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Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina


pancha-tattva sahita gauranga jaya jaya
jaya jaya navadvipa gauranga-alaya [1]

jaya jaya–All glory gauranga–to Gauranga sahita–with pancha-tattva–the Pancha Tattva! jaya jaya–All glory gauranga-alaya–to the abode of Gauranga, navadvipa–Nabadwip! [1]

All glory to Sri Gauranga, the Pancha Tattva, and the abode of Sri Gauranga, Sri Nabadwip!

sri-vaikuntha-pure asi' prabhu nityananda
sri-jive kahena tabe hasi' manda manda [2]

asi'–Arriving sri-vaikuntha-pure–in Sri Vaikunthapur, nityananda prabhu–Nityananda Prabhu tabe–then hasi'–smiled manda manda–gently [and] kahena–spoke sri-jive–to Sri Jiva. [2]

Arriving in Sri Vaikunthapur, Nityananda Prabhu smiled gently and spoke to Sri Jiva.

"navadvipa asta-dala eka-parsve haya
ei ta vaikuntha-puri sunaha nischaya [3]

"sunaha–"Please listen nischaya–with certainty. [Here,] eka-parsve–on one side navadvipa asta-dala–of the eight-petalled lotus of Nabadwip, haya–is ei ta vaikuntha-puri–Vaikunthapur. [3]

"Please listen carefully. Here, on one side of the eight-petalled lotus of Nabadwip, is Vaikunthapur.

paravyoma sri-vaikuntha narayana-sthana
virajara pare sthiti ei ta sandhana [4]

sri-vaikuntha–Sri Vaikuntha, paravyoma–the spiritual world, narayana-sthana–the abode of Narayan, [is] sthiti–situated virajara pare–beyond the Viraja River. ei ta–This [is its] sandhana–position. [4]

"Sri Vaikuntha, the spiritual world, the abode of Narayan, is situated beyond the Viraja River. This is its position.

mayara nahika tatha gati kadachana
sri-bhu-lila-sakti-sevya tatha narayana [5]

mayara kadachana nahika–Maya never has [any] gati–role tatha–there. narayana–Narayan sevya–is to be served tatha–there sri-bhu-lila-sakti–by the sri, bhu, and lila energies. [5]

"Maya never enters there, where Narayan is served by the sri, bhu, and lila energies.

chinmaya bhumira brahma haya ta kirana
charma-chakse jada-drsti kare sarva-jana [6]

ta kirana–The effulgence chinmaya bhumira–of this spiritual land haya–is brahma–Brahma. charma-chakse–With fleshy eyes, sarva-jana–everyone jada-drsti kare–sees it to be material. [6]

"The effulgence of this spiritual land is Brahma. With fleshy eyes, everyone sees it to be material.

ei narayana-dhame nitya niranjane
narada dekhila kabhu chinmaya lochane [7]

narada–Narad kabhu–once dekhila–saw ei–this niranjane–pure, nitya–eternal narayana-dhame–abode of Narayan chinmaya lochane–with [his] spiritual eyes. [7]

"Narad once saw this pure, eternal abode of Narayan with his spiritual eyes.

narayane dekhe punah gaurangasundara
dekhi' hetha kata-dine rahe muni-vara [8]

dekhe–He saw narayane–Narayan, [and] punah–then dekhi'–he saw [Him as] gaurangasundara–Gaurangasundar. muni-vara–The best of the sages [then] rahe–stayed hetha–here kata-dine–for some time. [8]

"He saw Narayan, and then saw Him as Gaurangasundar. Thereafter, Narad, the best of the sages, stayed here for some time.

ara eka katha gudha achhe puratana
jagannatha-ksetre aila acharya laksmana [9]

achhe–There is ara eka–another puratana–ancient, gudha–confidential katha–subject. [Once,] laksmana acharya–Ramanuja Acharya aila–came jagannatha-ksetre–to Jagannath Puri. [9]

"There is another ancient, confidential subject. Once, Ramanuja Acharya came to Jagannath Ksetra.

bahu stave tusta kaila deva jagannathe
krpa kari' jagannatha aila saksate [10]

tusta kaila–He pleased deva jagannathe–Lord Jagannath bahu stave–with many prayers, [and] jagannatha–Jagannath krpa kari'–mercifully aila–came saksate–before him. [10]

"He pleased Lord Jagannath with numerous prayers, and Jagannath mercifully came before him.

saksate asiya prabhu balila vachana
'navadvipa-dhama tumi karaha darsana [11]

asiya–Coming saksate–before him, prabhu–the Lord vachana balila–said, 'tumi darsana karaha–'Visit navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham. [11]

"Coming before him, the Lord said, 'Visit Nabadwip Dham.

ati alpa-dine ami nadiya-nagare
prakata ha-iba jagannatha-misra-ghare [12]

ati alpa-dine–Within a very short time, ami–I prakata ha-iba–will appear nadiya-nagare–in the town of Nadia jagannatha-misra-ghare–in the home of Jagannath Misra. [12]

"'Very soon, I will appear in Nadia in the home of Jagannath Misra.

navadvipa haya mora ati priya-sthana
paravyoma tara eka-dese adhisthana [13]

navadvipa–Nabadwip haya–is mora–My ati–very priya-sthana–dear place. paravyoma–The spiritual world adhisthana–is situated eka-dese–within one portion tara–of it. [13]

"'Nabadwip is My dearmost abode. The spiritual world of Vaikuntha is situated within one portion of it.

tumi mora nitya-dasa bhakata pradhana
avasya dekhibe tumi navadvipa-sthana [14]

tumi–You [are] mora–My nitya-dasa–eternal servant, [and] pradhana–foremost bhakata–amongst [My] devotees. tumi–You avasya dekhibe–must see navadvipa-sthana–Nabadwip Dham. [14]

"'You are My eternal servant, and foremost amongst My devotees. You must see Nabadwip Dham.

tava sisya-gana dasya-rasete magana
hethaya thakuka tumi karaha gamana [15]

tava–Your sisya-gana–disciples thakuka magana–may remain immersed dasya-rasete–in servitorship hethaya–here. tumi–You gamana karaha–must go. [15]

"'Let your disciples remain here immersed in dasya-rasa. You must go.

navadvipa na dekhe ye paiya sarira
mithya tara janma ohe ramanuja dhira [16]

ohe–O dhira ramanuja–wise Ramanuja! ye tara janma–The birth of those who paiya–obtain sarira–a body [but] dekhe na–do not see navadvipa–Nabadwip [is] mithya–meaningless. [16]

"'O wise Ramanuja! The birth of those who obtain a body but do not see Nabadwip is meaningless.

ranga-sthana sri-venkata yadava achala
navadvipa-kala matra haya se sakala [17]

ranga-sthana–Sri Rangam, sri-venkata–Sri Venkata, [and] yadava achala–Yadavachal haya–are se sakala–all matra–simply navadvipa-kala–minor parts of Nabadwip. [17]

"'Sri Rangam, Sri Venkata, and Yadavachal are simply minor parts of Nabadwip.

ataeva navadvipa kariya gamana
dekhe gaurangera rupa kesava-nandana [18]

ataeva–Therefore, kesava-nandana–O Ramanuja, gamana kariya–go navadvipa–to Nabadwip [and] dekhe–see rupa–the form gaurangera–of Gauranga. [18]

"'Therefore, O Ramanuja, go to Nabadwip and see the form of Gauranga.

