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Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila


jaya jaya nadiya-bihari gaurachandra
jaya ekachakra-pati prabhu-nityananda [1]

jaya jaya–All glory nadiya-bihari–to the reveller of Nadia, gaurachandra–Gaurachandra! jaya–All glory ekachakra-pati–to the Lord of Ekachakra, prabhu-nityananda–Nityananda Prabhu! [1]

All glory to the reveller of Nadia, Gaurachandra! All glory to the Lord of Ekachakra, Nityananda Prabhu!

jaya santipura-natha advaita isvara
ramachandrapura-vasi jaya gadadhara [2]

jaya–All glory santipura-natha–to the Lord Santipur, advaita isvara–Lord Advaita! jay–All glory ramachandrapura-vasi–to the resident of Ramachandrapur gadadhara–Gadadhar! [2]

All glory to the Lord of Santipur, Advaita Acharya, and the resident of Ramachandrapur Gadadhar Pandit!

jaya jaya gauda-bhumi chintamani-sara
kali-yuge krsna yatha karila bihara [3]

jaya jaya–All glory gauda-bhumi–to the land of Gauda, chintamani-sara–made of pure spiritual gemstone, yatha–where krsna–Krishna karila–performed bihara–Pastimes kali-yuge–during Kali-yuga! [3]

All glory to the land of Gauda, made of pure spiritual gemstone, where Krishna performed Pastimes during Kali-yuga!

sri-jahnavi para haye padmara nandana
kichhu-dure giya bale, "dekha bhakta-gana [4]

padmara nandana–Nityananda, the son of Padmavati Devi, para haye–crossed sri-jahnavi–the Ganga, giya–went kichhu-dure–a little ways ahead, [and] bale–said, "bhakta-gana–"O devotees, dekha–look! [4]

Nityananda Prabhu crossed the Ganga, went a little ways ahead, and said, "O devotees, look!

bilvapaksa nama ei sthana manohara
bela-pukhariya bali' bale sarva-nara [5]

ei–This manohara–enchanting sthana–place [is] nama–named bilvapaksa–Bilvapaksa. sarva-nara–Everyone bali' bale–calls [it] bela-pukhariya–Bel Pukhariya. [5]

"This enchanting place is named Bilvapaksa. Everyone calls it Bel Pukhariya.

vraja-dhame yare sastre bale bilvavana
navadvipe sei sthana kara darasana [6]

darasana kara–See sei sthana–the place navadvipe–in Nabadwip yare–which sastre–the scriptures bale–call bilvavana–Bilvavan vraja-dhame–in Vraja Dham. [6]

"See here in Nabadwip the place which the scriptures call Bilvavan in Vraja Dham.

pancha-vaktra bilvakesa achhila hethaya
eka-paksa bilva-dale aradhiya tanya [7]

brahmana sajjana-gane tusila tanhare
krsna-bhakti vara dila taha sabakare [8]

pancha-vaktra–Siva, who has five faces, bilvakesa–the lord of bael, achhila–is present hethaya–here. [After] brahmana sajjana-gane–a group of noble brahmans tusila–satisfied tanhare–him, aradhiya–having worshipped tanya–him bilva-dale–with bael leaves eka-paksa–for a fortnight, dila–he gave sabakare–them taha vara–the boon krsna-bhakti–of devotion to Krishna. [7–8]

"Siva, the lord of bael, resides here. After a group of noble brahmans satisfied him, having worshipped him with bael leaves for a fortnight, Siva gave them the boon of devotion to Krishna.

sei vipra-gana madhye nimbaditya chhila
visesa kariya pancha-vaktre aradhila [9]

madhye–Amongst sei vipra-gana–the brahmans chhila–was nimbaditya–Nimbaditya (Nimbarka Acharya), [who] aradhila kariya–worshipped pancha-vaktre–Siva ('he who has five heads') visesa–exceptionally [well]. [9]

"Amongst the brahmans was Nimbaditya, who worshipped Siva exceptionally well.

