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Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham


jaya jaya navadvipa-chandra sachi-suta
jaya jaya nityananda-raya avadhuta [1]

jaya jaya–All glory sachi-suta–to the son of Sachi, Sri Chaitanya, navadvipa-chandra–the moon of Nabadwip! jaya jaya–All glory avadhuta–to the renunciant nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray! [1]

All glory to the son of Sachi, the moon of Nabadwip! All glory to the avadhut Nityananda Ray!

jaya jaya navadvipa sarva-dhama-sara
yathaya ha-ila sri-chaitanya-avatara [2]

jaya jaya–All glory sarva-dhama-sara–to the best of all abodes, navadvipa–Nabadwip, yathaya–where sri-chaitanya-avatara ha-ila–Sri Chaitanya appeared! [2]

All glory to the best of all abodes, Nabadwip, where Sri Chaitanya appeared!

sarva-tirthe vasa kari' yei phala pai
navadvipe labhi taha eka-dine bhai [3]

bhai–Brother, [souls] labhi–attain navadvipe–in Nabadwip eka-dine–in one day taha yei phala–the result that pai–others attain vasa kari'–by residing sarva-tirthe–in all the holy places. [3]

Brother, souls attain in Nabadwip in one day the result that others attain by residing in all the holy places.

sei navadvipa parikrama vivarana
sastra alochiya gai suna sadhu-jana [4]

sadhu-jana–O sadhus, suna–listen [as] alochiya–I discuss sastra–the scriptures [and] gai–sing parikrama vivarana–about circumambulating sei navadvipa–Nabadwip. [4]

O sadhus, listen as I discuss the scriptures and sing about circumambulating Nabadwip.

sastrera likhana ara vaisnava-vachana
prabhu-ajna ei tina mama prana-dhana [5]

likhana–The writing sastrera–of the scriptures, vaisnava-vachana–the words of the devotees, ara–and prabhu-ajna–the order of the Lord— ei–these tina–three [are] mama–my prana-dhana–life and wealth. [5]

The writing of the scriptures, the words of the devotees, and the order of the Lord are my life and wealth.

e tine asraya kari' kariba varnana
nadiya-bhramana-vidhi suna sarva-jana [6]

asraya kari'–Having taken shelter e tine–of these three, varnana kariba–I will describe nadiya-bhramana-vidhi–the procedure for circumambulating Nadia. sarva-jana–Everyone suna–listen. [6]

Having taken shelter of them, I will describe the procedure for circumambulating Nadia. Everyone listen.

sri-jiva-gosvami yabe chhadilena ghara
"nadiya nadiya" bali' vyakula antara [7]

yabe–When sri-jiva-gosvami–Sri Jiva Goswami chhadilena–left ghara–home, [he was] vyakula–eager antara–at heart, bali'–calling out, "nadiya nadiya"–"Nadia! Nadia!" [7]

When Sri Jiva Goswami left home, he was eager at heart, calling out, "Nadia! Nadia!"

chandradvipa chhadi' tenha yata patha chale
bhase dui chaksu tanra nayanera jale [8]

chhadi'–Leaving chandradvipa–Chandradwip, tenha–he chale–walked yata patha–[down] the road, [and] tanra–his dui chaksu–eyes bhase–filled nayanera jale–with tears. [8]

As he left Chandradwip and walked down the road, his eyes filled with tears.

"ha gauranga nityananda jivera jivana
kabe more krpa kari' dibe darasana [9]

ha ha navadvipa-dhama sarva-dhama-sara
kabe va dekhiba ami" bale bara-bara [10]

bara-bara–Again and again, bale–he called out, "ha gauranga–"O Gauranga! nityananda–O Nityananda! jivera jivana–O Life of the soul! kabe–When [will] krpa kari'–You mercifully darasana dibe–appear more–before me? ha ha navadvipa-dhama–O Nabadwip Dham, sarva-dhama-sara–best of all abodes! kabe va–When ami dekhiba"–will I see [you]?" [9–10]

Again and again, he called out, "O Gauranga! O Nityananda! O Life of the soul! When will You mercifully appear before me? O Nabadwip Dham, best of all abodes! When will I see you?"

kaisora vayasa jiva sundara gathana
vairagyera parakastha apurva darsana [11]

jiva–Jiva [was] kaisora vayasa–young [and had a] sundara–beautiful gathana–figure. parakastha–The depth vairagyera–of [his] detachment [was an] apurva–astonishing darsana–sight. [11]

Jiva was young and had a beautiful figure. His extreme detachment was astonishing to see.

chaliya chaliya kata-dine mahasaya
navadvipe uttarila sada premamaya [12]

chaliya chaliya–After walking kata-dine–for many days, sada–always premamaya–filled with divine love, mahasaya–the great soul uttarila–arrived navadvipe–in Nabadwip. [12]

After walking for many days, always filled with divine love, Jiva arrived in Nabadwip.

dura haite navadvipa kari' darasana
dandavat haye pade praya achetana [13]

darasana kari'–Seeing navadvipa–Nabadwip haite–from dura–a distance, dandavat haye–he bowed [and] pade–fell praya–almost achetana–unconscious. [13]

