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Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip


jaya gaura nityanandadvaita gadadhara
srivasa sri-navadvipa kirtana-sagara [1]

jaya–All glory gaura–to Gaura, nityanandadvaita–Nityananda, Advaita, gadadhara–Gadadhar, srivasa–Srivas, [and] kirtana-sagara–the ocean of kirtan, sri-navadvipa–Sri Nabadwip! [1]

All glory to Gaura, Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhar, Srivas, and the ocean of kirtan, Sri Nabadwip Dham!

sri-vidya-nagare asi' nityananda-raya
vidya-nagarera tattva sri-jive sikhaya [2]

asi'–Coming sri-vidya-nagare–to Sri Vidya Nagar, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray sikhaya–taught sri-jive–Sri Jiva tattva–the importance vidya-nagarera–of Vidya Nagar. [2]

Coming to Vidya Nagar, Nityananda Ray taught Sri Jiva the importance of the town.

"nitya-dhama navadvipa pralaya-samaye
asta-dala padma-rupe thake suddha haye [3]

"pralaya-samaye–"At the time of the destruction of the universe, nitya-dhama–the eternal abode navadvipa–of Nabadwip thake–remains suddha haye–undisturbed asta-dala padma-rupe–as an eight-petalled lotus. [3]

"During the destruction of the universe, the eternal abode of Nabadwip remains undisturbed as an eight-petalled lotus.

sarva-avatara ara dhanya-jiva yata
kamalera ekadese thake kata sata [4]

sarva-avatara–All the Avatars ara–and yata kata sata dhanya-jiva–thousands of fortunate souls thake–stay ekadese–in one part kamalera–of that lotus. [4]

"All the Avatars and thousands of fortunate souls stay in one part of that lotus.

rtudvipa antargata e vidya-nagare
matsya-rupi bhagavan sarva-veda dhare [5]

e vidya-nagare–In Vidya Nagar antargata–within rtudvipa–Ṛtudwip, bhagavan–the Lord, matsya-rupi–as Matysa, dhare–holds sarva-veda–all the Vedas. [5]

"In Vidya Nagar within Ṛtudwip, the Lord, as Matsya, holds all the Vedas.

sarva-vidya thake veda asraya kariya
sri-vidya-nagara nama ei sthane diya [6]

veda–The Vedas, [which contain] sarva-vidya–all knowledge, asraya kariya–took shelter [and] thake–stayed [here.] nama diya–They named ei sthane–this place sri-vidya-nagara–Sri Vidya Nagar. [6]

"The Vedas, which contain all knowledge, took shelter and stayed here. They named this place Sri Vidya Nagar.

punah yabe srsti-mukhe brahma mahasaya
ati bhita hana dekhi' sakala pralaya [7]

yabe–When brahma mahasaya–Brahma srsti-mukhe–desired to create punah–again, dekhi'–he saw sakala pralaya–the full devastation [and] ati bhita hana–became extremely afraid. [7]

"When Brahma desired to create the world again, he saw the full devastation and became extremely afraid.

sei kale prabhu-krpa haya tanra prati
ei sthane peye bhagavane kare stuti [8]

sei kale–At that time, prabhu-krpa haya–the Lord bestowed mercy tanra prati–upon him. peye–He received [that mercy] ei sthane–here [and] stuti kare–prayed bhagavane–to the Lord. [8]

"At that time, the Lord bestowed mercy upon him. He received that mercy here and then prayed to the Lord.

mukha khulibara kale devi sarasvati
brahma-jihva haite janme ati rupavati [9]

kale–When khulibara–he opened [his] mukha–mouths, ati rupavati sarasvati devi–the extremely beautiful goddess Saraswati janme–manifested haite–from brahma-jihva–Brahma's tongues. [9]

"As he opened his mouths, the extremely beautiful goddess Saraswati manifested from his tongues.

sarasvati-sakti peye deva-chaturmukha
sri-krsne karena stava peye bada sukha [10]

peye–Receiving sarasvati-sakti–power from Saraswati, deva-chaturmukha–the four-headed god stava karena–prayed sri-krsne–to Sri Krishna [and] peye–felt bada–great sukha–satisfaction. [10]