krpa kari' pancha-vaktra kahila takhana
'ei grama-prante achhe divya bilvavana [10]

krpa kari'–Mercifully, pancha-vaktra–Siva takhana–then kahila–said [to him,] 'ei grama-prante–'On the edge of this village achhe–is [a] divya–divine bilvavana–bael forest. [10]

"Mercifully, Siva said to him, 'On the edge of this village is a divine bael forest.

sei vana madhye chatuhsana achhe dhyane
tandera krpaya tava habe divya-jnane [11]

chatuhsana–The four Kumaras (Sanaka, Sanandana, Sanatan, and Sanat) achhe–are dhyane–in meditation sei vana madhye–in that forest, [and] tandera krpaya–by their grace, tava divya-jnane habe–you will attain divine knowledge. [11]

"'The four Kumaras are meditating in that forest, and by their grace, you will attain divine knowledge.

chatuhsana guru tava tandera sevaya
sarva-artha labha tava ha-ibe hethaya' [12]

chatuhsana–The four Kumaras [are] tava–your guru–Gurus, [and] tandera sevaya–through their service, tava labha ha-ibe–you will attain sarva–all artha–ends hethaya'–here.' [12]

"'The four Kumaras are your Gurus, and through their service, you will attain everything here.'

eta bali' mahesvara haila antardhana
nimbaditya anvesana kari' paya sthana [13]

bali'–Saying eta–this, mahesvara–Siva antardhana haila–disappeared. nimbaditya–Nimbaditya anvesana kari'–searched [and] paya–found sthana–the place. [13]

"Saying this, Siva disappeared. Nimbaditya then searched and found the place.

bilvavana madhye dekhe vedi manohara
chatuhsana basiyachhe tahara upara [14]

sanaka sananda ara rsi sanatana
sri-sanat-kumara ei rsi chara jana [15]

vrddha-kesa sannidhane anya alaksita
vastra-hina sukumara udara charita [16]

bilvavana madhye–In the bael forest, dekhe–he saw chatuhsana–the four Kumaras— ei rsi ara rsi chara jana–the four sages sanaka–Sanak, sananda–Sananda, sanatana–Sanatan, [and] sri-sanat-kumara–Sri Sanat Kumar— basiyachhe–seated tahara upara–on a manohara–beautiful vedi–platform sannidhane–beside vrddha-kesa–Siva, alaksita–unseen anya–by others. [They were] vastra-hina–unclothed, sukumara–very young, [and] udara charita–of noble character. [14–16]

"In the bael forest, he saw the four Kumaras—the sages Sanak, Sananda, Sanatan, and Sanat Kumar—seated on a beautiful platform beside Siva, unseen by others. They were unclothed, very young, and of noble character.

dekhi' nimbadityacharya parama kautuke
'hare krsna hare krsna' daki' bale sukhe [17]

parama kautuke–With great excitement dekhi'–upon seeing [them,] nimbadityacharya–Nimbaditya Acharya sukhe–happily daki' bale–called out, 'hare krsna hare krsna'–'Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna!' [17]

"Greatly excited upon seeing them, Nimbaditya Acharya happily called out, 'Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna!'

hari-nama suni' kane dhyana bhanga haila
sammukhe vaisnava-murti dekhite paila [18]

suni'–Hearing hari-nama–the Name of the Lord kane–with [their] ears, [their] dhyana–meditation bhanga haila–broke, [and] dekhite paila–they saw vaisnava-murti–the form of a Vaisnava sammukhe–in front of them. [18]

"Hearing the Name of the Lord, their meditation broke, and they saw the form of a Vaisnava in front of them.

vaisnava dekhiya sabe haye hrsta-mana
nimbaditye krame krame deya alingana [19]

dekhiya–Seeing vaisnava–the Vaisnava, sabe–they hrsta-mana haye–were pleased, [and] krame krame–one by one alingana deya–they embraced nimbaditye–Nimbaditya. [19]

"Seeing the Vaisnava, they were pleased, and one by one they embraced Nimbaditya.

