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jaya jaya navadvipa-chandra sachi-suta jaya jaya–All glory sachi-suta–to the son of Sachi, Sri Chaitanya, navadvipa-chandra–the moon of Nabadwip! jaya jaya–All glory avadhuta–to the renunciant nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray! [1] All glory to the son of Sachi, the moon of Nabadwip! All glory to the avadhut Nityananda Ray!
jaya jaya sri-advaita prabhu mahasaya jaya jaya–All glory mahasaya–to the worshippable sri-advaita prabhu–Sri Advaita Prabhu! jaya jaya–All glory gadadhara–to Gadadhar Pandit [and] srivasa pandita–Srivas Pandit! [2] All glory to the worshippable Sri Advaita Prabhu! All glory to Gadadhar Pandit and Srivas Pandit!
jaya jaya navadvipa-dhama sarva-dhama-sara jaya jaya–All glory navadvipa-dhama–to Nabadwip Dham, sarva-dhama-sara–the best of all abodes, yei dhama-saha–the Dham with which gaurachandra–Gaurachandra avatara–appeared! [3] All glory to Nabadwip Dham, the best of all abodes, the abode with which Gaurachandra appeared!
sola-krosa navadvipa madhye yaha yaha bhakta-gana–Devotees, suna–listen! ekhana varniba–I will now describe yaha yaha taha–everything madhye–within sola-krosa–the thirty-two miles navadvipa–of Nabadwip. [4] Devotees, listen! I will now describe everything within the thirty-two miles of Nabadwip.
sola-krosa madhye navadvipera pramana sodasa–Sixteen pravaha–rivers vidyamana–exist sada–eternally tatha madhye–there, within sola-krosa pramana–the thirty-two miles navadvipera–of Nabadwip. [5] Sixteen rivers exist eternally within the thirty-two miles of Nabadwip.
mula-ganga purva-tire dvipa-chatustaya dvipa-chatustaya–Four islands sada–always raya–exist purva-tire–on the east bank mula-ganga–of the original Ganga, [and] pancha-dvipa–five islands [exist] tanhara paschime–on its west [bank]. [6] Four islands are on the east bank of the original Ganga, and five are on the west bank.
svardhuni pravaha saba bedi' dvipa-gane saba–All these svardhuni–heavenly pravaha–rivers bedi'–flow dvipa-gane–throughout the islands [and] anuksane–always sobha deya–beautify navadvipa-dhame–Nabadwip Dham. [7] These heavenly rivers flow throughout the islands and always beautify Nabadwip Dham.
madhye mula ganga-devi rahe anuksana ganga-devi–Ganga Devi's mula–original [stream] anuksana–always rahe–flows madhye–through the centre; anya–the other punya-nadi-gana–holy rivers [flow] apara pravahe–in separate streams. [8] Ganga Devi's original stream always flows through the centre of the Dham; the other holy rivers flow in separate streams.
gangara nikata vahe yamuna sundari yamuna sundari–The beautiful Yamuna vahe–flows gangara nikata–near the Ganga. sarasvati–The Saraswati, vidyadhari–the carrier of knowledge, [flows] madhye–in anya–another dhara–channel. [9] The beautiful Yamuna flows near the Ganga. The Saraswati, the carrier of knowledge, flows in another channel.
tamraparni krtamala brahmaputra-traya purva-bhage–To the east yamunara–of the Yamuna [are] traya–three dirgha-dharamaya–long rivers: tamraparni–the Tamraparni, krtamala–Krtamala, [and] brahmaputra–Brahmaputra. [10] East of the Yamuna are the three long rivers: the Tamraparni, Krtamala, and Brahmaputra.
sarayu narmada sindhu kaveri gomati sarayu–The Sarayu, narmada–Narmada, sindhu–Sindhu, kaveri–Kaveri, gomati–Gomati, saha–and godavari–Godavari vahe–flow drutagati–swiftly prasthe–on the west side. [11] The Sarayu, Narmada, Sindhu, Kaveri, Gomati, and Godavari flow swiftly on the west side.
