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jaya jaya sri-chaitanya sachira nandana jaya jaya–All glory sachira nandana–to the son of Sachi, sri-chaitanya–Sri Chaitanya! jaya jaya–All glory jahnavi-jivana–to the life of Jahnava, nityananda–Nityananda! [1] All glory to the son of Sachi, Sri Chaitanya! All glory to the life of Jahnava, Sri Nityananda!
jaya jaya navadvipa-dhama sarva-dhama-sara jaya jaya–All glory navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham, sarva-dhama-sara–the best of all abodes, yatha–where gaura–Gaura avatara haila–descended kali-yuge–during the Age of Kali! [2] All glory to Nabadwip Dham, the best of all abodes, where Gaura descended during the Age of Kali!
nityananda prabhu bale, "sunaha vachana nityananda prabhu–Nityananda Prabhu bale–said, "sunaha–"Listen vachana–to [My] words! sola-krosa–The thirty-two miles navadvipa–of Nabadwip [are] yatha–where vrndavana–Vrindavan [is]. [3] Nityananda Prabhu said, "Listen to My words! The thirty-two miles of Nabadwip are nondifferent from Vrindavan.
ei sola-krosa madhye dvipa haya naya madhye–Within ei–these sola-krosa–thirty-two miles, haya–there are naya–nine dvipa–islands, yena–comparable to asta-dala padma–an eight-petalled lotus [that] bhasaya–floats jalete–on water. [4] "Within these thirty-two miles, there are nine islands, which form an eight-petalled lotus that floats on water.
asta-dala asta-dvipa madhye antardvipa madhye–In the middle asta-dala–of the eight petals— asta-dvipa–the eight islands— [is] antardvipa–Antardwip. tara majhe madhya-bindu-tipa–Therein, at its centre, [is] mayapura–Mayapur. [5] "In the middle of the eight petals—the eight islands—is Antardwip. At its centre is Mayapur.
mayapura yoga-pitha sada golakara golakara yoga-pitha–The circular Yoga Pith mayapura–in Mayapur [is] sada–eternal. tatha–There, chaitanyera–Sri Chaitanya's vividha–various nitya–eternal bihara–Pastimes [take place]. [6] "The circular Yoga Pith in Mayapur is eternal. There, Sri Chaitanya performs various eternal Pastimes.
trisahasra-dhanu tara paridhi pramana tara–Its paridhi–circumference pramana–measures trisahasra-dhanu–six miles, [and] tara–its vyasera–diameter vidhana–measures sahasreka-dhanu–two miles. [7] "Its circumference is six miles, and its diameter two miles.
ei yoga-pitha-majhe vaise pancha-tattva pancha-tattva–The Pancha Tattva (Sri Krishna Chaitanya, Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, Gadadhar Pandit, and Srivas Thakur) vaise–reside ei yoga-pitha-majhe–at the Yoga Pith. mahattva–The greatness yoga-pithera–of the Yoga Pith [exceeds] haite–that of anya-sthana–other places. [8] "The Pancha Tattva reside at the Yoga Pith, whose greatness exceeds that of all other places.
ati sighra gupta habe prabhura ichchhaya ati–Very sighra–soon [it] gupta habe–will be hidden prabhura ichchhaya–by the will of the Lord. sangopita habe–It will be concealed praya–almost fully bhagirathi-jale–by the waters of the Ganga. [9] "Very soon it will be hidden by the will of the Lord. The waters of the Ganga will almost entirely conceal it.
kabhu punah prabhu-ichchha habe balavan kabhu–Someday, [when] prabhu-ichchha–the desire of the Lord balavan habe–will become strong, [it] prakasa ha-ibe–will be revealed [and] dhama–the Dham diptiman habe–will shine punah–again. [10] "Someday, when the desire of the Lord becomes strong, the Yoga Pith will be revealed and the Dham will shine again.
nitya-dhama kabhu kale lopa nahi haya nitya-dhama–The eternal Dham haya–is kabhu nahi–never lopa–lost kale–at any time— gupta haye–it [only] becomes hidden [and then] udaya ta haya–emerges punar-bara–again. [11] "The eternal Dham is never lost at any time—it only becomes hidden and then emerges again.
bhagirathi purva-tire haya mayapura mayapura–Mayapur haya–is purva-tire–on the eastern bank bhagirathi–of the Ganga. amara–My thakura–Lord nitya achhena–is eternally present mayapure–in Mayapur. [12] "My Lord is eternally present in Mayapur on the eastern bank of the Ganga.
loka-drstye sannyasi ha-iya visvambhara loka-drstye–In the vision of common people, visvambhara–Visvambhar sannyasi ha-iya–became a sannyasi, chhadi'–left navadvipa–Nabadwip, [and] phire–toured desa-desantara–other places. [13] "In the vision of common people, Visvambhar became a sannyasi, left Nabadwip, and toured other places.
vastutah gauranga mora navadvipa-dhama vastutah–In truth, mora–My gauranga–Gauranga kabhu na–never chhadiya yaya–leaves navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham [or] mayapura-grama–the village of Mayapur. [14] "In truth, however, My Gauranga never leaves Nabadwip Dham or the village of Mayapur.
dainandina lila tanra dekhe bhakta-gana bhakta-gana–The devotees dekhe–see tanra–His lila–Pastimes dainandina–daily, [and] tumio–you too, jiva–Jiva, dekhaha–will see gauranga–Gauranga's nartana–dancing. [15] "The devotees see His Pastimes here daily, and you too, Jiva, will see His dancing.
mayapura ante antardvipa sobha paya mayapura–Mayapur sobha paya–shines ante–within antardvipa–Antardwip, yathaya–where brahma–Brahma darsana paila–saw gauranga–Gauranga. [16] "Mayapur shines within Antardwip, where Brahma saw Gauranga.
ohe jiva chaha yadi dekhite sakala ohe–O jiva–Jiva, yadi–if chaha–you want dekhite–to see sakala–everything, [then] parikrama kara–circumambulate [the Dham, and] tumi–you saphala ha-ibe"–will be successful." [17] "O Jiva, if you want to see everything, then circumambulate the Dham, and you will be successful."
prabhu-vakya suni' jiva sajala-nayane suni'–Hearing prabhu-vakya–the Lord's words, sajala-nayane–with tears in [his] eyes jiva–Jiva dandavat haye pade–bowed prabhura charane–at the feet of the Lord. [18] Hearing the words of Nityananda Prabhu, with tears in his eyes Jiva bowed at His feet.
