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jaya gaurachandra jaya nityananda jaya–All glory gaurachandra–to Gaurachandra! jaya–All glory nityananda–to Nityananda! jaya jaya–All glory gadadhara–to Gadadhar! jaya–All glory srivasadi–to Srivas and all the devotees of the Lord! jaya–All glory bhaktalaya–to the home of the devotees, navadvipa-dhama-vara–the best of abodes, Nabadwip! [1] All glory to Gaurachandra, Nityananda, Gadadhar, Srivas, all the devotees of the Lord! All glory to their home, the best of abodes, Sri Nabadwip!
nisi avasane matta gaura-gane magana–Immersed premete–in divine love [and] matta–madly gaura-gane–chanting about Gaura, nityananda–Nityananda chalilena–departed sange–with bhakta-gana–the devotees avasane–at the end nisi–of the night, vistariya–distributing parananda–divine joy. [2] Immersed in divine love and madly chanting about Gauranga, Nityananda departed with the devotees at the end of the night, distributing divine joy.
madhyadvipe asi' bale hasi' hasi' asi'–Coming madhyadvipe–into Madhyadwip [and] hasi' hasi'–laughing, bale–Nityananda Prabhu said, "ei ta–This [is] majida grama–the village of Majida. sapta-rsi–The seven sages suvisrama karilena–resided hetha–here [and] bhaji'–worshipped gaura-sasi–the moon-like Sri Gaura. [3] Coming into Madhyadwip and laughing, Nityananda Prabhu said, "This is Majida Gram. The seven sages resided here and worshipped the moon-like Sri Gaura.
pitr-sannidhane gaura-guna-gane satya-yuge–During Satya-yuga, rsi-gana–the sages magana ha-iya–became immersed gaura-guna-gane–in chanting Gaura's glories [and] takhana–then yachila–prayed pitr-sannidhane–to [their] father nitya-dhana–for the eternal wealth gaura-prema–of divine love for Gaura. [4] "During Satya-yuga, the sages became immersed in chanting Gaura's glories and prayed to their father, Brahma, for the eternal wealth of divine love for Gauranga.
brahma chaturmukha peye bada sukha chaturmukha brahma–Four-headed Brahma peye–felt bada–great sukha–joy [and] tabe–then bale–said sapta-putre–to [his] seven sons, 'yao–'Go navadvipe–to Nabadwip [and] gao–chant gaura-guna–the glories of Gaura. anayase–Easily, prema habe–you will attain divine love. [5] "Four-headed Brahma felt great joy and said to his seven sons*, 'Go to Nabadwip and chant the glories of Gaura. You will easily attain divine love. * According to the Visnu-purana (3.1.32), the seven rsis of the current manvantara are Atri, Bharadvaja, Gautama, Jamadagni, Kasyapa, Vasistha, and Visvamitra. In previous eras, these and numerous other rsis served in this capacity. Because the seven rsis are described here as sons of Lord Brahma, the seven rsis who received Sriman Mahaprabhu's mercy may have been Angira, Atri, Kratu, Marichi, Pulaha, Pulastya, and Vasistha, as this group is the only group of rsis listed as the seven rsis in the scriptures (in this case the Brhat-samhita) in which all seven of the rsis are sons of Brahma.
dhama-krpa sara labha haya yara dhama-krpa–The mercy of the abode [of the Lord] [is] sara–supreme. yara tara–Those who labha haya–attain [it,] sadhu-sanga haya–attain the association of the sadhus. bhaje–Serving sadhu-sange–in the association of the sadhus, maje–becoming immersed krsna-preme–in divine love for Krishna— ei ta–this [is] parama ranga–the ultimate joy. [6] "'The mercy of the Dham is supreme. Those who attain it, attain the association of the sadhus. Serving in the association of the sadhus and becoming immersed in divine love for Krishna is the ultimate joy.
navadvipe rati labhe yara mati yara sei mati–Those whose hearts labhe–develop rati–attachment navadvipe–to Nabadwip paya–attain vraja-vasa–residency in Vraja. aprakrta dhama–The supramundane Dham [and] gaurahari nama–the Name of Gaurahari [are the] kevala–only asa–desires sadhura'–of the sadhus.' [7] "'Those whose hearts develop attachment to Nabadwip attain residency in Vraja. The supramundane Dham and the Name of Gaurahari are the only desires of the sadhus.'
pitr-upadesa bujhiya visesa visesa–Properly bujhiya–understanding pitr-upadesa–the instructions of [their] father, sapta-rsi–the seven sages tabe–then asi'–came [here,] bali'–chanted 'hari'–'Hari', [and] nache–danced. yache–They prayed gaura-prema–for divine love for Gaura [and] uchcha-rave–loudly gaya–chanted [His] guna–glories. [8] "Properly understanding the instructions of their father, the seven sages came here, chanted the Name of the Lord, and danced. They prayed for divine love for Gauranga and loudly chanted His glories.
