bhoga!" When their Gurudev heard it, he said, "If you have so much problem with my service, then I will divide service between you two. You will massage my right leg, and you will massage my left leg." (Gurudev used oil before taking a shower, so his disciples would come and rub his legs with oil.) One day, the disciple who was supposed to massage his Guru's right leg got ill, so he could not come, and the disciple who massaged his Guru's left leg massaged only his left leg. Gurudev was blind, so he could not see what was happening. He asked that disciple, "Why are you not massaging my right leg?" The disciple replied, "It is his leg!" It is the same in our Math also. One time, somebody stole a bucket and ran away from the temple, and the devotee who saw it said, "Why must I have done anything? The security guard should deal with it." The servitor is standing right there and sees that man running with a bucket from the temple but does nothing. It is your temple, so why will you not protect it? He said, "It is the security guard's duty. My job is only to wash the dishes and clean the temple. The security guard must deal with it." This is our service mood. We do not serve with love. When two parents bring up a son and the child begins to cry, will the father take him down from his lap and say to his wife, "It is your child, so you must feed him! It is not my duty to deal with him. My job is to go to the office and earn money, and it is your job to look after the child!" A real father will never say this. A real father will understand that the mother is cooking, and the child needs something, so he will calm the child lovingly. This is our situation—we have no love, no eagerness for service. We do not love service. If you have no love, if you do not do something with love and affection, there is no use in such service. You cannot serve forcefully. It is necessary to have love and affection.

You must always think about this, then you can progress in your spiritual life; otherwise, no matter how much you practise, you will not get any result. Come for Sri Nabadwip Dham parikrama. Take shelter of a genuine guru and practise Krishna consciousness under his guidance.

If you do not give meat to a tiger or a lion, it will start making noise, but you can ask those who are present here and who are vegetarian, who follow ekadasi, who chant the Holy Name if their health is good or not. Ask them if they have any difficulty. Then why cannot you give up fish and meat? Do you think you will die if you do not eat it? Those of you who think so, please raise your arms. I know that you eat meat here—of course, you may not eat cow's meat, but you eat goat and chicken meat. What do people abroad eat? People eat lizards, cockroaches, rats, spiders, dogs. Even here in India, people eat dogs in Nagaland. They take dogs by the tail, swirl them until the dogs vomits, and then they eat that vomit. Would you like that? When you go to the bathroom, although you carry stool in your stomach for a long time, once you pass it, you turn your face and do not even want to see it, and if you see some stool on the street, you feel squeamish, "It is filthy!" but pigs like stool and eat it happily, and people eat these pigs, even here in our country. [Some chicken noise in the background] You can hear them going "cock-cock"—they are calling you, "When will you cut me?" Are there Muslims living over there? [Devotees: No, Hindu.] My God, Hindus eat chicken? What is this!

It is written in the scriptures that mamsa (meat) means 'mam' (I) plus 'sah' (he). There is a law described by Newton: every action has equal and opposite reaction. So, if I kill something or somebody in this world, it will come to kill me in my next birth. I have seen on the street somebody chopping a goat into pieces. My car stopped nearby, and I told them, "Oh God! You are cutting it now, and in the future it will be cutting you just like that!" Besides that, so many diseases come from eating meat. How much medicine will you invent? Scientists have even made some medicine that can cure cancer. Recently, some Italian scientists cut somebody's neck and then again re-attached it, and the person survived. But no matter how far scientists advance, can they create a single grain of wheat? There are some deadly mosquitos, can they kill them? So, no matter how much medicine they invent, no matter how many hospitals and pharmacies they open, Lord Yamaraj will send thousands and thousands more diseases. There is some new virus now coming from China—so many people are dying from it now. So, even if you make a thousand kinds of new medicine, Yamaraj will create a hundred thousand kinds of new diseases. You have no way to escape it—Yamaraj is always there behind your back. One day you have to die, but what have you been doing in this world? You will have to give answer when the time comes. Be ready for that.

So, what will you do? When a child eats soil, the mother comes and takes it out of its mouth. So, will you eat soil and dung, or will you take prasad? Will you serve the Lord in purity, or will you worship Mother Kali, wearing skulls on your neck, and when you come to enjoy with your mother, she will stick her tongue at you? Do you want to live a pure life of service to the Lord or do you want to dance and enjoy with skulls on your neck? Think about it and decide for yourself what you want. I have told you everything.

Nitai Gaura premanande Hari bol!



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Size: 16 Mb
Length: 36 min
Language: Bengali




1) Deposit Your Heart
2) Special Price
3) Watch Your Step
4) Primary Realisation
5) Full-Hearted Appeal
6) 'My Constant Sadness'
7) Become Devoted
8) Decision Is Yours




Mission of Chaitanya Saraswat Math
'Devotees of Chaitanya Saraswat Math come to remind you that you are a servant of the Lord. Here, we chant the maha-mantra and do service, and when we do something, we do not do it for our own enjoyment, we do everything for the satisfaction of the Lord.'

Sometimes, as a manager, you will have to chastise others, but not everyone is
fortunate enough to be able to tolerate chastisement.