ei saba dhara paraspara kari' chheda ei saba–All these dhara–rivers chheda kari'–cross paraspara–each other [and] bheda kare–divide eka navadvipe–the one area of Nabadwip nava-vidha–into nine parts. [12] All these rivers cross each other and divide Nabadwip into nine parts.
prabhura ichchhaya kabhu dhara suska haya prabhura ichchhaya–By the will of the Lord, dhara–these rivers kabhu–sometimes suska haya–go dry, [and] ichchha haile–when the Lord wills [it], dhara–the rivers punah–again jalamaya haya–fill with water. [13] By the will of the Lord, these rivers sometimes go dry, and when the Lord wills it, they again fill with water.
prabhura ichchhaya kabhu dube kona sthana prabhura ichchhaya–By the will of the Lord, [they] kabhu–sometimes dube–submerge kona–some sthana–portions of land, [and] prabhura ichchhaya–by the will of the Lord, [they] punah–again darsana deya ta–reveal them. [14] By the will of the Lord, they sometimes submerge portions of land and then again reveal them.
niravadhi ei rupa dhama lila kare dhama–The Dham lila kare–performs Pastimes niravadhi–eternally ei rupa–in this way [and] sarva-kala–always sphure–appears bhagyavan jana prati–before fortunate souls. [15] The Dham performs Pastimes eternally in this way and always appears before fortunate souls.
utkata vasana yadi bhakta-hrde haya yadi–When utkata–intense vasana–desire haya–arises bhakta-hrde–in the heart of a devotee, sarva-dvipa–all the islands [and] sarva-dhara–all the rivers darsana milaya–reveal [themselves]. [16] When intense desire arises in the heart of a devotee, all the islands and rivers in the Dham reveal themselves.
kabhu svapne kabhu dhyane kabhu drsti-yoge kabhu–Sometimes svapne–in dreams, kabhu–sometimes dhyane–in meditation, [and] kabhu–sometimes drsti-yoge–in their vision, [devotees] dhamera darsana paya–see the Dham bhaktira samyoge–through [their] devotion. [17] Sometimes in dreams, sometimes in meditation, and sometimes in their vision, devotees see the Dham through their devotion.
ganga-yamunara yoge yei dvipa raya sarva-sastre–All the scriptures nama kaya–call tara yei dvipa–the island [that] raya–exists yoge–at the confluence ganga yamunara–of the Ganga and Yamuna antardvipa–Antardwip. [18] All the scriptures call the island at the confluence of the Ganga and Yamuna Antardwip.
antardvipa madhye achhe pitha mayapura madhye–Within antardvipa–Antardwip achhe–is mayapura pitha–the abode of Mayapur, yathaya–where prabhu chaitanya-thakura–Lord Chaitanya janmila–appeared. [19] Within Antardwip is Mayapur, where Lord Chaitanya appeared.
golokera antavarti yei mahavana bhakta-gana–Devotees jana–know yei mahavana–Mahavan golokera antavarti–in Goloka [to be] mayapura–Mayapur navadvipe–in Nabadwip. [20] Devotees know Mahavan in Goloka to be Mayapur in Nabadwip.
svetadvipa vaikuntha goloka vrndavana svetadvipa–Svetadwip, vaikuntha–Vaikuntha, [and] goloka vrndavana–Goloka Vrindavan [are] saba tattva–all sarva-ksana–always achhe–present navadvipe–in Nabadwip.[21] Svetadwip, Vaikuntha, and Goloka Vrindavan are always present in Nabadwip.
