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(5/11) Highest Gift, Highest Pastimes

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Uluberia, 20 December 2020, noon, part 5
Translated from Bengali


শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য প্রভু জীবে দয়া করি' ।
স্বপার্ষদ স্বীয় ধাম সহ অবতরি ॥

sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu jive daya kari'
svaparsada sviya dhama saha avatari

'Being merciful to the souls, Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu descends with His associates and abode.'

(Saranagati, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

Supreme Lord Sri Krishna comes in this Kali-yuga as Sri Krishna Chaitanya, the combined form of Radha-Krishna. When Krishna was sitting and meditating under a tamarind tree in Imlitala, Vrindavan, He suddenly saw His reflection in the Yamuna.

শ্রীরাধায়াঃ প্রণয়মহিমা কীদৃশো বানয়ৈবা-
স্বাদ্যো যেনাদ্ভুতমধুরিমা কীদৃশো বা মদীয়ঃ ।
সৌখ্যঞ্চাস্যা মদনুভবতঃ কীদৃশং বেতি লোভা-
ত্তদ্ভাবাঢ্যঃ সমজনি শচীগর্ভসিন্ধৌ হরীন্দুঃ ॥

sri-radhayah pranaya-mahima kidrso vanayaivasvadyo
yenadbhuta-madhurima kidrso va madiyah
saukhyam chasya mad-anubhavatah kidrsam veti lobhat
tad-bhavadhyah samajani sachigarbha-sindhau harinduh

'"What is that great glory of Sri Radha's love? What is My extraordinary loving sweetness and charm that Sri Radha enjoys? And what is the joy Sri Radha feels by experiencing My sweetness and charm?" Yearning to taste these three sentiments, the moon—Krishna-chandra—was born from the ocean of the womb of mother Sachi.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.1.6)

'Why does Radharani cry so much chanting My Name? What sort of happiness does She feel when She is doing My service?' To taste this ecstacy, Lord Sri Krishna appears in Kali-yuga as Gauranga Mahaprabhu. In this form, He also tasted Radharani's mood of separation. When Krishna left Vrindavan, He never went there again – He stayed in Mathura and Dvaraka. All Vraja gopis were then immersed into a transcendental separation mood, and the Lord wanted to feel the taste, the ecstacy of that separation, to feel what sort of pull His devotees feel towards Him, in search of Him. Taking Radharani's heart and halo, Lord Krishna becomes Sri Krishna Chaitanya (Gauranga Mahaprabhu).

Mahaprabhu went door to door and told everyone, 'O jiva! Stop sleeping! Wake up! Worship Krishna, loudly chant Krishna's Name (krsna bhaja bale uchchaihsvare)! So, on the one hand, He went door to door calling out to everyone; and on the other hand, He also tastes the divine mood of Srimati Radharani. Garbed into Her mood, He would always think, 'Where am I to go to find Kana? Where am I to go to have the darshan of Krishna?'

Coming in this Age of Kali, Supreme Lord Krishna appears together with all His associates who were all gopas and gopis in His Vrindavan pastimes. They all appear showing gopis' mood of devotion.

শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য প্রভু জীবে দয়া করি' ।
স্বপার্ষদ স্বীয় ধাম সহ অবতরি ॥

sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu jive daya kari'
svaparsada sviya dhama saha avatari

'Being merciful to the souls, Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu descends with His associates and abode.'

অন্ত্যন্ত দুর্লভ প্রেম করিবারে দান ।
শিখায় শরণাগতি ভকতের প্রাণ ॥

atyanta durlabha prema karibare dana
sikhaya saranagati bhakatera prana

'To distribute the rarest form of divine love, He teaches surrender, which is the life and soul of devotees.'

(Saranagati, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

Even Brahma and Siva hanker for and always think about getting this kind of divine love, but this divine love is rolling in the dust of the courtyard of Mother Yasoda and Nanda Maharaj's house. It is this divine love for Krishna that devotees always feel and that we, too, must taste.


— : • : —





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Size: 40.7 Mb
Length: 97 min
Language: Bengali




1) Take Advantage of This Chance
2) Die to Live or Live to Die?
3) Immerse Yourself in Hari-Kirtan
4) Attachment to Sri Guru
5) Highest Gift, Highest Pastimes
6) Mahaprabhu's Teachings
7) Maintained by the Lord
8) Life beyond Ego
9) Control Six Urges
10) Subjugate Six Faults
11) Six Good Qualities




'I am Gora's!'
'If somebody does not follow our main conception, does not follow Srila Sridhar Maharaj's conception, does not follow Gurudev's conception, Gurudev's order, we cannot mix with them, we cannot accept the religion that they themselves have invented.'

If you give your mind, your heart to material things,
these material things, visaya, will always stay with you.