bhakti pracharite tumi aile dhara-tale
sarthaka ha-uka janma gaura-krpa-bale [19]

tumi–You aile–came dhara-tale–to the earth pracharite–to preach bhakti–devotion. [May your] janma–birth sarthaka ha-uka–be successful gaura-krpa-bale–by the mercy of Gaura. [19]

"'You came to the earth to preach devotion. May your birth be successful by the mercy of Gaura.

navadvipa dekhi' tumi yao kurma-sthana
sisya-gana sane tatha ha-ibe milana' [20]

tumi dekhi'–See navadvipa–Nabadwip [and] yao–go kurma-sthana–to Kurma Sthan. milana ha-ibe–You will meet sane–with [your] sisya-gana–disciples tatha'–there.' [20]

"'See Nabadwip and then go to Kurma Sthan. You will meet your disciples there.'

eta suni' laksmanacharya yudi' dui kara
jagannathe nivedana kare atahpara [21]

suni'–Hearing eta–this, laksmanacharya–Ramanuja Acharya dui kara yudi'–joined [his] palms [and] atahpara–then nivedana kare–prayed jagannathe–to Jagannath. [21]

"Hearing this, Ramanuja Acharya joined his palms and prayed to Jagannath.

'tomara krpaya prabhu gaura-katha suni'
kona tattva gaurachandra taha nahi jani' [22]

'prabhu–'O Lord, tomara krpaya–by Your mercy, suni'–I have heard gaura-katha–a description of Gaura, [but] jani nahi–I do not know kona tattva taha–who gaurachandra'–Gaurachandra [is].' [22]

"'O Lord, by Your mercy I have now heard about Gauranga, but I do not know who He is.'

ramanuje krpa kari' jagabandhu bale
'golokera natha krsna janena sakale [23]

jagabandhu–Jagannath krpa kari'–mercifully bale–said ramanuje–to Ramanuja, 'sakale–'Everyone janena–knows [that] krsna–Krishna [is] natha–the Lord golokera–of Goloka. [23]

"Jagannath mercifully replied to Ramanuja, 'Everyone knows that Krishna is the Lord of Goloka.

yanhara vilasa-murti prabhu narayana
sei krsna para-tattva dhama vrndavana [24]

sei krsna–Krishna, yanhara–whose vilasa-murti–'Pastime-form' [is] narayana prabhu–Lord Narayan, [is] para-tattva–the supreme being, [and His] dhama–abode [is] vrndavana–Vrindavan. [24]

"'Lord Narayan is a form Krishna assumes to perform Pastimes. Krishna is the supreme being, and His abode is Vrindavan.

sei krsna purna rupe nitya gaurahari
sei vrndavana-dhama navadvipa-puri [25]

sei krsna–Krishna [exists] purna rupe–fully [and] nitya–eternally [as] gaurahari–Gaurahari, [and] sei vrndavana-dhama–Vrindavan Dham [exists] navadvipa-puri–as the abode of Nabadwip. [25]

"'Krishna also exists fully and eternally as Gaurahari, and Vrindavan also exists fully and eternally as Nabadwip.

navadvipe ami nitya gaurangasundara
navadvipa srestha-dhama jagata bhitara [26]

navadvipe–In Nabadwip, ami–I [exist] nitya–eternally gaurangasundara–as Gaurangasundar. navadvipa–Nabadwip [is] srestha-dhama–the best abode jagata bhitara–in the world. [26]

"'In Nabadwip, I am eternally present as Gaurangasundar. Nabadwip is the best abode in the world.

amara krpaya dhama achhe bhu-mandale
maya-gandha nahi tatha sarva-sastre bale [27]

amara krpaya–By My grace, dhama–Nabadwip Dham achhe–is present bhu-mandale–on the earth, [and] sarva-sastre–all the scriptures bale–say [that] nahi–there is no maya-gandha–trace of maya tatha–there. [27]

"'By My grace, Nabadwip Dham is present on the earth, and all the scriptures say that there is no trace of maya there.

bhu-mandale achhe bali' yadi bhava hina
tabe tava bhakti ksaya habe dina dina [28]

bali'–Considering [that] achhe–Nabadwip is present bhu-mandale–on the earth, yadi–if bhava–you think [it is] hina–degraded, tabe–then tava–your bhakti–devotion ksaya habe–will diminish dina dina–day by day. [28]

"'If you think that Nabadwip is degraded because it is present on the earth, then your devotion will diminish day by day.

amara achintya-sakti se chinmaya-dhame
amara ichchhaya rakhiyachhe mayasrame [29]

amara ichchhaya–By My will, amara–My achintya-sakti–inconceivable energy rakhiyachhe–has manifested se chinmaya-dhame–this spiritual abode mayasrame–within the realm of Maya. [29]

"'By My will, My inconceivable energy has manifested this spiritual abode within the realm of Maya.

yuktira atita tattva sastra nahi paya
kevala janena bhakta amara krpaya' [30]

sastra–The scriptures nahi–do not paya–reach tattva–truth [that is] yuktira atita–beyond reason. kevala–Only bhakta–devotees janena–understand [it,] amara krpaya'–by My grace.' [30]

"The scriptures do not ascertain truth that is beyond reason. Only devotees understand it, by My grace.'

jagannatha-vakya suni' ramanuja dhira
sri-gauranga-preme tabe ha-ila asthira [31]

suni'–Hearing jagannatha-vakya–the words of Jagannath, dhira ramanuja–the sober Ramanuja tabe–then asthira ha-ila–became overwhelmed sri-gauranga-preme–with divine love for Sri Gauranga. [31]

"Hearing the words of Jagannath, the sober Ramanuja became overwhelmed with divine love for Sri Gauranga.

bale, 'prabhu bada-i ascharya lila tava
veda-sastra nahi jane tomara vaibhava [32]

bale–He said, 'prabhu–'O Lord, tava–Your lila–Pastimes [are] bada-i–extremely ascharya–astonishing. veda-sastra–The Vedic scriptures jane nahi–do not know tomara–Your vaibhava–glories. [32]

"He said, 'O Lord, Your Pastimes are extremely astonishing. The Vedic scriptures do not know Your glories.

sastrete visesa-rupe sri-gauranga-lila
kena prabhu jagannatha vyakta na karila [33]

jagannatha prabhu–O Lord Jagannath, kena–why sastrete vyakta karila na–did the scriptures not describe sri-gauranga-lila–the Pastimes of Sri Gauranga visesa-rupe–specifically? [33]

"'O Lord Jagannath, why did the scriptures not specifically describe the Pastimes of Sri Gauranga?

gadha-rupe sruti-puranadi dekhi yabe
kabhu gaura-tattva sphurti chitte pai tabe [34]

kabhu–Only yabe–when dekhi–I look sruti-puranadi–at the Vedas, Puranas, and so on gadha-rupe–in a deeper way, tabe pai–do I then find chitte–within [my] heart sphurti–revelation gaura-tattva–of Gaura's existence. [34]

"'Only when I look at the Vedas, Puranas, and other scriptures in a deeper way do I find revelation of Gauranga.

tava ajna prapta haye chhadila samsaya
gaura-lila-rasa hrde ha-ila udaya [35]

prapta haye–Receiving tava–Your ajna–order, chhadila–I have left behind [my] samsaya–doubts. gaura-lila-rasa–The ecstasy of the Pastimes of Gaura udaya ha-ila–has arisen hrde–in [my] heart. [35]