"krpa yadi kara prabhu ei akinchane "prabhu–"O Lord, yadi–if krpa kara–You are merciful ei akinchane–to this poor soul, [then] laye parikrama karao–take me on a circumambulation [of the Dham] apane sange"–with You personally." [19] "O Lord, if You are merciful to this poor soul, then please personally take me with You on a circumambulation of the Dham."
jivera prarthana suni' nityananda-raya suni'–Hearing jivera–Jiva's prarthana–prayer, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray nija manasa janaya–answered, "tathastu" baliya–"So be it." [20] Hearing Jiva's prayer, Nityananda Ray answered, "So be it."
prabhu bale, "ohe jiva adya mayapura prabhu–The Lord bale–said, "ohe–"O jiva–Jiva, adya–today darsana karaha–see mayapura–Mayapur. kalya–Tomorrow bhramiba–we will tour prachura"–extensively." [21] He said, "O Jiva, today see Mayapur. Tomorrow we will tour extensively."
eta bali' nityananda uthila takhana bali'–Having said eta–this, nityananda–Nityananda takhana–then uthila–arose, [and] praphullita mana–with a joyous heart jiva–Jiva uthe–rose pachhe pachhe–after [Him]. [22] Having said this, Nityananda arose, and with a joyous heart Jiva rose after Him.
chale nityananda-raya manda manda gati nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray chale–moved [with] manda manda gati–a slow gait, [His] deha–body ati suvihvala–completely overwhelmed gauranga-premete–with divine love for Gauranga. [23] Nityananda Ray moved slowly, His body completely overwhelmed by divine love for Gauranga.
mohana murati prabhu bhave dhala-dhala prabhu–The Lord's mohana–enchanting murati–form dhala-dhala–swayed to and fro bhave–in ecstasy, [and] alankara–the ornaments sarva-dehe–all over [His] body jhalamala kare–shone. [24] Nityananda Prabhu's enchanting form swayed to and fro in ecstasy, and the ornaments all over His body shone.
ye charana brahma siva dhyane nahi paya se pada ye charana–The feet [that] brahma–Brahma [and] siva–Siva paya nahi–cannot attain dhyane–by meditation krpa kariya–mercifully badaya–walked sri-jive–in front of Sri Jiva. [25] The feet that Brahma and Siva cannot attain by meditation mercifully walked in front of Sri Jiva.
pachhe thaki' jiva laya padankera dhuli thaki'–Remaining pachhe–behind, jiva–Jiva laya–collected dhuli–dust padankera–from [their] footprints, makhe–smeared [it] sarva-ange–all over [his] body, [and] chale–proceeded [with] bada–great kutuhali–delight. [26] Remaining behind, Jiva collected dust from their footprints, smeared it all over his body, and proceeded with great delight.
jagannatha-misra-grhe karila pravesa pravesa karila–They entered jagannatha-misra-grhe–the home of Jagannath Misra [and] janaya–spoke visesa–carefully sachi-mata sri-charane–at the holy feet of Mother Sachi. [27] They entered the home of Jagannath Misra and spoke carefully at the holy feet of Mother Sachi.
"sunago janani ei jiva mahamati "janani–"O Mother, sunago–listen! ei–This [is] jiva–Jiva, sri-gauranga-priya-dasa–a dear servant of Sri Gauranga. [He is] mahamati–very intelligent [and] ati bhagyavan"–very fortunate." [28] "O Mother, listen! This is Jiva, a dear servant of Sri Gauranga. He is very intelligent and very fortunate."
balite balite jiva achhadiya pade balite balite–As [Nityananda] spoke, jiva–Jiva achhadiya pade–threw [himself] down yena–like taru–a tree chhinna-mula–uprooted bada bada jhade–by an intense storm. [29] As Nityananda Prabhu spoke, Jiva threw himself down like a tree uprooted by an intense storm.
sachira charane padi' yaya gadagadi padi'–He bowed sachira charane–at the feet of Sachi gadagadi yaya–and rolled on the ground. sattvika vikara–Divine ecstasy hudahudi kare–surged dehe–through [his] body. [30] He bowed at the feet of Sachi and rolled on the ground. Divine ecstasy surged through his body.
krpa kari' sachi-devi kaila asirvada sachi-devi–Sachi Devi krpa kari'–mercifully asirvada kaila–blessed [him, and] sei–that dina–day sei–he paila–received prasada–prasad grhe–in [her] home. [31] Sachi Devi mercifully blessed him, and that day he received prasad in her home.
visnu-priya sachi-devi-ajna yabe paila yabe–When visnu-priya–Visnu Priya paila–received sachi-devi-ajna–the order of Sachi Devi, randhana karila–she cooked anna–rice, nana vyanjanadi–various vegetables, and other things. [32] Receiving the order of Sachi Devi, Visnu Priya cooked rice, various vegetables, and other things.
sri-vamsi-vadanananda prabhu kata-ksane sri-vamsi-vadanananda prabhu–Sri Vamsi Vadanananda Prabhu kata-ksane–then sayatane–carefully nivedila–offered bhoga–the preparations sri-gaurange–to Sri Gauranga. [33] Sri Vamsi Vadanananda Prabhu then carefully offered the preparations to Sri Gauranga.
isana thakura sthana kari' atahpara isana thakura–Īsan Thakur atahpara–then sthana kari'–prepared a place [and] bhunjaila–fed nityanande–Nityananda, harisa antara–with joy in his heart. [34] Īsan Thakur then prepared a place and fed Nityananda, with joy in his heart.
putra-snehe sachi-devi nityanande bale putra-snehe–With affection for her son, sachi-devi–Sachi Devi bale–said nityanande–to Nityananda, "khao–"Eat, [my] vachha–child. nityananda–Nityananda, [You are] jananira sthale–in the home of [Your] mother. [35] With motherly affection, Sachi Devi said to Nityananda, "Eat, my child. Nityananda, You are in the home of Your mother.
ei ami gaurachandre bhunjanu gopane gopane–Privately, ami–I bhunjanu–fed ei–this gaurachandre–to Gaurachandra. tumi khaile–If you eat [it,] ami–I ha-i–will be bada–very sukhi–happy mane"–at heart." [36] "Privately, I fed this to Gaurachandra. If You eat it, I will be very happy at heart."
jananira vakye prabhu nityananda-raya jananira vakye–At the request of Mother Sachi, prabhu nityananda-raya–Lord Nityananda Ray anande–joyfully bhunjila–ate, [and] jiva–Jiva paya–received [His] avasista–remnants. [37] At the request of Mother Sachi, Nityananda Ray joyfully ate, and Jiva received His remnants.
jiva bale, "dhanya ami mahaprabhu-ghare jiva–Jiva bale–said, "ami–"I [am] dhanya–fortunate. painu–I have received prasada anna–rice prasad mahaprabhu-ghare–at the home of Mahaprabhu ei mayapure"–in Mayapur." [38] Jiva said, "I am so fortunate to have received prasad at the home of Mahaprabhu in Mayapur."
bhojana kariya tabe nityananda-raya tabe–Then, bhojana kariya–after eating, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray vidaya ha-ila–took leave sachi-devi sri-charane–of Sachi Devi's holy feet. [39] After eating, Nityananda Ray took leave of Sachi Devi's holy feet.
yaibara kale sange vamsike la-ila yaibara kale–At the time of leaving, la-ila–He took vamsike–Vamsi sange–with [Him]. sri-jiva–Sri Jiva pranati karila–bowed vamsira pade–at the feet of Vamsi. [41] As He was leaving, He took Vamsi Vadanananda with Him. Sri Jiva bowed at the feet of Vamsi.