"Becoming empowered by Saraswati, four-headed Brahma prayed to Krishna and felt great satisfaction.

srsti yabe haya maya sarva-dika gheri'
virajara pare thake guna-traya dhari' [11]

yabe–When srsti–creation haya–takes place, maya–Maya thake–remains pare–on the bank virajara–of the Viraja River [and] gheri'–envelops sarva-dika–all directions dhari'–with guna-traya–the three modes of material nature. [11]

"When creation takes place, Maya remains on the bank of the Viraja River and envelops all directions with the three modes of material nature.

maya prakasita visve vidyara prakasa
kare rsi-gana tabe kariya prayasa [12]

tabe–Then, visve–within that world maya prakasita–manifested by Maya, rsi-gana–the sages prayasa kariya–endeavour [and] vidyara prakasa kare–reveal knowledge. [12]

"Then, within that world manifested by Maya, the sages reveal knowledge.

ei ta sarada-pitha kariya asraya
rsi-gana kare avidyara parajaya [13]

rsi-gana–The sages asraya kariya–take shelter ei ta sarada-pitha–in this abode of Saraswati [and] avidyara parajaya kare–conquer ignorance. [13]

"They take shelter in this abode of Saraswati and conquer ignorance.

chausatti vidyara patha laye rsi-gana
dhara-tale sthane sthane kare vijnapana [14]

rsi-gana–The sages patha laye–study chausatti vidyara–the sixty-four branches of knowledge [and then] vijnapana kare–teach [them] sthane sthane–at various places dhara-tale–on the earth. [14]

"They study the sixty-four branches of knowledge and then teach them at various places on the earth.

ye ye rsi ye ye vidya kare adhyayana
ei pithe se sabara sthana anuksana [15]

sthana–The residences se sabara–of all ye ye rsi–the sages who adhyayana kare–study ye ye vidya–each and every type of knowledge [are present] ei pithe–here anuksana–eternally. [15]

"The residences of all the sages who study each and every type of knowledge are present here eternally.

sri-valmiki kavya-rasa ei sthane paya
narada-krpaya te̐ha aila hethaya [16]

sri-valmiki–Sri Valmiki paya–learned kavya-rasa–the art of poetry ei sthane–here. te̐ha–He aila–came hethaya–here narada-krpaya–by the grace of Narad. [16]

"Sri Valmiki came here by the grace of Narad and learned the art of poetry.

dhanvantari asi' hetha ayurveda paya
visvamitra adi dhanur-vidya sikhi' yaya [17]

dhanvantari–Dhanvantari asi'–came hetha–here [and] paya–learned ayurveda–the science of life. visvamitra–Visvamitra adi–and others sikhi' yaya–learned dhanur-vidya–archery. [17]

"Dhanvantari came here and learned ayurveda. Visvamitra and others learned archery.

saunakadi rsi-gana pade veda-mantra
deva-deva mahadeva alochaya tantra [18]

saunakadi rsi-gana–Saunaka and other sages pade–studied veda-mantra–Vedic mantras. deva-deva–The god of gods, mahadeva–Lord Siva, alochaya–studied tantra–tantra. [18]

"Saunaka and other sages studied Vedic mantras. The god of gods, Lord Siva, studied tantra.

brahma-chari-mukha haite veda chatustaya
rsi-gana prarthanaya karila udaya [19]

rsi-gana prarthanaya–At the request of the sages, veda chatustaya–the four Vedas udaya karila–manifested haite–from chari-mukha–the four mouths brahma–of Lord Brahma. [19]

"At the request of the sages, the four Vedas manifested from the four mouths of Lord Brahma.

kapila rachila sankhya ei sthane vasi'
nyaya tarka prakasila sri-gautama rsi [20]

kapila–Kapila vasi'–resided ei sthane–here [and] rachila–wrote [about] sankhya–analysis of matter and spirit, [and] sri-gautama rsi–Sri Gautam Ṛsi prakasila–wrote [texts] nyaya tarka–about logic and argument. [20]

