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SRI NABADWIP DHAM MAHATMYA: CHAPTER EIGHT Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma
jaya jaya jaya sri-sachi-suta jaya jaya jaya–All glory sri-sachi-suta–to the son of Sachi, Sri Chaitanya! jaya jaya jaya–All glory sri-avadhuta–to the renunciant Nityananda Prabhu! [1] All glory to the son of Sachi! All glory to the Avadhut!
sitapati jaya bhakata-raja jaya–All glory sitapati–to Advaita Acharya, bhakata-raja–the leader of the devotees! jaya–All glory gadadhara–to Gadadhar [and] bhakta-samaja–all the devotees! [2] All glory to Advaita Acharya, the leader of the devotees! All glory to Gadadhar and all the devotees!
jaya navadvipa sundara-dhama jaya–All glory navadvipa sundara-dhama–to beautiful Nabadwip Dham! jaya jaya jaya–All glory gaura ki nama–to the Name of Gaura! [3] All glory to beautiful Nabadwip Dham! All glory to the Name of Gaura!
nitai sahita bhakta-gana nitai–Nitai, sahita–with bhakta-gana–the devotees, takhana–then chale–departed, bali'–chanting "hari hari–"Hari! Hari!" [4] Nitai and the devotees then departed, chanting "Hari! Hari!"
bhave dhala dhala nitai chale dhala dhala–Swaying to and fro bhave–in ecstasy, nitai–Nitai chale–walked [and] adha adha vachana bale–stammered preme–with divine love. [5] Swaying to and fro in ecstasy, Nitai walked and stammered with divine love.
jhara jhara jhare ankhira jala jala–Tears jhara jhara jhare–streamed ankhira–from [His] eyes. bali'–Chanting, "gora gora"–"Gora! Gora!", vikala haya–He became overwhelmed. [6] Tears streamed from His eyes. Chanting, "Gora! Gora!", He became overwhelmed.
jhakmak kare bhusana mala [His] bhusana–ornaments [and] mala–garlands jhakmak kare–sparkled, [and] dasa-dika–the ten directions ala ha-ila–became illumined rupe–by [His] form. [7] His ornaments and garlands sparkled, and His form illumined the ten directions.
srivasa nachichhe jivera sane srivasa–Srivas nachichhe–danced jivera sane–with Jiva. kabhu–Sometimes kande–they cried, [and] kabhu–sometimes nache–they danced saghane–continuously. [8] Srivas danced with Jiva. Sometimes they cried, and sometimes they danced continuously.
ara yata saba bhakta-gana ara yata saba–All the other bhakta-gana–devotees takhana–then nachite nachite–danced while chale–they walked. [9] All the other devotees danced as they walked.
alakanandara nikate asi' asi'–Coming alakanandara nikate–near the Alakananda, nitai–Nitai balena–spoke, bhasi'–floating anande–in joy. [10] Coming to the Alakananda River, Nitai spoke, floating in joy.
"bilvapaksa-grama paschime dhari' dhari'–Flowing bilvapaksa-grama paschime–west of the village of Bilvapaksa, mandakini–the Mandakini ase–comes [and] gheri'–surrounds nadiya–Nadia. [11] "Flowing west of Bilvapaksa Gram, the Ganga comes and surrounds Nadia.
suvarna-bihara dekhile yatha mandakini–The Mandakini chhade–leaves alaka–the Alakananda yatha tatha–where dekhile–we saw suvarna-bihara–Suvarna Bihar. [12] "Then she separates from the Alakananda where we saw Suvarna Bihar.
alakanandara purava pare purava pare–On the eastern shore alakanandara–of the Alakananda, gandaka dhare–beside the Gandaka River, [is] harihara-ksetra–Harihara Ksetra. [13] "On the eastern shore of the Alakananda, beside the Gandaka River, is Harihara Ksetra.
sri-murti prakasa ha-ibe kale kale–In time, sri-murti–a Deity prakasa ha-ibe–will manifest [there, and] sundara kanana–a beautiful forest sobhibe–will shine bhale–gloriously. [14] "In time, a Deity will manifest there, and a beautiful forest will shine gloriously.
