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(10/10) Effulgent and Munificent Lord Nityananda Prabhu

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sriman Nityananda Prabhu's appearance day
Sri Ekachakra Dham, noon class after parikrama
17 February 2019, part 10


Who is Krishna? What is love for Him like? What is it like to live in chaste adherence to Sri Vrisabhanavi (Srimati Radhika)? What is servitude to Her maidservants like?

জ্ঞান কাণ্ড কর্ম্ম কাণ্ড, কেবল বিষের ভাণ্ড,
অমৃত বলিয়া যেবা খায় ।
নানা যোনি সদা ফিরে, কদর্য্য ভক্ষণ করে,
তার জন্ম অধঃপাতে যায় ॥

karma-kanda, jnana-knada, kevala visera bhanda,
amrta baliya yeba khaya
nana yoni sada phire, kadarya bhaksana kare,
tara janma adhah-pate yaya

'Selfish life and knowledge-seeking are simply cups of poison. Those who drink it considering it nectar always keep returning to various species and eating abominable things. Their births degrade to a downfall.'

(Srila Narottam Das Thakur)

What does this mean? What is karma-kanda? I wrote in my books about who karmis are, who jnanis are, who yogis are. Materialists live following karma-kanda (strive for their own pleasure) and jnana-kanda (seek knowledge), thinking that such a live is nectar, but what happens to them as the result? They always keep coming to the wombs of various species, eating all sorts of abominable things (there are many insects living in drains, eating all the filth there). Having got a human birth, such people bring about their own ruination.

অনর্পিতচরীং চিরাৎ করুণয়াবতীর্ণঃ কলৌ
সমর্পয়িতুমুন্নতে'জ্জ্বলরসাং স্বভক্তিশ্রিয়ম্ ।
হরিঃ পূরটসুন্দরদ্যুতিকদম্বসন্দীপিতঃ
সদা হৃদয়কন্দরে স্ফুরতু বঃ শচিনন্দনঃ ॥

anarpita-charim chirat karunayavatirnah kalau
samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasam sva-bhaktisriyam
harih purata-sundara-dyuti-kadamba-sandipitah
sada hrdaya-kandare sphuratu vah sachi-nandanah

'May the Supreme Lord, who is known as the son of Sri Sachi Devi, be transcendentally situated in the innermost core of your heart. Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold, He has descended in the age of Kali by His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation has ever offered before: the most elevated mellow of devotional service, the mellow of conjugal love.'

(Vidagdha-Madhava, 1.2, by Srila Rupa Goswami Prabhu)

When will our material desires stop completely? When will all these things enter our ears? When will the teachings of Sri Rupa-Raghunath be able to enter our ears? It will happen only when we no longer foster material desires. When our material desires finish, then the teachings of Sri Rupa-Raghunath will enter our ears, not before that.

আর যে সংসার মোর নাহি লাগে ভাল ।
কাঁহা যাই’ কৃষ্ণ হেরি,—এ চিন্তা বিশাল ॥

ara ye samsara mora nahi lage bhala
kaha yai' krsna heri,—e chinta visala

'I do not like this material world any more. Where shall I go to see Krishna? This is my biggest concern.'

(Sri Siksastakam Giti, Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur)

How beautiful these words are! We chant this kirtan during the whole of Kartik month (niyom-seva month); but we do not chant it at other times.

শ্রীকৃষ্ণচৈতন্য-দয়া করহ বিচার ।
বিচার করিলে চিত্তে পাবে চমৎকার ॥

sri-krsna-chaitanya-daya karaha vichara
vichara karile chitte pabe chamatkara

'If you consider the mercy of Sri Krishna Chaitanya, you will be wonder-struck to realise it.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.8.15)

অধিকারী বই করে তাঁহার অচার ।
দুঃখ পায় সেই জন পাপ জন্মে তার ॥
রুদ্র বিনে অন্য যদি করে বিষ পান ।
সর্ব্বথায় মরে, সর্ব্বপুরাণ প্রমাণ ॥

adhikari bai kare tahara achara
duhkha paya sei jana papa janme tara
rudra bine anya yadi kare visa pana
sarvathaya mare, sarva-purana pramana

'Those who, transgressing their rights, imitate Nityananda Prabhu's practices only suffer from misery and fall into a sinful life as the result. If anyone other than Rudra (Lord Siva) drinks poison, they will die in all respects. All Puranas testify to this.'

