Our Disciplic Succession:
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
Rupa-Siksa: Rare, Rarer, the Rarest
His Divine Grace Om Vishnupad
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj
Sri Nabadwip Dham, Samadhi-mandir class
14 June 2015
[His Divine Grace is reading from Sri Chaitanya-charitamrita, Madhya-lila,
chapter 19:]
It is called power transmission—Mahaprabhu gave so much power to Srila
Rupa Goswami:
ei-mata dasa-dina prayage rahiya
sri-rupe siksa dila sakti sanchariya
For ten days Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu stayed at Prayaga and instructed Rupa
Goswami, vesting him with all necessary power. [135]
prabhu kahe,—suna, rupa, bhakti-rasera laksana
sutra-rupe kahi, vistara na yaya varnana
The Lord said, "My dear Rupa, please listen to Me. It is not possible to
describe devotional service completely, so I will tell you the symptoms of
devotional service in a condensed form. [136]
Now begins Rupa-siksa: Mahaprabhu's teachings to Srila Rupa Goswami.
parapara-sunya gabhira bhakti-rasa-sindhu
tomaya chakhaite tara kahi eka 'bindu'
"The ocean of nectar of devotion is so deep and vast—it has no length
or breadth. However, just to give you some taste of it, I will describe a
drop of it. [137]
"There are so many things—if you try to cross the Ganges, you will see
there is so much water in it—what I am giving you is just a drop of
eita brahmanda bhari' ananta jiva-gana
chaurasi-laksa yonite karaye bhramana
"In this universe there is an infinite number of living entities. In the form
of 8,400,000 species they are all wandering throughout this universe.
kesagra-sateka-bhaga punah satamsa kari
tara sama suksma jivera 'svarupa' vichari
"If you divide the tip of a hair one hundred times and then divine one of
those parts again one hundred times, this can give you an idea of just how
tiny the true form of the jiva soul is. [139]
The meaning is as follows: divide a hair's cross section ten thousand times
and you are actually one of these parts—tiny.
tara madhye 'sthavara', 'jangama'—dui bheda
jangame tiryak-jala-sthalachara-vibheda
"Among all these innumerable living entities, there are two types—those
who can move and those who cannot. Those who can move can be further divided
into those who live in the air, in the water, and on the land. [144]
Among the entities that move and live on the land, there are very few species
of men:
tara madhye manusya-jati ati alpatara
tara madhye mlechchha, pulinda, bauddha, sabara
"Among them, there is a very small number of men. Among men there are
mlechchhas, pulindas, bauddhas, and savaras. [145]
There are also different kinds of men—mlecchas, bauddhas, savars,
pulindas. There are many qualities of people—there are people in some
countries who eat other people. Have you heard about the Amazon jungle in
Brazil? There are men living there too, but what do they do? What do they
eat? What is their lifestyle like? They are called pulinda—they wear no
clothes and eat men or some roots of the trees.
veda-nistha-madhye ardheka veda 'mukhe' mane
veda-nisiddha karya kare, dharma nahi gane
"Among those who follow the Vedas, half only say they follow the Vedas. They
do what is forbidden by the Vedas and have no consideration for religion.
Some say, "I am following the Vedas," but they are actually not following it.
(The Vedas means four Vedas—Rig, Sama, Yajur, and Artharva.) There are
such people here, in Nabadwip, and in other places in India who think they
are following the Vedas but at the same time do what is forbidden by the
Vedas. They actually do not follow any religion, dharma nahi gane.
Some follow some religion and think that what they are doing is karma-nistha
(fruitive work). It means they think, "We are eating, we are sleeping, we are
enjoying—we are doing what the dogs are doing, which is the same thing.
That is our lifestyle." They do their own work, their own things, and think
everywhere it is the same: they are very busy pursuing their own interest.
They have no idea that one day they will die.
dharmachari-madhye bahuta 'karma-nistha'
koti-karma-nistha-madhye eka 'jnani' srestha
"Among those who follow the religion, most are 'fruitive workers' (live for
their own enjoyment). Among millions of such fruitive workers there is one
who is actually 'wise'. [147]
koti-jnani-madhye haya eka-jana 'mukta'
koti-mukta-madhye 'durlabha' eka krsna-bhakta
"Among millions of such wise men, one is actually 'liberated'. Among millions
of such liberated people, there is hardly one pure devotee of Krishna.
Out of ten million workers you will get one wise person; out of ten million
wise people you will get one liberated soul, and out of ten million liberated
souls you will get one devotee of Krishna.
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu told it Himself.
krsna-bhakta—niskama, ataeva 'santa'
bhukti-mukti-siddhi-kami—sakali 'asanta'
"A devotee of Krishna has no desires and is always peaceful. Those who have
material desires, desire for liberation or desire for some perfection are
always lusty and never know any peace. [149]
Devotees of Krishna have no material desires. They always think about the
Lord, they always think about the happiness of the Lord, and do everything
for the Lord. Krishna-bhakta, a devotee of Krishna, is 'niskam'—they
have no material desires; they are 'santa'—quiet, peaceful, they are
not chanchal (চঞ্চল, their mind is not fickle). Those who have some material
desire, who are lusty, who want liberation, who have some other desires, are,
on the contrary, fickle-minded, not peaceful-minded...
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Rupa and Sanatan
• First
• Running Away
• On the way to
• Finishing
• Meeting
• Empowering Srila Rupa
• Rare, Rarer, the Rarest
• The Ultimate Gardening
• Pure
• Supreme
Personality of Godhead
• The Three
• Brahmas'
• Krishna's
• Maya's Family
• The Cry of
a Surrendered Soul
• Breaking Free
• Delusion of
• Leaving
Ulterior Motive
• When Krishna
Gives Mercy
• Awakening
Taste for Service
• Full Faith
• Power
• Surrender in
Good Association
• Six Limbs of
• Sixty-Four Devotional
• Spontaneous
Loving Devotion
• The Path to the
Supreme Goal
• Hero and
• "You Are Mine!"
• The
All-Attractive Lord
Faith in Guru
'I may not be fully qualified, but Gurudev is the most qualified devotee,
a great Vaishnav, so if I have his association and have faith in him, he
can give everything to me.'
Sri-rupa-manjari-pada |
'Whatever favourable there is in the rules and regulations, may it have its fulfilment in attaining her lotus feet. I want to see it with my own two eyes. The ecstatic beauty of this Rupa is such that my very life force is nourished by her moon-like self.'
শ্রীরূপমঞ্জরী-পদ |