"Kapila resided here and wrote about sankhya, and Sri Gautam Ṛsi wrote texts about logic and argument.

vaisesika prakasila kanabhuk muni
patanjali yoga-sastra prakase apani [21]

kanabhuk muni–Kanada prakasila–wrote [about] vaisesika–atomistic pluralism, [and] patanjali–Patanjali apani prakase–personally wrote yoga-sastra–texts on yoga. [21]

"Kanada wrote about vaisesika, and Patanjali wrote texts on yoga.

jaimini mimamsa sastra karila prakasa
puranadi prakasila rsi vedavyasa [22]

jaimini–Jaimini prakasa karila–wrote sastra–texts [about] mimamsa–examination of scripture, [and] vedavyasa rsi–the sage Vedavyas prakasila–wrote puranadi–the Puranas and other texts. [22]

"Jaimini wrote texts about mimamsa, and Vedavyas wrote the Puranas and other texts.

pancharatra naradadi rsi pancha-jana
prakasiya jiva-gane sikhaya sadhana [23]

naradadi rsi pancha-jana–Five sages, Narad and others, prakasiya–wrote pancharatra–the Pancharatras [and] sikhaya–taught jiva-gane–souls sadhana–spiritual practices. [23]

"Narad and four other sages wrote the Pancharatras and taught souls spiritual practices.

ei upavane sarva-upanisad-gana
bahu-kala sri-gauranga kare aradhana [24]

ei upavane–In this garden, sarva-upanisad-gana–all the Upanisads aradhana kare–worshipped sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga bahu-kala–for a long time. [24]

"In this garden, all the Upanisads worshipped Sri Gauranga for a long time.

alaksye sri-gaura se sabe kahila
'nirakara-buddhi tava hrdaya dusila [25]

alaksye–Invisibly, sri-gaura–Sri Gaura kahila–said se sabe–to them, 'buddhi–'The conception nirakara–of formlessness dusila–has polluted tava–your hrdaya–hearts. [25]

"Invisibly, Sri Gaura said to them, 'The conception of formlessness has polluted your hearts.

tumi sabe sruti-rupe more na paibe
amara parsada-rupe yabe janma labe [26]

prakata-lilaya tabe dekhibe amaya
mama guna kirtana karibe ubharaya' [27]

sruti-rupe–As scriptures, tumi sabe–you all paibe na–will not attain more–Me, [but] yabe–when janma labe–you all take birth amara parsada-rupe–as My associates prakata-lilaya–in [My] manifest Pastimes, tabe–then dekhibe–you all will see amaya–Me [and] ubharaya kirtana karibe–loudly chant mama–My guna'–glories.' [26–27]

"'As scriptures, you will not attain Me, but when you take birth as My associates in My manifest Pastimes, you will see Me and loudly chant My glories.'

taha suni' sruti-gana nistabdha ha-iya
gopane achhila hetha kala apeksiya [28]

suni'–Hearing taha–this, sruti-gana–the Upanisads nistabdha ha-iya–became silent [and] kala apeksiya–waited hetha–here gopane achhila–in secret. [28]

"Hearing this, the Upanisads became silent and secretly waited here.

ei dhanya kali-yuga sarva-yuga-sara
yahate ha-ila sri-gauranga avatara [29]

ei–This dhanya–glorious kali-yuga–Age of Kali, yahate–in which sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga avatara ha-ila–has descended, [is] sara–the best sarva-yuga–of all ages. [29]

"This glorious Age of Kali, in which Sri Gauranga has descended, is the best of all ages.

vidya-lila karibena gauranga-sundara
gana-saha brhaspati janme atahpara [30]

[Hearing that] gauranga-sundara–Gaurangasundar karibena–would perform vidya-lila–Pastimes of scholarship, brhaspati–Brhaspati gana-saha–and [his] associates atahpara–then janme–took birth. [30]

"Hearing that Gaurangasundar would perform Pastimes of scholarship, Brhaspati and his associates took birth before the Lord.

vasudeva sarvabhauma sei brhaspati
gaurange tusite yatna karilena ati [31]

vasudeva sarvabhauma–As Vasudev Sarvabhauma, sei brhaspati–Brhaspati ati yatna karilena–endeavoured greatly tusite–to please gaurange–Gauranga. [31]

"As Vasudev Sarvabhauma, Brhaspati endeavoured greatly to please Gauranga.

