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Sanatan-Siksa: His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
[His Divine Grace is reading from Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, chapter 22:] Sanatan Goswami asked Mahaprabhu, "Who am I? Why am I suffering? How can I get relief?" but Mahaprabhu replied, "You are a first-class devotee, free from Maya's bondage. I know why you are asking Me these questions. You are asking them to give benefit to this world—you want to teach everybody the answers to these questions." So, the next sloka is:
Their intelligence is not pure:
kama-krodhera dasa hana tara lathi khaya "The souls become slaves of lust and anger and get kicked around by them. In this way, they wander throughout the universe until they get the help of a sadhu, the physician." (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.22.14) What happens to the eternally conditioned souls?
'nitya-baddha'—krsna haite nitya-bahirmukha The eternally conditioned souls are eternally averse to Krishna. They enter eternal material life and relish all sorts of hellish suffering. (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.22.12) We have fallen into the eternal material world (nitya-samsar) and keep coming and going in different forms of life—we come as cows, goats, dogs, cats, and so on. How can we get relief from this eternal rounding of samsar? What is the solution? "Bhramite bhramite yadi sadhu-vaidya paya." We wander throughout the various species until in some birth we get the darshan of a sadhu. What does the sadhu do?
tanra upadesa-mantre pisachi palaya "When the souls follow the guidance and take the mantra that they receive from the sadhu, Maya the Witch flees from them. Then they get devotion to Krishna and can come near to Krishna." (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.22.15) "Tanra upadesa-mantre pisachi palaya." As if being possessed by a ghost, you think, "This is my house, these are my children," but this is all false! You are enchanted by a witch, and when the sadhu gives you advice and mantra, by that mantra the witch (maya) goes away and the spell is broken. What happens next? "Krsna-bhakti paya, tabe Krsna-nikata yaya: you get devotion to Krishna and come close to Krishna." Srila Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj always recited this sloka below. You should all remember it. This is a very nice sloka for a saranagata, a surrendered soul:
kamadinam kati na katidha palita durnidesa, "O Lord! How many kinds of wicked orders from lust and others I followed! They had no mercy on me, nor were they ever satisfied! O Krishna! Suddenly, I managed to leave their side and got some good intelligence—I have surrendered at Your fearless lotus feet, please engage me now as Your servant." (Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, 2.22.16) "Prabhu, I have been following so many orders from lust, anger, greed and others. I have been following their orders and suffering so much! Anger would come and kick me, lust would come and kick me, greed would come and kick me, and so on. How much I have been kicked around, Prabhu! And they never took pity on me... I have been listening to my wife, I have been listening to my husband, I have been listening to my sons and daughters, to all my friends—even though I have been following their bad instructions, they never had any sympathy for me! What am I to do now? O Krishna! Somehow I have left them—I have got some good intelligence and I have left them! I am surrendering now at Your lotus feet. Please appoint me as Your servant!" What a beautiful sloka! "Please appoint me as Your servant." Param Guru Maharaj often recited it. It is written by Srila Rupa Goswami in Bhakti-rasamrita-sinduh...
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