jiva prati bale prabhu, "e vamsi-vadana prabhu–The Lord bale–said prati–to jiva–Jiva, "e–"This [is] vamsi-vadana–Vamsi Vadanananda. bhakta-jana–The devotees jane–know [him to be] sri-krsnera priya-vamsi–Sri Krishna's dear flute. [41] Nityananda said to Jiva, "This is Vamsi Vadanananda. The devotees know him to be Sri Krishna's dear flute.
ihara krpaya jiva haya krsnakrsta ihara krpaya–By his mercy, jiva sabe–souls haya–become krsnakrsta–attached to Krishna, [and] satrsna ha-iya–desire labhe–to join maharasa–the Rasa Dance. [42] "By his mercy, souls become attracted to Krishna and desire to join the Rasa Dance.
dekha jiva ei grhe chaitanya-thakura jiva–Jiva, dekha–look! chaitanya-thakura–Lord Chaitanya karila–performed prachura–many lila–Pastimes ama saba laye–with us ei grhe–in this house. [43] "Jiva, look! Lord Chaitanya performed many Pastimes with us in this house.
ei dekha jagannatha misrera mandira dekha–See [here]. ei–This [is] mandira–the Temple jagannatha misrera–of Jagannath Misra, yatha–where dhira visnu-puja karitena–Gaura would earnestly worship Visnu nitya–daily. [44] "See here. This is the Temple of Jagannath Misra, where Gaura would earnestly worship Visnu each day.
ei grhe karitena atithi-sevana ei grhe–In this house, karitena–the Lord would atithi-sevana–serve guests. darsana karaha–See ei–here [His] tulasi-mandapa–tulasi courtyard. [45] "In this house, the Lord would serve guests. See here His tulasi courtyard.
sri-gauranga-chandra grhe chhila yata kala yata kala–When sri-gauranga-chandra–Sri Gaurangachandra, bhakta-pala–the maintainer of the devotees, chhila–was present grhe–at home, achara palitena–He would perform the duties pitara–of [His] father. [46] "When Sri Gaurachandra, the maintainer of the devotees, was present at home, He would perform His father's duties.
ebe saba vamsi-thakurera tattvadhine isana–Īsan ebe–now saba nirvaha kare–performs these duties prati dine dine–each day vamsi-thakurera tattvadhine–under the direction of Vamsi Thakur. [47] "Īsan Thakur now performs these duties each day under the direction of Vamsi Thakur.
ei sthane chhila eka nimba vrksa-vara ei sthane–In this place, chhila–there was eka–a nimba vrksa-vara–great neem tree. vrksa–The tree agochara ha-ila–disappeared prabhura parase"–at the Lord's touch." [48] "In this place, there was a great neem tree that disappeared upon being touched by the Lord."
yata kande nityananda kariya varnana nityananda–Nityananda kande–wept varnana kariya–as He described [all of this]. jiva–Jiva [and] vamsi–Vamsi du̐he–both krandana karaye–wept yata tata–as well. [49] Nityananda wept as He described all of this, as did Jiva and Vamsi.
dekhite dekhite tatha aila srivasa dekhite dekhite–Suddenly, srivasa–Srivas aila–came tatha–there, [and] chari-jane–the four of them chhadi' chale–left jagannatha-vasa–Jagannath's home. [50] Just then, Srivas arrived, and the four of them then left Jagannath Misra's home.
sata-dhanu uttarete srivasa-angana sata-dhanu–Three hundred and twenty metres uttarete–to the north, prabhu–the Lord anandita mana–joyfully dekhaila–showed jive–Jiva srivasa-angana–the courtyard of Srivas. [51] Three hundred and twenty metres to the north, Nityananda Prabhu joyfully showed Srivas Angan to Jiva.
srivasa-angane jiva yaya gadagadi jiva–Jiva gadagadi yaya–rolled on the ground srivasa-angane–in the courtyard of Srivas. smariya–Remembering lila–the Pastimes prabhura–of the Lord [there], hudahudi–he was overwhelmed preme–with divine love. [52] Jiva rolled on the ground in Srivas Angan. Remembering the Pastimes of the Lord there, he was overwhelmed with divine love.
sri-jiva uthibamatra dekhe eka ranga sri-jiva–Sri Jiva uthibamatra–immediately eka ranga dekhe–had a vision: [he saw] gauranga–Gauranga nachichhe–dancing laye–with [His] antaranga–intimate bhakta–devotees. [53] Jiva immediately had a vision: he saw Gauranga dancing with His intimate devotees.
mahasankirtana dekhe vallabha-nandana vallabha-nandana–The son of Vallabha dekhe–saw prabhura–the Lord's mahasankirtana–grand sankirtan [and] apurva–wonderful nartana–dancing majhe–amidst sarva-bhakta–all the devotees. [54] Jiva saw the Lord's mahasankirtan and wonderful dancing amidst all the devotees.
nachichhe advaita prabhu nityananda-raya advaita prabhu–Advaita Prabhu [and] nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray, nachichhe–were dancing. gadadhara–Gadadhar [and] haridasa–Haridas nache–were dancing ara–and gaya–singing. [55] Advaita Prabhu, Nityananda Ray, Gadadhar, and Haridas were dancing and singing.
suklambara nache ara sata sata jana dekhiya–Seeing suklambara–Suklambar ara–and sata sata jana–hundreds of other devotees nache–dancing, jiva–Jiva achetana haila–fainted premete–in divine love. [56] Seeing Suklambar and hundreds of other devotees dancing, Jiva fainted in divine love.
chetana paile ara se ranga na bhaya
"kena mora kichhu purve janama nahila chetana paile–When he regained consciousness ara–and se–this ranga–vision bhaya na–disappeared, jiva gosvami–Jiva Goswami kandi'–wept [and] haya haya karena–lamented, "kena–"Why mora janama nahila–was I not born kichhu–a little purve–earlier? emana kirtanananda–Such ecstatic kirtan ghatila na–did not come about bhagye–by [my] fortune. [57–58] When he regained consciousness and this vision disappeared, Jiva Goswami wept and lamented, "Why was I not born a little earlier? I was not fortunate enough to be part of such ecstatic kirtan.
prabhu nityananda-krpa asima ananta nityananda prabhu-krpa–The mercy of Nityananda Prabhu [is] asima–unlimited [and] ananta–infinite, [and] sei bale–by its influence hainu–I have attained ksana-kala–a moment bhagyavanta–of good fortune. [59] "The mercy of Nityananda Prabhu is unlimited and infinite, and by its influence I have attained a moment of good fortune.
ichchha haya mayapure thaki' chira-kala ichchha haya–I want thaki'–to stay mayapure–in Mayapur chira-kala–forever. [Here,] janjala–the miseries mayara–of material existence sampurna-rupe ghuchibe–will be completely dispelled. [60] "I want to stay in Mayapur forever. Here, the miseries of material existence will be completely dispelled.
dasera vasana haite prabhu-ajna bada prabhu-ajna–The order of the Lord, [however, is] bada–greater haite–than vasana–the desire dasera–of [His] servant, [and my] antara–heart dhada-phada–palpitates chhadite–to leave mayapura"–Mayapur." [61] "The order of the Lord, however, is greater than the desire of His servant, and my heart is palpitating at the thought of leaving Mayapur."