alaka paschime dekhaha kasi dekhaha–See kasi–Kasi paschime–to the west alaka–of the Alakananda. [There,] saiva–the followers of Siva [and] sakta–the followers of Sakti, Parvati, seve–worship mukati-dasi–the maidservant Liberation (the goddess of liberation, who serves the devotees as a maidservant). [15] "See Kasi to the west of the Alakananda. There the followers of Siva and Sakti worship the maidservant Liberation.
varanasi hate e dhama para
'gaura gaura' bali' sadai nache e–This dhama–abode [is] hate para–above varanasi–Varanasi [because] hethaya–here dhurjati–Lord Siva sadai–constantly bali'–chants 'gaura gaura'–"Gaura! Gaura!", nache–dances pinaka-dhara–holding [his] trident, [and] yache–offers nija-jane–his followers gaura-bhakati–devotion to Gaura. [16–17] "This place is superior to Varanasi because here Lord Siva constantly chants, "Gaura! Gaura!", dances holding his trident, and offers his followers devotion to Gaura.
sahasra varasa kasite vasi'
taha ta hethaya charane theli' hethaya–Here, bhakata–devotees bali'–chant 'gauranga'–'Gauranga', nachena–dance, [and] ta charane theli'–kick away ye taha mukati–the liberation [that] nyasi–renunciants labhe–attain vasi'–by residing kasite–in Kasi [and] jnanete–acquiring knowledge sahasra varasa–for a thousand years. [18–19] "Here, devotees chant Gauranga's Name, dance, and kick away the liberation that sannyasis attain by residing in Kasi and practising jnana-yoga for a thousand years.
niryana samaye ekhane jiva ekhane–Here, samaye–at the time jiva–of souls' niryana–passing away, siva–Siva bali'–chants 'gaura'–'Gaura' kane–into [their] ears [and] tarena–delivers [them]. [20] "Here, when souls pass away, Siva chants the Name of Gaura into their ears and delivers them.
mahavaranasi e dhama haya e–This dhama–place haya–is [thus] mahavaranasi–'Great Varanasi'. jivera bhaya nahika–Souls have no fear marane"–of death [here]." [21] "This place is thus Mahavaranasi. Souls have no fear of death here."
eta bali' tatha nitai nache bali'–Saying eta–this, nitai–Nitai nache–danced tatha–there [and] yache–offered jivere–Jiva gaurahari-prema–divine love for Gaurahari. [22] Saying this, Nitai danced and offered Jiva divine love for Gaurahari.
alaksye takhana kailasa-pati takhana–Then kailasa-pati–the Lord of Kailas alaksye–invisibly nati karila–bowed nitai charane–at the feet of Nitai. [23] Lord Siva then invisibly bowed at the feet of Nitai.
gauri-saha siva gauranga-nama gaiya gaiya–Chanting gauranga-nama–the Name of Gauranga, siva–Siva gauri-saha–and Parvati puraya–fulfilled [their] kama–desires. [24] Chanting the Name of Gauranga, Siva and Parvati fulfilled their desires.
svatantra isvara nitai tabe yabe tabe–Then svatantra isvara–the independent Lord, nitai–Nitai, chalila–left bhakata-sangete–with the devotees. [25] Then the independent Lord, Nitai, left with the devotees.
gadigachha-grame pau̐chhila asi' asi' pau̐chhila–Nitai arrived gadigachha-grame–in the village of Gadigachha. tathaya–There, asiya–Nityananda came over [and] kahila–spoke, hasi'–smiling. [26] Arriving in Gadigachha Gram, Nityananda came over and spoke, smiling.