Seeing Nabadwip from a distance, he bowed and fell almost unconscious.

kata-ksana pare nija chitta kari' sthira
pravesila navadvipe pulaka sarira [14]

kata-ksana–Some time pare–later sthira kari'–he steadied nija–his chitta–heart [and] pravesila–entered navadvipe–Nabadwip, pulaka sarira–the hair on his body standing on end. [14]

Eventually he steadied his heart and entered Nabadwip, the hair on his body standing on end.

barakona ghate asi' jijnase sabare
"kotha prabhu nityananda dekhao amare" [15]

asi'–He came barakona ghate–to Barakona Ghat [and] jijnase–asked sabare–everyone, "kotha–"Where [is] nityananda prabhu–Nityananda Prabhu? dekhao–Please show amare–me." [15]

He came to Barakona Ghat and asked everyone, "Where is Nityananda Prabhu? Please show me."

sri-jivera bhava dekhi' kona mahajana
prabhu nityananda yatha laya tata-ksana [16]

dekhi'–Seeing sri-jivera–Sri Jiva's bhava–ecstasy, kona–a mahajana–great soul tata-ksana–immediately laya–brought [him] yatha–to nityananda prabhu–Nityananda Prabhu. [16]

Seeing Sri Jiva's ecstasy, a great soul immediately brought him to Nityananda Prabhu.

hetha prabhu nityananda atta atta hasi'
sri-jiva asibe bali' antare ullasi [17]

bali'–Knowing sri-jiva–Sri Jiva asibe–would come hetha–there, nityananda prabhu–Nityananda Prabhu [was] ullasi–delighted antare–at heart [and] atta atta hasi'–roaring with laughter. [17]

Knowing that Sri Jiva would come, Nityananda Prabhu was delighted at heart and roaring with laughter.

ajna dila dasa-gane sri-jive anite
aneka vaisnava yaya jive sambodhite [18]

ajna dila–He ordered dasa-gane–[His] servants anite–to bring sri-jive–Sri Jiva, [and] aneka–many vaisnava–devotees yaya–went sambodhite–to call jive–Jiva. [18]

He ordered His servants to bring Sri Jiva, and many devotees went to call him.

sattvika-vikara-purna jivera sarira
dekhi' jiva bali' sabe karilena sthira [19]

dekhi'–Upon seeing sarira–the body jivera–of Jiva sattvika-vikara-purna–filled with divine ecstasy, sabe–they bali' sthira karilena–identified jiva–Jiva. [19]

Upon seeing the body of Jiva filled with divine ecstasy, Nityananda Prabhu's servants identified him.

keha keha age giya mahaprema-bhare
nityananda-prabhu-ajna vijnapana kare [20]

keha keha–Some, mahaprema-bhare–filled with intense divine love, giya–went age–forward [and] vijnapana kare–conveyed nityananda-prabhu-ajna–the order of Nityananda Prabhu [to Jiva]. [20]

Some of them, filled with intense divine love, went forward and conveyed the order of Nityananda Prabhu to Jiva.

prabhu-nityananda-nama kariya sravana
dharanite pade jiva haye achetana [21]

sravana kariya–Hearing nama–the Name nityananda prabhu–of Nityananda Prabhu, jiva–Jiva pade–fell dharanite–to the ground achetana haye–unconscious. [21]

Hearing the Name of Nityananda Prabhu, Jiva fell to the ground unconscious.

ksaneka uthiya bale, "bada bhagya mama
prabhu-nityananda-krpa paila adhama" [22]

ksaneka–Immediately, uthiya–he arose [and] bale–said, ["It is] "mama–my bada–great bhagya–fortune [that I,] adhama–a fallen soul, paila–have received nityananda-prabhu-krpa"–the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu." [22]

Immediately, he arose and said, "It is my great fortune that I, a fallen soul, have received the mercy of Nityananda Prabhu."

se saba vaisnava-gane dandavat haye
pranama karaye jiva praphulla hrdaye [23]

jiva–Jiva dandavat haya pranama karaye–prostrated himself se saba vaisnava-gane–before all the devotees praphulla hrdaye–with a jubilant heart. [23]

Jiva prostrated himself before all the devotees with a jubilant heart.

bale, "tumi sabe more ha-ile sadaya
nityananda-pada pai sarva-sastre kaya" [24]

bale–He said, "sarva-sastre–"All the scriptures kaya–say [that] tumi sabe sadaya ha-ile–if you all are merciful more–to me, [then] pai–I will attain nityananda-pada"–the feet of Nityananda." [24]

He said, "All the scriptures say that if you all are merciful to me, then I will attain the feet of Nityananda Prabhu."

jivera saubhagya heri' kateka vaisnava
charanera dhuli laya kariya utsava [25]

heri'–Seeing jivera–Jiva's saubhagya–fortune, kateka–some vaisnava–of the devotees utsava kariya–joyously laya–took dhuli–dust charanera–from [his] feet. [25]

Seeing Jiva's fortune, some of the devotees joyously took dust from his feet.

