Our Disciplic Succession:
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
Rupa Goswami: Meeting Mahaprabhu
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham, Samadhi-mandir class
14 June 2015
[His Divine Grace is reading from Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, chapter 19:]
sanatana kahe,—tumi svatantra gaudesvara
ye yei dosa kare, deha' tara phala
Sanatan Goswami said [to the Nawab Hussain Shah], "You are the supreme ruler
of Bengal and are completely independent. Whenever someone commits a fault,
you punish him accordingly." [26]
eta suni' gaudesvara uthi' ghare gela
palaiba bali' sanatanere bandhila
Hearing this, the Nawab of Bengal stood up and returned to his home. He
ordered the arrest of Sanatan Goswami so that he would not be able to leave.
anupama mallika, tanra nama—'sri-vallabha'
rupa-gosanira chhota-bhai—parama-vaisnava
Rupa Goswami's younger brother was a great devotee whose actual name was Sri
Vallabha, but he was given the name Anupama Mallika. [36]
tanha lana rupa-gosani prayage aila
mahaprabhu tahan suni' anandita haila
Sri Rupa Goswami and Anupama Mallika went to Prayag, and they were very
pleased to hear the news that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was there. [37]
prabhu chaliyachhena bindu-madhava-darasane
laksa laksa loka aise prabhura milane
At Prayag, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went to see the temple of Bindu Madhava,
and many hundreds of thousands of people followed Him just to meet Him.
keha kande, keha hase, keha nache, gaya
'krsna' 'krsna' bali' keha gadagadi yaya
Some of the people following the Lord were crying. Some were laughing, some
dancing and some chanting, some of them were rolling on the ground,
exclaiming "Krishna! Krishna!" [39]
ganga-yamuna prayaga narila dubaite
prabhu dubaila krsna-premera vanyate
Prayag is located at the confluence of two rivers—the Ganges and the Yamuna.
These rivers were not able to flood Prayag with their waters, but Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu inundated the whole area with waves of ecstatic love for
Krishna. [40]
tabe mahaprabhu tanre nikate vasaila
'sanatanera varta kaha'—tanhare puchhila
After this, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu sat them down by His side and asked
them, "What news do you have of Sanatan?" [55]
Rupa Goswami came to Mahaprabhu first, and Mahaprabhu asked him, "What
happened to Sanatan Goswami?" Rupa Goswami explained that the emperor had put
him into jail.
rupa kahena,—tenho bandi haya raja-ghare
tumi yadi uddhara', tabe ha-ibe uddhare
Rupa Goswami replied, "Sanatan has now been arrested by the government of
Hussain Shah. If You kindly save him, he can be liberated from that
entanglement." [56]
Rupa Goswami said, "Prabhu, if You rescue him, then he will be able to come
out of jail. Please rescue him from that place."
prabhu kahe,—sanatanera hanachhe mochana
achirat ama-saha ha-ibe milana
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu immediately replied, "Sanatan has already been
released from his confinement, and he will very soon meet with Me." [57]
Mahaprabhu replied, "Yes, I know that Sanatan will come to Me soon."
achirat ama-saha ha-ibe milana
madhyahna karite vipra prabhure kahila
rupa-gosani se-divasa tathani rahila
A brahman then requested Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu to accept lunch. Rupa
Goswami also remained there that day. [58]
bhattacharya dui bhaiye nimantrana kaila
prabhura sesa prasada-patra dui-bhai paila
Balabhadra Bhattacharya invited the two brothers to take lunch also. The
remnants of food from the plate of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu were offered to
them. [59]
triveni-upara prabhura vasa-ghara sthana
dui bhai vasa kaila prabhu-sannidhana
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu chose to stay at the confluence of the Ganges and
the Yamuna, in a place called Triveni. The two brothers—Rupa Goswami and
Anupama—sat near the Lord. [60]
se-kale vallabha-bhatta rahe adaila-grame
mahaprabhu aila suni' aila tanra sthane
At that time, Sri Vallabha Bhatta was staying at Adaila-grama, and when he
heard that Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu had arrived, he went to His place to see
Him. [61]
tenho dandavat kaila, prabhu kaila alingana
dui jane krsna-katha haila kata-ksana
Vallabha Bhattacharya offered Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu his obeisances, and
the Lord embraced him. After that, they discussed topics about Krishna for
some time. [62]
krsna-kathaya prabhura maha-prema uthalila
bhattera sankoche prabhu samvarana kaila
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu felt great ecstatic love when they began discussing
Krishna, but the Lord checked His feelings because He felt shy before
Vallabha Bhatta. [63]
antare gara-gara prema, nahe samvarana
dekhi' chamatkara haila vallabha-bhattera mana
Although the Lord restrained Himself externally, ecstatic love raged within.
