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Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and Other Places


jaya gaura nityananda advaita sahita
jaya gadadhara jaya srivasa pandita [1]

jaya–All glory gaura–to Gaura sahita–with nityananda–Nityananda [and] advaita–Advaita! jaya–All glory gadadhara–to Gadadhar! jaya–All glory srivasa pandita–to Srivas Pandit! [1]

All glory to Gauranga, Nityananda, and Advaita! All glory to Gadadhar and Srivas Pandit!

jaya navadvipa suddha prema-bhakti-dhama
jaya jaya jaya gaura-nityananda-nama [2]

jaya–All glory navadvipa–to Nabadwip, suddha prema-bhakti-dhama–the abode of pure love and devotion! jaya jaya jaya–All glory gaura-nityananda-nama–to the Names of Gaura and Nityananda! [2]

All glory to Nabadwip, the abode of pure love and devotion! All glory to the Names of Gaura and Nityananda!

sunahe kalira jiva chhadi' jnana karma
nitai chaitanya bhaja tyaji' dharmadharma [3]

jiva–O souls kalira–of Kali-yuga, sunahe–listen! chhadi'–Abandon jnana–renunciation [and] karma–exploitation, tyaji'–reject dharmadharma–religion and irreligion, [and] bhaja–serve nitai–Nitai [and] chaitanya–Chaitanya! [3]

O souls of Kali-yuga, listen! Abandon renunciation and exploitation, reject religion and irreligion, and serve Nitai and Chaitanya!

dayara samudra sei gaura-nityananda
akatare dibe bhai sara vrajananda [4]

sei gaura-nityananda–Gaura and Nityananda [are] samudra–oceans dayara–of mercy. bhai–Brother! akatare–Freely, dibe–They will give [you] sara–the essence vrajananda–of Vraja's joy. [4]

They are oceans of mercy. Brother! They will freely give you the essence of Vraja's joy.

yamini prabhata haile nityananda-raya
jivere la-iya dhama-bhramanete yaya [5]

yamini prabhata haile–When dawn came, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray la-iya–took jivere–Jiva [and] dhama-bhramanete yaya–went out to tour the Dham. [5]

At dawn, Nityananda Ray took Jiva and went out to tour the Dham.

bale, "dekha jiva ei grama manohara
ekhana brahmana-pura dake sarva-nara [6]

bale–He said, "jiva–Jiva, dekha–look ei manohara grama–at this beautiful village. sarva-nara–Everyone ekhana–now dake–calls [it] brahmana-pura–Brahmanpur. [6]

He said, "Jiva, look at this beautiful village. Everyone now calls it Brahmanpur.

brahmana-puskara nama sarva-sastre kaya
hetha ye rahasya taha ati guhya haya [7]

sarva-sastre–All the scriptures kaya–say [its] nama–name [is] brahmana-puskara–Brahman Puskar. ye taha rahasya–The Pastime that [happened] hetha–here haya–is ati–very guhya–confidential. [7]

"All the scriptures call it Brahman Puskara. A very confidential Pastime took place here.

satya-yuge diva-dasa namete brahmana
grha tyaji' kare sarva-tirtha darasana [8]

satya-yuge–During Satya-yuga, brahmana–a brahman namete–named diva-dasa–Diva Das tyaji'–left grha–home [and] darasana kare–visted sarva-tirtha–all the holy places. [8]

"During Satya-yuga, a brahman named Diva Das left home and visited all the holy places.

puskara-tirthete tara haila bada prita
tathapi bhramite navadvipe upasthita [9]

tara bada prita haila–He felt the greatest joy puskara-tirthete–at Puskara Tirtha. tathapi–Still, bhramite–he travelled [and] upasthita–came navadvipe–to Nabadwip. [9]

"He felt the greatest joy at Puskara Tirtha. Still, he travelled, and eventually he came to Nabadwip.

ei sthane ratri-yoge dekhila svapana
'hetha vasa kara vipra pabe nitya-dhana' [10]

ei sthane–Here, ratri-yoge–during the night, svapana dekhila–he had a dream [in which he was told,] 'vipra–'O brahman, vasa kara–reside hetha–here [and] pabe–you will attain nitya-dhana'–eternal wealth.' [10]