"godruma namete e dvipa haya "e–"This dvipa–island haya–is namete–known as godruma–Godruma. surabhi–Surabhi raya–resides ekhane–here satata–eternally. [27] "This island is called Godruma. Surabhi resides here eternally.
krsna-maya-vase devendra yabe
govardhana-giri dhariya hari yabe–When devendra–Indra, krsna-maya-vase–bewildered by Krishna's illusion, bhasaya–flooded gokula–Gokula nija gaurave–with his powerful rains, hari–the Lord dhariya–lifted govardhana-giri–Govardhan Hill [and] yatana kari'–carefully raksila–protected gokula–Gokula. [28–29] "When Indra, bewildered by Krishna's illusion, flooded Gokula with his powerful rains, Krishna lifted Govardhan Hill and carefully protected Gokula.
indra-darpa-churna ha-ile para para–After indra-darpa-churna ha-ile–Indra's pride was crushed, sachi-pati–Indra chine–recognised saranga-dhara–Krishna. [30] "After Indra's pride was crushed, Indra recognised Krishna.
nija aparadha marjana tare marjana tare–To clear nija–his aparadha–offence, padila–he bowed [and] dhare–grasped krsnera charana–the feet of Krishna. [31] "To clear his offence, he bowed and grasped the feet of Krishna.
dayara samudra nanda-tanaya nanda-tanaya–Krishna, dayara samudra–the ocean of mercy, ksamila–forgave indrere–Indra [and] dila–gave [him] abhaya–[the boon of] fearlessness. [32] "Krishna, the ocean of mercy, forgave Indra and gave him the boon of fearlessness.
tathapi indrera rahila bhaya tathapi–Still, indrera bhaya rahila–Indra remained fearful. kaya–He spoke takhana–then surabhi nikate–to nearby Surabhi. [33] "Still, Indra remained fearful. He then spoke to Surabhi.
'krsna-lila mui bujhite nari 'mui–'I bujhite nari–could not understand krsna-lila–the Pastimes of Krishna, [and] mama ha-ila–I made bhari aparadha–a very heavy offence. [34] "'I could not understand the Pastimes of Krishna, and I committed a very heavy offence.
sunechhi kalite vrajendra-suta sunechhi–I have heard [that] kalite–during Kali-yuga, vrajendra-suta–Krishna karibe–will perform adbhuta–wonderful lila–Pastimes nadiya–in Nadia. [35] "'I have heard that during Kali-yuga, Krishna will perform wonderful Pastimes in Nadia.
pachhe se samaya mohita haba pachhe–At se samaya–that time, mohita haba–I will become bewildered [and] rahiba–be aparadhi haye–an offender punah–again. [36] "'At that time, I will become bewildered and be an offender again.
tumi ta surabhi sakala jana surabhi–O Surabhi, tumi–you jana–know ta sakala–everything. vidhana karaha–Please advise [me] tahara–about this ekhana–now. [37] "'O Surabhi, you know everything. Please advise me about this.'
surabhi balila, 'chalaha yai surabhi–Surabhi balila–said, 'chalaha yai–'Let us go [and] bhaji'–serve nimai–Nimai navadvipa-dhame'–in Nabadwip Dham.' [38] "Surabhi said, 'Let us go and serve Nimai in Nabadwip Dham.'
devendra surabhi hethaya asi' devendra–Indra [and] surabhi–Surabhi asi' vasi'–moved hethaya–here bhajana karila–worshipped gauranga–Gauranga. [39] "Indra and Surabhi moved here and worshipped Gauranga.
gauranga bhajana sahaja ati bhajana–Worshipping gauranga–Gauranga [is] ati–very sahaja–easy, [and] phala–the results tahara–of doing so vitati–are distributed sahaja–easily. [40] "Worshipping Gauranga is very easy, and the results of doing so are easily distributed.
'gauranga' baliya krandana kare krandana kare–They cried, baliya–chanting 'gauranga'–'Gauranga', [and] satvare–immediately darsana haya–saw gauranga–Gauranga. [41] "They cried, chanting the Name of Gauranga, and immediately saw Him.
kiba aparupa rupa-lavani
adha adha hasi' varada rupa kiba–How aparupa–extraordinary [is His] rupa-lavani–beauty and figure! dekhila–They saw pratima-khani–the figure gauranga–of Gauranga— varada rupa–the embodiment of benevolence, rasera kupa–the well of rasa— hasi'–smiling [and] adha adha–stammering, gada-gada–choked preme–with divine love. [42–43] "How extraordinary is His beauty and form! They saw the figure of Gauranga—the embodiment of benevolence, the well of rasa—smiling and stammering, choked with divine love.