'ke tumi kena va hetha bala parichaya
tomara prarthana mora puraba nischaya' [20]

'ke–'Who [are] tumi–you? kena va–Why [are you] hetha–here? parichaya bala–Introduce [yourself]. mora–We nischaya puraba–will certainly fulfil tomara–your prarthana'–prayers.' [20]

"'Who are you? Why have you come here? Please introduce yourself. We will certainly fulfil your prayers.'

suni' nimbaditya dandavat pranamiya
nija parichaya deya vinita ha-iya [21]

suni'–Hearing [this] nimbaditya–Nimbaditya dandavat pranamiya–prostrated [and] vinita ha-iya–humbly nija parichaya deya–introduced himself. [21]

"Hearing their words, Nimbaditya prostrated and humbly introduced himself.

nimbarkera parichaya kariya sravana
sri-sanat-kumara kaya sahasya vadana [22]

sravana kariya–Upon hearing nimbarkera–Nimbarka's parichaya–introduction, sri-sanat-kumara–Sri Sanat Kumar kaya–spoke sahasya vadana–with a smiling face. [22]

"Upon hearing Nimbarka's introduction, Sri Sanat Kumar spoke with a smiling face.

'kali ghora ha-ibe janiya krpamaya
bhakti pracharite chitte karila nischaya [23]

'janiya–'Knowing [that] kali–Kali-yuga ha-ibe–would be ghora–dark, krpamaya–the merciful Lord chitte nischaya karila–decided pracharite–to preach bhakti–devotion. [23]

"'Knowing that Kali-yuga would be dark, the merciful Lord decided to preach devotion.

chari-jana bhakte sakti kariya arpana
bhakti pracharite visve karila prerana [24]

sakti arpana kariya–He empowered chari-jana bhakte–four devotees [and] prerana karila–sent [them] pracharite–to preach bhakti–devotion visve–throughout the world. [24]

"'He empowered four devotees and sent them to preach devotion throughout the world.

ramanuja, madhva, visnu—ei tina jana
tumi ta chaturtha hao bhakta mahajana [25]

ramanuja–Ramanuja, madhva–Madhva Acharya, [and] visnu–Visnu Swami [are] ei tina–three of these jana–souls. tumi–You hao–are ta chaturtha–the fourth bhakta mahajana–of these great devotees. [25]

"'Ramanuja, Madhva Acharya, and Visnu Swami are three of them. You are the fourth of these great devotees.

sri-devi karila ramanuje angikara
brahma madhvacharye rudra visnuke svikara [26]

sri-devi–Laksmi Devi angikara karila–accepted ramanuje–Ramanuja, brahma–Brahma svikara–accepted madhvacharye–Madhva Acharya, [and] rudra–Siva [accepted] visnuke–Visnu Swami. [26]

"'Laksmi Devi accepted Ramanuja, Brahma accepted Madhva Acharya, and Siva accepted Visnu Swami.

amara tomake aja janinu apana
sisya kari' dhanya ha-i ei prayojana [27]

aja–Today, amara–we janinu–have met tomake–you apana–personally. kari'–We will make [you our] sisya–disciple [and thus] ha-i–become dhanya–fortunate. ei–This [is our] prayojana–purpose. [27]

"'Today, we have met you personally. We will make you our disciple and thus become fortunate. This is our purpose.

purve mora abheda-chintaya chhinu rata
krpa-yoge sei papa haila dura-gata [28]

purve–Previously, mora–we abheda-chintaya rata chhinu–meditated on nonduality, [but] krpa-yoge–by the grace [of the Lord] sei–such papa–sin dura-gata haila–has left us. [28]

"'Previously, we meditated on nonduality, but by the grace of the Lord such sin has left us.

ebe suddha-bhakti ati upadeya jani
samhita rachana kariyachhi eka-khani [29]

ebe–Now, jani–we understand [that] suddha-bhakti–pure devotion [is] ati–supremely upadeya–relishable, [and] rachana kariyachhi–we have written eka-khani–a samhita–scripture [about it]. [29]