tatha haite nityananda jive laye yaya haite–From tatha–there, nityananda–Nityananda laye yaya–took jive–Jiva dasa-dhanu–thirty-two metres uttare–north [and] paya–reached advaita-grha–the house of Advaita. [62] From there, Nityananda took Jiva thirty-two metres north to the house of Advaita.
prabhu bale, "dekha jiva sitanathalaya prabhu–The Lord bale–said, "jiva–"O Jiva, dekha–see sitanathalaya–the house of Advaita. vaisnavera gosthi–The devotees milaya–met hetha–here sadai–every day. [63] The Lord said, "O Jiva, see the house of Advaita. The devotees met here every day.
hetha sitanatha kaila krsnera pujana hetha–Here, sitanatha–Advaita krsnera pujana kaila–worshipped Krishna [and] anila–brought, mora–our dhana–wealth, sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga, hunkare"–with [His] cries." [62] "Here, Advaita worshipped Krishna and brought down our wealth, Sri Gauranga, with His cries."
tatha gadagadi diya chale chari-jana tatha–There, chari-jana–the four of them gadagadi diya–rolled on the ground. [Then] chale–they walked pancha-dhanu–sixteen metres purve–east gadadharera bhavana–to the house of Gadadhar. [65] There, the four of them rolled on the ground. Then they walked sixteen metres east to the house of Gadadhar.
tatha haite dekhaila nityananda-raya tatha haite–Thereafter, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray dekhaila–showed [Jiva] sarva-parisada grha–all the houses of the [Lord's] associates yathaya tathaya–throughout [Mayapur]. [66] Thereafter, Nityananda showed Jiva the houses of all the Lord's associates throughout Mayapur.
brahmana-mandali grha kariya darsana chari-jana–The four of them darsana kariya–visited grha–the homes brahmana-mandali–of some brahmans [and] tabe–then harse–joyfully chale–walked ganga-tire–to the bank of the Ganga. [67] The four of them visited the homes of some brahmans and then joyfully walked to the bank of the Ganga.
mayapura sima-sesa vrddha-sivalaya sima-sesa–Along the outer boundary mayapura–of Mayapur jahnavira tate–on the bank of the Ganga, jiva mahasaya–the great Jiva dekhe–saw vrddha-sivalaya–the Temple of Vrddha Siva. [68] Along the outer boundary of Mayapur on the bank of the Ganga, Jiva saw the Temple of Vrddha Siva.
prabhu bale, "mayapure ini ksetra-pala prabhu–The Lord bale–said, "mayapure–"In Mayapur, ini–he [is] ksetra-pala–the protector of the Dham. [His] sakti–consort, praudha-maya–Praudha Maya, adhisthana–resides [with him] nitya-kala–eternally. [69] Nityananda Prabhu said, "In Mayapur, Vrddha Siva is the protector of the Dham. His consort, Praudha Maya, resides with him eternally.
prabhu yabe aprakata ha-ibe takhana yabe–When prabhu–the Lord aprakata ha-ibe–disappears, takhana–then, tanhara ichchhaya–by His will, ganga–the Ganga vardhana ha-ibe–will swell. [70] "When the Lord disappears, then, by His will, the Ganga will swell.
mayapura praya ganga achchhadibe jale ganga–The Ganga praya achchhadibe–will almost entirely cover mayapura–Mayapur jale–with water. rakhi'–She will keep [Mayapur covered] sata-varsa–for one hundred years, [and then] punah–again bale chhadibena–she will withdraw. [71] "She will almost entirely cover Mayapur with water for one hundred years, and then she will withdraw.
sthana matra jagibeka grha na rahibe matra–Only sthana–the land jagibeka–will emerge; grha na rahibe–houses will not remain. [Mayapur] sthita habe–will stay vasa-hina haye–uninhabited kata-kala–for a long time. [72] "At that time, only the land will emerge; no houses will remain. Mayapur will stay uninhabited for a long time.
punah kabhu prabhu-ichchha haye balavan punah–Again, kabhu–when prabhu-ichchha–the Lord's desire haye–becomes balavan–strong, mayapure–Mayapur vasa-sthana habe–will be inhabited ei rupa–like this [again]. [72] "Again, when the Lord strongly desires it, Mayapur will be inhabited like this again.
ei saba ghata ganga-tire punah habe ei saba ghata–All these bathing places habe–will appear ganga-tire–on the banks of the Ganga punah–again, [and] bhakta sabe–the devotees mandira karibena–will make Temples prabhura–for the Lord. [73] "All these ghats will appear on the banks of the Ganga again, and the devotees will make Temples for the Lord.
adbhuta mandira eka ha-ibe prakasa eka–One adbhuta–wonderful mandira–Temple prakasa ha-ibe–will manifest, [and there] nitya-seva–daily worship gaurangera–of Gauranga vikasa ha-ibe–will flourish. [74] "One wonderful Temple will manifest, and there daily worship of Gauranga will flourish.
praudha-maya vrddha-siva asi' punaraya prabhura ichchhaya–By the will of the Lord, praudha-maya–Praudha Maya [and] vrddha-siva–Vrddha Siva asi'–will come punaraya–again [and] sadhibeka–perform nija karya–their duties. [75] "By the will of the Lord, Praudha Maya and Vrddha Siva will return and perform their duties (of revealing and protecting the Dham)."
eta suni' jiva tabe kara-yoda kari' suni'–Hearing eta–this, jiva–Jiva tabe–then kara-yoda kari'–joined [his] palms, varta jijnase–questioned prabhure–the Lord, [and then] dhari'–grasped [the Lord's] pada-yuga–feet. [76] Hearing this, Jiva joined his palms, questioned Nityananda Prabhu, and then grasped the Lord's feet.
"ohe prabhu tumi sesa tattvera nidana "ohe–"O prabhu–Lord, tumi–You [are] nidana–the basis sesa tattvera–of the ultimate truth. dhama-rupa–The form of the Dham [and] nama-tattva–the Holy Name [are] tomari vidhana–Your manifestations. [77] "O Lord, You are the basis of the ultimate truth. You manifest Yourself as the Dham and the Holy Name.
yadio prabhura ichchha-mate karma kara yadio–Although karma kara–You act prabhura ichchha-mate–according to the will of Mahaprabhu, tabu–still tumi–You [are] jiva-guru–the Guru of all souls [and] sarva-sakti-dhara–the controller of all energies. [78] "Although You act according to the will of Mahaprabhu, You are the Guru of all souls and the controller of all energies.
gaurange tomate bheda yei jana kare vijna-jane–The wise dhare–consider tanre yei jana–anyone who bheda kare–distinguishes gaurange tomate–between You and Gauranga [to be] pasandi madhyete–a sinner. [79] "The wise consider anyone who distinguishes between You and Gauranga to be a sinner.
sarvajna purusa tumi lila avatara tumi–You [are] sarvajna purusa–the all-knowing Lord, [who] avatara–descends lila–to perform Pastimes. eka–A samsaya–doubt jagila–has arisen amara hrdaye–in my heart. [80] "You are the all-knowing Lord, who descends to perform Pastimes. A doubt has arisen in my heart.
