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jaya jaya pancha-tattvatmaka gaurahari jaya jaya–All glory pancha-tattvatmaka–to the life of the Pancha Tattva, gaurahari–Gaurahari! jaya jaya–All glory navadvipa-dhama sarvopari–to the Dham above all, Nabadwip! [1] All glory to the life of the Pancha Tattva, Sri Gaurahari, and the best of all abodes, Sri Nabadwip!
mamagachhi-grame giya nityananda-raya giya–Proceeding mamagachhi-grame–to the village of Mamgachhi, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray bale–said, "ei–"This [is] modadruma–Modadrumadwip. ayodhya–Ayodhya [is present] hethaya–here. [2] Proceeding to Mamgachhi Gram, Nityananda Ray said, "This is Modadrumadwip. Ayodhya is present here.
purva-kalpe yabe rama haila vana-vasi
mahavata vrksa tale kutira bandhiya purva-kalpe–In a previous manifestation of the universe, yabe–when vana-vasi haila–He was a resident of the forest, rama–Rama asi'–came ei sthane–here laye–with laksana–Laksman [and] janaki–Sita, bandhiya–built kutira–a cottage mahavata vrksa tale–under a massive banyan tree, [and] vasa kaila–lived [here] anandita haiya–joyfully kata-dina–for some time. [3–4] "In a previous manifestation of the universe, while He was residing in the forest, Rama came here with Laksman and Sita, built a cottage under a massive banyan tree, and lived here joyfully for some time.
navadvipa-prabha rama kari' darasana darasana kari'–Seeing navadvipa-prabha–the lustre of Nabadwip, rama sri-raghu-nandana–Rama, the son of the Raghus, hasya kare–smiled alpa alpa–slightly. [5] "Seeing the lustre of Nabadwip, Rama smiled slightly.
kiba durva-dala-syama-rupa manohara [His] rajiva-lochana–lotus eyes, [His] sundara dhanuka–beautiful bow haste–in hand— kiba–how manohara–enchanting [was His] durva-dala-syama-rupa–dark grass-green form! [6] "His lotus eyes, His beautiful bow in hand—how enchanting was His dark grass-green form!
brahmachari-vesa sire jata sobha kare [His] brahmachari-vesa–dress was that of a brahmachari, [and] jata–dreadlocks sobha kare–shone sire–atop [His] head. darsane–The sight [of Him] manohare–captivated sakala prani-gana–all living beings. [7] "He wore the dress of a brahmachari, and dreadlocks shone atop His head. Seeing Him captivated all living beings.
hasi' hasi' mukha dekhi' janaki takhana dekhi'–Seeing [His] hasi' hasi'–smiling mukha–face, janaki devi–Sita Devi takhana–then jijnase–asked sri-rame–Sri Rama karana–about the reason hasyera–for [His] smile. [8] "Seeing His smiling face, Sita Devi asked Sri Rama about the reason for His smile.
rama bale, 'suna sita janaka-nandini rama–Rama bale–said, 'sita–'O Sita, janaka-nandini–daughter of Janaka, suna–listen! achhe–There is eka–a ati–very gopaniya–confidential ta kahini–answer. [9] "Rama replied, 'O Sita, listen! There is a very confidential answer.
dhanya kali yabe haya ei nadiyaya yabe–When dhanya kali–the glorious Kali-yuga haya–takes place, dekhibare paya–souls will see mora–My pita-varna-rupa–golden form ei nadiyaya–in Nadia. [10] "'When the glorious Kali-yuga takes place, souls will see My golden form here in Nadia.
jagannatha-misra-grhe sri-sachi-udare satvare janma labhiba–I will soon take birth gauranga-rupete–as Gauranga sri-sachi-udare–from the womb of Sri Sachi jagannatha-misra-grhe–in the home of Jagannath Misra. [11] "'I will soon take birth as Gauranga from the womb of Sachi Devi in the home of Jagannath Misra.
balya-lila dekhibe ye saba bhagyavana ye saba bhagyavana–The fortunate souls dekhibe–will see [My] balya-lila–childhood Pastimes, [and] ami–I dana kariba–will give se sabe–them all para prema–the highest divine love. [12] "'The fortunate souls will see My childhood Pastimes, and I will give them all the highest form of divine love.
kariba se kale priye vidyara vilasa priye–Dear Sita, se kale–at that time, kariba–I will perform vilasa–Pastimes vidyara–of scholarship. ami–I prakasa kariba–will reveal sri-nama-mahatmya–the glories of [My] Name. [13] "'Dear Sita, at that time, I will perform Pastimes of scholarship and reveal the glories of My Name.