hasiya balena thakura mora hasiya–Smiling, mora–My thakura–Lord balena–said, 'ami–'I janinu–know ta tora–your vasana–desire. [44] "Smiling, My Lord said, 'I know your desire.
alpa-dina achhe prakata-kala achhe–There is [only] alpa-dina–a short time [until] prakata-kala–the time of [My] appearance nadiya-nagare–in the town of Nadia, [and] dekhibe–you will see [Me] bhala–fully [then]. [45] "'I will appear in Nadia soon, and you will see Me fully then.
se lila samaye sevibe more se lila samaye–During the time of those Pastimes, sevibe–you will serve more–Me, [and] maya-jala–the net of maya ara dhare na–will no longer bind tore'–you.' [46] "'During those Pastimes, you will serve Me, and the net of maya will no longer bind you.'
eta bali' prabhu adrsya haya bali'–Saying eta–this, prabhu–the Lord adrsya haya–disappeared. surabhi sundari–Beautiful Surabhi raya–remained tathaya–there. [47] "Saying this, the Lord disappeared. Beautiful Surabhi remained there.
asvattha nikate rahila devi devi–Surabhi rahila–stayed nikate–near asvattha–a banyan tree [and] nirantara–constantly sevi'–worshipped gaura-charana–the feet of Gaura. [48] "She stayed near a banyan tree and constantly worshipped the feet of Gaura.
godrumadvipa ta ha-ila nama [This place] nama ta ha-ila–became known as godrumadvipa–Godrumadwip ('cow-tree island'). puraya–The Lord fulfils bhakata-kama–the desires of the devotees hethaya–here. [49] "This place thus became known as Godrumadwip. The Lord fulfils the desires of the devotees here.
hethaya kutira bandhiya bhaje bandhiya–Anyone who builds kutira–a hut [and] bhaje–serves hethaya–here anayase–easily maje–becomes immersed gaura-charane–in the feet of Gaura. [50] "Anyone who builds a hut and serves here easily becomes immersed in the feet of Gaura.
ei dvipe kabhu mrkanda-suta [There is] adbhuta katha–a wonderful story mrkanda-suta–about Markandeya Muni, achhila–who was present kabhu–once ei dvipe–on this island pralaye–during the destruction of the universe. [51] "There is a wonderful story about Markandeya Muni, who was present on this island during the destruction of the universe.
sata-kalpa ayu paila muni muni–The sage paila–attained ayu–a lifetime sata-kalpa–of seven kalpas (cycles of creation and destruction of the universe), [and] pralaye–during the destruction of the universe, gani'–he underwent bada-i vipad–great difficulty. [52] "Markandeya Muni attained a lifetime of seven kalpas, and during the destruction of the universe, he underwent great difficulty.
jalamaya haila samasta sthana samasta sthana–Everything jalamaya haila–became submerged in water, [and] sandhana kare–he searched [for] kotha va–somewhere rahibe–he could stay. [53] "Everything became submerged in water, and he searched for a place to stay.
bhasiya bhasiya chaliya yaya chaliya yaya–Moving about, bhasiya bhasiya–floating and floating, [he thought,] 'haya–'Alas! kena–Why la-inu–have I taken hena–this vara'–boon?' [54] "Floating and floating about, he thought, 'Alas! Why have I taken this boon?'
sola-krosa matra nadiya-dhama matra–Only sola-krosa–the thirty-two miles nadiya-dhama–of Nabadwip Dham jagiya–arise [and] deya–give visrama–shelter bhakate–to the devotees. [55] "During the destruction, only the thirty-two miles of Nabadwip Dham arise and give shelter to the devotees.
jalera tarange bhasiya muni bhasiya–Floating jalera tarange–in the waves of the water, muni–the sage amani–suddenly ajnana ha-iya pade–lost consciousness. [56] "Floating in the waves of the water, the sage suddenly lost consciousness.
mahakrpa kari' surabhi taya mahakrpa kari'–Being very merciful taya–to him, surabhi–Surabhi yatane–carefully uthaya–brought munire–the sage hetha–here. [57] "Being very merciful to him, Surabhi carefully rescued the sage.