bale, 'gaurahari anugraha kari' bale–They chanted, 'gaurahari–'O Gaurahari! eka-bara–Once anugraha kari'–mercifully dekha dao–reveal [Yourself]. sadhi'–Practising nana–various dharma–dharmas, hainu–we became aparadhi–offenders, [but] ebe–now kainu–we have accepted bhakti–devotion [to be] sara'–all-in-all.' [9] "They prayed, 'O Gaurahari! Just once mercifully reveal Yourself to us. Practising various dharmas, we became offenders, but we have now accepted devotion to be all-in-all.'
bhakti-nistha kari' bhaji' gaurahari rsi-gana–The sages kare–performed tapa–austerities [and] bhaji'–served gaurahari–Gaurahari bhakti-nistha kari'–with firm devotion. khaya–They ate kichhu nahi–nothing, nahi yaya–never went nidra–to sleep, [and] japa kare–constantly chanted gaura-nama–the Name of Gaura. [10] "The sages performed austerities and served Gaurahari with firm devotion. They ate nothing, never went to sleep, and constantly chanted the Name of Gaura.
madhyahna samaya gaura dayamaya madhyahna samaya–At midday, dayamaya–merciful gaura–Gaura, sane–in the company suddha pancha-tattva–of the divine Pancha Tattva (Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhar, and Srivas), dekha dila–revealed [Himself] rsi-gane–to the sages sata-surya-prabha–with an effulgence like that of a hundred suns, [which was] yogi-mano-lobha–alluring to the minds of yogis. [11] "Once, at midday, merciful Gauranga, in the company of the Pancha Tattva, revealed Himself to the sages. As bright as a hundred suns, His effulgence was alluring to the minds of yogis.
kiba sei rupa ati aparupa kiba–How ati aparupa–extraordinary [was] sei rupa–His form! [How] suvarna–golden [and] sundara–beautiful [was His] murti–figure! [There was] vana-mala–a forest garland gale–on [His] neck, [and] tahe sphurti–the glittering abharana–of [His] ornaments ala kare–illumined dik–the directions. [12] "How extraordinary was His form! How beautiful and golden was His figure! He had a forest garland around His neck, and the glittering of His ornaments illumined the directions.
chahani sundara chikura chanchara [His] sundara chahani–charming glance, [His] chikura chanchara–wavy hair, chandanera bindu–the spot of sandalwood paste bhale–on [His] forehead, [His] trikachchha vasana–cloth tucked three times, [His] sutra–sacred thread— [all were] susobhana–extremely beautiful [and] sobhita–beautified mallika-male–by [His] garland of jasmine flowers. [13] "His charming glance, His wavy hair, the spot of sandalwood paste on His forehead, His dhoti tucked in three places, His sacred thread—all were extremely beautiful and further beautified by His garland of jasmine flowers.
se rupa dekhiya mohita ha-iya dekhiya–Seeing se rupa–His form [and] mohita ha-iya–becoming enchanted, sabe–they nivedana kare–prayed, 'la-inu–'May we take sarana–shelter tomara charana–at Your feet. deha–Please give [us] bhakti-dhana–the wealth of devotion pade'–to [Your] feet.' [14] "Seeing His form and becoming enchanted, the sages prayed, 'May we take shelter at Your feet. Please give us the wealth of devotion to Your feet.'
suni' gaurahari bale daya kari' suni'–Hearing [their prayer,] gaurahari–Gaurahari daya kari'–mercifully bale–said, 'ohe–'O rsi-gana–sages, suna–listen! chhadi'–Leave behind abhilasa–[other] desires [and] jnana-karma-pasa–the chains of exploitation and renunciation, [and] alochana kara–discuss [only] krsna–Krishna. [15] "Hearing their prayer, Gaurahari mercifully said, 'O sages, listen! Leave behind all other desires and the chains of exploitation and renunciation, and discuss only Krishna.
svalpa dinantare nadiya nagare [My] lila–Pastimes prakata ha-ibe–will manifest svalpa dinantare–after a short time nadiya nagare–in the city of Nadia, [and] tumi sabe–you all darsana karibe–will see [My] nama-sankirtana-khela–Pastime of chanting [My] Name tabe–then. [16] "'My Pastimes will manifest in Nadia soon, and you all will then see My Pastime of chanting My Name.
e katha ekhana rakhaha gopana ekhana–For now, rakhaha–keep e katha–this matter gopana–secret. dhara–Remember amara–My vachana–words [and] krsnera bhajana kara–worship Krishna ghatte–at the ghat nija-krta–you made sri-kumara-hatte'–in Sri Kumar Hatta.' [17] "'For now, keep this secret. Remember My words and worship Krishna at the ghat you made in Sri Kumar Hatta.'
gaura-adarsane saptarsi takhane takhane–Then, [when] gaura-adarsane–Gaura disappeared, saptarsi–the seven sages yaya–went kumara-hattete–to Kumar Hatta. darasana kara–See ekhana–now sapta-tila–the seven hills sobha paya–shining e-sthane–here. [18] "When Gaura disappeared, the seven sages went to Kumar Hatta. See now the seven hills shining here.