"'We now understand that pure devotion is supremely relishable, and we have written a scripture about it.

sanat-kumara-samhita ihara nama haya
ei-mate diksa tava ha-ibe nischaya' [30]

ihara–Its nama–name haya–is sanat-kumara-samhita–Sanat-kumara-samhita. tava diksa nischaya ha-ibe–You will certainly be initiated ei-mate'–into its teachings.' [30]

"'Its name is Sanat-kumara-samhita. You will certainly be initiated into its teachings.'

guru-anugraha dekhi' nimbarka dhimana
avilambe aila kari' bhagirathi snana [31]

dekhi'–Seeing guru-anugraha–the grace of [his] Guru, dhimana nimbarka–the wise Nimbarka avilambe–immediately snana kari'–bathed bhagirathi–in the Ganga [and] aila–returned. [31]

"Seeing the grace of his Guru, the wise Nimbarka immediately bathed in the Ganga and returned.

sastange padiya bale sadainya vachana
'e adhame tara natha patita-pavana' [32]

sastange padiya–He prostrated [himself and] sadainya–humbly vachana bale–said, 'natha–'O Lord! patita-pavana–Saviour of the fallen! tara–Deliver e–this adhame'–lowly soul.' [32]

"He prostrated himself and humbly said, 'O lord! Saviour of the fallen! Deliver this lowly soul.'

chatuhsana kaila sri-yugala-mantra dana
bhava-marge upasana karila vidhana [33]

chatuhsana–The four Kumaras dana kaila–gave [him] sri-yugala-mantra–a mantra for the Divine Couple [and] vidhana karila–taught [him] upasana–worship bhava-marge–on the path of love (raga-marg). [33]

"The four Kumaras gave him a mantra to worship the Divine Couple and taught him how to worship on the path of love.

mantra labhi' nimbaditya siddha pitha-sthane
upasana karilena samhita-vidhane [34]

labhi'–Receiving mantra–the mantra, nimbaditya–Nimbaditya upasana karilena–performed worship siddha pitha-sthane–in this holy place samhita-vidhane–according to the teachings of the Sanat-kumara-samhita. [34]

"Receiving the mantra, Nimbaditya performed worship in this holy place according to the teachings of the Sanat-kumara-samhita.

krpa kari' radha-krsna tare dekha dila
rupera chhataya chatur-dika alo haila [35]

krpa kari'–Mercifully, radha-krsna–Radha and Krishna dekha dila–revealed [Themselves] tare–to him, [and] rupera chhataya–the lustre of [Their] forms alo haila–illuminated chatur-dika–the four directions. [35]

"Mercifully, Radha and Krishna revealed Themselves to him, and the lustre of Their forms illuminated the four directions.

mrdu mrdu hasi' mukhe balena vachana
'dhanya tumi nimbaditya karile sadhana [36]

mrdu mrdu–Gently mukhe hasi'–smiling, vachana balena–They said, 'nimbaditya–'O Nimbaditya, tumi–you [are] dhanya–fortunate: sadhana karile–you have performed worship [here]. [36]

"Gently smiling, They said, 'O Nimbaditya, you are fortunate: you have performed worship here.

ati priya navadvipa ama do̐hakara
hetha donhe eka-rupa sachira kumara' [37]

navadvipa–Nabadwip [is] ama do̐hakara ati priya–very dear to Us. hetha–Here, donhe–We [are present] eka-rupa–in one form sachira kumara'–as the son of Sachi.' [37]

"'Nabadwip is very dear to Us. Here, We are present in one form as the son of Sachi Devi.'

balite balite gaura-rupa prakasila
rupa dekhi' nimbaditya vihvala ha-ila [38]

balite balite–As They spoke, prakasila–They revealed [Their] gaura-rupa–form as Gaura. dekhi'–Seeing rupa–this form, nimbaditya–Nimbaditya vihvala ha-ila–was overwhelmed. [38]