"'Receiving Your order, I have left behind my doubts. The ecstasy of the Pastimes of Gaura has arisen in my heart.

ajna haya navadvipa kariya gamana
prachariba gaura-lila e tina bhuvana [36]

ajna haya–If You order [me,] gamana kariya–I will go navadvipa–to Nabadwip [and then] prachariba–preach gaura-lila–about the Pastimes of Gaura e tina bhuvana–throughout the three worlds. [36]

"'If You order me, I will go to Nabadwip and then preach about the Pastimes of Gaura throughout the three worlds.

gudha-sastra vyakta kari' janaba sabare
gaura-bhakta kari' bala e tina samsare' [37]

vyakta kari'–I will reveal gudha-sastra–the hidden scriptures, janaba–enlighten sabare–everyone, [and] kari'–make e tina samsare–the three worlds gaura-bhakta–devotees of Gaura! bala'–Please speak.' [37]

"'I will reveal hidden scriptures, enlighten everyone, and make every soul within the three worlds a devotee of Gaura! Please speak.'

ramanuja-agraha dekhiya jagannatha
bale, 'ramanuja nahi bala aichhe bata [38]

dekhiya–Seeing ramanuja-agraha–the eagerness of Ramanuja, jagannatha–Jagannath bale–said, 'ramanuja–'O Ramanuja, bala nahi–do not speak aichhe–such bata–words. [38]

"Seeing the eagerness of Ramanuja, Jagannath said, 'O Ramanuja, do not speak this way.

gaura-lila ati gudha rakhibe gopane
se lilara aprakate pabe sarva-jane [39]

gaura-lila–The Pastimes of Gaura [are] ati–very gudha–confidential; rakhibe–keep [them] gopane–secret. sarva-jane–Everyone pabe–will receive [those Pastimes] se lilara aprakate–when those Pastimes are unmanifest. [39]

"'My Pastimes as Gaura are very confidential; keep them secret. Only after they are unmanifest will everyone receive them.

tumi dasya-rasa mora karaha prachara
nije nije chitte gaura bhaja anibara' [40]

tumi prachara karaha–Preach dasya-rasa–about servitorship mora–to Me, [and] anibara–always bhaja–worship gaura–Gaura nije nije chitte'–within your heart.' [40]

"'Preach dasya-rasa, and always worship Gaura within your heart.'

sanketa paiya ramanuja mahasaya
gopane sri-navadvipe ha-ila udaya [41]

paiya–Receiving sanketa–this instruction, ramanuja mahasaya–Ramanuja Acharya gopane–secretly udaya ha-ila–arrived sri-navadvipe–in Sri Nabadwip. [41]

"Receiving this instruction, Ramanuja Acharya secretly came to Nabadwip.

pachhe vyakta haya gaura-lila asamaye
se karane ramanuje visvaksena laye [42]

paravyoma sri-vaikuntha-purite rakhaya
ei sthana dekhi' ramanuja mugdha haya [43]

se karane pachhe–So that gaura-lila–the Pastimes of Gaura [did not] vyakta haya–manifest asamaye–untimely, visvaksena–Narayan laye–took ramanuje–Ramanuja [and] rakhaya–kept [him] paravyoma sri-vaikuntha-purite–in Paravyoma Sri Vaikunthapur. dekhi'–Seeing ei–this sthana–place, ramanuja–Ramanuja haya–was mugdha–charmed. [42–43]

"So that the Pastimes of Gaura were not manifest prematurely, Narayan took Ramanuja and kept him in Sri Vaikunthapur. Seeing this place, Ramanuja was charmed.

sri-bhu-lila-nisevita paravyoma-pati
dekha dila ramanuje krpa kari' ati [44]

paravyoma-pati–The Lord of the spiritual world, [who is] sri-bhu-lila-nisevita–served by the sri, bhu, and lila energies, ati krpa kari–very mercifully dekha dila–revealed [Himself] ramanuje–to Ramanuja. [44]

"Narayan, who is served by His sri, bhu, and lila energies, then very mercifully revealed Himself to Ramanuja.

ramanuja nija ista-devera darsane
apanare dhanya mani' gane mane mane [45]

darsane–By seeing nija–His ista-devera–worshippable Lord, ramanuja–Ramanuja mani' gane–felt apanare–himself mane mane–within [his] heart [to be] dhanya–fortunate. [45]

"Seeing His worshippable Lord, Ramanuja felt himself to be most fortunate.

ksaneke laksmana dekhe purata-sundara
jagannatha-misra-suta-rupa manohara [46]

laksmana–Ramanuja [then] ksaneke–suddenly dekhe–saw manohara purata-sundara–the beautiful, enchanting, golden rupa–form jagannatha-misra-suta–of the son of Jagannath Misra. [46]

"Ramanuja then suddenly saw the beautiful, enchanting, golden form of the son of Jagannath Misra.

rupera chhataya ramanuja murchchha yaya
sri-gaura dharila pada tanhara mathaya [47]

ramanuja–Ramanuja murchchha yaya–fainted rupera chhataya–in the lustre of [this] form, [and] sri-gaura–Sri Gaura dharila–put [His] pada–feet tanhara mathaya–on his head. [47]

"Ramanuja fainted in the lustre of the Lord's form, and Sri Gaura put His feet on Ramanuja's head.

divya-jnane ramanuja karila stavana
'nadiya prakata-lila paba darasana' [48]

divya-jnane–With divine knowledge, ramanuja–Ramanuja stavana karila–prayed, 'darasana paba–'May I behold [Your] prakata-lila–manifest Pastimes nadiya'–in Nadia.' [48]

"With divine knowledge, Ramanuja then prayed, 'May I behold Your manifest Pastimes in Nadia.'

ei bali' preme kande ramanuja-svami
bale, 'navadvipa chhadi' nahi yaba ami' [49]

bali'–Saying ei–this, ramanuja-svami–the master Ramanuja kande–cried preme–with divine love. bale–He said, 'ami–'I chhadi' yaba nahi–will not leave navadvipa'–Nabadwip.' [49]

"Saying this, Ramanuja cried with divine love. Then he said, 'I will not leave Nabadwip.'

krpa kari' gaurahari balila vachana
'purna habe ichchha tava kesava-nandana [50]

krpa kari'–Mercifully, gaurahari–Gaurahari vachana balila–said, 'kesava-nandana–'O Ramanuja, tava–your ichchha–desires purna habe–will be fulfilled. [50]

"Mercifully, Gaurahari said, 'O Ramanuja, your desires will be fulfilled.

ye kale nadiya-lila prakata ha-ibe
takhana dvitiya janma navadvipe pabe' [51]

ye kale–When [My] nadiya-lila–Pastimes in Nadia prakata ha-ibe–manifest, takhana–then pabe–you will attain [your] dvitiya–second janma–birth navadvipe'–in Nabadwip.' [51]

"'When My Pastimes in Nadia manifest, you will be born again in Nabadwip.'

ei bali' gaurahari haila antardhana
svastha haye ramanuja karila prayana [52]

bali'–Saying ei–this, gaurahari–Gaurahari antardhana haila–disappeared. svastha haye–Satisfied, ramanuja–Ramanuja prayana karila–departed. [52]

"Saying this, Gaurahari disappeared. Satisfied, Ramanuja departed.