There was no checking that. Vallabha Bhatta was astonished to detect this.
tabe bhatta mahaprabhure nimantrana kaila
mahaprabhu dui-bhai tanhare milaila
Then Vallabha Bhatta invited Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu for lunch, and
the Lord introduced the brothers Rupa and Anupama to him. [65]
dui-bhai dura haite bhumite padiya
bhatte dandavat kaila ati dina hana
From a distance, the brothers Rupa Goswami and Anupama fell on the
ground and offered obeisances to Vallabha Bhatta with great humility.
bhatta milibare yaya, dunhe palaya dure
'asprsya pamara muni, na chhuniha more'
When Vallabha Bhattacharya walked toward them, they ran away to a more
distant place. Rupa Goswami said, "I am untouchable and most sinful. Please
do not touch me." [67]
bhattera vismaya haila, prabhura harsa mana
bhattere kahila prabhu tanra vivarana
Vallabha Bhattacharya was very much surprised. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu,
however, was very pleased, and described Rupa Goswami to him. [68]
'inho na sparsiha, inho jati ati-hina!
vaidika, yajnika tumi kulina pravina!'
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Do not touch him, for he belongs to a very
low caste. You are a follower of Vedic principles and are a well experienced
performer of many sacrifices. You also belong to the aristocracy." [69]
dunhara mukhe nirantara krsna-nama suni'
bhatta kahe, prabhura kichhu ingita-bhangi jani'
Hearing the Holy Name constantly vibrated by the two brothers, Vallabha
Bhattacharya could understand the hints of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
'dunhara mukhe krsna-nama karichhe nartana
ei-dui 'adhama' nahe, haya 'sarvottama'
Vallabha Bhattacharya said, "Since these two are constantly chanting the Holy
Name of Krishna, how can they be untouchable? On the contrary, they are most
exalted." [71]
"They are not the lowest—they are highly qualified!"
suni' mahaprabhu tanre bahu prasamsila
premavista hana sloka padite lagila
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu was very pleased to hear Vallabha Bhatta quoting
from sastra about the position of a devotee. The Lord praised him personally,
and, feeling ecstatic love of Godhead, began to quote many verses from
sastra. [73]
prabhura premavesa, ara prabhava bhakti-sara
saundaryadi dekhi' bhattera haila chamatkara
Seeing the Lord's ecstatic love, Vallabha Bhattacharya was even more
astonished. He was also astonished by the Lord's knowledge of the essence of
devotional service, as well as by His personal beauty and influence. [76]
sagane prabhure bhatta naukate chadana
bhiksa dite nija-ghare chalila lana
Vallabha Bhattacharya then put Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates
aboard a boat and took them to his own place to offer them lunch. [77]
yamunara jala dekhi' chikkana syamala
premavese mahaprabhu ha-ila vihvala
While crossing the river Yamuna, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu saw the glossy
black water and was immediately bewildered with ecstatic love. [78]
hunkara kari' yamunara jale dila jhanpa
prabhu dekhi' sabara mane haila bhaya-kanpa
Indeed, as soon as Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu saw the river Yamuna, He
immediately made a great sound and jumped into the water. Everyone was filled
with fear and trembled to see this. [79]
aste-vyaste sabe dhari' prabhure uthaila
naukara upare prabhu nachite lagila
Everyone quickly caught the Lord and pulled Him into the boat, where He then
began to dance. [80]
On His way, when Mahaprabhu was crossing the Yamuna in a boat, He jumped off
into the river.
desa-patra dekhi' mahaprabhu dhairya ha-ila
adailera ghate nauka asi' uttarila
Seeing the circumstances, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu finally became calm so
that the boat was able to reach the shore of Adaila and stop there. [83]
bhaye bhatta sange rahe, madhyahna karana
nija-grhe anila prabhure sangete lana
Fearing for the Lord's welfare, Vallabha Bhattacharya stayed in His
association. After arranging for His bath, he took the Lord to his own house.
Mahaprabhu stayed at first with Rupa Goswami Prabhu, Sanatan Goswami
joined them later (it is described in the next chapter).
syamam eva param rupam puri madhu-puri vara
vayah kaisorakam dhyeyam adya eva paro rasah
'The form of Syamasundara is the supreme form, the city of Mathura is the
supreme abode, Lord Krishna's fresh youth should always be meditated upon,
and the mellow of conjugal love is the supreme mellow.' [106]
premavese prabhu tanre kaila alingana
prema matta hana tenho karena nartana
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu then embraced Raghupati Upadhyaya in ecstatic love.