"Here, during the night, he had a dream in which he was told, 'O brahman, reside here and you will attain eternal wealth.'

ei sthane kutira bandhiya diva-dasa
vrddha-kalavadhi te̐ha karilena vasa [11]

diva-dasa–Diva Das bandhiya–built kutira–a cottage ei sthane–here. te̐ha–He vasa karilena–resided [here] vrddha-kalavadhi–into his old age. [11]

"Diva Das built a cottage and resided here into his old age.

vrddha-kale chalite asakta dvija-vara
ichchha haila 'ebe ami dekhiba puskara' [12]

vrddha-kale–In [his] old age, dvija-vara–the great brahman [was] asakta–unable chalite–to travel [but] ichchha haila–he desired, 'ami dekhiba–'May I see puskara–Puskara ebe'–now.' [12]

"In his old age, the great brahman was unable to travel, but he desired to see Puskara.

chalite na pare dvija karaya krandana
'ara na paiba ami puskara darsana' [13]

pare na–Unable chalite–to travel, dvija–the brahman krandana karaya–cried, 'ami–'I darsana paiba na–will never see puskara–Puskara ara'–again.' [13]

"Unable to travel, the brahman cried, 'I will never see Puskara again.'

takhana puskara-raja sadaya ha-ila
dvija-rupe diva-dase darasana dila [14]

takhana–Then, puskara-raja–the Lord of Puskara sadaya ha-ila–felt compassion [and] darasan dila–revealed [himself] diva-dase–to Diva Das dvija-rupe–in the form of a brahman. [14]

"The Lord of Puskara felt compassion and revealed himself to Diva Das in the form of a brahman.

diva-dase bale, 'vipra na kara krandana
tomara sammukhe ei kunda susobhana [15]

bale–He said diva-dase–to Diva Das, 'vipra–'O brahman, krandana kara na–do not cry. [There is] ei susobhana kunda–a beautiful pond sammukhe–in front tomara–of you. [15]

"He said to Diva Das, 'O brahman, do not cry. There is a beautiful pond in front of you.

ei kunde snana tumi kara eka-bara
pratyaksa ha-ibe tirtha puskara tomara' [16]

tumi snana kara–Bathe ei kunde–in this pond eka-bara–once, [and] tomara pratyaksa ha-ibe–you will see puskara tirtha'–Puskara Tirtha.' [16]

"'Bathe in this pond once, and you will see Puskara Tirtha.'

taha suni' kunde snana kare dvija-vara
divya-chaksu labhi' dekhe sammukhe puskara [17]

suni'–Hearing taha–this, dvija-vara–the great brahman snana kare–bathed kunde–in the pond. labhi'–Attaining divya-chaksu–divine eyes, dekhe–he saw puskara–Puskara sammukhe–before him. [17]

"Hearing this, the great brahman bathed in the pond. Attaining divine eyes, he saw Puskara before him.

krandana kariya dvija puskare balila
'ama lagi' bada klesa tomara ha-ila' [18]

krandana kariya–Crying, dvija–the brahman balila–said puskare–to Puskara, 'tomara bada klesa ha-ila–'You have taken great trouble ama lagi'–for me.' [18]

"Crying, the brahman said to Puskara, 'You have taken great trouble for me.'

puskara balena, 'suna dvija bhagyavan
dura haite na asinu hetha vidyamana [19]

puskara–Puskara balena–said, 'bhagyavan dvija–'O fortunate brahman, suna–listen! asinu na–I have not come haite–from dura–far away. vidyamana–I live hetha–here. [19]

"Puskara said, 'Listen, O fortunate brahman! I have not come from far away. I live here.

ei navadvipa-dhama sarva-tirthamaya
navadvipe sevi' hetha thake tirtha-chaya [20]

ei navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham sarva-tirthamaya–contains all holy places; tirtha-chaya–all holy places thake–reside hetha–here [and] sevi'–serve navadvipe–Nabadwip. [20]

"'Nabadwip Dham contains all holy places; all holy places reside here and serve Nabadwip.