kata-dine kurma-sthane haila upasthita
tatha dekha haila sisya-ganera sahita [53]

kata-dine–Eventually, upasthita haila–Ramanuja arrived kurma-sthane–in Kurma Sthan [and] dekha haila–met sahita–with [his] sisya-ganera–disciples tatha–there. [53]

"Eventually, Ramanuja arrived in Kurma Sthan and met his disciples there.

daksinatye giya dasya-rasa vyakta kare
navadvipa sri-gauranga bhaviya antare [54]

giya–He proceeded daksinatye–south [and] vyakta kare–preached dasya-rasa–about servitorship, bhaviya–thinking navadvipa–of Nabadwip [and] sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga antare–within [his] heart. [54]

"He proceeded south and preached about dasya-rasa while thinking of Nabadwip and Sri Gauranga within His heart.

gaurangera krpa-vase ei nitya-dhame
janamila ramanuja sri-ananta name" [55]

gaurangera krpa-vase–By the mercy of Gauranga, ramanuja–Ramanuja janamila–took birth ei nitya-dhame–in this eternal abode name–under the name sri-ananta"–Sri Ananta." [55]

"By the mercy of Gauranga, Ramanuja took birth in this eternal abode as Sri Ananta Acharya."

vallabha-acharya-grhe kariya gamana
laksmi-gaurangera vibha kare darasana [56]

gamana kariya–The party [then] went vallabha-acharya-grhe–to the home of Vallabha Acharya [and] darasana kare–saw [the site of] laksmi-gaurangera–Laksmi and Gauranga's vibha–marriage. [56]

The party then went to the home of Vallabha Acharya and saw the site of Laksmi and Gauranga's marriage.

"anantera grha-sthana dekha bhakta-gana
hetha narayana-bhakta chhila bahu-jana [57]

"bhakta-gana–"O devotees, dekha–see anantera grha-sthana–the site of Ananta's home. hetha–Here, chhila–there were narayana-bhakta bahu-jana–many devotees of Narayan. [57]

"O devotees, see the site of Ananta Acharya's home. Here, there were many devotees of Narayan.

tat-kalika raja-gana ei pitha-sthane
narayana-seva prakasila sabe jane" [58]

sabe–Everyone jane–knows [that] raja-gana–the king tat-kalika–of that time seva prakasila–established worship narayana–of Narayan ei pitha-sthane"–in this place." [58]

"Everyone knows that the king of that time established worship of Narayan in this place."

nihsreyasa vana ei virajara para
bhakta-gana dekhi' paya ananda apara [59]

dekhi'–Seeing nihsreyasa vana–the Nihsreyasa forest ei virajara para–on the bank of the Viraja River, bhakta-gana–the devotees paya–felt apara–unlimited ananda–joy. [59]

Seeing the Nihsreyasa forest on the bank of the Viraja River, the devotees felt unlimited joy.

ei rupa purva-katha balite balite
sabe upanita mahatpura sannihite [60]

balite balite–While speaking purva-katha–about the past ei rupa–in this way, sabe–they upanita–arrived sannihite–in mahatpura–Mahatpur. [60]

While discussing this history, the devotees arrived in Mahatpur.

prabhu bale, "ei sthane achhe kamyavana
parama bhakati saha kara darasana [61]

prabhu–The Lord bale–said, "kamyavana–"Kamyavan achhe–is present ei sthane–here. darasana kara–Visit [it] saha–with parama–great bhakati–devotion. [61]

Nityananda Prabhu said, "Kamyavan is present here. Visit it with great devotion.

pancha-vata ei sthane chhila purva kale
prabhura ichchhaya ebe gela antarale [62]

purva kale–Previously, chhila–there were pancha-vata–five banyan trees ei sthane–here, [but] prabhura ichchhaya–by the will of the Lord, antarale gela–they have disappeared ebe–now. [62]

"Previously, there were five banyan trees here, but by the will of the Lord, they have since disappeared.

ebe ei sthana matapura nama kaya
purva nama sastra-siddha mahatpura haya [63]

ebe–Now, ei sthana–this place nama kaya–is called matapura–Matapur. sastra-siddha–The scriptures state [its] purva nama–previous name haya–was mahatpura–Mahatpur. [63]

"This place is now called Matapur. The scriptures state that its previous name was Mahatpur.

draupadira saha pandu-putra pancha-jana
ajnata-vasete gaude kaila agamana [64]

pandu-putra pancha-jana–The five Pandavas agamana kaila–came gaude–to Gauda draupadira saha–with Draupadi ajnata-vasete–to live incognito. [64]

"Once, the five Pandavas came to Gauda with Draupadi to live incognito.

ekachakra-grame svapne raja yudhisthira
nadiya-mahatmya jani' ha-ila asthira [65]

jani'–Understanding nadiya-mahatmya–the glories of Nadia svapne–through a dream ekachakra-grame–in the village of Ekachakra, raja–King yudhisthira–Yudhisthir asthira ha-ila–became amazed. [65]

"Understanding the glories of Nadia through a dream in Ekachakra, Maharaj Yudhisthir became amazed.

para-dina navadvipa darsanera ase
ei sthane aila sabe parama ullase [66]

darsanera ase–With the desire to see navadvipa–Nabadwip, sabe–the Pandavas aila–came ei sthane–here para-dina–the next day parama ullase–with great joy. [66]

"Desiring to see Nabadwip, the Pandavas came here the next day with great joy.

navadvipa-sobha heri' pandu-putra-gana
gauda-vasi-gana-bhagya kare prasamsana [67]

heri'–Seeing navadvipa-sobha–the beauty of Nabadwip, pandu-putra-gana–the Pandavas prasamsana kare–praised gauda-vasi-gana-bhagya–the fortune of the residents of Gauda. [67]

"Seeing the beauty of Nabadwip, the Pandavas praised the fortune of the residents of Gauda.

kata-dina karilena ei sthane vasa
asura-raksasa-gane karila vinasa [68]

vasa karilena–They stayed ei sthane–here kata-dina–for some time [and] vinasa karila–killed asura-raksasa-gane–various demons. [68]

"They stayed here for some time and killed various demons.

yudhisthira-tila ei dekha sarva-jana
draupadira kunda hetha kare darasana [69]

sarva-jana–Everyone, dekha–see ei–there yudhisthira-tila–Yudhisthir Tila. darasana kare–See hetha–here draupadira kunda–the pond of Draupadi. [69]

"Everyone, see there Yudhisthir Tila. See here the pond of Draupadi.

sthanera mahatmya jani' raja yudhisthira
ei sthane kata-dina ha-ilena sthira [70]

jani'–Understanding mahatmya–the glories sthanera–of this place, raja–King yudhisthira–Yudhisthir sthira ha-ilena–stayed ei sthane–here kata-dina–for some time. [70]

"Understanding the glories of this place, Maharaj Yudhisthir stayed here for some time.

eka-dina svapne dekhe gaurangera rupa
sarva-dika alo kare ati aparupa [71]

eka-dina–One day, svapne–in a dream, dekhe–he saw [the] ati aparupa–extraordinary rupa–form gaurangera–of Gauranga alo kare–illuminate sarva-dika–all directions. [71]

"One day, in a dream, he saw the extraordinary form of Gauranga illuminate all directions.

hasite hasite gaura balila vachana
'ati gopya rupa ei kara darasana [72]

hasite hasite–Smiling, gaura–Gaura vachana balila–said, 'darasana kara–'Behold ei–this ati–very gopya–secret rupa–form. [72]