'prabhu mora navadvipe sri-vidya-vilasa
karibena' jani' mane ha-iya udasa [32]

indra-sabha parihari' nija-gana laye
janmilena sthane sthane anandita haye [33]

jani'–Knowing mane–within [his] heart, 'mora–'My prabhu–Lord karibena–will perform sri-vidya-vilasa–Pastimes of scholarship navadvipe'–in Nabadwip', [and] udasa ha-iya–becoming detached, parihari'–Brhaspati left indra-sabha–the assembly of Indra laye–with nija-gana–his associates, [and] anandita haye–joyfully janmilena–they took birth sthane sthane–in various places. [32–33]

"Knowing within his heart, 'My Lord will perform Pastimes of scholarship in Nabadwip', and becoming detached, Brhaspati left the assembly of Indra with his associates. Joyfully, he and his associates took birth in various places.

ei vidya-nagarite kari' vidyalaya
vidya pracharila sarvabhauma mahasaya [34]

vidyalaya kari'–Brhaspati made a school ei vidya-nagarite–in Vidya Nagar [and] vidya pracharila–taught sarvabhauma mahasaya–as Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya. [34]

"Brhaspati made a school in Vidya Nagar and taught here as Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya.

'pachhe vidya-jale dube harai gauranga'
ei mane kari' eka karilena ranga [35]

'pachhe–'Later, dube–I may sink vidya-jale–in the net of knowledge [and] harai–forget gauranga'–Gauranga.' ei mane kari'–Thinking this, karilena–he performed eka–a ranga–trick. [35]

"Thinking, 'Later, I may sink into the net of knowledge and forget Gauranga', he performed a trick.

nija sisya-gane rakhi' nadiya-nagare
gaura-janma purve te̐ha gela desantare [36]

rakhi'–Keeping nija–his sisya-gane–disciples nadiya-nagare–in the town of Nadia, te̐ha–he gela–went desantare–elsewhere purve–before gaura-janma–the birth of Gaura. [36]

"Keeping his disciples in Nadia, he went elsewhere before the birth of Gaura.

mane bhave, 'yadi ami ha-i gaura-dasa
krpa kari' more prabhu la-ibena pasa' [37]

mane bhave–He thought, 'yadi–'If ami–I ha-i–am gaura-dasa–Gaura's servant, [then my] prabhu–Lord krpa kari' la-ibena–will mercifully bring more–me pasa'–to [His] side.' [37]

"He thought, 'If I am Gaura's servant, then my Lord will mercifully bring me to His side.'

ei bali' sarvabhauma yaya nilachala
mayavada sastra tatha karila prabala [38]

bali'–Thinking ei–this, sarvabhauma–Sarvabhauma yaya–went nilachala–to Jagannath Puri [and] prabala karila–propagated mayavada sastra–texts on illusionism tatha–there. [38]

"Thinking this, Sarvabhauma went to Nilachal and propagated texts on mayavad there.

hetha prabhu gaurachandra sri-vidya-vilase
sarvabhauma-sisya-gane jine parihase [39]

hetha–Here, sri-vidya-vilase–during [His] Pastimes of scholarship, gaurachandra prabhu–Lord Gaurachandra jine–defeated [and] parihase–joked with sarvabhauma-sisya-gane–the disciples of Sarvabhauma. [39]

"Here, during His Pastimes of scholarship, Gaurachandra Prabhu defeated and joked with the disciples of Sarvabhauma.

nyaya phanki kari' prabhu sakale haraya
kabhu vidya-nagarete aise gaura-raya [40]

kabhu–Sometimes prabhu–the Lord, gaura-raya–Gaura Ray, aise–came vidya-nagarete–to Vidya Nagar, nyaya phanki kari'–posed trick questions, [and] haraya–defeated sakale–everyone. [40]

"Sometimes the Lord came to Vidya Nagar, posed trick questions, and defeated everyone.