Raghupati Upadhyaya also was overwhelmed by love, and he began to dance.
dekhi' vallabha-bhatta mane chamatkara haila
dui putra ani' prabhura charane padila
Vallabha Bhattacharya was struck with wonder seeing it. He brought forward
his two sons and made them fall down at the Lord's lotus feet. [108]
prabhu dekhibare gramera saba-loka aila
prabhu-darasane sabe 'krsna-bhakta' ha-ila
All villagers came to see Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, and simply by seeing Him,
they all became devotees of Krishna. [109]
ganga-pathe mahaprabhure naukate vasana
prayage aila bhatta gosanire lana
Vallabha Bhattacharya put the Lord on a boat in the Ganges and took Him to
Prayag. [113]
loka-bhida-bhaye prabhu 'dasasvamedhe' yana
rupa-gosanire siksa kara'na sakti sanchariya
There were big crowds in Prayag and Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went to a place
called Dasasvamedha ghat. It was there that the Lord instructed and empowered
Sri Rupa Goswami. [114]
When He was in Benares, Mahaprabhu went to the Dasasvamedha ghat on the bank
of the Ganges, and we too always bathe there. This is where Mahaprabhu taught
Rupa Goswami, gave "Rupa-siksa":
sri-rupa-hrdaye prabhu sakti sancharila
sarva-tattva-nirupane 'pravina' karila
By entering the heart of Rupa Goswami, Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu empowered him
to understand the conclusions of all truths. He made him an expert. [117]
Mahaprabhu gave some power to Rupa Goswami and within ten days he learned
sivananda-senera putra 'kavi-karnapura'
'rupera milana' sva-granthe likhiyachhena prachura
In his book Chaitanya-chandrodaya, Kavi Karnapur, the son of Sivananda Sena,
has elaborately described the meeting between Sri Rupa Goswami and Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. [118]
Kavi Karnapur was the youngest son of Sivananda Sen. He was a great devotee
from seven years old. Their house is not far from Nabadwip, in the Burdwan
district of Bengal. Mahaprabhu called this family "Pandav's family" because
Sivananda Sen had five sons and the Pandavs were also five brothers.
One time Mahaprabhu, Haridas Thakur, and Ramananda Ray came to Sivananda
Sen's house, and Mahaprabhu asked Puri Das (Kavi Karnapur's previous name was
Puri Das), "Chant Hare Krishna! Say 'Hare Krishna'!" but the boy did not say
anything. Mahaprabhu asked Ramananda Ray,
"What is wrong? When I went through the jungle in Jharikhand, all tigers and
deer chanted Hare Krishna maha-mantra, but this boy is not chanting.
"Prabhu, he has become Your disciple—he has already heard the mantra
from You—that is why he will not chant it in front of You."
"How do you know he became My disciple?"
"I know it."
"I will test him! Let him recite some sloka from Bhagavatam."
Puri Das started reciting a sloka from Bhagavatam and Ramananda Ray
said to Mahaprabhu, "Do You see now, Prabhu? You did not believe me that he
became Your disciple... but now You see that he did—he forcefully took
initiation from You."
sivananda-senera putra 'kavi-karnapura'
'rupera milana' sva-granthe likhiyachhena prachura
In his book Chaitanya-chandrodaya, Kavi Karnapur, the son of Sivananda Sena,
has elaborately described the meeting between Sri Rupa Goswami and Sri
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. [118]
That same Kavi Karnapur composed a book where he wrote in detail and properly
how Mahaprabhu met with Rupa Goswami...
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Rupa and Sanatan
• First
• Running Away
• On the way to
• Finishing
• Meeting Mahaprabhu
• Empowering Srila Rupa
• Rare, Rarer, the
• The Ultimate Gardening
• Pure
• Supreme
Personality of Godhead
• The Three
• Brahmas'
• Krishna's
• Maya's Family
• The Cry of
a Surrendered Soul
• Breaking Free
• Delusion of
• Leaving
Ulterior Motive
• When Krishna
Gives Mercy
• Awakening
Taste for Service
• Full Faith
• Power
• Surrender in
Good Association
• Six Limbs of
• Sixty-Four Devotional
• Spontaneous
Loving Devotion
• The Path to the
Supreme Goal
• Hero and
• "You Are Mine!"
• The
All-Attractive Lord
Games of Maya Devi
'Maya always searches for a chance to attack you, and if she gets an
opportunity, you can be easily converted by the illusory environment.'
Sri Sri Damodarastakam |
'To the Supreme Lord, whose form is the embodiment of eternal existence, knowledge, and bliss, whose shark-shaped earrings are swinging to and fro, who is beautifully shining in the divine realm of Gokula, who [due to the offence of breaking the pot of yogurt that his mother was churning into butter and then stealing the butter that was kept hanging from a swing] is quickly running from the wooden grinding mortar in fear of Mother Yasoda, but who has been caught from behind by her who ran after Him with greater speed—to that Supreme Lord, Sri Damodara, I offer my humble obeisances.'
শ্রীশ্রীদামোদরাষ্টকম্ |