"Smiling, Gauranga said, 'Behold this very secret form.

ami krsna nanda-suta tomara alaye
mitra-bhave thaki sada nija-jana haye [73]

ami–I [am] krsna–Krishna, nanda-suta–the son of Nanda, [and] thaki–I stay tomara alaye–in your house sada–always mitra-bhave nija-jana haye–as your friendly companion. [73]

"'I am Krishna, the son of Nanda, and I always stay in your house as your friendly companion.

ei navadvipa-dhama sarva-dhama-sara
kalite prakata haye nase andhakara [74]

ei navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham [is] sarva-dhama-sara–the best of all abodes. prakata haye–It will manifest kalite–during Kali-yuga [and] nase–dispel [all] andhakara–darkness. [74]

"'Nabadwip Dham is the best of all abodes. It will manifest during Kali-yuga and dispel all darkness.

tumi sabe achha chira-kala dasa mama
amara prakata-kale paibe janama [75]

tumi sabe–You all achha–are mama–My chira-kala–eternal dasa–servants, [and] amara prakata-kale–at the time of My appearance, janama paibe–you will take birth. [75]

"'You are all My eternal servants, and when I appear, you will also take birth.

utkala desete sindhu-tire toma saha
ekatre purusottame raba ahah-rahah [76]

raba–I will live ekatre–together toma saha–with you ahah-rahah–permanently purusottame–in Jagannath Puri sindhu-tire–on the bank of the ocean utkala desete–in Odisha. [76]

"'I will live with you permanently in Purusottam Ksetra on the bank of the ocean in Odisha.

ei sthana haite ebe yaha odra-desa
se desa pavitra kari' nasa jiva-klesa' [77]

haite–From ei sthana–here, yaha–go ebe–now odra-desa–to Odisha, pavitra kari'–purify se desa–the country, [and] nasa–remove jiva-klesa'–the sorrow of the souls'. [77]

"'From here, go to Odisha, purify the country, and remove the sorrow of the people.'

svapna dekhi' yudhisthira bhratr-gane bale
yukti kari' chhaya-jane odra-dese chale [78]

svapna dekhi'–After having this dream, yudhisthira–Yudhisthir bale–spoke bhratr-gane–to [his] brothers. chhaya-jane–The six of them yukti kari'–consulted [and then] chale–went odra-dese–to Odisha. [78]

"After having this dream, Yudhisthir spoke to his brothers. They consulted with Draupadi and then went to Odisha.

navadvipa chhadite haila bada klesa
tathapi palana kare prabhura adesa [79]

bada klesa haila–They felt great sorrow chhadite–to leave navadvipa–Nabadwip. tathapi–Still, palana kare–they followed adesa–the order prabhura–of the Lord. [79]

"They felt great sorrow to leave Nabadwip. Still, they followed the order of the Lord.

ei sthane madhva-muni sisya-gana laye
rahilena kata-dina dhama-vasi haye [80]

madhva-muni–Madhva Acharya rahilena–stayed ei sthane–here laye–with [his] sisya-gana–disciples kata-dina–for some time dhama-vasi haye–as a resident of the Dham. [80]

"Madhva Acharya also stayed here with his disciples for some time as a resident of the Dham.

madhvere kariya krpa gaurangasundara
svapne dekhaila rupa ati manohara [81]

gaurangasundara–Gaurangasundar kariya krpa–mercifully dekhaila–revealed [His] ati manohara–most enchanting rupa–form madhvere–to Madhva svapne–in a dream. [81]

"Gaurangasundar mercifully revealed His most enchanting form to Madhva Acharya in a dream.

hasi' hasi' gaurachandra madhvacharye bale
'tumi nitya-dasa mama jane ta sakale [82]

hasi' hasi'–Smiling, gaurachandra–Gaurachandra bale–said madhvacharye–to Madhva Acharya, 'sakale–'Everyone ta jane–knows [that] tumi–you [are] mama–My nitya-dasa–eternal servant. [82]

"Smiling, Gaurachandra said to Madhva Acharya, 'Everyone knows that you are My eternal servant.

navadvipe yabe ami prakata ha-iba
tava sampradaya ami svikara kariba [83]

yabe–When ami–I prakata ha-iba–appear navadvipe–in Nabadwip, ami–I svikara kariba–will follow tava–your sampradaya–lineage. [83]

"'When I appear in Nabadwip, I will follow your lineage.

ebe sarva-dese tumi kariya yatana
mayavada asach-chhastra kara utpatana [84]

sri-murti-mahatmya tumi kara parakasa
tava suddha mata ami kariba vikasa' [85]

ebe–Now, tumi yatana kariya–carefully utpatana kara–eradicate mayavada–illusionism [and] asach-chhastra–false scriptures sarva-dese–from all regions, [and] tumi parakasa kara–establish sri-murti-mahatmya–the glory of [the Lord's] Deity form. ami–I vikasa kariba–will develop tava–your suddha–pure mata'–conception.' [84–85]

"'Now, carefully eradicate illusionism and false scriptures from all regions, and establish the glory of the Lord's Deity form. Later, I will develop your pure conception.'

eta bali' gaurachandra haila antardhana
nidra bhangi' madhva-muni ha-ila ajnana [86]

bali'–Saying eta–this, gaurachandra–Gaurachandra antardhana haila–disappeared. madhva-muni–Madhva Acharya nidra bhangi'–awoke [and then] ajnana ha-ila–fainted. [86]

"Saying this, Gaurachandra disappeared. Madhva Acharya awoke and then fainted.

'ara ki dekhiba rupa purata-sundara'
baliya krandana kare madhva atahpara [87]

madhva–Madhva atahpara–then krandana kare–cried, baliya–wondering, 'ki dekhiba–'Will I ever see [that] purata-sundara–beautiful golden rupa–form ara'–again?' [87]

"Madhva Acharya then cried, wondering, 'Will I ever see that beautiful golden form again?'

daiva-vani haila tabe nirmala akase
'amare gopane bhaji' aisa mama pase' [88]

tabe–Then daiva-vani–a divine voice haila–came nirmala akase–from the clear sky, 'bhaji'–'Serve amare–Me gopane–secretly, [and] aisa–you will come mama pase'–to My side.' [88]

"Then a divine voice came from the clear sky, 'Serve Me secretly, and you will come to Me.'

susthira ha-iya madhvacharya mahasaya
mayavadi digvijaye karila vijaya" [89]

madhvacharya mahasaya–Madhva Acharya susthira ha-iya–became resolute [and] vijaya karila–defeated mayavadi–the illusionists digvijaye"–during His tour in all directions." [89]

"Madhva Acharya became resolute and defeated the mayavadis in all directions."

ei saba purva-katha balite balite
rudradvipe upanita dekhite dekhite [90]

balite balite–As Nityananda spoke ei saba purva-katha–about all this history, upanita–the devotees arrived dekhite dekhite–suddenly rudradvipe–in Rudradwip. [90]

As Nityananda Prabhu spoke about all this history, the devotees suddenly arrived in Rudradwip.

prabhu nityananda bale, "ei rudra-khanda
bhagirathi prabhave ha-ila dui khanda [91]

nityananda prabhu–Nityananda Prabhu bale–said, "ei–"This [is] rudra-khanda–Rudradwip. khanda ha-ila–It has been divided dui–in two bhagirathi prabhave–by the Ganga's influence. [91]