sabe meli' jive laya nityananda yatha
vaisnava-vestita prabhu kahe krsna-katha [26]

sabe–They all meli'–joined together [and] laya–took jive–Jiva nityananda prabhu–to Nityananda Prabhu, yatha–where krsna-katha kahe–He was speaking about Krishna, vaisnava-vestita–surrounded by devotees. [26]

They all joined together and took Jiva to Nityananda Prabhu, where He was speaking about Krishna, surrounded by devotees.

prabhu nityanandera dekhiya divya-rupa
jivera sarira haya bhava aparupa [27]

dekhiya–Seeing divya-rupa–the divine form prabhu nityanandera–of Nityananda Prabhu, aparupa bhava–extraordinary ecstasy haya–arose jivera sarira–in Jiva's body. [27]

Seeing the divine form of Nityananda Prabhu, extraordinary ecstasy arose in Jiva's body.

"ki apurva-rupa aja herinu" baliya
padila dharani-tale achetana haiya [28]

baliya–Thinking, "ki–"What apurva-rupa–a wonderful form herinu–I have seen aja"–today!", [Jiva] padila–fell dharani-tale–to the ground achetana haiya–unconscious. [28]

Thinking, "What a wonderful form I have seen today!", Jiva fell to the ground unconscious.

mahakrpa-vase prabhu nityananda-raya
jive uthaiya laya apanara paya [29]

mahakrpa-vase–Moved by intense compassion, prabhu nityananda-raya–Nityananda Prabhu uthaiya laya–raised jive–Jiva apanara paya–to His feet. [29]

Moved by intense compassion, Nityananda Prabhu raised Jiva to His feet.

vyasta haye sri-jiva-gosvami dandaila
kara yudi' nityanande kahite lagila [30]

sri-jiva-gosvami–Sri Jiva Goswami vyasta haye–quickly dandaila–stood up, yudi'–joined [his] kara–hands, [and] lagila–began kahite–to speak nityanande–to Nityananda. [30]

Sri Jiva Goswami quickly stood up, joined his palms, and began to speak to Nityananda.

"visva-rupa visva-dhama tumi balarama
ami jiva kiba jani tava guna-grama [31]

"tumi–"You [are] balarama–Balaram, visva-rupa–the form of the world, visva-dhama–the shelter of the world. ami–I [am] jiva–a soul. kiba–How jani–would I understand tava–Your guna-grama–glories? [31]

"You are Balaram, the original form and shelter of the world. I am just a soul. How can I understand Your glories?

tumi mora prabhu nitya ami tava dasa
tomara charana-chhaya eka-matra asa [32]

tumi–You [are] mora–my prabhu–Master, [and] ami–I tava–Your nitya–eternal dasa–servant. tomara charana-chhaya–The shade of Your feet [is my] eka-matra–one and only asa–aspiration. [32]

"You are my Master, and I am Your eternal servant. The shade of Your feet is my one and only aspiration.

tumi yare kara daya sei anayase
sri-chaitanya-pada paya prema-jale bhase [33]

sei yare–Those whom tumi–You daya kara–bless anayase–easily paya–attain sri-chaitanya-pada–the feet of Sri Chaitanya [and] bhase–float prema-jale–in the waters of divine love. [33]

"Those whom you bless easily attain the feet of Sri Chaitanya and float in the waters of divine love.

tomara karuna vina gaura nahi paya
sata janma bhaje yadi gauranga hiyaya [34]

vina–Without tomara–Your karuna–grace, [souls] nahi–do not paya–attain gaura–Gaura, yadi–even if bhaje–they serve gauranga–Gauranga hiyaya–within [their] heart sata janma–for one hundred births. [34]

"Without Your grace, souls do not attain Sri Gaura, even if they serve Him within their heart for one hundred births.

gaura danda kare yadi tumi raksa kara
tumi yare danda kara gaura tara para [35]

yadi–If gaura–Gaura danda kare–punishes [someone,] tumi–You raksa kara–protect [them, and] gaura–Gaura para–rejects tara yare–whomever tumi–You danda kara–punish. [35]

"If Gaura punishes someone, You protect them, and Gaura rejects whomever You punish.

ataeva prabhu tava charana-kamale
la-inu sarana ami sukrtira bale [36]

ataeva–Therefore, prabhu–O Lord, sukrtira bale–by [my] good fortune, ami–I sarana la-inu–have taken shelter tava charana-kamale–at Your lotus feet. [36]

"Therefore, O Lord, by my good fortune, I have taken shelter at Your lotus feet.

tumi krpa kari' more deha anumati
sri-gaura-darsane pai gaure ha-u rati [37]

[May] tumi–You krpa kari'–mercifully deha–give more–me [Your] anumati–consent [that] sri-gaura-darsane pai–I may see Sri Gaura [and] ha-u–develop rati–devotion gaure–to Gaura. [37]

"O Lord, mercifully give Your consent that I may see Sri Gaura and develop devotion to Him.

