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(9/11) Control Six Urges

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Uluberia, 20 December 2020, noon, part 9
Translated from Bengali


(ওহে) বৈষ্ণব ঠাকুর দয়ার সাগর
এ দাসে করুণা করি ।
দিয়া পদছায়া শোধহে আমারে
তোমার চরণ ধরি ॥

(ohe) vaisnava thakura dayara sagara
e dase karuna kari
diya pada-chhaya sodha he amare
tomara charana dhari

'O worshippable Vaishnav, an ocean of grace, be merciful to this servant. Please give me the shade of your feet, please purify me. I clasp your feet.'

ছয় বেগ দমি' ছয় দোষ শোধি
ছয় গুণ দেহ দাসে ।
ছয় সৎসঙ্গ দেহ হে আমারে
বসেছি সঙ্গের আশে ॥

chhaya vega dami' chhaya dosa sodhi'
chhaya guna deha' dase
chhaya sat-sanga deha' he amare
basechhi sangera ase

'Please subjugate the six urges, rectify the six defects and bestow the six good qualities upon this servant. Please give me the six kinds of good association. I am waiting and yearning for this association.'

(Saranagati, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

It is necessary to give up the six urges, six defects, and it is necessary to show six good qualities. And before you can do that, you should first ask, 'What are these six urges, defects and good qualities?' Srila Rupa Goswamipad said:

বাচো বেগং মনসঃ ক্রোধবেগং
জিহ্বাবেগমুদরোপস্থবেগম্ ।
এতান্ বেগান্ যো বিষহেত ধীরঃ
সর্বামপীমাং পৃথিবীং স শিষাৎ ॥

vacho vegam manasah krodha-vegam
jihva-vegam udaropastha-vegam
etan vegan yo visaheta dhirah
sarvam apimam prthivim sa sisyat

'A sober person who can tolerate (1) the urge of speech, (2) the urge of the mind, (3) the urge of anger, (4) the urge of the tongue, (5) the urge of the belly and (6) the urge of the genitals is qualified to make disciples all over the world.'

(Sri Upadesamrita, Srila Rupa Goswamipad)

(1) Vacho-vegam means the urge of speech. Will you speak to everyone anyhow you please? No. You must speak in such a way that the other person does not feel hurt. You must control your mouth (vacha) and (2) tongue (jihva). Controlling your tongue means watching what you eat:

জিহ্বার লালসে যেই ইতি-উতি ধায় ।
শিশ্নোদরপরায়ণ সে কৃষ্ণ নাহি পায় ॥

jihvara lalase yei iti-uti dhaya
sisnodara-parayana se krsna nahi paya

'One who is subservient to the tongue and who thus goes here and there, devoted to the genitals and the belly, cannot attain Krishna.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 3.6.227)

Do not speak to others in such a way that they feel hurt in their mind and heart. You must think about this. (3) Mano-vegam means you must control your mind – do not do whatever your mind tells you to do. You see a pretty girl walking down the street and your mind will keep remembering her. You must control your mind: 'No, she is like a mother to me.' This is how you control your mind. (4) Krodha-vegam means the urge of anger. (5) Udara-vegam means the urge of stomach. Our stomaches always only eat and eat – you eat a full meal, but then your stomach will still ask for forty more luchis, and after that it will ask for two kilograms of mangoes. Greed comes from food. You take prasad full stomach, but when you walk down the street and see some singara (samosas), you feel like having some. No. Do not do this. Control what you eat. (6) Upastha-vegam is when a husband and a wife unite – this, too, must be controlled. Do not be overly attached to your wife or husband.

These are the six urges. Will you remember them? I will come in one year and ask you about them. I listed these urges at the end of our calendars.


— : • : —





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Size: 40.7 Mb
Length: 97 min
Language: Bengali




1) Take Advantage of This Chance
2) Die to Live or Live to Die?
3) Immerse Yourself in Hari-Kirtan
4) Attachment to Sri Guru
5) Highest Gift, Highest Pastimes
6) Mahaprabhu's Teachings
7) Maintained by the Lord
8) Life beyond Ego
9) Control Six Urges
10) Subjugate Six Faults
11) Six Good Qualities




Mission of Chaitanya Saraswat Math
'Devotees of Chaitanya Saraswat Math come to remind you that you are a servant of the Lord. Here, we chant the maha-mantra and do service, and when we do something, we do not do it for our own enjoyment, we do everything for the satisfaction of the Lord.'

Atma, the soul, is covered by Maya with the illusory environment, but through good
association the soul can become open, can become clean, nirmal.