ye samaya ganga lukaibe mayapura thakura–O Lord, balaha–please tell [me,] kotha–where [will] siva–Vrddha Siva [and] sakte–Praudha Maya yabe–go ye samaya–when ganga–the Ganga lukaibe–hides mayapura"–Mayapur?" [81] "O Lord, please tell me, where will Vrddha Siva and Praudha Maya go when the Ganga hides Mayapur?"
nityananda bale, "jiva sunaha vachana nityananda–Nityananda bale–said, "jiva–"Jiva, sunaha–listen vachana–to [My] words [and] darsana karaha–look bhumi–at the land paschima–to the west gangara–of the Ganga. [82] Nityananda Prabhu said, "Jiva, listen to My words and look at the land to the west of the Ganga.
ei uchcha chada dekha paradanga nama dekha–See ei–the uchcha chada–sand dune nama–known as paradanga–Paradanga, tatha–where achhe–there is eka–a grama–village vipra-mandalira–of brahmans. [83] "See there the sand dune known as Paradanga. In that place, there is a village of brahmans.
tahara uttare achhe jahnavi-pulina pravina–The wise janena–know tare jahnavi-pulina–the bank of the Ganga achhe–that is tahara uttare–to its north bali–as chhinnadenga–Chhinnadenga. [84] "The wise know the bank of the Ganga to its north as Chhinnadenga.
ei ta puline eka nagara vasibe eka–A nagara–village vasibe–will be established ei ta puline–on this bank. siva–Vrddha Siva [and] sakti–Praudha Maya rahibe–will remain tatha–there kichhu divasa–for some time. [85] "A village will be established on this bank. Vrddha Siva and Praudha Maya will remain there for some time.
o pulina mahatmya ke kahibare pare ke–Who pare–can kahibare–describe mahatmya–the glories o pulina–of that bank? rasa-sthali–The site of the Rasa Dance yatha achhe–is there jahnavira dhare–beside the Ganga. [86] "Who can describe the glories of that bank? The Rasa Sthali is there beside the Ganga.
balumaya bhumi vate charma-chakse bhaya [It] bhaya–appears vate–like balumaya bhumi–a beach charma-chakse–to fleshy eyes, [but the Lord's] divya–divine lila–Pastimes [take place] nitya-dhama taya–in that eternal abode ratnamaya–made of gemstone. [87] "It appears like a beach to fleshy eyes, but the Lord's divine Pastimes take place in that eternal abode of gemstone.
mayapura haya sri-gokula mahavana mayapura–Mayapur haya–is sri-gokula mahavana–Sri Gokula Mahavan, [and] paradanga–Paradanga [is] ganana–considered svarupa–a form sattikara–of Sattikara (Chhatikara). [88] "Mayapur is Sri Gokula Mahavan, and Paradanga is considered Sattikara.
tatha achhe vrndavana sri-rasa-mandala sri-rasa-mandala–Sri Rasa Mandal vrndavana–of Vrindavan achhe–is present tatha–there, [and] kale–in time habe–there will be kolahala gana–joyous singing ei sthane–at that place. [89] "Sri Rasa Mandal of Vrindavan is present there, and in the future there will be joyous singing at that place.
mayapura sri-pulina madhye bhagirathi mahamati–O wise soul, jana–know [that] mayapura–Mayapur [and] bhagirathi–the Ganga madhye–at sri-pulina–Sri Pulina [are] saba–all laye–within gaura-dhama–Sri Gaura's Dham. [90] "O wise soul, know that Mayapur and the Ganga at Sri Pulina are both part of Sri Gaura's Dham.
pancha-krosa dhama yeba karibe bhramana yeba–One who bhramana karibe–visits dhama–this abode pancha-krosa–of ten miles darsana karibe–will see mayapura–Mayapur [and] sri-pulina–Sri Pulina. [91] "One who visits this abode of ten miles will see Mayapur and Sri Pulina.
phalguna-purnima-dine ye kare bhramana ye–One who bhramana kare–visits pancha-krosa–these ten miles bhakta-saha–with devotees phalguna-purnima-dine–on the full moon day in the month of Phalgun paya–attains nitya-dhana–the eternal wealth. [92] "One who visits these ten miles with devotees on the full moon day in the month of Phalgun attains the eternal wealth.
ohe jiva gudha katha sunaha amara ohe–O jiva–Jiva, sunaha–listen [to] amara–My gudha–confidential katha–words. sri-visnu-priyara–Sri Visnu Priya's sri-gauranga-murti–Deity of Sri Gauranga sobhe–shines [here]. [93] "O Jiva, listen to My confidential words. Sri Visnu Priya's Deity of Sri Gauranga shines here.
ai kale misra-vamsodbhava vipra-gana ai kale–At that time, vipra-gana–brahmans misra-vamsodbhava–in the lineage of Jagannath Misra labe–will bring sri-murti-ratana–this jewel-like Deity sattikara dhame–to Sattikara Dham. [94] "In the future, brahmans in the lineage of Jagannath Misra will bring this jewel-like Deity to Sattikara Dham.
chari-sata-varsa gaura-janma-dina dhari' chari-sata-varsa ha-ile–When four hundred years have passed gaura-janma-dina dhari'–after the day of Gaura's birth, sri-murti-seva–the worship of the Deity habe–will be [established] sarvopari–above all. [95] "Four hundred years after the appearance day of Sri Gaura, the worship of the Deity will be set to the highest standard.
ei saba katha ebe rakha aprakasa [For] ebe–now, rakha–keep ei saba–all these katha–matters aprakasa–secret [and] parikrama kara–circumambulate [the Dham] antare ullasa haye–with a joyful heart. [96] "For now, keep all these matters secret and circumambulate the Dham with a joyful heart.
vrddha-siva ghata haite tridhanu uttara vijna-vara–O best of the wise, dekha–see gaurangera–Gauranga's nija-ghata–own ghat tridhanu–ten metres uttara–north haite–of vrddha-siva ghata–Vrddha Siva's ghat. [97] "O best of the wise, see Sri Gauranga's ghat ten metres north of Vrddha Siva's ghat.
ei sthane balya-lila chhale gaurahari chhale–On the pretext balya-lila–of childhood Pastimes, gaurahari–Gaurahari bhagirathi-krida karilena–played with the Ganga ei sthane–here [and] bhari'–fulfilled [her] chitta–heart. [98] "On the pretext of childhood Pastimes, Gaurahari played here with the Ganga and filled her heart with joy.
yamunara bhagya dekhi' himadri-nandini dekhi'–Seeing yamunara bhagya–the fortune of the Yamuna, himadri-nandini–Ganga Devi kaila–had performed bahu–many tapa–austerities haite–to become sangini–an associate [of the Lord] lilara–in [His] Pastimes. [99] "Seeing the fortune of the Yamuna, Ganga Devi had performed many austerities to become an associate of the Lord in His Pastimes.