adhyapaka-gana ara paduyara gana
parajita haye sabe kare palayana [41]

parajita haye–Defeated, sabe adhyapaka-gana ara paduyara gana–all the teachers and students palayana kare–would flee. [41]

"Defeated, all the teachers and students would flee.

gaurangera vidya-lila apurva kathana
avidya chhadaye tara ye kare sravana" [42]

avidya–Ignorance chhadaye–leaves tara ye–those who sravana kare–hear apurva kathana–the wonderful accounts gaurangera vidya-lila"–of Gauranga's Pastimes of scholarship." [42]

"Ignorance leaves those who hear about Gauranga's extraordinary Pastimes of scholarship."

suni' jiva premanande se veda-nagare
vyasa-pithe gadagadi yaya prema-bhare [43]

suni'–Hearing [this] premanande–with the joy of divine love, jiva–Jiva gadagadi yaya–rolled on the ground vyasa-pithe–at the school se veda-nagare–in Vidya Nagar, prema-bhare–filled with divine love. [43]

Hearing this with the joy of divine love, Jiva rolled on the ground at the school in Vidya Nagar, filled with divine love.

nityananda-sri-charane kare nivedana
"amara samsaya chhedana karaha ekhana [44]

nityananda-sri-charane–At the holy feet of Nityananda, nivedana kare–he submitted, "amara samsaya–"I have a doubt. chhedana karaha–Please cut [it away] ekhana–now. [44]

At the holy feet of Nityananda, he submitted, "I have a doubt. Please cut it away.

sankhya-vidya tarka-vidya amangalamaya
kemane nitya-dhame se sakala raya" [45]

sankhya-vidya–Knowledge of analysis [and] tarka-vidya–knowledge of argument [are] amangalamaya–inauspicious, [so] kemane–how se sakala raya–do they reside nitya-dhame"–in the eternal Dham?" [45]

"Knowledge of analysis and argument are inauspicious, so how do they reside in the eternal Dham?"

suni' prabhu nityananda jive deya kola
adara kariya bale, "hari hari bola [46]

suni'–Hearing [this,] nityananda prabhu–Nityananda Prabhu kola deya–embraced jive–Jiva [and] adara kariya–affectionately bale–said, "hari hari bola–"Hari! Haribol! [46]

Hearing this, Nityananda Prabhu embraced Jiva and affectionately said, "Hari! Haribol!

prabhura pavitra dhame nahi amangala
tarka sankhya svatah nahe hethaya prabala [47]

nahi–Nothing [is] amangala–inauspicious prabhura pavitra dhame–in the holy abode of the Lord. hethaya–Here, tarka–argument [and] sankhya–analysis nahe–have no prabala–power svatah–of their own. [47]

"Nothing is inauspicious in the holy abode of the Lord. Here, argument and analysis have no power of their own.

bhaktira adhina saba bhakti-dasya kare
karma-dose dusta jane viparyaya dhare [48]

saba–Everything [is] bhaktira adhina–dependent on devotion [and] bhakti-dasya kare–serves devotion. karma-dose–As a result of [their] sins, dusta jane–the wicked dhare–think viparyaya–the opposite. [48]

"Here, everything is dependent on devotion and serves devotion. As a result of their sins, the wicked think the opposite.

bhakti mahadevi hetha ara saba dasa
sakale karaya bhakti-devira prakasa [49]

hetha–Here, bhakti–devotion [is] mahadevi–the supreme goddess: saba–everyone [is her] dasa–servant, ara–and sakale–everything bhakti-devira prakasa karaya–reveals the goddess of devotion. [49]

"Here, the goddess of devotion is supreme: everyone is her servant, and everything reveals her.

navadvipe nava-vidha bhakti adhisthana
bhaktire sevaya sada karma ara jnana [50]

adhisthana–The abode nava-vidha bhakti–of the ninefold practice of devotion [is] navadvipe–in Nabadwip. karma–Action ara–and jnana–knowledge sada–always sevaya–serve bhaktire–devotion. [50]

"Nabadwip is the abode of the ninefold practice of devotion. Here, action and knowledge always serve devotion.

