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Sanatan-Siksa: Power Transmission

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
23 June 2015


[His Divine Grace is reading from Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, chapter 22:]

sraddhavan jana haya bhakti-adhikari
'uttama', 'madhyama', 'kanistha'—sraddha-anusari

"Those who have faith have the right for devotion. According to their faith, there are three kinds of devotees: uttam (senior), madhyam (middle), and kanistha (junior)." [64]

There are three kinds of devotees: an uttam bhakta, a madhyam bhakta, a kanistha bhakta. Why are there three kinds of devotees? Because they have different kinds of faith.

sastra-yuktye sunipuna, drdha-sraddha yara
'uttama-adhikari' sei taraye samsara

"Those who are expert in explaining the scriptures, who have firm, determined faith, are uttam-adhikari, the highest class of devotees, and they can liberate the whole world." [65]

Those who know all scriptures, who have super strongest faith for their Guru, for the Lord, are the uttam-adhikari devotees.

sastra-yukti nahi jane drdha, sraddhavan
'madhyama-adhikari' sei maha-bhagyavan

"Those who cannot convincingly explain the scriptures but have faith are madhyam-adhikari and very fortunate." [66]

Somebody may not know scriptures so well or may not know so much in general, but if they have faith—they are madhyam-adhikari, and they are very fortunate.

yahara komala sraddha, se 'kanistha' jana
krame krame tenho bhakta ha-ibe 'uttama'

"Those who have a soft faith are kanistha, junior devotees, but even they can gradually become uttam, senior devotees." [67]

Those who have little faith, those who practise very little, are called kanistha bhaktas, junior devotees, but if they practise properly, they too can become the highest class devotees (uttam bhaktas).

sarva-bhutesu yah pasyed bhagavad-bhavam atmanah
bhutani bhagavaty atmany esa bhagavatottamah

"The first class devotee sees Krishna in everything and everything within Krishna." [69]
Quoted from Srimad Bhagavatam (11.2.45).

The highest devotees (bhagavad-uttam) see Krishna everywhere: if something happens they see it as the will of Krishna; they always think about Krishna; they close their eyes and see Krishna, they open their eyes and see Krishna; they walk and see Krishna.

isvare tad-adhinesu balisesu dvisatsu cha
prema-maitri-krpopeksa yah karoti sa madhyamah

"Those who have love for the Lord, who make friends with the devotees, who are merciful to the foolish people, and who do not mind the people who hate them, are madhyam bhaktas, middle stage devotees." [70]
Quoted from Srimad Bhagavatam (11.2.46).

The middle stage devotees give mercy to the foolish—if somebody does not know anything or does something wrong, they do not kick them out, they correct them, "You should be good, you should not do this." They always give mercy.

Ganga Devi also said, "I am a madhyam bhakta": people pass stool on the bank of the Ganges and when the Ganges overflow, she takes all that, does she not? She said she gives mercy to all people's stool also...

Baliser kripa: if somebody does not know anything, somebody is foolish, madhyam devotees do not reject them, "Oh, you are bad, you do not know anything, get out of here." This is a madhyam bhakta, a middle or intermediate devotee.

The acharya also poses as a middle class devotee. He is an uttam bhakta, the most qualified, highest senior devotee, but he has to come down to the middle position because otherwise he cannot make any disciples—He sees all souls as Krishna, he sees Krishna everywhere, how will he make disciples? He cannot give mercy to others, but when an uttam bhakta comes to the middle position, then he can give mercy to all kinds of conditioned souls.

archayam eva haraye pujam yah sraddhayehate
na tad-bhaktesu chanyesu sa bhaktah prakrtah smrtah

"Those who worship a deity of the Lord having faith in and following a social or familial tradition but are not however acquainted with the pure conception of devotion that is given in the scriptures and do not worship the devotees of the Lord, are materialistic devotees, which means they practise only a rudimentary form of devotion. Such practitioners are also considered bhakta-praya (close to being a devotee) or vaishnava-bhasa (having a faint semblance with a Vaishnav)." [71]
Quoted from Srimad Bhagavatam (11.2.47)

Who is a kanistha devotee (a junior devotee)? Those who do puja, archa. The devotees in the middle position do not think puja is necessary, they only chant the Holy Name.

sarva maha-guna-gana vaisnava-sarire
krsna-bhakte krsnera guna sakali sanchare

"All greatest qualities can be found within the body of a Vaishnav: whatever qualities Krishna possesses appear within the devotees of Krishna." [72]

Krishna possesses all good qualities, in an unlimited amount, and when a devotee surrenders fully and practises Krishna consciousness properly, Krishna gives them whatever virtues or good qualities He has. This is called power transmission.

When a Guru makes another Guru, makes his successor, Gurudev gives all his power to that devotee. This is called power transmission. There are many disciples and many gurus all over the world but not all are his successors. The Guru transfers all his power, or sakti, to his successor.

sei saba guna haya vaisnava-laksana
saba kaha na yaya, kari dig-darasana

"These qualities are the symptoms of a Vaishnav. I cannot explain all of them, but I will give a summary here." [74]

krpalu, akrta-droha, satya-sara, sama
nidosa, vadanya, mrdu, suchi, akinchana

"Vaishnavs are merciful, never aggressive, always truthful, equal to everyone, faultless, magnanimous, soft, clean, have no material desires or possessions." [75]

sarvopakaraka, santa, krsnaika-sarana
akama, aniha, sthira, vijita-sad-guna

"They want good for everyone, peaceful, exclusively surrendered to Krishna, have no desires, indifferent towards the mundane, composed, control the six bad qualities (lust, anger, greed, illusion, pride, envy)." [73]

mita-bhuk, apramatta, manada, amani
gambhira, karuna, maitra, kavi, daksa, mauni

"They do not overeat, are never intoxicated, respectful to others, desire no respect for themselves, grave, compassionate, everyone's friends, poets, experts, and silent." [77]

Kripalu, they always give mercy to others. Akrta-droha, always simple-minded. Satya-sara, always truthful. Sama, they do not think, "This is my disciple, and this is not my disciple," they do not differentiate between anybody. Nidosa, they are innocent. Vadanya, they are always humble. Mrdu, they talk little, gentle. Suchi, they are always clean. Akinchan, they give mercy to others. Sarva-upakara, always very kind and open-hearted to everybody, always give benefit to others, never cruel. Santa, they are very peaceful. Krishnaika-sarana, they always think about Krishna. Akama, they have no other desires. Aniha, very peace. Sthira means santa, dhira (peaceful, self-controlled). Mita-bhuk, they do not eat too much. Apramatta, they are never infatuated or intoxicated. Manad, they give honour to others. Amani, when somebody disrespects them, they think nothing of it, "It is OK, they can give me galagal, use bad language, that is not a problem for me." Gambhira, they are serious, talk little. Karuna, very kind, always thinking good about others. Maitra, they make friends with others. Kavi, they are poets. Daksa, they are efficient. And, mauni, they do not say so many things, they talk little.

These are the kinds of good qualities, virtues that Krishna has, and these are the qualities that Krishna gives to His devotees and that the Guru transfers to his successor.



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Be Clear, Not Clever
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গায় গোরা মধুর স্বরে

It is very rare—but if you follow properly, you can be a proper devotee.