"As They spoke, They revealed Their form as Gauranga. Seeing this form, Nimbaditya was overwhelmed.

bale, 'kabhu nahi dekhi nahi suni kane
e hena apurva rupa achhe kona-khane' [39]

bale–He said, 'kabhu dekhi nahi–'I have never seen suni nahi–or heard kane–with [my] ears e hena–of this apurva–extraordinary rupa–form achhe–existing kona-khane'–anywhere.' [39]

"He said, 'I have never seen or heard of this extraordinary form anywhere.'

krpa kari' mahaprabhu balila takhana
e-rupa gopana ebe kara mahajana [40]

mahaprabhu–Mahaprabhu takhana–then krpa kari'–mercifully balila–said, 'mahajana–'O great soul, ebe–for now, e-rupa gopana kara–keep this form a secret. [40]

"Mahaprabhu then mercifully said, 'O great soul, for now, keep this form a secret.

pracharaha krsna-bhakti yugala-vilasa
yugala-vilase mora atyanta ullasa [41]

pracharaha–Preach krsna-bhakti–devotion to Krishna [and] yugala-vilasa–the Pastimes of the Divine Couple. yugala-vilase–The Divine Couples' Pastimes [are] mora–My atyanta–greatest ullasa–joy. [41]

"'Preach devotion to Krishna and the Pastimes of the Divine Couple. Their Pastimes are My greatest joy.

ye samaye gaura-rupa prakata ha-ibe
sri-vidya-vilase tabe bada ranga habe [42]

ye samaye–When [My] gaura-rupa–form of Gaura prakata ha-ibe–appears, tabe–then bada ranga habe–I will take great pleasure sri-vidya-vilase–in Pastimes of scholarship. [42]

"'When I appear in the form of Gaura, I will find great pleasure in Pastimes of scholarship.

se samaye kasmira pradese janma laye
bhramibe bharata-varsa digvijayi haye [43]

se samaye–At that time, janma laye–you will take birth kasmira pradese–in the region of Kasmir [and] bhramibe–travel bharata-varsa–throughout the land of Bharat (India), digvijayi haye–conquering all directions. [43]

"'At that time, you will take birth in Kasmir and travel throughout the land of Bharat, conquering all directions.

kesava kasmiri name sakale tomaya
mahavidyavana bali' sarvatrete gaya [44]

sakale–Everyone, sarvatrete–everywhere, bali'–will call tomaya–you name–by the name kesava kasmiri–Kesava Kasmiri [and] gaya–praise [you for being] mahavidyavana–highly learned. [44]

"'Everyone, everywhere, will call you Kesava Kasmiri and praise you for being highly learned.

bhramite bhramite ei navadvipa-dhame
asiya thakibe tumi mayapura-grame [45]

bhramite bhramite–While travelling, tumi–you asiya–will come ei navadvipa-dhame–to Nabadwip Dham [and] thakibe–stay mayapura-grame–in the village of Mayapur. [45]

"'While travelling, you will come to Nabadwip Dham and stay in the village of Mayapur.

navadvipe bada bada adhyapaka-gana
tava nama suni' karibeka palayana [46]

suni'–Hearing tava–your nama–name, bada bada adhyapaka-gana–the greatest scholars navadvipe–in Nabadwip palayana karibeka–will flee. [46]

"'Hearing your name, the greatest scholars in Nabadwip will flee.

ami ta takhana vidya-vilase matiba
parajiya toma sabe ananda labhiba [47]

takhana–At that time, ami–I ta matiba–will be immersed vidya-vilase–in Pastimes of scholarship, [and] parajiya–I will defeat toma sabe–you, [and] ananda labhiba–feel pleasure. [47]

"'At that time, immersed in Pastimes of scholarship, I will defeat you and feel great pleasure.

sarasvati-krpa-bale jani' mama tattva
asraya karibe more chhadiya mahattva [48]

sarasvati-krpa-bale–By the grace of Saraswati, jani'–you will understand mama–My tattva–identity, asraya karibe–take shelter more–of Me, [and] chhadiya–give up [your] mahattva–pride. [48]