(Sri Chaitanya-bhagavata, 3.6.30-31)

People dress themselves as Nityananda Prabhu, wearing a blue dhoti like him, putting on earrings – do they have the right to do that? They dress like that to show off in front of others, but then they go home and eat fish and meat. That is why it is said that 'Those who, transgressing their rights, imitate Nityananda Prabhu's practices only suffer from misery and fall into a sinful life as the result.' Lord Siva can drink poison – he can digest it; but can you do it? If you can, then go ahead. In reality, if you try to do it, you will die.

Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami also wrote:

দুই ভাই একতনু—সমান-প্রকাশ ।
নিত্যানন্দ না মান, তোমার হবে সর্ব্বনাশ ॥

dui bhai eka-tanu—samana-prakasa
nityananda na mana, tomara habe sarva-nasa

'These two brothers,' I told him, 'are like one body; They are identical manifestations. If you do not believe in Lord Nityananda, you will fall down.'

একেতে বিশ্বাস, অন্যে না কর সম্মান ।
"অর্দ্ধকুক্কুটী-ন্যায়" তোমার প্রমাণ ॥

ekete visvasa, anye na kara sammana
"ardha-kukkuti-nyaya" tomara pramana

'If you have faith in one but disrespect the other, your logic is like the logic of accepting half a hen.'

কিংবা, দোঁহা না মানিঞা হও ত' পাষণ্ড ।
একে মানি' আরে না মানি,—এইমত ভণ্ড ॥

kimva, donha na manina hao ta' pasanda
eke mani' are na mani,—ei-mata bhanda

'It would be better to be an atheist by slighting both brothers than a hypocrite by believing in one and slighting the other.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.5.175–177)

জয় জয় নিত্যানন্দ, জয় কৃপাময় ।
যাঁহা হৈতে পাইনু রূপ-সনাতনাশ্রয় ॥

jaya jaya nityananda, jaya krpa-maya
yanha haite painu rupa-sanatanasraya

'All glory, all glory to the merciful Lord Nityananda, by whose mercy I have attained shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Rupa and Sri Sanatana!'

যাঁহা হৈতে পাইনু রঘুনাথ-মহাশয় ।
য়াঁহা হৈতে পাইনু শ্রীস্বরূপ-আশ্রয় ॥

yanha haite painu raghunatha-mahasaya
yanha haite painu sri-svarupa-asraya

'By His mercy I have attained the shelter of the great personality Sri Raghunath Das Goswami, and by His mercy I have found the refuge of Sri Svarup Damodara.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.5.201–202)

জয় জয় নিত্যানন্দ-চরণারবিন্দ ।
যাঁহা হৈতে পাইনু শ্রীরাধাগোবিন্দ ॥

jaya jaya nityananda-charanaravinda
yanha haite painu sri-radha-govinda

'All glory, all glory to the lotus feet of Lord Nityananda, by whose mercy I have attained Sri Radha-Govinda!'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.5.204)

এমন নির্ঘৃণ-মোরে কেবা কৃপা করে ।
এক নিত্যানন্দ বিনু জগৎ ভিতরে ॥

emana nirghrna more keba krpa kare
eka nityananda vinu jagat bhitare

'Who in this world but Nityananda could show His mercy to such an abominable person as me?'

প্রেমে মত্ত নিত্যানন্দ কৃপা-অবতার ।
উত্তম, অধম, কিছু না করে বিচার ॥

preme matta nityananda krpa-avatara
uttama, adhama, kichhu na kare vichara

'Because He is intoxicated with ecstatic love and is an incarnation of mercy, He does not distinguish between the good and the bad.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.5.207–208)

প্রেম-প্রচারণ আর পাষণ্ডদলন ।
দুইকার্য্যে অবধূত পরেন ভ্রমণ ॥

prema-pracharana ara pasanda-dalana
dui-karye avadhuta karena bhramana

'Sriman Nityananda Prabhu travelled across India with two purposes in mind: to preach about divine love for the Lord and to subdue heretics.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 3.3.148)

Devotees can forgive all faults, but Lord Krishna cannot tolerate if His devotees are criticised or abused:

ভক্ত-স্বভাব,—অজ্ঞ-দোষ ক্ষমা করে ।
কৃষ্ণ-স্বভাব,—ভক্ত-নিন্দা সহিতে না পারে ॥

bhakta-svabhava—ajna-dosa ksama kare
krsna-svabhava,—bhakta-ninda sahite na pare

'The nature of devotees is such that they forgive the faults of ignorant people. But Krishna's nature is such that He cannot tolerate if His devotees are criticised.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 3.3.211)

Always remember this.