krsna krpa kari' bale diya darasana krsna–Krishna krpa kari'–mercifully darasana diya–appeared [before her and] bale–said, 'gaura-rupe–'As Gaura, kridana kariba–I will play tava jale'–in your waters.' [100] "Krishna mercifully appeared before her and said, 'As Gaura, I will play in your waters.'
sei lila kaila hetha tribhuvana raya tribhuvana raya–The Lord of the three worlds kaila–performed sei–this lila–Pastime hetha–here. dekhi'–Upon seeing [this place,] bhagyavan jiva–fortunate souls paya–feel bada–great sukha–joy. [101] "The Lord of the three worlds performed this Pastime here. Upon seeing this place, fortunate souls feel great joy.
pancha-dasa-dhanu yei ghata tad uttare yei ghata–The ghat pancha-dasa-dhanu–one hundred and sixty metres tad uttare–to the north vyakta bale–is known as madhaiyera ghata–Madhai's ghat charachare–throughout the world. [102] "The ghat one hundred and sixty metres to the north is known by everyone as Madhai's ghat.
tara pancha-dhanura uttare ghata sobha tara pancha-dhanura uttare–sixteen metres to its north [is a] sobha–beautiful ghata–ghat [that] sarvada–always mano-lobha–attracts the minds nagariya janera–of the villagers. [103] "Sixteen metres to its north is a beautiful ghat that always attracts the minds of all the villagers.
barakona ghata ei ativa sundara ei–This ativa–extremely sundara–beautiful ghata–ghat [is known as] barakona–Barakona. visvakarma–The architect of the gods nirmilena–constructed [it] prabhu-ajna-dhara–following the order of the Lord. [104] "This extremely beautiful ghat is known as Barakona Ghat. Visvakarma constructed it on the order of the Lord.
ei ghate dekha jiva pancha sivalaya jiva–O Jiva, dekha–see pancha sivalaya–the five Siva Temples ei ghate–at this ghat. pancha–Five jyotirmaya–effulgent linga–Deities of Lord Siva sada–always [reside here] pancha-tirtha–in these five holy places. [105] "O Jiva, see the five Siva Temples at this ghat. Five effulgent lingams always reside here in these five holy places.
ei chari ghata mayapura sobha kare ei–These chari ghata–four ghats (Gauranga Ghat, Vrddha Siva Ghat, Madhai Ghat, and Barakona Ghat) sobha kare–beautify mayapura–Mayapur. snana karile–Bathing yathaya–at them hare–removes sarva-duhkha–all sorrow. [106] "These four ghats beautify Mayapur. Bathing at them removes all sorrow.
mayapura purva-dike achhe yei sthana mayapura purva-dike–To the east of Mayapur achhe–is yei sthana taya–a place bali' nama vidyamana–known by the name of antardvipa–Antardwip. [107] "To the east of Mayapur is a place known as Antardwip.
ebe prabhu-ichchha-mate loka-vasa-hina ebe–Now, prabhu-ichchha-mate–by the will of the Lord, [it is] loka-vasa-hina–uninhabited. [It] rahe aro–will remain ei rupa sthiti–this way kata dina–for some time. [108] "Now, by the will of the Lord, it is uninhabited. It will remain this way for some time.
kata-kale punah hetha loka vasa habe kata-kale–Eventually, loka–people vasa habe–will live hetha–here punah–again, [and] sthana–the place prakasa ha-ibe–will be manifest nadiya gaurave–as the glory of Nadia. [109] "Eventually, people will live here again, and the place will manifest as the glory of Nadia.
ohe jiva adya tumi raha mayapure ohe–O jiva–Jiva, adya–today tumi raha–stay mayapure–in Mayapur. kalya–Tomorrow ami–I laye yaba–will take [you] simanta-nagare"–to Simantadwip." [110] "O Jiva, today stay in Mayapur. Tomorrow I will take you to Simantadwip."
eta suni' jiva tabe balena vachana suni'–Hearing eta–this, jiva–Jiva tabe–then vachana balena–said, "eka–"A samsaya–doubt uthila–has arisen [within me]. sravana karaha–Please hear [it]. [111] Hearing this, Jiva said, "A doubt has arisen within me. Please hear it.
yabe ganga-devi mayapura achchhadana
sei kale bhakta-gana kon chihna dhari' yabe–When ganga-devi–Ganga Devi achchhadana uthaiya la-ibena–uncovers mayapura–Mayapur [and it] rabe na–no longer remains gopana–hidden, sei kale–then kon chihna dhari'–by what signs [will] bhakta-gana–the devotees prakasibe–discover gupta-sthana–the hidden places? vyakta kari' bala"–Please explain [this]." [112–113] "When Ganga Devi uncovers Mayapur and it no longer remains hidden, by what signs will the devotees discover the hidden places? Please explain this."
jivera vachana suni' nityananda-raya suni'–Hearing jivera–Jiva's vachana–words, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray tabe–then balila–spoke [a] amrtera praya–nectarean uttara–answer. [114] Hearing Jiva's words, Nityananda Ray gave a nectarean answer.
"suna jiva ganga yabe achchhadibe sthana "suna–"Listen, jiva–Jiva, yabe–when ganga–Ganga Devi achchhadibe–covers sthana–the area, eka–one kona–edge mayapura–of Mayapur rabe–will remain vidyamana–manifest. [115] "Listen, Jiva, when Ganga Devi covers Mayapur, one edge of it will remain manifest.
tathaya yavana vasa ha-ibe prachura prachura–Many yavana–uncivilised people vasa ha-ibe–will reside tathaya–there. tathapi–Still, tara–its nama–name rahibe–will remain mayapura–Mayapur. [116] "Many uncivilised people will reside there, but the name of the place will remain Mayapur.
avasista sthane paschima daksinete
kichhu uchcha sthana sada trna avarana pancha-sata-dhanu–One thousand six hundred metres paschima daksinete–southwest, pare–past avasista sthane–this remaining place, kichhu uchcha sthana–a somewhat raised area sada–always trna avarana–covered with grass dekhite paibe–will be visible. sei–That sthana–place [will be] bhavana–the home jagannatha-misrera–of Jagannath Misra. [117–118] "One thousand six hundred metres southwest, past this remaining place, a raised area always covered with grass will be visible. That place will be the home of Jagannath Misra.
tatha haite pancha-dhanu vrddha-sivalaya pancha-dhanu–Sixteen metres haite–from tatha–there [is] vrddha-sivalaya–the Vrddha Siva Temple. dhari'–According ei parimana–to these measurements, [devotees] nirnaya karibe–will ascertain [the lost places]. [119] "Sixteen metres from there is the Vrddha Siva Temple. According to these measurements, devotees will ascertain the lost places.
siva-doba bali khata dekhite paibe khata–A pond bali–known as siva-doba–Siva Doba dekhite paibe–will be visible. [Devotees] janibe–will recognise sei–that khata–pond baliya–as ganga-tira–the bank of the Ganga. [120] "A pond known as Siva Doba will be visible. Devotees will recognise that pond as the previous bank of the Ganga.