ayodhya mathura maya kasi kanchi ara
navadvipe se samasta nija nija sthane sei–The sapta puri sara–seven great cities— ayodhya–Ayodhya, mathura–Mathura, maya–Maya (Mayapur or Haridvar) kasi–Kasi (Varanasi, Benares), kanchi–Kanchi, avanti–Avanti (Ujjain), ara–and dvaraka–Dvaraka— se samasta–all vidyamana–exist nitya–eternally navadvipe–in Nabadwip nija nija sthane–in their respective places, gaurachandrera vidhane–by the arrangement of Gaurachandra. [22–23] The seven great cities—Ayodhya, Mathura, Maya, Kasi, Kanchi, Avanti, and Dvaraka—exist eternally in Nabadwip in their respective places, by the arrangement of Gaurachandra.
ganga-dvara mayara svarupa mayapura svarupa–The true form mayara–of Maya (the city), ganga-dvara–the gateway of the Ganga, [is] mayapura–Mayapur (of Nabadwip Dham), yahara–whose mahatmya–glories achhaye–are stated prachura–repeatedly sastre–throughout the scriptures. [24] The true form of the city Maya, the gateway of the Ganga, is Mayapur, whose glories are stated repeatedly throughout the scriptures.
sei mayapure ye yaya eka-bara ye sei–Those who eka-bara–once yaya–go sei mayapure–to Mayapur (in Nabadwip) anayase–easily para haya–cross over jada-maya–material illusion. [25] Those who once go to Mayapur easily cross over material illusion.
mayapure bhramile mayara adhikara bhramile–If a soul wanders mayapure–in Mayapur, [then] adhikara–the influence mayara–of Maya dure yaya–goes away, [and] janma nahe–they do not take birth kabhu–ever ara-bara–again. [26] If a soul wanders in Mayapur, then the influence of Maya goes away, and they do not take birth again.
mayapura uttara simantadvipa haya uttara–North mayapura–of Mayapur haya–is simantadvipa–Simantadwip. sadhu-sastra–The sadhus and scriptures sada–always kaya–explain vidhi–the procedure parikrama–for circumambulation (of the Dham). [27] North of Mayapur is Simantadwip. The sadhus and scriptures always explain the procedure for circumambulating the Dham.
antardvipe sri-mayapura kariya darsana vijna bhakta-jana–O wise devotees, darsana kariya–visit sri-mayapura–Sri Mayapur antardvipe–in Antardwip [and then] chala–go sri-simantadvipe–to Sri Simantadwip. [28] O wise devotees, visit Sri Mayapur in Antardwip and then go to Simantadwip.
godrumakhya-dvipa haya mayara daksine godrumakhya-dvipa–The island known as Godruma haya–is daksine–south mayara–of Mayapur. bhrami'–Walk taha–there [and then] hrsta-mane–joyfully chala–go madhyadvipa–to Madhyadwip. [29] Godrumadwip is south of Mayapur. Walk there and then joyfully go to Madhyadwip.
ei chari-dvipa jahnavira purva-tire dekhiya–Visit ei–these chari-dvipa–four islands jahnavira purva-tire–on the east bank of the Ganga [and then] dhire dhire–slowly para hao–cross jahnavi–the Ganga. [30] Visit these four islands on the east bank of the Ganga and then slowly cross the river.
koladvipa anayase kariya bhramana anayase–Peacefully bhramana kariya–walk through koladvipa–Koladwip [and] tabe–then darasana kara–see sobha–the beauty rtudvipa–of Ṛtudwip. [31] Peacefully walk through Koladwip and then see the beauty of Ṛtudwip.
tarapara jahnudvipa parama sundara vijna-vara–O best of the wise, tarapara–thereafter, dekhi'–see [the] parama–wonderful sundara–beauty jahnudvipa–of Jahnudwip [and then] chala–go modadrumadvipe–to Modadrumadwip. [32] O best of the wise, thereafter, see the wonderful beauty of Jahnudwip and then go to Modadrumadwip.
