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Sanatan-Siksa: the Three Worlds

His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham, Samadhi-mandir class
15 June 2015


[His Divine Grace is reading from Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila, chapter 21:]

jaya jaya sri-chaitanya jaya nityananda
jayadvaita-chandra jaya gaura-bhakta-vrnda

All glories to Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu! All glories to Nityananda Prabhu! All glories to Advaita Acharya! All glories to all the devotees of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu! [2]

sarva svarupera dhama—paravyoma-dhame
prthak prthak vaikuntha saba, nahika ganane

Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu continued His teachings to Srila Sanatan Goswami, "The place where all forms of the Lord reside is Paravyoma Dham, the spiritual sky. In that Paravyoma Dham there is a countless number of Vaikuntha planets. [3]

sata, sahasra, ayuta, laksa, koti-yojana
eka eka vaikunthera vistara varnana

"The size of a Vaikuntha planet is described as one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand and a million yojans (one yojan is eight miles). [4]

saba vaikuntha—vyapaka, ananda-chinmaya
parisada-sadaisvarya-purna saba haya

"All Vaikuntha planets are very large and full of spiritual bliss. Their inhabitants are all associates of the Supreme Lord and possess all six kinds of opulence (unlimited wealth, fame, strength, beauty, knowledge, renunciation). [5]

ananta vaikuntha eka eka dese yara
sei paravyoma-dhamera ke karu vistara

"Who can measure this Paravyoma, spiritual world, that is the abode of all these Vaikuntha planets? [6]

ei-mata krsnera divya sad-guna ananta
brahma-siva-sanakadi na paya yanra anta

"Krishna possesses unlimited divine good qualities. Brahma, Siva and the four Kumaras cannot fathom them. [10]

brahmadi rahu—sahasra-vadane 'ananta'
nirantara gaya mukhe, na paya gunera anta

"What to speak of all the Brahmas, even Lord Ananta, who always chants the glories of the Lord with his thousands of heads, cannot reach their end. [12]

On each Brahma-loka there is not only one Brahma—there are many Brahmas.

seho rahu—sarvajna-siromani sri-krsna
nija-gunera anta na pana hayena satrsna

"What to speak of Anantadev, even the supreme and omniscient Lord Krishna cannot find an end to His own transcendental qualities, and it excites Him. [14]

seha rahu—vraje yabe krsna avatara
tanra charitra vicharite mana na paya para

"Leave that, actually no matter how much one tries to understand it, no one can fully understand Krishna's character in Vraja. [16]

eka eka gopa kare ye vatsa charana
koti, arbuda, sankha, padma, tahara ganana

"Each cowherd boy there tends calves, and each has ten million, one hundred million, one trillion, or ten trillion calves. [20]

vetra, venu, dala, srnga, vastra, alankara
gopa-ganera yata, tara nahi lekha-para

"It is impossible to write down how many sticks, flutes, lotus flowers, horns, garments or ornaments they have. [21]

sabe haila chaturbhuja vaikunthera pati
prthak prthak brahmandera brahma kare stuti

"All cowherd boys once became four-handed Narayanas (the Lords of Vaikuntha planets), and in each universe, Brahmas offered their prayers to the Lords. [22]

There is not only one brahmanda, or universe—there are many brahmandas, and in each of these innumerable brahmandas there is Brahma who worship Lord Krishna.

ঈশ্বরঃ পরমঃ কৃষ্ণঃ সচ্চিদানন্দবিগ্রহঃ ।
অনাদিরাদির্গোবিন্দঃ সর্ব্বকারণকারণম্ ॥

isvarah paramah krsnah sach-chid-ananda-vigrahah
anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam

Krishna, who is known as Govinda, is the supreme controller. He has an eternal, blissful, spiritual body. He is the origin of all. He has no other origin, for He is the prime cause of all causes.

Sri Brahma-samhita, 5.1

brahma, visnu, hara—ei srstyadi-isvara
tine ajnakari krsnera, krsna—adhisvara

"Brahma, Vishnu, and Hara (Siva) are the masters of material creation, maintenance and dissolution. They carry out the orders of Krishna—Krishna is the Supreme Master. [36]

Iswar, the Lord, creates Brahmas, Vishnus and Sivas. Just as there are many Brahmas on Brahmalokas, there are many Sivas on Sivalokas. There is not only pancha-mukh Siva (five-mouthed Siva), there are many different Sivas.