"'By the grace of Saraswati, you will understand My identity, take shelter of Me, and give up your pride.

bhakti dana kari' ami tomare takhana
bhakti pracharite punah kariba prerana [49]

takhana–Then, ami–I dana kari'–will give tomare–you bhakti–devotion [and] prerana kariba–send [you] pracharite–to preach bhakti–devotion punah–again. [49]

"'Then, I will give you devotion and send you to preach devotion again.

ataeva dvaitadvaita-mata prachariya
tusta kara ebe more gopana kariya [50]

ataeva ebe–So for now, tusta kara–satisfy [Me] prachariya–by preaching dvaitadvaita-mata–the conception of dualistic non-dualism [and] more gopana kariya–keep Me secret. [50]

"'So for now, satisfy Me by preaching the conception of dualistic nondualism and keep My identity secret.

yabe ami sankirtana arambha kariba
tomadera mata-sara nije prachariba [51]

yabe–When ami–I arambha kariba–start sankirtana–sankirtan, nije prachariba–I will personally preach tomadera mata-sara–the essence of Your conception. [51]

"'When I start My sankirtan Pastimes, I will preach the essence of your conception.

madhva ha-ite sara-dvaya kariba grahana
eka haya kevala-advaita nirasana [52]

grahana kariba–I will accept sara-dvaya–two essential principles ha-ite–from madhva–Madhva Acharya. eka–One haya–is [his] nirasana–refutation kevala-advaita–of exclusive nondualism. [52]

"'I will accept two essential principles from Madhva Acharya. One is his refutation of exclusive nondualism.

krsna-murti nitya jani' tanhara sevana
sei ta dvitiya sara jana mahajana [53]

mahajana–O great soul, jana–know sei ta–the dvitiya–second sara–essential principle [to be] sevana–serving krsna-murti–Krishna's Deity form, jani'–knowing tanhara–Him [to be] nitya–eternal. [53]

"'O great soul, know the second essential principle to be serving Krishna's Deity form, knowing the Deity to be eternal.

ramanuja haite ami la-i dui sara
ananya bhakati bhakta-jana seva ara [54]

haite–From ramanuja–Ramanuja, ami–I la-i–will take dui–two sara–essential principles: ananya bhakati–exclusive devotion (devotion free from karma, yoga, and jnan) ara–and bhakta-jana seva–service to the devotees. [54]

"'From Ramanuja, I will take two essential principles: exclusive devotion and service to the devotees.

visnu haite dui sara kariba svikara
tadiya sarvasva bhava raga-marga ara [55]

haite–From visnu–Visnu Swami, svikara kariba–I will accept dui–two sara–essential principles: bhava–the mood [that] sarvasva–one's all [is] tadiya–His ara–and raga-marga–the path of love. [55]

"'From Visnu Swami, I will accept two essential principles: surrender to the Lord and the path of love.

toma haite laba ami dui mahasara
ekanta radhikasraya gopi-bhava ara' [56]

haite–From toma–you, ami–I laba–will accept dui–two mahasara–most essential principles: ekanta radhikasraya–taking shelter of Radharani exclusively ara–and gopi-bhava'–the mood of the gopis.' [56]

"'From you, I will accept two most essential principles: taking shelter of Radharani exclusively and serving in the mood of the gopis.'

eta bali' gaurachandra haila adarsana
preme nimbaditya kata karila rodana [57]

bali'–Saying eta–this, gaurachandra–Gaurachandra adarsana haila–disappeared, [and] nimbaditya–Nimbaditya rodana karila–cried kata–profusely preme–with divine love. [57]

"Saying this, Gaurachandra disappeared, and Nimbaditya cried profusely with divine love.

guru-pada-padma nami' chale desantara
krsna-bhakti pracharite ha-ila tatpara" [58]

nami'–Nimbaditya [then] bowed guru-pada-padma–at the lotus feet of his Guru [and] chale–travelled desantara–elsewhere, tatpara ha-ila–intent pracharite–upon preaching krsna-bhakti"–devotion to Krishna." [58]