yabe ramakeli-grame sri-gauranga-raya
amara pitrvya-dvaye la-ilena paya [38]

yabe–When sri-gauranga-raya–Sri Gauranga Ray [was] ramakeli-grame–in the village of Ramakeli, amara–my pitrvya-dvaye–uncles la-ilena–took [shelter] paya–at [His] feet. [38]

"When Sri Gauranga Ray was in the village of Ramakeli, my uncles took shelter at His feet.

sei kale sisu ami sajala nayane
herilama gaura-rupa sada jage mane [39]

sei kale–At that time, ami–I [was] sisu–a child. sajala nayane–With tearful eyes, herilama–I saw gaura-rupa–Gaura's form, [and still now that form] sada–constantly jage–arises mane–in my heart. [39]

"At that time, I was a child. With tearful eyes, I saw Sri Gaura's form, and still now that form constantly arises in my heart.

sri-gauranga-pade padi' karinu pranati
sri-anga sparsiya sukha pailama ati [40]

padi'–Bowing sri-gauranga-pade–at Sri Gauranga's feet, pranati karinu–I offered [my] obeisance. sparsiya–Touching [His] sri-anga–divine form, pailama–I felt ati–great sukha–joy. [40]

"Bowing at Sri Gauranga's feet, I offered my obeisance. Touching His divine form, I felt great joy.

sei kale gaura more kahila vachana
'ohe jiva kara tumi sastra adhyayana [41]

sei kale–At that time, gaura–Gaura vachana kahila–said more–to me, 'ohe–'O jiva–Jiva, tumi–You kara–should adhyayana–study sastra–the scriptures. [41]

"At that time, Gaura said to me, 'O Jiva, study the scriptures.

adhyayana samapiya navadvipe chala
nityananda sri-charane paibe sakala' [42]

samapiya–Complete [your] adhyayana–study [and then] chala–go navadvipe–to Nabadwip. nityananda sri-charane–At the holy feet of Nityananda, paibe–you will attain sakala'–everything.' [42]

"'Complete your study and then go to Nabadwip. There, at the holy feet of Nityananda, you will attain everything.'

sei ajna sire dhari' ami akinchana
yatha sadhya vidya kariyachhi uparjana [43]

dhari'–Holding sei–this ajna–order sire–on [my] head, ami–I, akinchana–a poor soul, uparjana kariyachhi–have acquired vidya–knowledge yatha–as [was] sadhya–possible. [43]

"Holding this order on my head, I, a poor soul, have learned as much as possible.

chandradvipe padilama sahityadi yata
vedanta acharya nahi pai manomata [44]

padilama–I studied yata sahityadi–literature and other subjects chandradvipe–in Chandradwip, [but] pai nahi–I did not find [an] manomata–expert acharya–teacher vedanta–of Vedanta. [44]

"I studied literature and other subjects in Chandradwip, but I did not find an expert teacher of Vedanta.

prabhu ajna dila more vedanta padite
vedanta-sammata krsna-bhakti prakasite [45]

prabhu–The Lord ajna dila–ordered more–me padite–to study vedanta–Vedanta [and] prakasite–prove [that] krsna-bhakti–devotion to Krishna [is] vedanta-sammata–the purport of Vedanta. [45]

"The Lord ordered me to study Vedanta and prove that devotion to Krishna is its purport.

ailama navadvipe tomara charane
yei rupa ajna haya kari acharane [46]

ailama–I have come tomara charane–to Your feet navadvipe–in Nabadwip, [and] acharane kari–I will do yei rupa–whatever ajna haya–You order [me]. [46]

"So, I have come to Your feet in Nabadwip, and I will do whatever You order me.

ajna haya yai ksetre prabhura charane
vedanta padiba sarva-bhaumera sadane" [47]

[If] ajna haya–You order [me,] yai–I will go prabhura charane–to the feet of the Lord ksetre–in Jagannath Puri [and] padiba–study vedanta–Vedanta sarva-bhaumera sadane"–at the school of Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya." [47]

"If You order me, I will go to the feet of the Lord in Purusottam Ksetra and study Vedanta at the school of Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya."

jivera madhura vakye nityananda-raya
jive kole kari' kande dhairya nahi paya [48]

[Moved] jivera madhura vakye–by Jiva's sweet words, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray kole kari'–embraced jive–Jiva [and] kande–cried, paya nahi–without dhairya–restraint. [48]

Moved by Jiva's sweet words, Nityananda Ray embraced Jiva and cried, unable to restrain Himself.

bale, "suna ohe jiva nigudha vachana
sarva-tattva avagata rupa sanatana [49]

bale–Nityananda said, "ohe–"O jiva–Jiva, suna–listen [to My] nigudha–confidential vachana–words. rupa sanatana–Rupa and Sanatan avagata–know sarva-tattva–everything. [49]

Nityananda said, "O Jiva, listen to My confidential words. Rupa and Sanatan know everything.

prabhu more ajna dila balite tomaya
'ksetre nahi yao tumi na raha hethaya' [50]

prabhu–The Lord ajna dila–ordered more–Me balite–to tell tomaya–you, "tumi yao nahi–Do not go ksetre–to Jagannath Puri [and] raha na–do not stay hethaya–here.' [50]