sannyasa kariya ami yaba nilachale ami–I sannyasa kariya–will take sannyas [and] yaba–go nilachale–to Jagannath Puri. [My] janani–mother kole laye–will embrace sviya–My vadhu–wife kandibe'–and cry.' [14] "'Later, I will take sannyas and go to Nilachal. My mother will embrace My wife and cry.'
ei katha suni' sita balena vachana suni'–Hearing ei–this katha–explanation, sita–Sita vachana balena–said, 'rajiva-lochana–'O lotus-eyed Lord, kena–why janani kandabe–will You make [Your] mother cry? [15] "Hearing this, Sita said, 'O lotus-eyed Lord, why will You make Your mother cry?
sannyasa karibe kena chhadiya grhini kena–Why sannyasa karibe–will You take sannyas [and] chhadiya–leave [Your] grhini–wife? kiba–What sukha–happiness [do You feel] patni duhkha diya–by making [Your] wife unhappy? jani nahi'–I do not understand.' [16] "'Why will You take sannyas and leave Your wife? What happiness is there in making Your wife unhappy? I do not understand.'
sri-rama balena, 'priye tumi saba jana sri-rama–Sri Rama balena–said, 'priye–'[My] dear, tumi–You jana–understand saba–everything, [but] sikhate–to teach jivere–the souls, ebe ajnana ha-ila–You now [act as if You] were unaware. [17] "Sri Rama answered, 'My dear, You actually understand everything, but to teach the souls, You now act as if You were unaware.
amate ye prema-bhakti tara asvadana ye tara prema-bhakti–Loving devotion amate–to Me haya–is asvadana–relished dui mate–in two ways. sita–O Sita, sunaha–hear [My] vachana–words. [18] "'Loving devotion to Me is relished in two ways. O Sita, please hear My words.
amara samyoge sukha sambhoga bolaya sukha–The joy amara samyoge–during union with Me bolaya–is called sambhoga–sambhoga. sukha–The joy amara viyoge–during separation from Me haya–is vipralambha–vipralambha. [19] "'The joy felt during union with Me is called sambhoga. The joy felt during separation from Me is called vipralambha.
bhakta mora nitya-sangi sambhoga vanchhaya mora–My bhakta–devotees, [My] nitya-sangi–eternal associates, vanchhaya–desire sambhoga–union, [and] mama krpa-vase–under the control of My grace, tara haya–they experience vipralambha–separation. [20] "'My devotees, My eternal associates, desire sambhoga, and by My grace, they experience vipralambha.
vipralambhe duhkha yei amara karana bhakta-jana–Devotees jane–know [that] yei taha duhkha–the sadness, amara karana–for My sake, vipralambhe–of separation [is] parama ananda–the greatest joy. [21] "'Devotees know that the sadness felt for My sake during vipralambha is actually the greatest joy.
vipralambha sese yabe sambhoga udaya yabe–When sambhoga–union udaya–occurs sese–after vipralambha–separation, sukha–the happiness tahe–within it haya–is koti-guna–ten million times greater purvapeksa–than before. [22] "'When sambhoga occurs after vipralambha, the happiness felt is ten million times greater than before.
sei ta sukhera hetu amara vichchheda amara vichchheda–Separation from Me [is] hetu–the cause sei ta sukhera–of that happiness. tumi svikara karaha–Accept [this;] chari veda–the four Vedas bale–say [it]. [23] "'Separation from Me is the cause of that happiness. Accept this as truth; the four Vedas affirm it.
sri-gauranga-avatare kausalya janani sri-gauranga-avatare–During My appearance as Sri Gauranga, janani kausalya–Mother Kausalya, yara dhvani–who is said [to be] aditi–Aditi vedete–in the Vedas, [will appear as] sachi-devi–Sachi Devi. [24] "'During My Pastimes as Sri Gauranga, Mother Kausalya, who is known in the Vedas as Aditi, will appear as Sachi Devi.
tumi visnu-priya-rupe sevibe amare tumi–You sevibe–will serve amare–Me visnu-priya-rupe–as Visnu Priya. vichchhede–In separation, prachare karibe–You will make sri-gaura-murti–a Deity of Sri Gaura. [25] "'You will serve Me as Visnu Priya. In separation from Me, You will make a Deity of My golden form.
tomara vichchhede kabhu svarna-sita kari' kabhu–At some time, tomara vichchhede–in separation from You, ami–I kari'–will make svarna-sita–a golden Sita [and] bhajiba–worship tomare–You ayodhya nagari–in the city of Ayodhya. [26] "'In separation from You, I will make a golden Sita and worship You in Ayodhya.
tara vinimaye tumi nadiya-nagare tara vinimaye–In exchange for this, tumi–You kari'–will make gauranga-pratima–a Deity of Gauranga [and] pujibe–worship amare–Me nadiya-nagare–in the town of Nadia. [27] "'In exchange, You will make a Deity of My golden form and worship Me in Nadia.