bhakta-gana ei rupe prabhura ichchhaya janaha–Know nischaya–for certain [that] bhakta-gana–the devotees prakasibe–will reveal lupta-sthana–the lost places ei rupe–in this way prabhura ichchhaya–by the will of the Lord. [121] "Know for certain that the devotees will reveal the lost places in this way by the will of the Lord.
prabhura satabdi-chatustaya anta yabe yabe–When satabdi-chatustaya–the four hundredth anniversary prabhura–of the Lord anta–ends, tabe–then yatna–the endeavour uddharera–to reveal lupta-tirtha–the lost holy places habe"–will be completed." [122] "Four hundred years after the appearance of the Lord, the endeavour to reveal the lost places will be completed."
sri-jiva balena, "prabhu balaha ekhana sri-jiva–Sri Jiva balena–said, "prabhu–"O Lord ekhana–now balaha–please tell [me] ye–the yathartha–true karana–reason antardvipa namera"–for Antardwip's name." [123] Sri Jiva said, "O Lord, now please tell me the true reason for Antardwip's name."
prabhu bale, "ei sthane dvaparera sese prabhu–The Lord bale–said, "sese–"At the end dvaparera–of Dvapar-yuga, brahma–Brahma karila–performed tapasya–austerities ei sthane–in this place ase–with an aspiration gaura-krpa–for the mercy of Gaura. [124] Nityananda Prabhu said, "At the end of Dvapar-yuga, Brahma performed austerities in this place, aspiring for the mercy of Gaura.
govatsa gopala sabe kariya harana [Previously,] chhalila–he [tried] to bewilder govindera–Govinda's mana–mind maya kariya–using [his] illusion harana kariya–by stealing sabe govatsa gopala–all the calves and cowherd boys. [125] "Previously, using his illusion, he tried to trick Govinda by stealing the calves and cowherd boys.
nija maya parajaya dekhi' chaturmukha dekhi'–Seeing nija–his maya–illusion parajaya–overpowered, chaturmukha–Brahma bada asukha paila–became very sad nija karya-dose–because of his offence. [126] "When he saw his illusion overpowered by Govinda, Brahma became very sad, understanding his offence.
bahu stava kari' krsne karila minati bahu stava kari'–He profusely praised krsne–Krishna [and] minati karila–prayed to Him. vrndavana-pati–The Lord of Vrindavan ksamila–forgave tahara–his dosa–offence. [127] "He profusely praised Krishna and prayed to Him. The Lord of Vrindavan then forgave Brahma's offence.
tabu brahma mane mane karila vichara brahma–Brahma tabu–then vichara karila–considered mane mane–within [his] mind, 'mora–'My brahma-buddhi–mentality of being Brahma (the master of the universe) haya–is atisaya–completely chhara–worthless. [128] "Brahma considered within his mind, 'My mentality of being Brahma is completely worthless.
ei buddhi dose krsna-premete rahita ei buddhi dose–Because of this wrong mentality, rahita–I am devoid krsna-premete–of divine love for Krishna [and] vanchita ha-inu–deprived bhoge–of relishing rasa–the taste vraja-lila–of the Pastimes [of Krishna] in Vrindavan. [129] "'Because of my wrong mentality, I am devoid of divine love for Krishna and deprived of relishing the rasa of Pastimes in Vraja.
gopala ha-iya janma paitama ami ami janma paitama–If I had been born gopala ha-iya–as a cowherd boy, anayase sevitama–I would have easily served svami–the Lord gopikara–of the gopis. [130] "'If I had been born as a cowherd boy, I would have easily served the Lord of the gopis.
se lila-rasete mora na ha-ila gati mora gati ha-ila na–I did not attain entrance se lila-rasete–into the rasa of those Pastimes, [but] ebe–now, sri-gaurange–with Sri Gauranga, mora kumati haya na'–I will not have any misconceptions.' [131] "'I did not attain entrance into the rasa of those Pastimes, but now, with Sri Gauranga, I will not have any misconceptions.'
ei bali' bahu-kala antardvipa sthane bali'–Thinking ei–this, brahma–Brahma tapasya kariya–performed austerities [and] dheyane rahila–meditated bahu-kala–for a long time antardvipa sthane–in Antardwip. [132] "Thinking in this way, Brahma performed austerities and meditated for a long time in Antardwip.
kata-dine gaurachandra karuna kariya kata-dine–Eventually, gaurachandra–Gaurachandra karuna kariya–mercifully asiya–came sannidhane–before chaturmukha–Brahma [and] kahena–spoke [to him]. [133] "Eventually, Gaurachandra mercifully came before Brahma and spoke to him.
'ohe brahma tava tape tusta haye ami 'ohe–'O brahma–Brahma, ami–I haye–am tusta–pleased tava tape–by your austerities, [and] asilama–I have come dite–to give tumi–you yaha–whatever asa kara'–you desire.' [134] "'O Brahma, I am pleased by your austerities, and I have come to give you whatever you desire.'
nayana meliya brahma dekhi' gaura-raya meliya–Opening [his] nayana–eyes [and] dekhi'–seeing gaura-raya–Gaura Ray, brahma–Brahma padila–fell bhume–to the ground ajnana ha-iya–unconscious tathaya–there. [135] "Opening his eyes and seeing Gaura Ray, Brahma fell to the ground unconscious.
brahmara mastake prabhu dharila charana prabhu–The Lord dharila–placed [His] charana–foot brahmara mastake–on Brahma's head. peye–Receiving divya-jnana–divine knowledge (as a result), brahma–Brahma karaya stavana–praised [Krishna]. [136] "The Lord placed His foot on Brahma's head. Receiving divine knowledge, Brahma praised the Lord.
'ami dina-hina ati abhimana vase 'ami–'I [am] ati–very dina-hina–lowly and fallen. abhimana vase–Controlled by pride, pasariya–I forgot tava–Your pada–feet [and] phiri–turned jada rase–to material pleasures. [137] "'I am very lowly and fallen. Controlled by pride, I forgot Your feet and turned to material pleasures.
ami panchanana indra adi deva-gana sastrera likhana–It is written in the scriptures [that] ami–myself, panchanana–Siva, indra–Indra, adi deva-gana–and the other gods [are] dasa–servants tava adhikrta–under Your control. [138] "'The scriptures say that myself, Siva, Indra, and the other gods are all servants under Your control.
suddha dasa haite amadera bhagya naya amadera bhagya naya–We do not have the fortune haite–of being [Your] suddha–pure dasa–servants, [and] ataeva–thus maya–Maya vistaraya–spreads [her] moha-jala–net of illusion [over us]. [139] "'But we do not have the fortune of being Your pure servants, and thus Maya covers us with her net of illusion.
prathama parardha mora katila jivana prathama–The first parardha–one hundred and fifty-five trillion years mora jivana–of my life katila–have passed. ebe ta–Now chinta posana karaye–I am contemplating [my] charama–final days. [140] "'The first one hundred and fifty-five trillion years of my lifespan have passed. Now I am contemplating my final days.
dvitiya parardha mora katibe kemane kemane–How katibe–will I pass mora–my dvitiya–second parardha–one hundred and fifty-five trillion years? mane–I know [that] bahir-mukha ha-ile–if I remain averse, bada yatana–great suffering [will ensue]. [141] "'How will I pass the second one hundred and fifty-five trillion years of my lifespan? I know that if I remain averse to You, I will suffer greatly.