"The Lord ordered Me to tell you, 'Do not go to Purusottam Ksetra or stay here.'

tumi ara rupa sanatana dui bhai
prabhura ekanta dasa janena sabai [51]

sabai–Everyone janena–knows [that] tumi–you ara–and dui bhai–the two brothers rupa sanatana–Rupa and Sanatan [are] ekanta–exclusive dasa–servants prabhura–of the Lord. [51]

"Everyone knows that you and the brothers Rupa and Sanatan are exclusive servants of the Lord.

toma prati ajna ei varanasi giya
vachaspati nikatete vedanta padiya [52]

ekebare yaha tatha haite vrndavana
tatha krpa karibena rupa sanatana [53]

[The Lord's] ajna–order prati–to toma–you [is] ei–that giya–you go varanasi–to Varanasi, padiya–study vedanta–Vedanta nikatete–with vachaspati–Madhusudan Vachaspati, [and then] yaha–go ekebare–straight vrndavana–to Vrindavan haite–from tatha–there. rupa sanatana–Rupa and Sanatan krpa karibena–will bless [you] tatha–there. [52–53]

"The Lord's order to you is that you go to Varanasi, study Vedanta with Madhusudan Vachaspati, and then go straight to Vrindavan from there. Rupa and Sanatan will bless you in Vrindavan.

rupera anuga haye yugala-bhajana
kara tatha vedantadi sastra-alapana [54]

yugala-bhajana kara–Serve the Divine Couple haye–as anuga–a follower rupera–of Rupa. vedantadi sastra-alapana–Discuss Vedanta and other scriptures tatha–there. [54]

"Serve the Divine Couple as a follower of Sri Rupa, and discuss Vedanta and other scriptures there.

bhagavata sastra haya sarva-sastra-sara
vedanta-sutrera bhasya karaha prachara [55]

prachara karaha–Preach [that] sastra–the scripture bhagavata–Srimad Bhagavatam haya–is sarva-sastra-sara–the best of all scriptures [and] bhasya–the commentary vedanta-sutrera–on the Vedanta-sutra. [55]

"Preach that Srimad Bhagavatam is the best of all the scriptures and the natural commentary on the Vedanta-sutra.

sarvabhaume krpa kari' gauranga sri-hari
brahma-sutra vyakhya kaila bhagavata dhari' [56]

gauranga sri-hari–Sri Gauranga Hari krpa kari'–mercifully vyakhya kaila–explained brahma-sutra–the Brahma-sutra sarvabhaume–to Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya, dhari'–drawing bhagavata–from Srimad Bhagavatam. [56]

"Sri Gauranga Hari mercifully explained the Brahma-sutra to Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya on the basis of Srimad Bhagavatam.

sei vidya sarvabhauma sri-madhusudane
sikhaila ksetra-dhame parama yatane [57]

sarvabhauma–Sarvabhauma parama–very yatane–carefully sikhaila–taught sei–this vidya–knowledge sri-madhusudane–to Sri Madhusudan ksetra-dhame–in Jagannath Puri. [57]

"Sarvabhauma very carefully taught this knowledge to Sri Madhusudan in Sri Ksetra Dham.

sei madhu-vachaspati prabhu-ajna peye
achhe varanasi dhame dekha tumi yeye [58]

peye–Having received prabhu-ajna–the order of the Lord sei madhu-vachaspati–Madhusudan Vachaspati achhe–is varanasi dhame–in Varanasi Dham. tumi yeye–Go [and] dekha–see [him]. [58]

"Go and see Madhusudan Vachaspati, who is in Varanasi Dham on the order of the Lord.

bahye te̐ha sampradayi vaidantika haya
sankari sannyasi yara nikate padaya [59]

bahye–Externally, te̐ha–he haya–is sampradayi–a traditional vaidantika–Vedantic scholar, [and] sankari–Sankarite sannyasi–sannyasis padaya–study yara nikate–with him. [59]

"Externally, he is a traditional Vedantic scholar, and Sankarite sannyasis study with him.

krame krame sannyasi-ganere krpa kari'
gaurangera vyakhya siksa deya sutra dhari' [60]

krame krame–In a gradual way, krpa kari'–he mercifully siksa deya–teaches sannyasi-ganere–the sannyasis gaurangera–Gauranga's vyakhya–explanations sutra dhari'–of the sutras. [60]

"In a gradual way, he mercifully teaches the sannyasis Gauranga's explanations of the sutras.

prthak bhasyera ebe nahi prayojana
bhagavate kaya sutra bhasyete ganana [61]

nahi–There is no prayojana–need prthak bhasyera–for a separate commentary ebe–now. bhagavate–The Bhagavatam kaya–explains sutra–the sutras [and is] ganana–considered bhasyete–the commentary. [61]

"There is no need for a separate commentary on the Brahma-sutra now. The Bhagavatam explains the sutras and is considered the sutras' natural commentary.