ei gudha katha sita gopaniya ati sita–O Sita, ei–these gudha–profound katha–topics [are] ati–very gopaniya–confidential. prakasa ha-ibe nahi–They will not be revealed lokete–to the public samprati–now. [28] "'O Sita, these profound topics are very confidential. They will not be revealed to the public now.
ei navadvipa mora bada priya sthana ei navadvipa–Nabadwip [is] mora bada priya sthana–a place [that is] very dear to Me: ayodhyadi–Ayodhya and other places haya nahi–are not samana–equal ihara–to it. [29] "'Nabadwip is very dear to Me: neither Ayodhya nor any other place is equal to it.
ei rama-vata vrksa kali agamane sita–O Sita, kali agamane–when Kali-yuga arrives, ei rama-vata vrksa–this banyan tree, Rama Vata, adarsana haye–will disappear [but] sangopane–invisibly rabe'–remain.' [30] "'O Sita, when Kali-yuga arrives, this banyan tree, Rama Vata, will disappear but invisibly remain.'
ei rupe rama sita laksana sahita ei rupe–In this way, rama–Rama, sahita–with sita–Sita [and] laksana–Laksman, avasthita haye–resided ei sthane–here kata-dina–for some time. [31] "In this way Rama, Sita, and Laksman resided here for some time.
dandaka aranye gela karya sadhibare gela–They went dandaka aranye–to the Dandaka forest karya sadhibare–to perform [Their] Pastimes. dekhibare pao–See sthana–the place ramera kutira–of Rama's cottage. [32] "Eventually, They went to the Dandaka forest to perform Their Pastimes. See here the place of Rama's cottage.
rama-mitra guhaka prabhura ichchha-vase prabhura ichchha-vase–By the will of the Lord, rama-mitra–Rama's friend guhaka–Guhaka janmilena–took birth ei sthane–here viprera aurase–as the son of a brahman. [33] "By the will of the Lord, Rama's friend Guhaka took birth here as the son of a brahman.
sadananda vipra bhattacharya nama tanra tanra–His nama–name [became] sadananda vipra bhattacharya–Sadananda Vipra Bhattacharya. jane nahi–He did not know [anything] vina ara–other than rama–Rama trijagate–in the three worlds. [34] "His name became Sadananda Vipra Bhattacharya. He knew nothing other than Rama within the three worlds.
yei dina prabhu mora janme mayapure yei dina sei dina–On the day mora–our prabhu–Lord janme–took birth mayapure–in Mayapur, sadananda–Sadananda chhila–was present misra ghare–in the home of Jagannath Misra. [35] "On the day that our Lord took birth in Mayapur, Sadananda was present in the home of Jagannath Misra.
prabhura janama-kale yata deva-gana prabhura janama-kale–At the time of the Lord's birth, yata deva-gana–all the gods darasana kare–observed sisu–the child misrera bhavane–in the home of Jagannath Misra. [36] "At the time of the Lord's birth, all the gods observed the child in the home of Jagannath Misra.
parama sadhaka vipra chine deva-gane vipra–The brahman Sadananada, parama sadhaka–a great devotee, chine–recognised deva-gane–the gods [and] janila–understood [that] amara–our prabhu–Lord janmila–had taken birth ekhane–there. [37] "The brahman, a great devotee, recognised the gods and understood that our Lord had taken birth there.
parama kautuke vipra aila nija ghare parama kautuke–With great delight, vipra–the brahman aila–returned nija ghare–to his home. ista-dhyane–In meditation on the Lord, vipra–the brahman dekhe–saw gaurangasundare–Gaurangasundar. [38] "With great delight, the brahman returned to his home. In meditation on his worshippable Lord, he saw Gaurangasundar.
simhasane basiyachhe sri-gauranga-raya sri-gauranga-raya–Sri Gauranga Ray basiyachhe–was sitting simhasane–on a throne, [and] brahma–Brahma [and] adi deva-gane–the other gods dhulaya–were waving chamara–yak-tail fans. [39] "Sri Gauranga Ray was sitting on a throne, and Brahma and the other gods were waving chamaras beside Him.
punah dekhe ramachandra durvadala-syama punah–Then dekhe–the brahman saw durvadala-syama–the dark, grass-green ramachandra–Ramachandra [and] laksmana-vira–heroic Laksman, sri-ananta-dhama–the abode of Ananta, nikate–nearby. [40] "Then, the brahman saw the dark, grass-green Ramachandra and heroic Laksman, the abode of Ananta, nearby.
bame sita sammukhe bhakata hanumana bame–On [His] left [was] sita–Sita, [and] sammukhe–in front [of Him,] bhakata–the devotee hanumana–Hanuman. dekhiya–Seeing [this,] viprera prabhu-tattva-jnana haila–the brahman understood the identity of the Lord. [41] "On His left was Sita, and His devotee Hanuman sat in front of Him. Seeing this, the brahman understood the identity of the Lord.
parama anande vipra mayapure giya parama anande–With great joy, vipra–the brahman giya–went mayapure–to Mayapur [and] anande–joyfully dekhe–saw gauranga–Gauranga, bhariya–filling [his] nayana–eyes. [42] "With great joy, the brahman went to Mayapur and joyfully saw Gauranga to the satisfaction of his eyes.