saptarsi akase yemate prakase sapta-tila–The seven hills prakase–are arranged yemate tanra sama–just as saptarsi–the seven sages [are] akase–in the sky (as the constellation known as the 'Big Dipper'). vasa kari'–Residing hetha–here, paya–the sages attained gaurahari–Gaurahari sadhi' na–without following niyama yama–the rules and regulations (for astanga-yoga practice). [19] "They are arranged just as the seven sages are in the sky. Residing here, the sages attained Gaurahari without following the rules and regulations of yoga practice.
ihara daksine dekhaha nayane dekhaha–See nayane–with [your] eyes ihara daksine–to the south achhe–there is eka–a jaladhara–river; ei ta–this [is] gomati–the Gomati. [She is] ati supavitra–extremely pure. [See] ara–also naimisa-kanana–the Naimisa forest. [20] "See the river to the south of here; this is the Gomati. She is extremely pure. See also the Naimisa forest.
pura kalpe kali haile mahabali pura kalpe–In the previous manifestation of the universe, kali mahabali haile–as Kali became very strong, saunakadi rsi-gana sabe–Saunaka and other sages sukhe–joyfully sune–heard gaura-bhagavata-dhana–about the wealth of Lord Gaura sutera sri-mukhe–from the holy mouth of Suta Goswami. [21] "In the previous manifestation of the universe, as Kali became very strong, Saunaka and other sages joyfully heard about Lord Gaura from the holy mouth of Suta Goswami.
hetha yei jana purana pathana yei jana–Anyone who pathana karaya–recites purana–the Puranas hetha–here kartika mase–during the month of Kartik (October–November) tyaje–leaves behind sarva-klesa–all miseries, maje–becomes immersed gaura-range–in the Pastimes of Gaura, [and] anayase–easily labhe–attains vraja–Vraja. [22] "Anyone who recites the Puranas here during the month of Kartik leaves behind all miseries, becomes immersed in the Pastimes of Gaura, and easily attains Vraja.
kabhu panchanana chhadi' vrsasana kabhu–Once, panchanana–Siva chhadi'–left [his] vrsasana–bull-carrier (Nandi), sri-hamsa-vahana haye–rode [Brahma's] swan [here] apana bhakata laye–with his devotees, [and] sunila–heard purana–the Puranas [and] gaura-guna-gana–songs about the glories of Gaura. [23] "Once, Siva left Nandi, rode Brahma's swan here with his devotees, and heard the Puranas and songs about the glories of Gaura.
gaiya gaiya nachiya nachiya gaiya gaiya–Chanting [and] nachiya nachiya–dancing, yata saiva–Siva's followers, [who] kasi-vasi–resided in Kasi, gheri'–surrounded panchanane–Siva, bali'–chanted 'gaurahari'–'Gaurahari', [and] phele–threw rasi rasi–heaps puspa"–of flowers." [24] "Chanting and dancing, Siva's followers from Kasi surrounded him, chanted the Name of Gaurahari, and showered flowers."
nitai-vachana suniya takhana takhana–Then, suniya–hearing nitai-vachana–the words of Nitai, jivera bhava uthale–Jiva became ecstatic. dhairaya paya na–He lost [his] composure [and] gadagadi yaya–rolled on the ground, asvade–relishing dhama-prabhava–the glory of [the Lord's] abode. [25] Hearing the words of Nitai, Jiva became ecstatic. He lost his composure and rolled on the ground, relishing the glory of the Dham.
se dina yapana kare bhakta-gana bhakta-gana–The devotees yapana kare–spent se dina–the day nitaichandera sane–with Nitaichand. tabe–Then, para-dina–the next day, sabe–they chalilena–went darasane–to see sri-puskara–Sri Puskara. [26] The devotees spent the day there with Nitaichand. The next day, they went to see Sri Puskara.
jahnava-nitai bhajana sadai se jana yahara antare–He within whose heart sadai–constant bhajana–service jahnava-nitai–to Jahnava and Nitai jage–arises rage–lovingly gaichhe–sings bhakta-madhurima–of the sweetness of the devotees [and] nadiya-mahima–the glories of Nadia. [27] As constant service to Jahnava and Nitai arises in his heart, this soul lovingly sings of the sweetness of the devotees and the glories of Nadia.
CONTENTS: · Translator's Note · Publishers' Notes · Sri Navadvipa-dhama-parikramaya Ahvana · Preface · Sriman Navadvipa-dhama-vandana Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya: • The Glories of the Dham • The Nature and Dimensions of the Dham • Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham • Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham • Sri Mayapur and Antardvip • Visiting Sri Ganga Nagar, Sri Prthu Kunda, Sri Simantadwip, Sri Visram Sthan, and Other Places • Sri Suvarna Bihar and Sri Deva Palli • Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma • Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa • Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and other places • Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev • Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda • Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip • Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila • Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina • Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila • Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers • The Removal of Sri Jiva Goswami's Doubts and His Travelling to Vrindavan Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga Sri Gaura Krishna Tattva The Land of Sweetness The Ten Offences to the Holy Dham Glossary Maps |
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