samvit labhiya mrkanda-suta labhiya–Regaining samvit–consciousness, mrkanda-suta–Markandeya Muni dekhila–saw adbhuta–the wonders godrumadvipa–of Godrumadwip. [58] "Regaining consciousness, Markandeya Muni saw the wonders of Godrumadwip.
sata-koti-krosa vistara sthana [He saw] sthana–an abode vistara–spanning sata-koti-krosa–two billion miles around, sobha prakasamana–resplendent nada-nadi–with rivers and streams. [59] "He saw an abode spanning two billion miles around, resplendent with rivers and streams.
taru-lata kata sobhaya tatha kata–Numerous taru-lata–trees and vines sobhaya–were shining tatha–there, [and] paksi-gana–birds gaya–were chanting sri-gaura-gatha–the glories of Sri Gaura. [60] "Numerous trees and vines were shining, and birds were chanting the glories of Sri Gaura.
yojana-vistara asvattha hera hera–He saw asvattha–a banyan tree [that was] yojana-vistara–eight miles wide, [and] darsana kara–he saw surabhike–Surabhi tatha–beneath [it]. [61] "He saw a banyan tree that was eight miles wide, and he saw Surabhi beneath it.
ksudhaya akula muni takhana takhana–Then, akula–stricken ksudhaya–with hunger, muni–the sage vachana bale–spoke surabhira prati–to Surabhi. [62] "Stricken with hunger, the sage spoke to Surabhi.
'tumi bhagavati rakhaha prana 'bhagavati–'O goddess! tumi rakhaha–Please save [my] prana–life. mora trana karaha–Rescue me diya–by giving [me] dugdha'–some milk.' [63] "'O goddess! Please save my life. Rescue me by giving me some milk.'
surabhi takhana sadaya haye surabhi–Surabhi takhana–then sadaya haye–mercifully piyaila–fed munire–the sage laye–with [her] dugdha–milk. [64] "Surabhi mercifully fed the sage with her milk.
sabala ha-iya mrkanda-sunu sabala ha-iya–Revitalised, mrkanda-sunu–Markandeya Muni kahaya–spoke surabhira prati–to Surabhi punah–again. [65] "Revitalised, Markandeya Muni spoke to Surabhi again.
'tumi bhagavati janani mora 'bhagavati–'O goddess, tumi–you [are] mora–my janani–mother, [and] jagat–the world [is] bhora–absorbed tomara mayaya–in your illusion. [66] "'O goddess, you are my mother, and the world is absorbed in your illusion.
na bujhiya ami layechhi vara bujhiya na–Not understanding [the consequences,] ami–I layechhi–accepted vara–a boon jiva–of living sapta-kalpa–for seven kalpas amara haye–without dying. [67] "'Not understanding the consequences, I accepted a boon of living for seven kalpas without dying.
pralaya samaye bada-i duhkha pralaya samaye–At the time of the destruction of the universe, [there are] nana-vidha–various types klesa–of miseries [and] bada-i–extreme duhkha–distress. nahika–There is no sukha–happiness. [68] "'During the destruction of the universe, there are numerous miseries and extreme distress. There is no happiness.
ki kari janani balago more janani–O Mother, balago–tell more–me, ki kari–what should I do? kise va–How tare yaiba–can I overcome e duhkha'–this distress?' [69] "'O Mother, tell me, what should I do? How can I overcome this distress?'
surabhi takhana balila vani surabhi–Surabhi takhana–then vani balila–said, 'bhajaha–'Serve sri-gaura-pada dukhani–the feet of Sri Gaura. [70] "Surabhi said, 'Serve the feet of Sri Gaura.
ei navadvipa prakrti-para ei–This abode navadvipa–of Nabadwip [is] prakrti-para–beyond material nature— ihara haya–it is kabhu nahi–never nasa–destroyed. [71] "'This abode of Nabadwip is beyond material nature—it is never destroyed.