"Nimbaditya then bowed at the lotus feet of his Guru and travelled elsewhere, intent upon preaching devotion to Krishna."

dura haite rama-tirtha jivere dekhaya
kolasure haladhara badhila yathaya [59]

karilena ganga-snana laye yadu-gana
rukmapura bali' nama prakasa ekhana [60]

dura haite–From afar, dekhaya–Nityananda showed rama-tirtha–Rama Tirtha jivere–to Jiva, yathaya–where haladhara–Balaram badhila–killed kolasure–Kolasura [and] ganga-snana karilena–bathed in the Ganga laye–with yadu-gana–the Yadus. [This place's] nama–name prakasa–has manifested ekhana–now bali'–as rukmapura–Rukmapur. [59–60]

From afar, Nityananda Prabhu showed Rama Tirtha to Jiva, where Balaram killed Kolasura and bathed in the Ganga with the Yadus. This place is now known as Rukmapur.

navadvipa-parikrama ei eka-sesa
kartika masete tatha mahatmya visesa [61]

ei–This [is] eka-sesa–one end [of the route for] parikrama–circumambulation navadvipa–of Nabadwip. visesa–Special mahatmya–glories [manifest] tatha–there kartika masete–during Kartik (October–November). [61]

It is at one end of the route to circumambulate Nabadwip. It is especially glorious during the month of Kartik.

bilvapaksa chhadi' prabhu laye bhakta-gana
bharadvaja-tila grame kare arohana [62]

chhadi'–Leaving bilvapaksa–Bilvapaksa, prabhu–the Lord, laye–with bhakta-gana–the devotees, arohana kare–went grame–to the village bharadvaja-tila–of Bharadvaja Tila. [62]

Leaving Bilvapaksa, Nityananda Prabhu and the devotees went to Bharadvaja Tila.

nityananda bale, "ei sthane muni-vara
ailena dekhi' tirtha sri-ganga-sagara [63]

nityananda–Nityananda bale–said, "muni-vara–"The best of sages, Bharadvaja Muni, dekhi'–visited sri-ganga-sagara tirtha–Sri Ganga Sagar Tirtha [and then] ailena–came ei sthane–here. [63]

Nityananda said, "The best of the sages, Bharadvaja Muni, visited Sri Ganga Sagar and then came here.

hetha sri-gauranga-chandra kari' aradhana
rahilena kata-dina muni mahajana [64]

muni mahajana–The great sage rahilena–stayed hetha–here kata-dina–for some time aradhana kari'–worshipping sri-gauranga-chandra–Sri Gaurangachandra. [64]

"The great sage stayed here for some time worshipping Sri Gaurangachandra.

tanra aradhane tusta haye visvambhara
nija-rupe dekha dila sadaya antara [65]

tusta haye–Satisfied tanra aradhane–by his worship, visvambhara–Visvambhar dekha dila–revealed nija-rupe–His form sadaya antara–with a compassionate heart. [65]

"Satisfied by the worship of the sage, Visvambhar revealed His form to the sage with a compassionate heart.

munire balila, 'tava ista siddha habe
amara prakata-kale amare dekhibe' [66]

balila–He said munire–to the sage, 'tava–'Your ista–desire siddha habe–will be fulfilled: dekhibe–you will see amare–Me amara prakata-kale'–at the time of My appearance.' [66]

"He said to the sage, 'Your desire will be fulfilled: you will see Me at the time of My appearance.'

ei katha bali' prabhu haila antardhana
bharadvaja mahapreme ha-ila ajnana [67]

bali'–Speaking ei–this katha–statement, prabhu–the Lord antardhana haila–disappeared, [and] bharadvaja–Bharadvaja Muni ajnana ha-ila–fainted mahapreme–with intense divine love. [67]

"Saying this, the Lord disappeared, and Bharadvaja Muni fainted with intense divine love.