amara svarupa eka paschatye prakasa
nije ami ei sthane nitya kari vasa [21]

eka–One amara svarupa–form of mine prakasa–exists paschatye–in the west (of India), [but] ami–I nije–myself vasa kari–live ei sthane–here nitya–eternally. [21]

"'Although a form of mine exists in the west, I myself live here eternally.

sata-bara keha sei tirthe kari' snana
yei phala paya hetha se phala vidhana [22]

keha–Souls paya–attain hetha–here yei phala se phala–the result vidhana–attained snana kari'–by bathing sata-bara–a hundred times sei tirthe–there. [22]

"'Souls attain here the result attained by bathing a hundred times there.

ataeva navadvipa chhadi' yei jana
anya tirtha asa kare se mudha durjana [23]

ataeva–Thus, yei se jana–anyone who chhadi'–leaves navadvipa–Nabadwip [and] asa kare–desires [to visit] anya–other tirtha–holy places [is] mudha durjana–a foolish, unfortunate soul. [23]

"'Thus, anyone who leaves Nabadwip desiring to visit other holy places is a foolish, unfortunate soul.

sarva-tirtha bhrami' yadi haya phalodaya
navadvipa tabe tara vasa-sthana haya [24]

yadi–When phalodaya haya–souls attain the result bhrami'–of visiting sarva-tirtha–all other holy places, tabe–then navadvipa–Nabadwip haya–becomes tara–their vasa-sthana–place of residence. [24]

"'When souls attain the result of visiting all other holy places, then they can reside in Nabadwip.

ai dekha uchcha-sthana hattera samana
kuruksetra brahmavarta tatha vidyamana [25]

dekha–See ai–there uchcha-sthana–the raised area [that] hattera samana–resembles a market. kuruksetra–Kuruksetra [and] brahmavarta–Brahmavarta vidyamana–exist tatha–there. [25]

"'See there the raised area that resembles a market. Kuruksetra and Brahmavarta exist there.

sarasvati drsadvati dui parse tara
ati sobha paya punya karaye vistara [26]

tara dui parse–On its two sides [are] sarasvati–the Saraswati [and] drsadvati–Drsadvati. [It] ati sobha paya–shines brightly [and] punya vistara karaye–bestows good fortune. [26]

"'With the Saraswati and Drsadvati Rivers on its two sides, it shines brightly and bestows good fortune.

ohe vipra gudha katha baliba tomaya
ati alpa kale habe ananda hethaya [27]

ohe–O vipra–brahman, baliba–I will tell tomaya–you gudha katha–a secret. ati alpa kale–Within a very short time, habe–there will be ananda–joy hethaya–here. [27]

"'O brahman, I will tell you a secret. Very soon there will be great joy here.

mayapure sachi-grhe gauranga-sundara
prakata ha-iya prema vilabe vistara [28]

gauranga-sundara–Gaurangasundar prakata ha-iya–will appear sachi-grhe–in the home of Sachi mayapure–in Mayapur [and] vistara vilabe–broadly distribute prema–divine love. [28]

"'Gaurangasundar will appear in the home of Sachi in Mayapur and broadly distribute divine love.

ei saba sthane prabhu bhakta-vrnda laye
sankirtana-rase nachibena matta haye [29]

ei saba sthane–In all these places, prabhu–the Lord nachibena–will dance sankirtana-rase–in the ecstasy of sankirtan laye–with bhakta-vrnda–the devotees [and] matta haye–become mad. [29]

"'In all these places, the Lord will dance in the ecstasy of sankirtan with the devotees and become mad.

sarva-avatare chhila ye ye bhakta-gana
sakale la-iya prabhu karibe kirtana [30]

prabhu–The Lord karibe–will perform kirtana–kirtan la-iya–with ye ye bhakta-gana sakale–all the devotees sarva-avatare chhila–of all the previous Avatars. [30]

"'The Lord will perform kirtan with all the devotees of all His previous Avatars.