Nityananda Prabhu said, "This is Rudradwip. It has been divided into two parts by the Ganga.

loka-vasa nahi hetha prabhura ichchhaya
paschimera dvipa dekha purva-pare yaya [92]

prabhura ichchhaya–By the will of the Lord, loka-vasa nahi–people do not reside hetha–here. dekha–See [how] paschimera dvipa–this western island yaya–has gone purva-pare–to the eastern bank. [92]

"By the will of the Lord, people do not live here. See that this western island has moved to the east bank of the river.

hetha haite dekha ai sri-sankarapura
sobha paya ganga-tire dekha kata dura [93]

haite–From hetha–here, dekha–see ai–there sri-sankarapura–Sri Sankarpur. dekha–See kata dura–how far sobha paya–it shines ganga-tire–along the bank of the Ganga. [93]

"From here, see Sri Sankarpur. See how far it shines along the bank of the Ganga.

sankara acharya yabe kare digvijaya
navadvipa jaye tatha upasthita haya [94]

yabe–When sankara acharya–Sankar Acharya digvijaya kare–was conquering all directions, upasthita haya–he came tatha–there jaye–to conquer navadvipa–Nabadwip. [94]

"When Sankar Acharya was conquering all directions, he came there to conquer Nabadwip.

manete vaisnava-raja acharya sankara
bahire advaitavadi mayara kinkara [95]

manete–At heart, sankara acharya–Sankar Acharya [was] vaisnava-raja–a great Vaisnava; [only] bahire–externally, [he was] advaitavadi–a nondualist [and] mayara kinkara–servant of Maya. [95]

"At heart, Sankar Acharya was a great Vaisnava; only externally was he acting as a nondualist and servant of Maya.

nije rudra-amsa sada pratape prachura
prachchhanna bauddhera mata pracharete sura [96]

nije–Personally, [he was a] sada prachura pratape–highly and constantly empowered rudra-amsa–manifestation of Siva [and] sura–an expert pracharete–at preaching mata–a conception prachchhanna bauddhera–of veiled Buddhism. [96]

"He was a highly empowered manifestation of Siva who was expert at preaching a conception of veiled Buddhism.

prabhura ajnaya rudra ei karya kare
ailena yabe te̐ha nadiya-nagare [97]

svapne prabhu gaurachandra dila darasana
krpa kari' bale tare madhura vachana [98]

prabhura ajnaya–According to the order of the Lord, rudra–Siva kare–performs ei–this karya–duty. yabe–When te̐ha–he ailena–came nadiya-nagare–to the town of Nadia, gaurachandra prabhu–Lord Gaurachandra darasana dila–revealed [Himself] svapne–in a dream [and] krpa kari'–mercifully bale–spoke madhura–sweet vachana–words tare–to him. [97–98]

"According to the order of the Lord, Siva performs this duty. When Sankar Acharya came to Nadia, Gaurachandra revealed Himself to Sankar Acharya in a dream and mercifully spoke sweet words to him.

'tumi ta amara dasa mama ajna dhari'
pracharichha mayavada bahu yatna kari' [99]

'tumi–'You [are] ta amara–My dasa–servant, [and] dhari'–following mama–my ajna–order, bahu yatna kari' pracharichha–you are very cleverly preaching mayavada–illusionism. [99]

"'You are My servant, and following My order, you are very cleverly preaching illusionism.

ei navadvipa-dhama mama priya ati
hetha mayavada kabhu na paibe gati [100]

ei navadvipa-dhama–Nabadwip Dham [is] mama ati priya–very dear to Me, [and] mayavada–illusionism kabhu paibe na–will never have gati–a place hetha–here. [100]

"'Nabadwip Dham is very dear to Me, and illusionism will never have a place here.

vrddha-siva hetha praudha-mayare la-iya
kalpita agama-gane dena prachariya [101]

hetha–Here, vrddha-siva–Vrddha Siva, la-iya–with praudha-mayare–Praudha Maya prachariya dena–propagate kalpita–imaginary interpretations agama-gane–of the scriptures. [101]

"'Here, Vrddha Siva and Praudha Maya propagate imaginary interpretations of the scriptures.

mama bhakta-gane dvesa kare yei jana
tahare kevala te̐ha karena vanchana [102]

te̐ha–They vanchana karena–deceive kevala–only tahare yei jana–those who dvesa kare–oppose mama–My bhakta-gane–devotees. [102]

"'They deceive, however, only those who oppose My devotees.

ei sthane sadharane mama bhakta haya
dusta-mata pracharera sthana iha naya [103]

sadharane–In general, mama–My bhakta–devotees haya–are ei sthane–here. iha–This place naya–is not sthana–a place dusta-mata pracharera–for preaching misconception. [103]

"'In general, My devotees reside here. This place is not for preaching misconception.

ataeva tumi kara anyatra gamana
navadvipa-vasi-gane na kara pidana' [104]

ataeva–Therefore, tumi gamana kara–you should go anyatra–elsewhere. pidana kara na–Do not trouble navadvipa-vasi-gane'–the residents of Nabadwip.' [104]

"'Therefore, you should go elsewhere. Do not trouble the residents of Nabadwip.'

svapne navadvipa-tattva janiya takhana
bhaktyavese anya dese karila gamana [105]

takhana–Then, janiya–understanding navadvipa-tattva–the position of Nabadwip svapne–through [his] dream, gamana karila–he went anya dese–elsewhere, bhaktyavese–inspired with devotion. [105]

"Understanding the position of Nabadwip through this dream, Sankar Acharya went elsewhere, inspired with devotion.

ei rudradvipe haya rudra-gana-sthana
hetha rudra-gana gaura-guna kare gana [106]

rudra-gana-sthana–The place of the eleven Rudras haya–is ei rudradvipe–in Rudradwip. hetha–Here, rudra-gana–the Rudras gana kare–chant gaura-guna–the glories of Gaura. [106]

"The eleven Rudras reside here in Rudradwip and chant the glories of Gaura.

mahanande nrtya hetha kare niti niti [107]

adhipati–The leader sri-nila-lohita-rudra-gana–of the Nilalohita Rudras niti niti–always nrtya kare–dances hetha–here mahanande–with great joy. [107]

"Sri Nilalohita Siva, the leader of the Nilalohita Rudras, always dances here with great joy.

rudra-nrtya dekhi' akasete deva-gana
anandete kare sabe puspa-varisana [108]

dekhi'–Seeing rudra-nrtya–the dancing of the Rudras, deva-gana–the gods akasete–in the sky anandete–joyfully puspa-varisana kare–shower flowers sabe–upon them. [108]

"Seeing the dancing of the Rudras, the gods in the sky joyfully shower flowers upon them.

kadachit visnu-svami asi' digvijaye
rudradvipe rahe ratre sisya-gana laye [109]

kadachit–Once, visnu-svami–Visnu Swami, digvijaye–while conquering all directions, asi'–came rudradvipe–to Rudradwip laye–with [his] sisya-gana–disciples [and] rahe–stayed ratre–the night. [109]

"Once, Visnu Swami, while conquering all directions, came to Rudradwip with his disciples and stayed the night.