kata-dina thaki' ei tilara upara
anya-tirtha darasane gela muni-vara [68]

muni-vara–The great sage thaki'–stayed ei tilara upara–on top of this hill kata-dina–for some time [and then] gela–went darasane–to visit anya-tirtha–other holy places. [68]

"The great sage stayed here for some time on this hill and then went to visit other holy places.

lokete bharuidanga bale ei sthane
mahatirtha haya ei sastrera vidhane" [69]

lokete–People bale–call ei–this sthane–place bharuidanga–Bharuidanga. ei–It haya–is mahatirtha–a great holy place sastrera vidhane"–according to the verdict of the scriptures." [69]

"People call this place Bharuidanga. The scriptures say that it is a great holy place."

balite balite sabe yaya mayapura
agubadi laya sabe isana thakura [70]

balite balite–While speaking, sabe–they yaya–arrived mayapura–in Mayapur. isana thakura–Īsan Thakur agubadi–came forward [and] laya–received sabe–them. [70]

While speaking, the party arrived in Mayapur. Īsan Thakur came forward and received them.

mahapreme nityananda karena nartana
sakala vaisnava meli' karena kirtana [71]

nityananda–Nityananda nartana karena–danced mahapreme–with intense divine love, [and] sakala vaisnava–all the Vaisnavas meli'–joined together [and] kirtana karena–chanted. [71]

Nityananda Prabhu danced with intense divine love, and all the Vaisnavas joined together and chanted.

jagannatha-misralaya sarva-pitha-sara
nama saha yatha sri-gauranga-avatara [72]

jagannatha-misralaya–The home of Jagannath Misra, yatha–where sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga avatara–descended saha–with [His] nama–Name, sarva-pitha-sara–is the best of all holy places. [72]

The home of Jagannath Misra, where Sri Gauranga descended with His Name, is the best of all holy places.

sei dina prabhu-grhe prabhura janani
vaisnava-ganere anna khaoyana apani [73]

sei–That dina–day, prabhura–the Lord's janani–mother apani–personally anna khaoyana–fed vaisnava-ganere–the devotees prabhu-grhe–in the Lord's home. [73]

That day, the Lord's mother personally fed the devotees in the Lord's home.

ki ananda haila tatha na haya varnana
mahasamarohe haya nama-sankirtana [74]

ki–What sort ananda–of joy haila–arose tatha–there? [It] varnana haya na–cannot be described, [and] nama-sankirtana–the chanting of the Name mahasamarohe haya–erupted tumultuously. [74]

What sort of joy arose there? It was indescribable, and the Nam-sankirtan erupted tumultuously.

nitai-jahnava-pada-chhaya yara asa
e bhakti-vinoda gaya nadiya-vilasa [75]

e bhakti-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod, yara–whose asa–aspiration [is] nitai-jahnava-pada-chhaya–the shade of Nitai and Jahnava's feet, gaya–chants nadiya-vilasa–the Pastimes [of the Lord] in Nadia. [75]

Bhakti Vinod, whose aspiration is the shade of Nitai and Jahnava's feet, chants the Pastimes of the Lord in Nadia.



⇐ (15) Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina

(17) Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers ⇒


· Translator's Note
· Publishers' Notes
· Sri Navadvipa-dhama-parikramaya Ahvana
· Preface
· Sriman Navadvipa-dhama-vandana

Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya:
The Glories of the Dham
The Nature and Dimensions of the Dham
Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham
Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham
Sri Mayapur and Antardvip
Visiting Sri Ganga Nagar, Sri Prthu Kunda, Sri Simantadwip, Sri Visram Sthan, and Other Places
Sri Suvarna Bihar and Sri Deva Palli
Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma
Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa
Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and other places
Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev
Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda
Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip
Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila
Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina
Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila
Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers
The Removal of Sri Jiva Goswami's Doubts and His Travelling to Vrindavan

Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga

Sri Gaura Krishna Tattva
The Land of Sweetness
The Ten Offences to the Holy Dham