Our Param Gurudev Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj composed a beautiful poem, twelve verses in glorification of Sriman Nityananda Prabhu. You should read it.

‘কৃষ্ণনাম’ করে অপরাধের বিচার ।
কৃষ্ণ বলিলে অপরাধীর না হয় বিকার ॥

'krsna-nama' kare aparadhera vichara
krsna balile aparadhira na haya vikara

'The Holy Name of Krishna considers offences: when one who commits ten offences of the Holy Name takes the Name of Krishna, it produces no transformation in them.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.8.24)

I told you yesterday that the Holy Name of Krishna cannot come to the mouths of offenders of Krishna's Name – even if they pronounce it, it produces no transformation within them. But when you take Nitai's and Gaura's Names, there is no such consideration: when you chant Their Names, tears will always swell in your eyes. Always remember this.

চৈতন্য-নিত্যানন্দ নাহি এসব বিচার ।
নাম লৈতে প্রেম দেন, বহে অশ্রুধার ॥

chaitanya-nityanande nahi esaba vichara
nama laite prema dena, vahe asrudhara

'Chaitanya and Nityananda do not consider all this. They grant divine love to whoever takes the Holy Name, making them shed torrents of tears.'

(Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 1.8.31)

Jay Srila Guru Maharaj ki jay.
Jay Sriman Nityananda Prabhu ki jay.

We will have the arati now.

Devotee: Can I ask a question? Who is Bakarai?

Bakarai is Krishna. Nityananda Prabhu is non-different from Balaram, and wherever there is Balaram, Krishna is also there. So, one time, Nityananda Prabhu was crawling and playing with Krishna at Jahnu Kunda, but then Lord Krishna disappeared. Later, Jahnava and Vasudha, Nityananda Prabhu's energies, came here. Nityananda Prabhu took them from Surya Das Sarkhel from Kalna (I will tell you the pastime of His marriage later) and brought them here. Jahnava Devi's bhajan-kutir and samadhi are in Vrindavan. Also, Vasudha had a son, Virachandra Prabhu. This village here is named after him – at first, it was called Birbhadra, and then it was renamed Birchandrapur. So, when Jahnava Devi went to the Yamuna, here in Kadam Khandi, to bring some water, she found there a Deity of Krishna. His Name is Bakarai. The temple was later established by Virachandra Prabhu, and on both sides of the Deity are His two associate potencies, Jahnava and Vasudha.

[About devotees bathing in Jahnu Kunda] Even if you put a sign board there not to bath, people will still fight... I have explained to everybody so nicely that it is an offence to bath there, but if they still do it, what can you do? When we go to Radha Kunda during the parikrama, we do not go there to wash our sins – we come to worship it. You can see me always standing on the steps, on top, offering worship, incense, lamp, etc. Have you ever seen me enter the Yamuna? I only take some water and put it on my head and in my mouth. But people do not listen. They all go there to wash their sins away... They do not understand it. You know, when I prohibited bathing in Govinda Kunda in Nabadwip, I had to install an iron gate in my corridor because so many were coming to beat me.

Anyway, say together with me, 'Nitai Gaura premanande Hari Hari bol!'

[His Divine Grace arises and starts the bhoga arati.]


— : • : —





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Size: 48 Mb
Length: 100 min
Language: Bengali




1) Live in Nityananda Prabhu's Shelter
2) Cry, Pray and Remember
3) Genuine Devotion Comes from Heart
4) Worship Is Not Business
5) Nitai Consciousness
6) Sad and Foolish
7) Practise Devotion, Not Emotion
8) Live in Eternal Shelter
9) Our Hope and Solace
10) Effulgent and Munificent Lord Nityananda Prabhu




Matchless Mercy, Matchless Misfortune
'Can you see anybody as kind as Nityananda Prabhu, as kind as Gurudev? If you hear Nityananda Prabhu's glorification, tears will come automatically, stone will be melted, but our heart is so hard, nothing happens, nothing changes in us.'

We are so proud of our service, we have so much ego, 'We are doing this and that, and that,' but Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead—we cannot do anything for Him!