bahirmukha-jane sastra deya dusta-mati
sista-jane sei sastra deya krsna-rati [51]

sastra–The scriptures deya–give dusta-mati–misconceptions bahirmukha-jane–to averse souls, [and] sei sastra–the scriptures deya–give krsna-rati–love for Krishna sista-jane–to gentle souls. [51]

"The scriptures give misconceptions to those who are averse, and love for Krishna to those who are gentle.

praudha-maya gaura-dasi adhisthatri devi
sarva-yuge ei sthane thake gaura-sevi [52]

praudha-maya–Praudha Maya, gaura-dasi–a servant of Gauranga, [is] adhisthatri devi–the presiding goddess [here]. sarva-yuge–In every age, thake–she stays ei sthane–here gaura-sevi–as a servant of Gaura. [52]

"Praudha Maya, a servant of Gauranga, is the presiding goddess here. In every age, she stays here and serves Gauranga.

ati karma-dosa yara vaisnavete dvesa
tare maya andha kari' deya nana klesa [53]

maya–Maya andha kari'–blinds tare yara–those who [are] ati karma-dosa–very sinful [and] dvesa–inimical vaisnavete–to devotees, [and] nana klesa deya–subjects [them] to various miseries. [53]

"Maya blinds those who are very sinful and inimical to Vaisnavas, and subjects them to various miseries.

sarva-papa sarva-karma hetha haya ksaya
praudha-maya vidya-rupe kare karma laya [54]

sarva-papa–All sin [and] sarva-karma–all the reactions for one's previous actions haya–are ksaya–annihilated hetha–here. vidya-rupe–In the form of knowledge, praudha-maya–Praudha Maya laya kare–destroys karma–karma. [54]

"All sin and karma are annihilated here. In the form of knowledge, Praudha Maya destroys karma.

kintu yadi sri-vaisnave aparadha thake
tabe dura kare tare karmera vipake [55]

yadi–If, kintu–however, sri-vaisnave aparadha thake–someone offends a Vaisnava, tabe–then tare dura kare–Praudha Maya drives them further karmera vipake–into the miseries of karma. [55]

"If, however, someone offends a Vaisnava, Praudha Maya drives them further into the miseries of karma.

vidya padi' nadiyaya se saba durjana
kabhu nahi paya krsna-pade prema-dhana [56]

se saba durjana–Such sinners vidya padi'–may study nadiyaya–in Nadia, [but] kabhu nahi paya–they never attain prema-dhana–the wealth of love krsna-pade–for the feet of Krishna. [56]

"Such sinners may study in Nadia, but they never attain the wealth of divine love for the feet of Krishna.

vidyara avidya labha kare sei saba
nahi dekhe sri-gauranga nadiya-vaibhava [57]

sei saba–They labha kare–attain avidya–ignorance vidyara–of knowledge, [and] dekhe nahi–do not see sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga's nadiya-vaibhava–glory in Nadia. [57]

"They attain only ignorance of true knowledge and do not see the glory of Sri Gauranga in Nadia.

ataeva vidya nahe amangalamaya
vidyara avidya chhaya amangala haya [58]

ataeva–Thus, vidya–knowledge nahe–is not amangalamaya–inauspicious; [its] chhaya–shadow, avidya–ignorance vidyara–of knowledge, haya–is amangala–inauspicious. [58]

"Thus, knowledge is not inauspicious; its shadow, ignorance, is inauspicious.

e saba sphuribe jiva gauranga-krpaya
likhibe apana sastre prabhura ichchhaya [59]

jiva–O Jiva, [you] sphuribe–will reveal e saba–all this gauranga-krpaya–by the mercy of Gauranga. prabhura ichchhaya–By the desire of the Lord, likhibe–you will write apana–your own sastre–scriptures [about it]. [59]

"O Jiva, you will reveal all this by the mercy of Gauranga. By His desire, you will write scriptures about it.

tomara dvara karibena sastra-parakasa
ebe chala yai mora jahnura avasa" [60]

sastra-parakasa karibena–The Lord will write scriptures tomara dvara–through you. ebe–Now, mora chala yai–let us go jahnura avasa"–to the residence of Jahnu." [60]