prema-vanya jale sarva-jagat bhasabe
kutarkika vina sabe mahaprema pabe [31]

bhasabe–He will inundate sarva-jagat–the entire world prema-vanya jale–with a flood of divine love. sabe–Everyone vina–except kutarkika–the speculators pabe–will attain mahaprema–intense divine love. [31]

"'He will inundate the entire world with a flood of divine love. Everyone except the speculators will attain intense divine love.

ei dhama-nistha kari' yeba kare vasa
tare mile gaura-pada ohe diva-dasa [32]

ohe–O diva-dasa–Diva Das, yeba tare–souls who dhama-nistha kari'–are faithful to the abode [and] vasa kare–reside ei–here mile–will reach gaura-pada–the feet of Gaura. [32]

"'O Diva Das, souls who are faithful to the Dham and reside here will reach the feet of Gaura.

koti koti varsa kari' sri-krsna-bhajana
tathapi namete rati na paya durjana [33]

durjana–Unfortunate souls sri-krsna-bhajana kari'–worship Krishna koti koti varsa–for billions of years tathapi–but paya na–do not attain rati–attraction namete–to [His] Name. [33]

"Unfortunate souls worship Krishna for billions of years but do not attain attraction to His Name.

gauranga bhajile dusta-bhava dure yaya
alpa dine vraja-dhame radha-krsna paya [34]

bhajile–If souls worship gauranga–Gauranga, [their] dusta-bhava–wickedness yaya–goes dure–away, [and they] alpa dine–quickly paya–attain radha-krsna–Radha and Krishna vraja-dhame–in Vraja Dham. [34]

"'If souls worship Gauranga, their wickedness goes away, and they quickly attain Radha and Krishna in Vraja Dham.

nija siddha-deha paya sakhira asraya
nija kunja sri-yugala-seva tara haya [35]

paya–They attain nija–their siddha-deha–spiritual body [and] sakhira asraya–the shelter of the sakhis, [and] tara sri-yugala-seva haya–serve the Divine Couple nija kunja–in their own grove. [35]

"'They attain their spiritual body and the shelter of the sakhis, and serve the Divine Couple in their own grove.

ohe vipra hetha thaki' karaha bhajana
saparsade sri-gauranga pabe darasana' [36]

ohe–O vipra–brahman, thaki'–stay [and] bhajana karaha–serve hetha–here. darasana pabe–You will see sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga saparsade'–with [His] associates.' [36]

"'O brahman, stay and serve here. You will see Sri Gauranga with His associates.'

ei katha bali' tirtha-raja gela chali'
sunila akasa-vani aise, 'dhanya kali [37]

katha bali'–Saying ei–this, tirtha-raja–the Lord of Puskara chali' gela–left. sunila–The brahman [then] heard akasa-vani aise–a voice come from the sky, 'dhanya–Glory kali–to the Age of Kali! [37]

"Saying this, the Lord of Puskara left. The brahman then heard a voice come from the sky, 'Glory to the Age of Kali!

tumi vipra sei kale janmibe abara
sri-gaura-kirtana preme dibe ta santara' [38]

vipra–O brahman, tumi–you janmibe–will be born abara–again sei kale–at that time [and] ta santara dibe–swim preme–in the divine love sri-gaura-kirtana'–of Sri Gaura's kirtan.' [38]

"'O brahman, you will be born again at that time and swim in the divine love of Sri Gaura's kirtan.'

eta suni diva-dasa nischinta ha-ila
ei kunda-tire vasi' bhajana karila" [39]

suni'–Hearing eta–this, diva-dasa–Diva Das nischinta ha-ila–became fearless. vasi'–He resided ei kunda-tire–on the bank of the pond [and] bhajana karila"–performed worship." [39]

"Hearing this, Diva Das became fearless. He resided on the bank of the pond and performed worship."

e saba purana katha sri-jive kahiya
uchcha-hatta kuruksetre pravesila giya [40]

kahiya–After telling sri-jive–Sri Jiva e saba purana katha–these ancient stories, giya pravesila–Nityananda entered uchcha-hatta kuruksetre–Uchcha Hatta, Kuruksetra. [40]

After telling Sri Jiva these ancient stories, Nityananda entered Uchcha Hatta, Kuruksetra.