rudradvipa dekha punah ganga haye para bhakta–O devotees, dekha–see rudradvipa–Rudradwip, para haye–cross ganga–the Ganga punah–again, [and then] bhrami' chala–go mayapura–to Mayapur bara–once ara–more. [33] O devotees, see Rudradwip, cross the Ganga again, and then visit Mayapur once more.
tathaya sri-jagannatha-sachira mandire tathaya–There, dhire dhire–slowly pravesaha–enter mandire–the abode sri-jagannatha-sachira–of Sri Jagannath and Sachi prabhura darsane–to see the Lord. [34] There, slowly enter the abode of Sri Jagannath and Sachi to see the Lord.
sarva-kale ei rupa parikrama haya parikrama–Circumambulation sarva-kale–always haya–happens ei rupa–in this way, [and is] alaya–a source ananta sukha-praptira–for the attainment of unlimited joy jivera–for the soul. [35] Circumambulation is always done in this way and is a source of unlimited joy for the soul.
visesatah makari-saptami-tithi gate sarva-mate–Unanimously, [it is] srestha–best visesatah–in particular [to circumambulate] gate–from makari-saptami-tithi–the day of Makari Saptami (the seventh day of the waxing fortnight in the month of Phalgun) phalguni purnimavadhi–until Phalguni Purnima (the full moon day of the month of Phalgun). [36] Everyone concurs that it is best to start on Makari Saptami and end on Phalguni Purnima.
parikrama samadhiya yei mahajana
nitai gauranga tare krpa vitariya nitai–Nitai [and] gauranga–Gauranga krpa vitariya–bless tare yei mahajana–the great souls who samadhiya–complete [their] parikrama–circumambulation [and] darsana karena–visit mayapura–Mayapur janma-dine–on the birthday [of the Lord]. [They] adhikari kare–make [them] qualified bhakti–for devotion [and] diya–give [them] pada-chhaya–the shade of [Their] feet. [37–38] Nitai and Gauranga bless the great souls who complete their circumambulation and visit Mayapur on the birthday of the Lord. They make them qualified for devotion and give them the shade of Their feet.
samksepe kahinu parikrama vivarana samksepe–Briefly, vivarana kahinu–I have described parikrama–circumambulation [of the Dham]. ebe–Now vistariya bali–I will elaborate. sravana karaha–[Please] listen. [39] I have briefly described circumambulating the Dham. Now I will elaborate. Please listen.
yei jana bhrame ekavimsati yojana yei sei jana–Those who bhrame–traverse ekavimsati yojana–the one hundred and sixty-eight miles [of Gauda Mandal] achire–quickly labhaye–attain gaura-prema-dhana–the wealth of divine love for Gaura. [40] Those who traverse the one hundred and sixty-eight miles of Sri Gauda Mandal quickly attain the wealth of divine love for Gaura.
jahnava-nitai-pada-chhaya yara asa e bhakti-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod, yara–whose asa–aspiration [is] jahnavi-nitai-pada-chhaya–the shade of Jahnava and Nitai's feet, prakasa kare–reveals e–these tattva–glories. [41] Bhakti Vinod, whose aspiration is the shade of Jahnava and Nitai's feet, reveals the glories of Nadia.
CONTENTS: · Translator's Note · Publishers' Notes · Sri Navadvipa-dhama-parikramaya Ahvana · Preface · Sriman Navadvipa-dhama-vandana Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya: • The Glories of the Dham • The Nature and Dimensions of the Dham • Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham • Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham • Sri Mayapur and Antardvip • Visiting Sri Ganga Nagar, Sri Prthu Kunda, Sri Simantadwip, Sri Visram Sthan, and Other Places • Sri Suvarna Bihar and Sri Deva Palli • Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma • Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa • Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and other places • Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev • Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda • Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip • Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila • Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina • Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila • Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers • The Removal of Sri Jiva Goswami's Doubts and His Travelling to Vrindavan Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga Sri Gaura Krishna Tattva The Land of Sweetness The Ten Offences to the Holy Dham Glossary Maps |
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