"Actually, He will write scriptures through you. Now, let us go to the residence of Jahnu Muni."

balite balite sabe jannagara yaya
jahnu-tapovana-sobha dekhibare paya [61]

balite balite–While speaking, sabe–they yaya–went jannagara–to Jan Nagar [and] dekhibare paya–saw jahnu-tapovana-sobha–the beauty of the hermitage of Jahnu Muni. [61]

While speaking, they went to Jan Nagar and saw the beauty of the hermitage of Jahnu Muni.

nityananda bale, "ei jahnudvipa nama
bhadravana name khyata manohara dhama [62]

nityananda–Nityananda bale–said, "ei–"This manohara–charming dhama–abode nama name khyata–is known as jahnudvipa–Jahnudwip [and] bhadravana–Bhadravan. [62]

Nityananda Prabhu said, "This charming abode is known as Jahnudwip and Bhadravan.

ei sthane jahnu-muni tapa acharila
suvarna pratima gaura darsana karila [63]

jahnu-muni–The sage Jahnu tapa acharila–performed austerities ei sthane–here [and] darsana karila–saw suvarna pratima–the golden form gaura–of Gaura. [63]

"Jahnu Muni performed austerities here and saw the golden form of Gaura.

hetha jahnu-muni baise sandhya karibare
bhagirathi vege kosa-kusi pade dhare [64]

jahnu-muni–Jahnu Muni baise–sat hetha–here sandhya karibare–to perform [his] evening meditation, [and His] kosa-kusi–copper vessel pade–fell bhagirathi vege dhare–in the swiftly flowing Ganga. [64]

"Once, when Jahnu Muni sat here to perform his evening meditation, His copper vessel fell into the swiftly flowing River Ganga.

dhare padi' kosa-kusi bhasiya chalila
ganduse gangara jala saba pana kaila [65]

kosa-kusi–The copper vessel padi'–fell dhare–into the river [and] bhasiya chalila–floated away. kaila pana–Jahnu Muni drank gangara saba jala–all the water of the Ganga ganduse–with [his] palm. [65]

"The copper vessel fell into the river and floated away. Jahnu Muni then drank all the water of the Ganga with his palm.

bhagiratha mane bhave, 'kotha ganga gela'
vihvala ha-iya tabe bhavite lagila [66]

bhagiratha–Maharaj Bhagirath mane bhave–thought, 'kotha–'Where ganga gela'–did the Ganga go?' vihvala ha-iya–Bewildered, tabe lagila–he then began bhavite–to think. [66]

"Maharaj Bhagirath thought, 'Where did the Ganga go?' Bewildered, he began to think over the situation.

jahnu-muni pana kaila saba ganga-jala
jani' bhagiratha mane ha-ila vikala [67]

jani'–Understanding [that] jahnu-muni–Jahnu Muni pana kaila–had drunk saba ganga-jala–all the water of the Ganga, bhagiratha–Maharaj Bhagirath mane vikala ha-ila–became concerned. [67]

"Understanding that Jahnu Muni had drunk all the water of the Ganga, Maharaj Bhagirath became concerned.

kata-dine munire pujila mahadhira
anga vidariya ganga karila bahira [68]

mahadhira–Sober Maharaj Bhagirath pujila–worshipped munire–the sage kata-dine–for some time. ganga–The Ganga vidariya–broke through anga–the body [of the sage and] bahira karila–came out. [68]

Sober Maharaj Bhagirath worshipped the sage for some time, and eventually the Ganga broke out of the sage's body.

sei haite jahnavi ha-ila nama tanra
'jahnavi' baliya dake sakala samsara [69]

sei haite–Thereafter, tanra nama ha-ila–she became known as jahnavi–Jahnavi ('she who comes from Jahnu'). sakala samsara–The whole world baliya dake–calls [her] 'jahnavi'–'Jahnavi'. [69]

"Thereafter, she became known as Jahnavi. The whole world now calls her 'Jahnavi'.