ei matra tava pade prarthana amara amara–My ei matra–only prarthana–prayer tava pade–at Your feet [is that] yena ha-i–I may become paribara–an associate prakata lilaya–in [Your] manifest Pastimes. [142] "'My only prayer at Your feet is that I may become one of Your associates in Your manifest Pastimes.
brahma-buddhi dure yaya hena janma pai pai–May I attain janma–a birth hena–in which [my] brahma-buddhi–mentality of being Brahma yaya–goes dure–away, [and] thaki'–I live tomara sangete–in Your company [and] gai–I chant tava–Your guna'–glories.' [143] "'May I attain a birth in which my mentality of being Brahma leaves me, and I live in Your company, chanting Your glories.'
brahmara prarthana suni' gaura bhagavan suni'–Hearing brahmara–Brahma's prarthana–prayer, gaura bhagavan–the Supreme Lord Gaura baliya–said, 'tathastu'–'So be it', [and] dana karilena–gave [him] vara–the boon. [144] "Hearing Brahma's prayer, the Supreme Lord Gaura said, 'So be it', and gave him the boon he desired.
'ye samaya mama lila prakata ha-ibe 'ye samaya–'When mama–My lila–Pastimes prakata ha-ibe–manifest, tumi–you janama labhibe–will be born grhe–in a home yavanera–of uncivilised people. [145] "'When My Pastimes manifest, you will be born in a home of uncivilised people.
apanake hina bali' ha-ibe geyana bali' geyana ha-ibe–You will consider apanake–yourself hina–lowly. tumi–You habe–will be [known as] haridasa–as Haridas, [and you will be] sunya–free from abhimana–pride. [146] "'You will consider yourself lowly. You will be known as Haridas, and you will be free from pride.
tina-laksa hari-nama jihvagre nachibe hari-nama–The Name nachibe–will dance jihvagre–on the tip of [your] tongue tina-laksa–three hundred thousand [times a day, and] tumi–you dekhibe–will see amake–Me niryana-samaye–at the time of [your] passing. [147] "'The Name will dance on the tip of your tongue three hundred thousand times a day, and you will see Me at the time of your passing away.
ei ta sadhana-bale dviparardha-sese ei ta sadhana-bale–As a result of [your] practice, dviparardha sese–at the end of [Your] second one hundred trillion years, pabe–you will attain navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham [and] maji'–relish nitya-rase–eternal rasa. [148] "'As a result of your practice, at the end of the second one hundred trillion years of your lifespan, you will attain Nabadwip Dham and relish eternal rasa.
ohe brahma suna mora antarera katha ohe–O brahma–Brahma, suna–listen [to] mora–My antarera–heartfelt katha–words, [but] vyakta karibe na–do not express [them] sastre–in the scriptures yatha tatha–anywhere kabhu–at any time. [149] "'O Brahma, listen to My heartfelt words, but do not express them in the scriptures anywhere at any time.
bhakta-bhava laye bhakti-rasa asvadiba laye–Taking bhakta-bhava–the mood of a devotee, asvadiba–I will relish bhakti-rasa–the joy of devotion [and] prakasiba–reveal [the] parama–most durlabha–rare [form of] sankirtana–sankirtan. [150] "'Taking the mood of a devotee, I will relish the rasa of devotion and reveal the most rare form of sankirtan.
anya anya avatara-kale bhakta yata rata kari' mataiba–I will intensely madden yata bhakta sabe–all the devotees anya anya avatara-kale–from the times of [My] other appearances vraja-rase–with the taste of Vraja. [151] "'I will completely madden all the devotees of My previous Avatars with the rasa of Vraja.
sri-radhika prema-baddha amara hrdaya amara–My hrdaya–heart [is] sri-radhika prema-baddha–bound by the love of Sri Radhika. laye–I will take tanra–Her bhava–heart [and] kanti–halo, [and] udaya ha-iba–appear. [152] "'My heart is bound by the love of Sri Radhika. I will take Her heart and halo, and appear.
kiba sukha radha paya amare seviya kiba–What sort sukha–of happiness [does] radha–Radha paya–feel seviya–by serving amare–Me? laiya–Taking radha-bhava–Radha's heart, asvadiba–I will relish sei sukha–that happiness. [153] "'What sort of happiness does Radha feel by serving Me? Taking Her heart, I will relish that happiness.
aji haite tumi mora sisyata labhibe haite–From aji–today, tumi–you labhibe–will gain mora sisyata–the status of My disciple, [and] rupe–as haridasa–Haridas, sevibe–you will serve more–Me satata'–eternally.' [154] "'From today, you are My disciple, and as Haridas, you will serve Me eternally.'
eta bali' mahaprabhu haila antardhana bali'–Saying eta–this, mahaprabhu–Mahaprabhu antardhana haila–disappeared, [and] brahma–Brahma achhadiya pade–fell heavily to the ground ajnana ha-iya–unconscious. [155] "Saying this, Mahaprabhu disappeared, and Brahma fell heavily to the ground unconscious.
'ha gauranga dina-bandhu bhakata-vatsala 'ha–'O gauranga–Gauranga! dina-bandhu–O Friend of the fallen! bhakata-vatsala–O affectionate Lord of the devotees! kabe va–When paiba–will I reach tava–Your charana-kamala'–lotus feet?' [156] "'O Gauranga! O Friend of the fallen! O affectionate Lord of the devotees! When will I reach Your lotus feet?'
ei mata kata dina kandite kandite kandite kandite–After crying and crying ei mata–in this way kata dina–for some time, brahma–Brahma gela–went brahma-loke–to Brahmaloka karya sampadite"–to perform his duties." [157] "After crying and crying in this way for some time, Brahma returned to his abode to perform his duties."
nitai-jahnava-pade asa matra yara dina hina chhara–This lowly, fallen, insignificant soul, yara–whose matra–only asa–aspiration [is] nitai-jahnava-pade–for Nitai and Jahnava's feet, gaya–chants nadiya-mahatmya–the glories of Nadia. [158] This lowly, fallen, insignificant soul, who aspires only for the feet of Nitai and Jahnava, chants the glories of Nadia.
CONTENTS: · Translator's Note · Publishers' Notes · Sri Navadvipa-dhama-parikramaya Ahvana · Preface · Sriman Navadvipa-dhama-vandana Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya: • The Glories of the Dham • The Nature and Dimensions of the Dham • Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham • Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham • Sri Mayapur and Antardvip • Visiting Sri Ganga Nagar, Sri Prthu Kunda, Sri Simantadwip, Sri Visram Sthan, and Other Places • Sri Suvarna Bihar and Sri Deva Palli • Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma • Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa • Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and other places • Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev • Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda • Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip • Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila • Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina • Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila • Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers • The Removal of Sri Jiva Goswami's Doubts and His Travelling to Vrindavan Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga Sri Gaura Krishna Tattva The Land of Sweetness The Ten Offences to the Holy Dham Glossary Maps |
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