charma-chakse iha sodasa-krosa charma-chakse–To fleshy eyes iha–it [is] sodasa-krosa–thirty-two miles, [but it is] parama vaikuntha–the supreme realm in the spiritual world [and] sada–eternally nirdosa–faultless. [72] "'To fleshy eyes, it is only thirty-two miles, but it is the supreme abode Vaikuntha and eternally faultless.
aprakrta desa kala ekhane ekhane–Here, kala–time [and] desa–space [are] aprakrta–supramundane, [and] keba keha na–no one jane–knows [of] jada–material maya–illusion. [73] "'Here, time and space are supramundane, and no one knows of material illusion.
navadvipe dekha apurva ati dekha–See ati apurva–the great wonder navadvipe–of Nabadwip! viraja sati–The chaste Viraja bede–flows chari-dike–in the four directions. [74] "'See the great wonder of Nabadwip! The chaste Viraja flows all around it.
sata-koti-krosa pratyeka khanda pratyeka–Every khanda–part [is] sata-koti-krosa–two billion miles, [and] madhye–at [its] centre [is] nagara ganda–the grand city mayapura–of Mayapur. [75] "'Every part of Nabadwip measures two billion miles, and at its centre is the grand city of Mayapur.
asta-dala asta-dvipera mana asta-dvipera–The eight islands mana–resemble asta-dala–eight petals, [and] antardvipa–Antardwip [is] tara–their kesara sthana–whorl. [76] "'The eight islands of Nabadwip are petals, and Antardwip is their whorl.
sarva-tirtha sarva-devata rsi sarva-tirtha–All the holy places, [and] sarva–all devata–the gods [and] rsi–sages vasi'–reside hethaya–here [and] bhajichhe–worship gauranga–Gauranga. [77] "'All the holy places, gods, and sages reside here and worship Gauranga.
tumi markandeya gauranga-pada tumi markandeya–O Markandeya, jani'–understand [your] sampada–fortune [and] asraya karaha–take shelter gauranga-pada–at the feet of Gauranga. [78] "'O Markandeya, understand your fortune and take shelter at the feet of Gauranga.
akaitava dharma asraya kara asraya kara–Take shelter [of] akaitava dharma–the true religion, [and] dhara–keep bhukti-mukti-vanchha–desires for enjoyment and liberation sudure–far away. [79] "'Take shelter of the true dharma, and keep desires for enjoyment and liberation far away.
gauranga-bhajana-asraya-bale gauranga-bhajana-asraya-bale–By taking shelter and serving Gauranga, ta labhibe–you will attain prema–divine love madhura–in madhura-rasa phale–as a result. [80] "'By taking shelter of Gauranga and serving Him, you will attain divine love in madhura-rasa.
sei prema yabe hrdaye vase yabe–When sei–that prema–divine love vase–appears hrdaye–in [your] heart, bhasaya–it will set [you] afloat rase–in the rasa vilasa-kalara–of the arts within the Pastimes [of the Lord]. [81] "When that divine love appears in your heart, it will set you afloat in the rasa of the arts within the Pastimes of the Lord.
vraje radha-pade asraya haya asraya haya–You will take shelter radha-pade–at the feet of Radha vraje–in Vraja, [and your] manasa–heart raya–will be engaged yugala-sevaya–in the service of the Divine Couple. [82] "'You will take shelter at the feet of Radha in Vraja, and your heart will be engaged in the service of the Divine Couple.
sevara sukha ta atula jana jana–Know [that] sukha–the joy sevara–of service [is] ta atula–unparalleled [and] jnana–knowledge abheda nirvane–of static liberation [is] apartha'–useless.' [83] "'Know that the joy of service is unparalleled, and knowledge of static liberation is useless.'
surabhi-vachana suniya muni suniya–Hearing surabhi-vachana–the words of Surabhi, muni–the sage amani–immediately kara-yoda kari'–joined [his] palms [and] bale–spoke. [84] "Hearing the words of Surabhi, the sage immediately joined his palms and spoke.