kata-dina pare hetha gangara nandana
bhismadeva kaila matamaha darasana [70]

kata-dina–Some time pare–later, gangara–Ganga's nandana–son, bhismadeva–Bhismadev, matamaha darasana kaila–met [his] grandfather hetha–here. [70]

"Some time later, Ganga's son, Bhismadev, met his grandfather Jahnu Muni here.

bhismere adara kare jahnu-mahasaya
bahu-dina rakhe tare apana alaya [71]

jahnu-mahasaya–Jahnu Muni adara kare–honoured bhismere–Bhisma [and] rakhe–kept tare–him apana alaya–at [his] home bahu-dina–for a long time. [71]

"Jahnu Muni honoured Bhisma and kept Bhisma at his home for a long time.

jahnu-sthane bhisma dharma sikhila apara
yudhisthire siksa dila sei dharma-sara [72]

bhisma–Bhisma sikhila–learned apara dharma–profound religious principles jahnu-sthane–from Jahnu Muni [and] siksa dila–taught sei dharma-sara–the essence of those religious principles yudhisthire–to Yudhisthir Maharaj. [72]

"Bhisma learned profound religious principles from Jahnu Muni and later taught the essence of them to Yudhisthir Maharaj.

navadvipe thaki' bhisma paila bhakti-dhana
vaisnava-madhyete bhisma ha-ila ganana [73]

thaki'–Residing navadvipe–in Nabadwip, bhisma–Bhisma paila–attained bhakti-dhana–the wealth of devotion. bhisma–Bhisma [then] ganana ha-ila–became recognised vaisnava-madhyete–as a Vaisnava. [73]

"Residing in Nabadwip, Bhisma attained the wealth of devotion and became recognised as a Vaisnava.

ataeva jahnudvipa parama pavana
hetha vasa kare sada bhagyavana jana" [74]

ataeva–Thus, jahnudvipa–Jahnudwip [is] parama pavana–supremely purifying. bhagyavana jana–Fortunate souls vasa kare–reside hetha–here sada"–eternally." [74]

"Thus, Jahnudwip is supremely purifying. Fortunate souls reside here eternally."

sei dina jahnudvipe nityananda-raya
bhakta-gana saha rahe bhaktera alaya [75]

sei dina–That day nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray bhakta-gana-saha–and the devotees rahe–stayed bhaktera alaya–at the home of a devotee jahnudvipe–in Jahnudwip. [75]

That day Nityananda and the devotees stayed at the home of a devotee in Jahnudwip.

para-dina prate prabhu laye bhakta-gana
modadrumadvipe tabe karila gamana [76]

tabe–Then, para-dina–the next day prate–in the morning, prabhu–the Lord laye–took bhakta-gana–the devotees [and] gamana karila–went modadrumadvipe–to Modadrumadwip. [76]

The next morning, Nityananda Prabhu took the devotees and went to Modadrumadwip.

jahnava-nitai-pada yahara garima
e bhakti-vinoda gaya nadiya-mahima [77]

e bhakti-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod, yahara–whose garima–pride [is] jahnava-nitai-pada–the feet of Jahnava and Nitai, gaya–chants nadiya-mahima–the glories of Nadia. [77]

Bhakti Vinod, whose pride is the feet of Jahnava and Nitai, chants the glories of Nadia.



⇐ (12) Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda

(14) Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila ⇒


· Translator's Note
· Publishers' Notes
· Sri Navadvipa-dhama-parikramaya Ahvana
· Preface
· Sriman Navadvipa-dhama-vandana

Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya:
The Glories of the Dham
The Nature and Dimensions of the Dham
Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham
Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham
Sri Mayapur and Antardvip
Visiting Sri Ganga Nagar, Sri Prthu Kunda, Sri Simantadwip, Sri Visram Sthan, and Other Places
Sri Suvarna Bihar and Sri Deva Palli
Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma
Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa
Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and other places
Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev
Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda
Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip
Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila
Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina
Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila
Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers
The Removal of Sri Jiva Goswami's Doubts and His Travelling to Vrindavan

Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga

Sri Gaura Krishna Tattva
The Land of Sweetness
The Ten Offences to the Holy Dham