'hari hari' bali' nrtya kare sisya-gana
visnu-svami sruti-stuti karena pathana [110]

sisya-gana–The disciples nrtya kare–danced, bali'–chanting 'hari hari'–'Hari! Hari!', [and] visnu-svami–Visnu Swami sruti-stuti pathana karena–recited prayers from the scriptures. [110]

"The disciples danced, chanting, 'Hari! Hari!', and Visnu Swami recited prayers from the scriptures.

bhakti alochana dekhi' haye harasita
krpa kari' dekha dila sri-nila-lohita [111]

dekhi'–Seeing bhakti–devotional alochana–discussion, sri-nila-lohita–Sri Nilalohita Siva harasita haye–was pleased [and] krpa kari'–mercifully dekha dila–revealed [himself]. [111]

"Seeing this devotional discussion, Sri Nilalohita Siva was pleased and mercifully revealed himself.

vaisnava-sabhaya rudra haila upanita
dekhi' visnu-svami ati haila chamakita [112]

dekhi'–Upon seeing [that] rudra–Siva upanita haila–had arrived vaisnava-sabhaya–at a Vaisnava assembly, visnu-svami–Visnu Swami haila–became ati–completely chamakita–amazed. [112]

"Upon seeing that Siva had arrived at a Vaisnava assembly, Visnu Swami became completely amazed.

kara yudi' stava kare visnu tata-ksana
dayardra ha-iya rudra balena vachana [113]

tata-ksana–Immediately, visnu–Visnu Swami kara yudi'–joined [his] palms [and] stava kare–prayed [to Siva.] dayardra ha-iya–Melting with compassion, rudra–Siva vachana balena–spoke. [113]

"He immediately joined his palms and prayed to Siva. Melting with compassion, Siva spoke to him.

'tomara vaisnava-jana mama priya ati
bhakti alochana dekhi' tusta mama mati [114]

tomara–All you vaisnava-jana–Vaisnavas [are] mama ati priya–very dear to me, [and] dekhi'–seeing [your] alochana–discussion bhakti–of devotion, mama–my mati–heart [is] tusta–delighted. [114]

"'All you Vaisnavas are very dear to me, and my heart is delighted to see your discussion of devotion.

vara maga diba ami ha-iya sadaya
vaisnave adeya mora kichhu nahi haya' [115]

maga–Request vara–a boon, [and] sadaya ha-iya–kindly, ami–I diba–will give [it to you]. mora kichhu haya nahi–I have nothing [that] adeya–is not given vaisnave'–to Vaisnavas.' [115]

"'Request a boon, and I will kindly give it to you. There is nothing that I do not give to Vaisnavas.'

dandavat pranamiya visnu mahasaya
kara yudi' vara mage premanandamaya [116]

premanandamaya–Filled with divine love, visnu mahasaya–Visnu Swami dandavat pranamiya–bowed down, kara yudi'–joined [his] palms, [and] mage–requested vara–a boon. [116]

"Filled with divine love, Visnu Swami bowed down, joined his palms, and requested a boon.

'ei vara deha prabhu ama sabakare
bhakti-sampradaya siddhi labhi atahpare' [117]

'prabhu–'O Lord, deha–give ama sabakare–us ei–the vara–boon [that] atahpare–hereafter siddhi labhi–we will establish bhakti-sampradaya'–a school of devotion.' [117]

"'O Lord, give us the boon that hereafter we will establish a school of devotion.'

parama anande rudra vara kari' dana
nija sampradaya bali' karila akhyana [118]

parama anande–With great joy, rudra–Rudra dana kari'–granted vara–this boon [and] bali' akhyana karila–named sampradaya–the school nija–after himself. [118]

"With great joy, Rudra granted this boon and named the school after himself.

sei haite visnu-svami sviya sampradaya
sri-rudra namete khyati diya nache gaya [119]

visnu-svami–Visnu Swami sei haite–thus namete khyati diya–named sviya–his sampradaya–school sri-rudra–'Sri Rudra', [and] nache–danced [and] gaya–sang. [119]

"Visnu Swami thus named his school the Sri Rudra sampradaya, and danced and sang.

rudra-krpa-bale visnu e sthane rahiya
bhajile sri-gaurachandra premera lagiya [120]

rudra-krpa-bale–By Siva's mercy, visnu–Visnu Swami rahiya–stayed e sthane–here [and] bhajile–worshipped sri-gaurachandra–Sri Gaurachandra, lagiya–aspiring premera–for divine love. [120]

"By Siva's mercy, Visnu Swami stayed here and worshipped Sri Gaurachandra, aspiring for divine love.

svapne asi' sri-gauranga visnure balila
'mama bhakta rudra krpa tomare ha-ila [121]

sri-gauranga–Sri Gauranga asi'–came visnure–to Visnu Swami svapne–in a dream [and] balila–said, 'mama–'My bhakta–devotee rudra–Siva krpa ha-ila–blessed tomare–you. [121]

"Sri Gauranga came to Visnu Swami in a dream and said, 'My devotee Siva blessed you.

dhanya tumi navadvipe paile bhakti-dhana
suddhadvaita-mata pracharaha ei-ksana [122]

tumi–You [are] dhanya–fortunate [to] paile–have attained bhakti-dhana–the wealth of devotion navadvipe–in Nabadwip. ei-ksana–For now, pracharaha–preach suddhadvaita-mata–pure nondualism. [122]

"'You are fortunate to have attained the wealth of devotion in Nabadwip. For now, preach pure nondualism.

kata-dine habe mora prakata samaya
sri-vallabha-bhatta rupe hai-be udaya [123]

kata-dine–Later, samaya–the time mora prakata–of My appearance habe–will come. udaya hai-be–You will appear rupe–as sri-vallabha-bhatta–Sri Vallabha Bhatta. [123]

"'Later, at the time of My appearance, you will appear as Sri Vallabha Bhatta.

sri-ksetre amare tumi kari' darasane
sampradaye siddhi pabe giya mahavane' [124]

tumi–You darasane kari'–will meet amare–Me sri-ksetre–in Jagannath Puri, giya–go mahavane–to Gokula Mahavan, [and] siddhi pabe–establish [your] sampradaye'–school'. [124]

"'You will meet Me in Sri Ksetra, later go to Mahavan, and establish your school.'

ohe jiva sri-vallabha gokule ekhana
tumi tatha gele pabe tanra darasana" [125]

ohe–O jiva–Jiva, sri-vallabha–Sri Vallabha [is] ekhana–now gokule–in Goloka. tumi gele–When you go tatha–there, tanra darasana pabe"–you will meet him." [125]

"O Jiva, Sri Vallabha is now in Gokula. When you go there, you will meet him."

eta bali' nityananda daksinabhimukhe
paradanga sri-puline chalilena sukhe [126]

bali'–Saying eta–this, nityananda–Nityananda sukhe–happily chalilena–walked daksinabhimukhe–southbound paradanga–towards Paradanga sri-puline–through Sri Pulina. [126]

Saying this, Nityananda happily walked southbound towards Paradanga through Sri Pulina.

puline yaiya prabhu nityananda-raya
sri-rasa-mandala dhira-samira dekhaya [127]

yaiya–Passing puline–through Sri Pulina, prabhu nityananda-raya–Lord Nityananda Ray dekhaya–showed [the devotees] sri-rasa-mandala–Sri Rasa Mandal [and] dhira-samira–Dhira Samira. [127]

Passing through Sri Pulina, Nityananda Prabhu showed the devotees Sri Rasa Mandal and Dhira Samira.