In each of the many brahmandas (universes) in this world there is its own proprietor: in some brahmandas, one-thousand-mouthed Brahma is the proprietor, in other one-hundred mouthed, and so on.

brahma, visnu, hara—ei srstyadi-isvara
tine ajnakari krsnera, krsna—adhisvara

"Brahma, Vishnu, and Hara (Siva) are the masters of material creation, maintenance and dissolution. They carry out the orders of Krishna—Krishna is the Supreme Master. [36]

e samanya, tryadhisvarera suna artha ara
jagat-karana tina purusavatara

"This is only a general description. Please try to understand another meaning of tryadhisa (master of the three worlds). It can also mean the three incarnations of Vishnu who create the world. [38]

maha-visnu, padmanabha, ksirodaka-svami
ei tina—sthula-suksma-sarva-antaryami

"Maha-Visnu, Padmanabha and Ksirodakasayi Visnu are the Supersouls of everything subtle and gross. [39]

ei tina—sarvasraya, jagat-isvara
eho saba kala-amsa, krsna—adhisvara

"These three grant shelter to all, they are masters of the world, but they are only portions or portions of the plenary portions. Krishna is the Original Master. [40]

tara tale paravyoma—'visnu-loka'-nama
narayana-adi ananta svarupera dhama

"Below Vrindavan, there is the spiritual sky, Pramavyoma, which is known as Vishnuloka. It is the abode of Narayana and other innumerable expansions of Krishna. [46]

ananta vaikuntha yahan bhandara-kothari
parisada-gane sad-aisvarye ache bhari'

"Innumerable Vaikuntha planets are like different rooms of a treasure-house and the residents inhabiting these planets are Lord's associates, enriched with the six opulences. [48]

tara tale 'bahyavasa' virajara para
ananta brahmanda yahan kothari apara

"Below Paravyoma (the spiritual sky), on the other side of the Viraja River there are innumerable brahmandas, universes, each containing an unlimited number of places of residence. [52]

There is Vaikuntha, then Viraja, then Paravyoma, then Goloka Vrindavan. Where is our destination? Goloka Vrindavan—not Vaikuntha, not Viraja...

'devi-dhama' nama tara, jiva yara vasi
jagal-laksmi rakhi' rahe yahan maya dasi

"Those brahmandas are called Devi Dham, the abode of the external energy. This is where the jiva souls reside. There, the material energy maintains the existence and has Maya as her servant. [53]

ei tina dhamera haya krsna adhisvara
goloka-paravyoma—prakrtira para

"Krishna is the supreme proprietor of all three Dhamas (Goloka Dham, Vaikuntha Dham, Devi Dham). Paravyoma and Goloka are beyond Devi Dham, this material world. [54]

mayika vibhuti—eka-pada abhidhana

"The spiritual world is considered to possess three fourths of the energy and opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and this material world is considered to possess only one fourth of that energy. [55]




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First Encounter
Running Away
On the way to

Finishing Visaya

Meeting Mahaprabhu
Empowering Srila Rupa Goswami
Rare, Rarer, the Rarest
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Pure Devotion

Supreme Personality of Godhead
The Three Worlds
Brahmas' Realm
Krishna's Beauty
Maya's Family
The Cry of a Surrendered Soul
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Delusion of Liberation
Leaving Ulterior Motive
When Krishna Gives Mercy
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Full Faith
Power Transmission
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Sixty-Four Devotional Practices
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"You Are Mine!"
The All-Attractive Lord



Try and Cry
''When will Nityananda Prabhu give His mercy to me? When will my material desires be removed from my heart? I have so many bad material desires! When will Nityananda remove them from my heart?' Always cry, always think about it.'


Jaya jaya gurudever
'Attaining the wealth of divine love (by your grace), joyful souls all over the world sing your glories, dancing in ecstasy.'
জয় জয় গুরুদেবের

My mind is disturbed because slowly, slowly you are going away and jumping into the illusory environment. That is my sadness.