'dhanya ami dhanya ami' bale bara-bara 'ami–'I [am] dhanya–blessed! ami–I [am] dhanya'–blessed!' bale–said the brahman bara-bara–again and again. 'ramachandra–'Ramachandra [has appeared] amara sammukhe–before me gaura-rupe'–as Gaura!' [43] "'I am blessed! I am blessed!' said the brahman again and again. 'Ramachandra has appeared before me as Gauranga!'
kata-dine sankirtana arambha ha-ila kata-dine–Some time later, [the Lord's] sankirtana–sankirtan arambha ha-ila–started. sadananda–Sadananda bali'–chanted 'gaura'–'Gaura!' [and] nachila–danced tahate–within it. [44] "Later, when the sankirtan Pastimes of the Lord started, Sadananda would dance and chant the Name of Gaura.
ohe jiva ei sthane sri-bhandiravana ohe–O jiva–Jiva, ei sthane–here nirmala–pure bhakata-gana–devotees darasana kare–see sri-bhandiravana"–Sri Bhandiravan." [45] "O Jiva, here pure devotees see Sri Bhandiravan."
sei saba katha suni' nitya-dhame heri' suni'–Hearing sei saba katha–all these descriptions [and] heri'–seeing nitya-dhame–the eternal abode, bhakata-gana–the devotees gheri'–surrounded nityanande–Nityananda [and] nachena–danced. [46] Hearing this and seeing the eternal abode, the devotees surrounded Nityananda and danced.
sri-jivera ange haya sattvika vikara sattvika vikara–Divine ecstasy haya–manifested sri-jivera ange–in the body of Sri Jiva [and] jiva–Jiva bali'chitkara karena–exclaimed, "ha–"O gauranga"–Gauranga!" [47] Divine ecstasy manifested in the body of Sri Jiva, and he exclaimed, "O Gauranga!"
sei grame sei dina narayani-ghare praphulla antare–With a jubilant heart, nityananda–Nityananda rahilena–stayed sei grame–in that village narayani-ghare–in the home of Narayani sei dina–that day. [48] With a jubilant heart, Nityananda stayed in that village in the home of Narayani that day.
parama pavitra sati vyasera janani parama pavitra–The perfectly pure [and] sati–chaste [Narayani,] janani–the mother vyasera–of Vyasa (Srila Vrindavan Das Thakur, the Vyasa of Sriman Mahaprabhu's Pastimes), apani–personally seva karila–served sri-vaisnava-gane–the devotees. [49] The perfectly pure and chaste Narayani, the mother of Vyasa, personally served the devotees.
para-dina prate sabe chali' kata dura para-dina–The next day prate–in the morning, sabe–everyone chali'–walked kata dura–some distance [and] anayase–peacefully pravesila–entered sri-vaikuntha-pura–Sri Vaikunthapur. [50] The next day in the morning, the devotees walked some distance and peacefully entered Sri Vaikunthapur.
nitai-jahnava-ajna karite palana palana karite–To fulfil nitai-jahnava-ajna–the order of Nitai and Jahnava, dina akinchana–this poor, lowly soul gaya–chants nadiya-mahatmya–the glories of Nadia. [51] To fulfil the order of Nitai and Jahnava, this poor, lowly soul chants the glories of Nadia.
CONTENTS: · Translator's Note · Publishers' Notes · Sri Navadvipa-dhama-parikramaya Ahvana · Preface · Sriman Navadvipa-dhama-vandana Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya: • The Glories of the Dham • The Nature and Dimensions of the Dham • Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham • Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham • Sri Mayapur and Antardvip • Visiting Sri Ganga Nagar, Sri Prthu Kunda, Sri Simantadwip, Sri Visram Sthan, and Other Places • Sri Suvarna Bihar and Sri Deva Palli • Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma • Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa • Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and other places • Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev • Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda • Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip • Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila • Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina • Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila • Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers • The Removal of Sri Jiva Goswami's Doubts and His Travelling to Vrindavan Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga Sri Gaura Krishna Tattva The Land of Sweetness The Ten Offences to the Holy Dham Glossary Maps |
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