bale, "jiva ei dekha nitya-vrndavana
vrndavana-lila hetha paya darasana" [128]

bale–He said, "jiva–O Jiva, dekha–see ei nitya-vrndavana–eternal Vrindavan. hetha–Here, darasana paya–you will see vrndavana-lila"–the Pastimes of Vrindavan." [128]

He said, "O Jiva, see here eternal Vrindavan and its Pastimes."

vrndavana suni' jiva premete vihvala
nayanete vahe dara-dara prema-jala [129]

suni'–Hearing vrndavana–of Vrindavan, jiva–Jiva [became] vihvala–overwhelmed premete–with divine love, [and] prema-jala–tears of love dara-dara vahe–streamed nayanete–from [his] eyes. [129]

Hearing of Vrindavan, Jiva became overwhelmed with divine love, and tears of love streamed from his eyes.

prabhu bale, "sri-gauranga laye bhakta-jana
ei sthane rasa-padya karila kirtana [130]

prabhu–The Lord bale–said, "sri-gauranga–"Sri Gauranga rasa-padya kirtana karila–chanted verses about the Rasa-lila ei sthane–here laye–with bhakta-jana–the devotees. [130]

Nityananda Prabhu said, "Sri Gauranga chanted verses about the Rasa-lila here with the devotees.

maharasa-lila-sthana yatha vrndavane
tatha ei sthana jiva jahnavi-puline [131]

jiva–O Jiva, ei–this sthana–place jahnavi-puline–on the bank of the Ganga [is] yatha tatha–equal to maharasa-lila-sthana–the place of the great Rasa-lila vrndavane–in Vrindavan. [131]

"O Jiva, this place on the bank of the Ganga is the place of the great Rasa-lila in Vrindavan.

nitya-rasa haya hetha gopi-gana sane
darasana kare kabhu bhagyavana jane [132]

nitya-rasa haya–Daily, the Rasa-lila happens hetha–here sane–with gopi-gana–the gopis. kabhu–Sometimes bhagyavana–fortunate jane–souls darasana kare–see [this]. [132]

"Daily, the Rasa-lila happens here with the gopis. Sometimes fortunate souls see this.

ihara paschime dekha sri-dhira-samira
bhajanera sthana ei suna ohe dhira [133]

dekha–See sri-dhira-samira–Sri Dhira Samira ihara paschime–to its west. ohe–O dhira–wise one, suna–hear ei bhajanera sthana–about this place of worship. [133]

"See Sri Dhira Samira to the west. O wise one, hear about this place of worship.

vraje dhira-samira ye yamunara tire
sei sthana hetha ganga-pulina bhitare [134]

ye sei sthana–The place [known as] dhira-samira–Dhira Samira yamunara tire–on the bank of the Yamuna vraje–in Vraja, [is present] hetha–here ganga-pulina bhitare–on the bank of the Ganga. [134]

"The place known as Dhira Samira on the bank of the Yamuna in Vraja is present here on the bank of the Ganga.

dekhite gangara tira vastutah ta naya
gangara paschima-dhare sri-yamuna vaya [135]

vastutah–Actually, ta naya–it is not that gangara tira–the bank of the Ganga dekhite–is seen. sri-yamuna–The Yamuna vaya–flows gangara paschima-dhare–on the west side of the Ganga. [135]

"Actually, you do not see the bank of the Ganga here. The Yamuna flows on the west side of the Ganga.

yamunara tire ei pulina sundara
ataeva vrndavana bale visvambhara [136]

ei–This sundara–beautiful pulina–bank [is] tire–on the shore yamunara–of the Yamuna. ataeva–Thus, visvambhara–Visvambhar bale–calls [this place] vrndavana–Vrindavan. [136]

"This beautiful bank is on the shore of the Yamuna. Thus, Visvambhar called this place Vrindavan.

vrndavane yata sthana lilara achhaya
se saba janaha jiva ei sthane haya [137]

jiva–O Jiva, janaha–know [that] yata sthana se saba–all the places lilara–of the Pastimes achhaya–present vrndavane–in Vrindavan haya–are present ei sthane–here. [137]

"O Jiva, know that all the places of the Pastimes in Vrindavan are present here.

vrndavane navadvipe kichhu nahi bheda
gaura-krsne kabhu nahi karibe prabheda" [138]

kichhu nahi–There is no bheda–difference vrndavane navadvipe–between Vrindavan and Nabadwip. kabhu nahi–Never prabheda karibe–differentiate gaura-krsne"–between Gaura and Krishna." [138]

"There is no difference between Vrindavan and Nabadwip, and one should never differentiate between Gaura and Krishna."

mahabhave gara-gara nityananda-raya
vrndavana dekhaiya jive laye yaya [139]

gara-gara–Exuberant mahabhave–with intense ecstasy, nityananda-raya–Nityananda Ray dekhaiya–revealed vrndavana–Vrindavan jive–to Jiva [and then] laye yaya–took [him ahead]. [139]

Exuberant with intense ecstasy, Nityananda Ray revealed Vrindavan to Jiva and then took him ahead.

kata-dure uttarete kariya gamana
rudradvipe sei ratri karila yapana [140]

gamana kariya–They went kata-dure–a little ways uttarete–to the north [and] yapana karila–spent sei–that ratri–night rudradvipe–in Rudradwip. [140]

They went a little ways north and spent that night in Rudradwip.

nitai-jahnava-pada yahara sampada
nadiya-mahatmya gaya se bhakti-vinoda [141]

se bhakti-vinoda–Bhakti Vinod, yahara–whose sampada–wealth [is] nitai-jahnava-pada–the feet of Nitai and Jahnava, gaya–chants nadiya-mahatmya–the glories of Nadia. [141]

Bhakti Vinod, whose wealth is the feet of Nitai and Jahnava, chants the glories of Nadia.



⇐ (14) Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila

(16) Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila ⇒


· Translator's Note
· Publishers' Notes
· Sri Navadvipa-dhama-parikramaya Ahvana
· Preface
· Sriman Navadvipa-dhama-vandana

Sri Navadvipa-dhama-mahatmya:
The Glories of the Dham
The Nature and Dimensions of the Dham
Instructions for Circumambulating the Dham
Sri Jiva Hears the Glories of the Dham
Sri Mayapur and Antardvip
Visiting Sri Ganga Nagar, Sri Prthu Kunda, Sri Simantadwip, Sri Visram Sthan, and Other Places
Sri Suvarna Bihar and Sri Deva Palli
Sri Harihara Ksetra, Sri Varanasi, and Sri Godruma
Sri Madhyadwip and Sri Naimisa
Visiting Sri Brahmana Puskara, Sri Uchcha Hatta, and other places
Sri Sri Koladwip, Sri Samudragad, Sri Champa Hatta, and Sri Jayadev
Sri Sri Rtudwip and Sri Radha Kunda
Sri Vidya Nagar and Sri Jahnudwip
Sri Modadrumadwip and Sri Rama-Lila
Sri Vaikunthapur, Sri Rudradwip, and Sri Pulina
Sri Bilvapaksa and Sri Bharadvaja Tila
Sri Jiva Goswami's Questions and Srila Nityananda Prabhu's Answers
The Removal of Sri Jiva Goswami's Doubts and His Travelling to Vrindavan

Sri Navadvipa-bhava-taranga

Sri Gaura Krishna Tattva
The Land of Sweetness
The Ten Offences to the Holy Dham