nityananda bale, "hetha sarva-deva-gana
kuruksetra tirtha saha kaila agamana [41]

nityananda–Nityananda bale–said, "sarva-deva-gana–"All the gods agamana kaila–came hetha–here saha–with kuruksetra tirtha–Kuruksetra Tirtha. [41]

Nityananda said, "All the gods came here with Kuruksetra Tirtha.

brahmavarte kuruksetre yata tirtha chhila
sarva-tirtha asi' hetha viraja karila [42]

sarva-tirtha–All the holy places, yata tirtha–all the holy places [that] chhila–were brahmavarte kuruksetre–in Brahmavarta and Kuruksetra, asi'–came [and] viraja karila–resided hetha–here. [42]

"All the holy places in Brahmavarta and Kuruksetra came and resided here.

prthudaka adi kari' saba hetha vaise
sabe navadvipa seva kare anayase" [43]

prthudaka–Prthudaka adi saba–and all the other holy places kari' vaise–resided hetha–here. sabe–They all seva kare–served navadvipa–Nabadwip anayase"–without difficulty." [43]

"Prthudaka and the other holy places resided here and served Nabadwip without difficulty."

sata-varsa kuruksetre vase yei phala
hetha eka-ratra vase labhe se sakala [44]

vase–By staying hetha–here eka-ratra–for one night, labhe–souls attain yei se sakala phala–the full result vase–of residing kuruksetre–in Kuruksetra sata-varsa–for a hundred years. [44]

By staying here for one night, souls attain the full result of residing in Kuruksetra for a hundred years.

prabhu bale, "hetha vasa kari' deva-gana
hatta kari' gaura-katha kare alochana [45]

prabhu–The Lord bale–said, "deva-gana–"The gods vasa kari'–resided hetha–here, hatta kari'–established a market, [and] gaura-katha alochana kare–discussed Gaura. [45]

Nityananda Prabhu continued, "The gods resided here, established a market, and discussed Gauranga.

hatta-danga bali' nama ha-ila ihara
ihara darsane paya prema-parabara [46]

ihara–Its nama–name bali' ha-ila–became hatta-danga–Hattadanga ('upland market'). ihara darsane–By seeing it, prema-parabara paya–souls enter an ocean of divine love. [46]

"The name of this place thus became Hattadanga. By seeing this place, souls enter an ocean of divine love.

ei eka sima jiva dekha nadiyara
ebe chala yai mora bhagirathi para" [47]

jiva–O Jiva, dekha–see [here.] ei–This [is] eka–one sima–of the boundaries nadiyara–of Nadia. ebe–Now mora chala para yai–let us go and cross bhagirathi"–the Ganga." [47]

"O Jiva, see here one of the boundaries of Nadia. Let us now cross the Ganga."

bhagirathi para haye madhyahna samaya
koladvipe nityananda ha-ila udaya [48]

para haye–Crossing bhagirathi–the Ganga, nityananda–Nityananda udaya ha-ila–arrived koladvipe–in Koladwip madhyahna samaya–at midday. [48]

Crossing the Ganga, Nityananda Prabhu arrived in Koladwip at midday.

kuliyapahadapure yaite yaite
sri-jive nitaichanda lagila kahite [49]

yaite yaite–While going kuliyapahadapure–to Kuliyapahadapur, nitaichanda–Nitaichand lagila–began kahite–to speak sri-jive–to Sri Jiva. [49]

On the way to Kuliyapahadapur, Nitaichand spoke to Sri Jiva.