kale yabe bhasyera ha-ibe prayojana
sri-govinda-bhasya tabe habe prakatana [62]

kale–In time, yabe–when ha-ibe–there will be prayojana–a need bhasyera–for a commentary, tabe–then sri-govinda-bhasya–the Sri Govinda-bhasya habe–will be prakatana–revealed. [62]

"In time, when there is a need for another commentary, the Sri Govinda-bhasya will be revealed.

sarvabhauma samparke sei gopinatha
sunila prabhura bhasya sarvabhauma satha [63]

sarvabhauma samparke–Sarvabhauma's relative, sei gopinatha–Gopinath Acharya, sunila–heard prabhura–the Lord's bhasya–commentary satha–with sarvabhauma–Sarvabhauma. [63]

"Sarvabhauma's relative, Gopinath Acharya, heard the Lord's commentary with Sarvabhauma.

kale te̐ha prabhura ichchhaya janma laye
baladevavese yabe jayapura jaye [64]

kale–In time, prabhura ichchhaya–by the will of the Lord, te̐ha–he laye–will take janma–birth baladevavese–as Baladev Vidyabhusan [and] jaye yabe–will conquer jayapura–Jaipur. [64]

"In time, by the will of the Lord, he will take birth as Baladev Vidyabhusan and conquer Jaipur.

tatha sri-govinda bale bhasya prakasiya
sevibe gauranga-pada jive nistariya [65]

tatha–There, prakasiya–he will compose bhasya–a commentary sri-govinda bale–spoken by Sri Govinda, sevibe–serve gauranga-pada–the feet of Gauranga, [and] nistariya–deliver jive–the souls. [65]

"There, he will compose a commentary spoken by Sri Govinda, serve the feet of Gauranga, and deliver the souls.

ei saba gudha katha rupa sanatana
sakala kahibe toma prati dui-jana" [66]

dui-jana rupa sanatana–Rupa and Sanatan kahibe–will explain sakala ei saba–all these gudha–confidential katha–matters prati–to toma"–you." [66]

"Rupa and Sanatan will explain all these confidential matters to you."

nityananda-vakya suni' sri-jiva gosai
kandiya lotaya bhume samjna ara nai [67]

suni'–Upon hearing nityananda-vakya–the words of Nityananda, sri-jiva gosai–Sri Jiva Goswami lotaya–rolled bhume–on the ground kandiya–crying [and] samjna ara nai–lost consciousness. [67]

Upon hearing the words of Nityananda, Sri Jiva Goswami rolled on the ground crying and lost consciousness.

krpa kari' prabhu nija charana-yugala
sri-jivera sire dhari' arpilena bala [68]

krpa kari'–Mercifully, prabhu–the Lord dhari'–placed nija–His charana-yugala–feet sri-jivera sire–on Sri Jiva's head [and] bala arpilena–empowered [him]. [68]

Mercifully, the Lord placed His feet on Sri Jiva's head and empowered him.

"jaya sri-gauranga jaya nityananda-raya"
baliya nachena jiva vaisnava-sabhaya [69]

baliya–Chanting, "jaya–All glory sri-gauranga–to Sri Gauranga! jaya–All glory nityananda-raya–to Nityananda Ray!", jiva–Jiva [then] nachena–danced vaisnava-sabhaya–amidst the assembly of devotees. [69]

Chanting, "All glory to Sri Gauranga! All glory to Nityananda Ray!", Jiva then danced amidst the assembly of Vaisnavas.

srivasadi chhila tatha yata mahajana
jive nityananda-krpa kari' darasana [70]

sabe nache "sri-gauranga nityananda" bali'
mahakala-rave tatha haya hulu-sthuli [71]

srivasadi yata sabe mahajana–Srivas and the other great souls [that] tatha chhila–were there, darasana kari'–seeing nityananda-krpa–the mercy of Nityananda jive–upon Jiva, nache–danced, bali'–chanting, "sri-gauranga–"Sri Gauranga! nityananda"–Nityananda!", [and] mahakala-rave–the loud sound hulu-sthuli–of women's cheering haya–arose tatha–there. [70–71]

Srivas and the other great souls there, seeing the mercy of Nityananda upon Jiva, danced, chanting, "Sri Gauranga! Nityananda!", and the loud sound of women cheering arose.

kata-ksana pare nrtya kari' samvarana
jive laye nityananda basila takhana [72]

kata-ksana pare–After some time, nrtya samvarana kari'–everyone stopped dancing, [and] takhana–then nityananda–Nityananda basila–sat down laye–with jive–Jiva. [72]

Eventually everyone stopped dancing, and Nityananda sat down with Jiva.

jivera ha-ila vasa srivasa-angane
sandhya-kale aila punah prabhu darasane [73]

jivera vasa ha-ila–Jiva stayed srivasa-angane–in the courtyard of Srivas, [and] sandhya-kale–in the evening aila–he came darasane–to see prabhu–the Lord punah–again. [73]

Jiva stayed in the courtyard of Srivas, and in the evening he came to see Nityananda Prabhu again.

nirjane basiya prabhu gaura-guna gaya
sri-jiva asiya pade nityananda-paya [74]

prabhu–The Lord basiya–was sitting nirjane–alone gaya–chanting gaura-guna–the glories of Sri Gaura. sri-jiva–Sri Jiva asiya–came [and] pade–bowed nityananda-paya–at Nityananda's feet. [74]