'sri-gaura-charana bhajiba yabe 'yabe–'When bhajiba–I serve sri-gaura-charana–the feet of Sri Gaura, kothaya–where [will] amara–my adrsta–destiny rabe'–remain?' [85] "'When I serve the feet of Sri Gaura, what will become of my destiny?'
surabhi kahila siddhanta-sara surabhi–Surabhi kahila–spoke siddhanta-sara–the ultimate conclusion: 'nahi–'There is no vichara–judgement sri-gaura-bhajane–in the service of Sri Gaura. [86] "Surabhi then spoke the ultimate conclusion: 'There is no judgement in the service of Sri Gaura.
'sri-gaura' baliya dakibe yabe yabe–When baliya dakibe–you call out, 'sri-gaura'–'Sri Gaura', samasta karama–all the reactions to your previous actions vinasa habe–will be destroyed. [87] "'When you call the Name of Sri Gaura, all your karma will be destroyed.
kichhu nahi rabe vipaka ara kichhu nahi–No vipaka–reactions rabe–will remain ara–any longer, [and] tomara–your bhava-samsara–attachment to material existence ghuchibe–will disappear. [88] "'No reactions will remain any longer, and your attachment to material existence will disappear.
karma kene eka jnanera phala kene–Why karma–karma eka–alone? phala–The consequences jnanera–of [your] knowledge ghuchibe–will disappear, vikala haye–being destroyed samule–at the root. [89] "'And not only your karma, but the consequences of your pursuing liberation will also be eradicated.
tumi ta majibe gauranga-rase tumi–You ta majibe–will become immersed gauranga-rase–in the ecstasy of Gauranga. bhajibe–You will serve tanhare–Him, vase–residing e dvipe'–on this island.' [90] "'You will become immersed in the ecstasy of Gauranga, living on this island and serving Him.'
markandeya suni' anande bhase suni'–Hearing [this,] markandeya–Markandeya bhase–floated anande–in joy. bali'–He chanted, 'gaura'–'Gaura', kande–cried, [and] kakhana–sometimes hase–laughed. [91] "Hearing this, Markandeya floated in joy. He chanted the Name of Gaura, cried, and sometimes laughed.
ei dekha jiva apurva sthana jiva–Jiva, dekha–see [here] ei–the apurva–wonderful sthana–place yatha–where markandeya–Markandeya paila–received prana"–life." [92] "Jiva, see here the wonderful place where Markandeya received life."
gauranga-mahima nitai-mukhe suni'–Hearing gauranga-mahima–the glories of Gauranga nitai-mukhe–from the mouth of Nitai, jiva–Jiva bhase–floated parama sukhe–in the greatest joy. [93] Hearing the glories of Gauranga from the mouth of Nitai, Jiva floated in the greatest joy.
se sthane se dina yapana kari' yapana kari'–They spent se dina–the day se sthane–in that place [and then] chale–went madhyadvipe–to Madhyadwip, baliya–chanting "hari"–"Hari!" [94] They spent the day in that place and then went to Madhyadwip, chanting "Hari!"
nitai-jahnava-charana sara
nitai-adesa mastake dhare janiya–Knowing nitai-jahnava-charana–Nitai and Jahnava's feet [to be] sara–all-in-all, chhara–the fallen bhakti-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod dhare–holds nitai-adesa–the order of Nitai mastake–on [his] head [and] varnana kare–describes nadiya-mahima–the glories of Nadia. [95–96] Knowing Nitai and Jahnava's feet to be all-in-all, the fallen Bhakti Vinod holds the order of Nitai on his head and describes the glories of Nadia.
CONTENTS: · Translator's Note · Publishers' Notes · Sri Navadvipa-dhama-parikramaya Ahvana · Preface · Sriman Navadvipa-dhama-vandana Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya: • The Glories of the Dham • The Nature and Dimensions of the Dham • Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham • Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham • Sri Mayapur and Antardvip • Visiting Sri Ganga Nagar, Sri Prthu Kunda, Sri Simantadwip, Sri Visram Sthan, and Other Places • Sri Suvarna Bihar and Sri Deva Palli • Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma • Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa • Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and other places • Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev • Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda • Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip • Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila • Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina • Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila • Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers • The Removal of Sri Jiva Goswami's Doubts and His Travelling to Vrindavan Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga Sri Gaura Krishna Tattva The Land of Sweetness The Ten Offences to the Holy Dham Glossary Maps |
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