"ye krame ainu mora haye ganga para
sei krama siddha-krama parikrama-sara [50]

"ye krame sei krama–"The way mora–we ainu–have come, para haye–crossing ganga–the Ganga, [is] siddha-krama–the proper way parikrama-sara–to best circumambulate [the Dham]. [50]

"The way we have come, crossing the Ganga, is the proper way to circumambulate the Dham.

yabe prabhu sri-chaitanya laye nija-gana
karilena sri-chaudda-madala sankirtana [51]

kajire sodhite prabhu sandhya agamane
mayapura chhadi' chale laye bhakta-jane [52]

[One] sandhya–evening, yabe–when sri-chaitanya prabhu–Lord Sri Chaitanya, [along] laye–with nija-gana–His associates, karilena–performed sankirtana–sankirtan [with] sri-chaudda-madala–fourteen mrdangas, prabhu–the Lord chhadi' chale–left mayapura–Mayapur laye–with bhakta-jane–the devotees [and] agamane–came sodhite–to purify kajire–the Kazi. [51–52]

"One evening, while performing sankirtan with fourteen mrdangas, Sri Chaitanya left Mayapur with His associates and came to purify the Kazi.

sei ratra brahma-ratra sighra nahe sesa
ei krame mahaprabhu bhrame nija-desa [53]

sei ratra–That night, brahma-ratra–[like] a night of Brahma, sesa nahe–did not end sighra–quickly. mahaprabhu–Mahaprabhu bhrame–toured nija-desa–His abode ei krame–in this way. [53]

"That night, like a night of Brahma, did not end quickly. Mahaprabhu toured His abode in this way.

tarapara prati ekadasi-tithi dhari'
bhramila amara prabhu sankirtana kari' [54]

tarapara–Thereafter, amara–My prabhu–Lord bhramila–toured sankirtana kari'–performing sankirtan prati ekadasi-tithi dhari'–on every Ekadasi. [54]

"Thereafter, My Lord toured performing sankirtan on every Ekadasi.

kabhu pancha-krosa bhrame antardvipamaya
kabhu asta-krosa bhrame yena mane laya [55]

kabhu–Sometimes bhrame–He toured pancha-krosa–the ten miles antardvipamaya–of Antardwip, [and] kabhu–sometimes, yena–as mane laya–He desired, bhrame–He toured asta-krosa–for sixteen miles. [55]

"Sometimes He toured the ten miles of Antardwip, and sometimes, as He desired, He toured for sixteen miles.

nija grha haite barakona ghata chhadi'
dirghika vestane yaya sridharera badi [56]

haite–From nija grha–His home, chhadi'–He would leave barakona ghata–Barakona Ghat [and] yaya–go vestane–around dirghika–Ballal Dirghika sridharera badi–to Sridhar's house. [56]

"From His home, He would leave Barakona Ghat and go around Ballal Dirghika to Sridhar's house.

tatha haite antardvipa sima bhrami' ase
pancha-krosa parikrama haya anayase [57]

haite–From tatha–there, bhrami'–He would tour sima–around the boundary antardvipa–of Antardwip [and] ase–return. [In this way,] parikrama haya–He would circumambulate pancha-krosa–the ten miles anayase–easily. [57]

"From there, He would tour around the boundary of Antardwip and then return. In this way, He would easily circumambulate for ten miles.

simuliya haye kaji-grhe bedi' chale
sridhare sambhasi' aise gadigachha sthale [58]

[Other times,] haye–passing simuliya–Simuliya, bedi' chale–He would go kaji-grhe–to the house of the Kazi, sambhasi'–speak sridhare–with Sridhar, [and then] aise–come gadigachha sthale–to the place of Gadigachha. [58]

"Other times, passing Simuliya, He would go to the house of the Kazi, speak with Sridhar, and then come to Gadigachha.

majida haite haya bhagirathi para
paradanga chhinadanga pulina vistara [59]

haite–From majida–Majida, para haya–He would cross bhagirathi–the Ganga [and tour] paradanga–Paradanga [and] chhinadanga–Chhinadanga vistara pulina–along the broad riverbank. [59]

"From Majida, He would cross the Ganga and tour Paradanga and Chhinadanga along the broad riverbank.

chhadiya jahnavi para ha-iya takhana
asta-krosa bhrami' chale apana bhavana [60]

takhana–Then chhadiya–He would leave, para ha-iya–cross jahnavi–the Ganga, [and] chale–return apana bhavana–to His home, [thus] bhrami'–touring asta-krosa–for sixteen miles. [60]

"Then He would cross the Ganga again and return to His home, thus touring for sixteen miles.