Nityananda Prabhu was sitting alone chanting the glories of Sri Gaura. Jiva came and bowed at His feet.

yatna kari prabhu tare nikate basaya
kara-yoda kari' jiva svadainya janaya [75]

prabhu–The Lord yatna kari'–carefully basaya–sat tare–him nikate–nearby. jiva–Jiva kara-yoda kari'–joined [his] palms [and] svadainya–humbly janaya–prayed. [75]

Nityananda Prabhu carefully sat Jiva nearby. Jiva joined his palms and humbly prayed to the Lord.

jiva bale, "prabhu more karuna kariya
navadvipa-dhama-tattva bala vivariya" [76]

jiva–Jiva bale–said, "prabhu–"O Lord, karuna kariya–mercifully vivariya bala–describe navadvipa-dhama-tattva–the glories of Nabadwip Dham more"–for me." [76]

Jiva said, "O Lord, mercifully describe the glories of Nabadwip Dham for me."

prabhu bale, "ohe jiva baliba tomaya
atyanta nigudha tattva rakhibe hiyaya [77]

prabhu–The Lord bale–said, "ohe–"O jiva–Jiva, baliba–I will describe [the] atyanta–most nigudha–confidential tattva–truths tomaya–to you. rakhibe–Hold [them] hiyaya–in [your] heart. [77]

The Lord said, "O Jiva, I will describe the most confidential truths to you. Hold them in your heart.

yatha tatha ebe iha na kara prakasa
prakata-lilara ante ha-ibe vikasa [78]

prakasa kara na–Do not reveal iha–them yatha tatha–anywhere ebe–now. ha-ibe–They will be vikasa–revealed ante–after prakata-lilara–the manifest Pastimes [of the Lord]. [78]

"Do not reveal them anywhere now. They will be revealed after the manifest Pastimes of the Lord.

ei navadvipa haya sarva-dhama-sara
sri-viraja brahma-dhama adi haye para [79]

vaikunthera para svetadvipa sri-goloka
tadante gokula vrndavana krsna-loka [80]

ei navadvipa–Nabadwip haya–is sarva-dhama-sara–the best of all abodes. para haye–Beyond sri-viraja–Viraja, brahma-dhama–Brahmaloka, adi–and so on, [and] vaikunthera para–past Vaikuntha [is] svetadvipa–Svetadwip, sri-goloka–Sri Goloka, [and] tadante–thereafter gokula vrndavana–Gokula Vrindavan, krsna-loka–Krishna's abode. [79–80]

"Nabadwip is the best of all the Lord's abodes. Beyond Sri Viraja, Brahmaloka, and Vaikuntha is Svetadwip, Sri Goloka, and lastly Gokula Vrindavan, Krishna's abode.

sei loka dui bhave haya ta prakasa
madhurya audarya bhede rasera vikasa [81]

sei–That loka–abode ta prakasa haya–manifests dui bhave–in two ways: bhede–by differences [in] vikasa–the appearance rasera–of [its] rasa [as] madhurya–sweetness [or] audarya–magnanimity. [81]

"That abode manifests in two ways: its rasa appears as either madhurya or audarya.

madhurye audarya purna-rupe avasthita
audarye madhurya purna-rupete vihita [82]

audarya–Magnanimity [is] avasthita–present purna-rupe–in full form madhurye–within sweetness, [and] madhurya–sweetness [is] vihita–present purna-rupete–in full form audarye–within magnanimity. [82]

"Audarya is fully present in madhurya, and madhurya is fully present in audarya.

tathapio ye prakase madhurya pradhana
vrndavana bali taha jane bhagyavan [83]

tathapio–Still, bhagyavan–fortunate souls jane–know taha ye prakase–the manifestation in which madhurya–sweetness [is] pradhana–predominant bali'–as vrndavana–Vrindavan. [83]

"Still, fortunate souls know that Vrindavan is where madhurya is predominant.

ye prakase audarya pradhana nitya haya
sei navadvipa-dhama sarva-vede kaya [84]

sarva-vede–All the Vedas kaya–say [that] sei ye prakase–the manifestation in which audarya–magnanimity haya–is nitya–always pradhana–predominant [is] navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham. [84]

"All the Vedas say that Nabadwip Dham is where audarya is always predominant.

vrndavana navadvipe nahi kichhu bheda
rasera prakasa-bhede karaya prabheda [85]

kichhu nahi–There is no bheda–difference vrndavana navadvipe–between Vrindavan and Nabadwip [other than] prabheda–the difference karaya–made rasera prakasa-bhede–by [their] different manifestations of rasa. [85]

"There is no difference between Vrindavan and Nabadwip other than the difference made by their respective manifestations of rasa.

ei dhama nitya-siddha chinmaya ananta
jada-buddhi-jane tara nahi paya anta [86]

ei–This dhama–Dham [is] nitya-siddha–eternally perfect, chinmaya–spiritual, [and] ananta–infinite. jada-buddhi-jane–Materialists paya nahi–do not reach tara–its anta–edge. [86]

