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(5/9) Varahadev's Appearance

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Ekachakra Dham, morning class before parikrama
17 February 2019, part 5
Translated from Bengali


Please tell the pujari offer bhog to Varahadev. Today is the appearance day of Lord Varahadev. Do you know it? This year, according to the calendar calculations, His appearance fell on the same day as Nityananda Prabhu's appearance day. We fasted in honour of Lord Varahadev's appearance yesterday, and today they must make archan and then offer special bhog to Varahadev.

Lord Varahadev (the boar incarnation of the Lord) is actually Lord Narayana or Vishnu. The original form of Lord Narayan or Vishnu is four-armed. I told you earlier that the body of the Lord is one but it manifests itself as two forms – what are these two forms? Krishna and Balaram. Balaram is Mul-Sankarsan. Remember this. You come here, listen to Hari-katha, and when you come back to your homes, you must tells others what you have heard. Just as teachers read lessons from books to pupils at school, I have also got now an opportunity to tell you something about Nityananda Prabhu by the mercy of Gurudev, so I am telling you the things that I have read in various sources. So, Mul-Sankarsan is the controller of everything in this world. Brahma creates and controls the fourteen worlds, and there are thousands and millions of Brahmas existing in the world. But Nityananda Prabhu is Mul-Sankarsan, He is the origin of Sankarsan. Sankarsan, Aniruddha, Vasudev and Pradyumna are the primary four expansions coming directly from Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu also manifests Himself as Garbhodakasayi Vishnu, Ksirodakasayi Vishnu, and Karanodakasayi Vishnu. If you read Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, you will find it described that. When you can understand these things, you will like it very much (when I read it and understood these things, I liked it very much). So, the Lord manifests Himself in all those primary forms, and then there are also the ten incarnations of the Lord: Matsya avatar, Kurma avatar, Varaha avatar, Nrisingha avatar, Vaman avatar, Parasurama avatar, Rama avatar, Baladev avatar, Buddha avatar, Kalki avatar.

Today, the Lord appeared as Varahadev, assumed the form of a boar. At another time, the Lord assumed the form of a tortoise, coming as Kurmadev. When we went to South India, we visited a place called Kurmaksetra where Lord Kurmadev appeared. Kurmadev is the Lord of the earth, or soil.

There were two gatekeepers in Vaikuntha called Jay and Vijay who had to take birth in this world three times: as Hiranyakasipu and Hiranyaksa in Satya-yuga, as Rama and Kumbhakarna in Treta-yuga and as Dantavakra and Sisupal in Dvapar-yuga. They were rescued three times, in three different ages. Lord Narayan asked them, 'Will you be born as My devotees or as My enemies? If you decide to become My friends and worship Me, then it will take you seven births to come back to Me. And if you choose to become My enemies, it will take you three births.' Jay and Vijay replied, 'O Lord, we want to return to You as soon as possible, so if we are born as demons, it is well and good – we will fight with You, but then we will be rescued fast.' In this way, by the wish of the Lord, they were born as demons and started harassing gods and sadhus. The gods had to actually flee heaven to save themselves from these demons. Everything happens by the will of Krishna. Even Indra, the King of Heaven, had to flee. All 330,000,000 demigods had to flee heaven and roam the world, running away in fear of Hiranyakasipu and Hiranyaksa. Then, assuming the form of Varahadev, a boar, the Lord slew Hiranyaksa.

After Hiranyaksa died, Hiranyakasipu became even more enraged. Understanding that he was now alone, he went to the forest where he performed austerity and meditated on Lord Brahma during thousands of years. Pleased with Hiranyakasipu's tapasya, Brahma gave him a boon that nobody in this world would be able to kill him, that he would not be killed with any weapon, he would be killed neither during the day nor during the night, neither outside nor inside, and so on. You know this story. But Lord Nrisingha is the Lord! Such a miraculous exploit took place then! His intelligence is greater than the intelligence of all living entities in the world, including all gods and goddesses, taken together! The Lord appeared assuming the form of Nrisingha, half-man and half-lion. Hiranyakasipu received the boon that he would be killed neither during the day nor during the night, but at the time of sunset and sunrise, there is a moment when it is neither day nor night. He received the boon that he would be killed neither outside nor inside, but the Lord killed him in the doorway of the house (it is neither outside nor inside). He received the boon that he would be killed neither on the ground nor in the air, but the Lord killed the demon placing him on His thigh and tearing out his intestines with His claws! The Lord did not use any weapon (no knife, no stick, nothing!) – He ripped the demon apart with His own nails and, taking out his intestines, put them on his neck as a garland. After that, He discarded him. The body of the demon fell dead, but his soul went back to the Lord.

Prahlad Maharaj gave up his father to get the Lord, but when the Lord appeared and wanted to give him a boon, he prayed to the Lord for him, 'O Lord! My father has done much wrong, he has hit Your holy body also... Please forgive him...' Hiranyakasipu hit the Lord one time – Nrisinghadev wanted to play, so He decided to see how much strength Hiranyakasipu had. At some point during their fight, Nrisinghadev let go off Hiranyakasipu, and Hiranyakasipu hit Him at that time. Then, Nrisinghadev decided not to wait anymore, and He tore His chest apart.

Anyhow, today is the appearance day of Lord Varahadev. We fasted in honour of His appearance yesterday (the fast fell on the dvadasi day this year). It is necessary to fast on his appearance day. The bhog will be offered very soon, and when the time comes, please break the fast quickly. And we will speak about Nityananda Prabhu now....


— : • : —





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Size: 44.4 Mb
Length: 87 min
Language: Bengali




1) Approaching Nityananda
2) Ardent Appeal
3) How to Attain Mercy
4) Nityananda Prabhu's Campaign
5) Varahadev's Appearance
6) Vishnu, Krishna and Nitai
7) Raghunath's Release
8) Flow of Nityananda Prabhu's Mercy
9) Shower of Nityananda Prabhu's Mercy




Service Encouragement
'If you have even a little desire to serve the Guru, the Guru will come and take service from you—Krishna will come and take service from you. The Lord always searches, always hankers and desires to take service from the devotees.'

They have chastity for the Lord, chastity for their Guru, and they have no other desires, that is why they can run their life easily—no shortage of money, no problems.