siddha parikrama haya purna sola-krosa
sei parikrama kaile prabhura santosa [61]

siddha parikrama–A complete circumambulation haya–is purna sola-krosa–the full thirty-two miles. prabhura santosa–The Lord is pleased kaile–if someone performs sei–this parikrama–circumambulation. [61]

"A complete circumambulation is the full thirty-two miles. The Lord is pleased if someone completes this.

sei parikrama ami tomare karai
ihara samana parikrama ara nai [62]

ami–I karai–am taking tomare–you sei parikrama–on that circumambulation. nai–There is no ara–other parikrama–circumambulation ihara samana–equal to it. [62]

"I am taking you on this complete circumambulation. There is no circumambulation equal to it.

vrndavana sola-krosa dvadasa kanana
ei parikrama madhye pabe darasana [63]

madhye–During ei–this parikrama–circumambulation, darasana pabe–you will see sola-krosa–the thirty-two miles [and] dvadasa kanana–the twelve forests vrndavana–of Vrindavan. [63]

"During this circumambulation, you will see all thirty-two miles of the Dham and the twelve forests of Vrindavan.

nava-ratre ei parikrama sesa haya
nava-ratra bali' nama sastre kaya [64]

ei–This parikrama–circumambulation sesa haya–is completed nava-ratre–over the course of nine nights; sastre–the scriptures nama bali' kaya–call [it] nava-ratra–'nine nights'. [64]

"This circumambulation is completed over the course of nine nights; the scriptures call it the 'nava-ratra parikrama'.

pancha-krosa parikrama eka-dine kare
ratra-traya asta-krosa parikrama dhare [65]

kare–Devotees perform pancha-krosa parikrama–the ten-mile circumambulation eka-dine–in one day [and] dhare–complete asta-krosa parikrama–the sixteen-mile circumambulation ratra-traya–over the course of three nights. [65]

"Devotees perform the ten-mile circumambulation in one day and complete the sixteen-mile circumambulation over the course of three nights.

eka-ratra mayapure dvitiya godrume
puline trtiya ratra ei krame bhrame" [66]

eka-ratra–One night [is] mayapure–in Mayapur. dvitiya–The second [is] godrume–in Godrumadwip. trtiya ratra–The third night [is] puline–in Sri Pulina. bhrame–Devotees tour ei krame"–in this way." [66]

"One night is in Mayapur, the second is in Godrumadwip, and the third night is in Sri Pulina. Devotees tour in this way."

suni' parikrama-tattva jiva-mahasaya
premete adhairya haye kata-ksana raya [67]

suni'–Hearing parikrama-tattva–about the process of circumambulation, jiva-mahasaya–Jiva Goswami adhairya haye raya–became overwhelmed premete–with divine love kata-ksana–for some time. [67]

Hearing about the process of circumambulation, Sri Jiva Goswami became overwhelmed with divine love for some time.

nitai-jahnava-pada-chhaya asa yara
nadiya-mahima varne akinchana chhara [68]

akinchana chhara–This poor, fallen soul, yara–whose asa–aspiration [is] nitai-jahnava-pada-chhaya–the shade of Nitai and Jahnava's feet, varne–describes mahima–the glories nadiya–of Nadia. [68]

This poor, fallen soul, whose aspiration is the shade of Nitai and Jahnava's feet, describes the glories of Nadia.



⇐ (9) Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa

(11) Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev ⇒


· Translator's Note
· Publishers' Notes
· Sri Navadvipa-dhama-parikramaya Ahvana
· Preface
· Sriman Navadvipa-dhama-vandana

Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya:
The Glories of the Dham
The Nature and Dimensions of the Dham
Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham
Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham
Sri Mayapur and Antardvip
Visiting Sri Ganga Nagar, Sri Prthu Kunda, Sri Simantadwip, Sri Visram Sthan, and Other Places
Sri Suvarna Bihar and Sri Deva Palli
Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma
Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa
Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and other places
Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev
Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda
Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip
Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila
Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina
Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila
Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers
The Removal of Sri Jiva Goswami's Doubts and His Travelling to Vrindavan

Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga

Sri Gaura Krishna Tattva
The Land of Sweetness
The Ten Offences to the Holy Dham