"This abode is eternally perfect, spiritual, and infinite. Materialists cannot even reach its edge.

hladini-prabhave jiva chhadi' jada-dharma
nitya-siddha jnana-bale paya tara dharma [87]

hladini-prabhave–By the influence of the pleasure potency, jiva–souls chhadi'–give up jada-dharma–material nature [and] paya–attain tara–its (the Dham's) dharma–nature nitya-siddha jnana-bale–through eternal, perfect knowledge. [87]

"Only by the influence of the pleasure potency of the Lord do souls give up material nature and realise the true nature of the Dham through eternal, perfect knowledge.

sarva-navadvipa haya chinmaya prakasa
sei pithe sri-gauranga karena vilasa [88]

sarva-navadvipa–The whole of Nabadwip haya–is [a] chinmaya–spiritual prakasa–manifestation. sei pithe–In this abode, sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga karena–performs [His] vilasa–Pastimes. [88]

"The whole of Nabadwip is a spiritual manifestation, and Sri Gauranga performs His Pastimes there.

charma-chakse loke dekhe prapancha gathana
maya achchhadiya rakhe nitya-niketana [89]

charma-chakse–With fleshy eyes, loke–people dekhe–see prapancha gathana–a material form [of the Dham]— maya–Maya nitya-niketana achchhadiya rakhe–keeps the eternal abode hidden. [89]

"With fleshy eyes, people see a material form of the Dham—Maya keeps the eternal abode covered.

navadvipe maya nai jada desa kala
kichhu nahi achhe tatha jivera janjala [90]

navadvipe–In Nabadwip, nai–there is no maya–illusory jada–matter, desa–space, [or] kala–time. kichhu nahi achhe–There is no janjala–suffering jivera–for souls tatha–there. [90]

"In Nabadwip, there is no illusory matter, space, or time. Souls undergo no suffering there.

kintu karma-bandha-krame jiva maya-vase
navadvipa-dhame prapanchika bhave pase [91]

jiva–Souls karma-bandha-krame–bound by the reactions to their previous actions [and] maya-vase–controlled by Maya, kintu–however, pase–enter navadvipa-dhame–Nabadwip Dham prapanchika bhave–in a material way. [91]

"Souls bound by karma and bewildered by Maya, however, enter Nabadwip Dham in a material way.

bhagya-krame sadhu-sange premera udaya
haya yabe tabe dekhe vaikuntha chinmaya [92]

yabe–When [souls] premera udaya haya– develop divine love bhagya-krame–by good fortune [and] sadhu-sange–the association of the sadhus, [they] tabe–then dekhe–see chinmaya vaikuntha–the spiritual world. [92]

"When souls develop divine love by good fortune and the association of the sadhus, they then see the spiritual world.

aprakrta desa kala dhama dravya yata
anayase dekhe sviya chakse avirata [93]

[Souls] anayase–easily [and] avirata–uninterruptedly dekhe–see sviya chakse–with their own eyes [the] aprakrta–supramundane desa–space, kala–time, dhama–light, [and] yata dravya–objects [there]. [93]

"Souls easily and uninterruptedly see with their own eyes the supramundane space, time, light, and objects in the Dham.

ei ta kahinu ami navadvipa-tattva
vichariya dekha jiva haye suddha sattva" [94]

ei ta–Thus, ami–I kahinu–have described navadvipa-tattva–the glory of Nabadwip. jiva–O Jiva vichariya dekha–reflect on [it] suddha sattva haye"–being pure at heart." [94]

"Thus, I have described the glory of Nabadwip. O Jiva, reflect on it with a pure heart."

nitai-jahnava-pade nitya yara asa
gudha-tattva kare bhakti-vinoda prakasa [95]

bhakti-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod, yara–whose nitya–eternal asa–aspiration [is] nitai-jahnava-pade–the feet of Nitai and Jahnava, prakasa kare–reveals gudha-tattva–the hidden glories [of Nadia]. [95]

Bhakti Vinod, whose eternal aspiration is the feet of Nitai and Jahnava, reveals the hidden glories of Nadia.



⇐ (3) Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham of the Dham

(5) Sri Mayapur and Antardwip ⇒


· Translator's Note
· Publishers' Notes
· Sri Navadvipa-dhama-parikramaya Ahvana
· Preface
· Sriman Navadvipa-dhama-vandana

Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya:
The Glories of the Dham
The Nature and Dimensions of the Dham
Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham
Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham
Sri Mayapur and Antardvip
Visiting Sri Ganga Nagar, Sri Prthu Kunda, Sri Simantadwip, Sri Visram Sthan, and Other Places
Sri Suvarna Bihar and Sri Deva Palli
Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma
Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa
Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and other places
Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev
Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda
Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip
Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila
Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina
Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila
Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers
The Removal of Sri Jiva Goswami's Doubts and His Travelling to Vrindavan

Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga

Sri Gaura Krishna Tattva
The Land of Sweetness
The Ten Offences to the Holy Dham
