Our Disciplic Succession:
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Bhagavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
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Sri Gaudiya Gitanjali


Presented here is a collection of Sri Gaudiya Vaishnav kirtans (songs, poetry) chanted regularly at Sri Chaitanya Saraswati Math. Most of the songs are accompanied by the original Bengali text and an audio recording sung by the Acharyas of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math—Srila B.N. Acharya Maharaj, Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, Srila B.R. Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj.



The first edition of Sri Gaudiya Gitanjali was published in Bengali in 1983 with the following Preface written by Om Vishnupad Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj (translated into English by Sripad B.K. Tyagi Maharaj):




By the causeless mercy of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga, a long-standing need has been fulfilled by this publication of Sri Gaudiya-gitanjali within a very short time. You will find in this Sri Gaudiya-gitanjali nearly all the kirtans in the line of Sri Bhakti Vinod—Saraswati that were sung daily and on special days in the time of Srila Prabhupad Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur and that are still now sung in Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.

Our most worshippable Sri Guru Pada-padma's ever sincere friend and our genuinely affectionate well-wisher, Param Bhagavat Pujyapad Srila Krsnadas Babaji Maharaj, who has now reached the dust of Sri Vrndavan Dham, would greatly satisfy Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Gandharva-Govindasundar by chanting these songs with profound appreciation and tears in his eyes in extremely sweet tunes that defamed even nectar. By joyfully, voluntarily, and proudly spreading the Sanskrit verses composed by our Sri Guru Pada-padma everywhere throughout India and affirming them to be consistent with and of dignity equal to those of Sri Rupa and Sri Raghunath, it is he primarily who has brought about good fortune for the souls of this world and thus felt the greatest joy. So, to preserve holy remembrance of him, his favourite kirtans have been compiled here and offered to his holy lotus hands. May he always mercifully remain pleased with us. This is our prayer.

Earnestly devoted to Sri Guru Pada-padma Om Visnupad Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj and Param Bhagavat Srila Krsnadas Babaji Maharaj, Vaisnava Acharya Tridandi Swami Srimat Viraha Prakas Maharaj has generously contributed to the publication of this book, set a great example in the Vaisnava world, and thus become the recipient of everyone's gratiude.

Amongst all my godbrothers who have received the mercy of Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga and become greatly worthy of recognition for this exceptional achievement of publishing this book within a very short time, the names of Sripad Nimaisundar Brahmachari Vidya Vinod Prabhu and Sriman Visvarup Brahmachari Prabhu are especially deserving of mention.

O Vaisnavas who see no faults! If you will mercifully pardon me for all the errors, as a result of my incapacity in editing, that have diminished the beauty of this collection of supramundane songs and inform this fallen soul of them so that proper service may be rendered in a future edition, I will be most grateful.

Humble, poor, and fallen,
The editor

1st Bengali edition


2nd Bengali edition
[was reprinted in 2018]


Pocket edition


4th English edition
7th English edition


Pocket edition




akrodha paramananda
amara jivana sada
amara sapati lage
anya-abhilasa chhadi
aparadha phale mama
ara kena maya-jale
are mora jivana dhana
are mora sri-rupa
aslisya va pada
atma-nivedana tuya
atma-samarpane gela
avatara sara
ayi nanda-tanuja

bandhu-gana ! sunaha vachana
bandhu sange yadi tava
bara sukhera khabara gai
bhagyadhisa-tvadiyo (Sri Guru Prasasti)
bhaire bhaja gorachandera
bhaja bhakata vatsala
bhajahu re mana
bhaja re bhaja re amara
bhaya-bhajnana jaya
bhuliya tomare
bimala hema jini

chetodarpana marjjana

Dasavatara Stotram
dayala nitai chaitanya
deva bhavantam vande
dhana mora nityananda
durlabha manava janma
dusta mana tumi kisera

e mana gauranga vine
ei-bara karuna kara
e ghora-samsare
eka-dina nilachale
eka-dina santipure
emana durmati

gaite gaite nama
gaite govinda nama
gauranga balite habe
gaurangera duti pada
gaya gorachanda jivera
gaya gora madhura svare
gopinath mama nivedana
gora pahu
guror guro me
gurudev kabe tava karuna
gurudev kabe mora
gurudev krpa-bindu diya
gurudeve vrajavane

hari-bhakti-rasamrta-dana (Stava Kusumanjali)
hari rdrstva gosthe
hari haraye namah
hari hari bara sela
hari hari viphale janama
hari he dayala mora
haribola haribola
harinama, tuya aneka
ha ha bhakti-vinoda
ha ha kabe gaura nitai


jagannatha-suta maha
janama saphala tara
jaya jaya girirajer
jaya jaya gurudevera
jaya jaya gorachandera
jaya jaya harinama
jaya jaya pahu srila
jaya jaya radha-krsna yugala
jaya jaya radha-madhava
jaya jaya rupa maharasa
jaya jaya sundara
jaya guru-maharaja
jaya guru maharaja karuna-sagara
jaya guru sri-bhakti
jaya radha-madhava
jaya radhe jaya krsna
jaya sachinandana sura
jaya yasoda-nandana krsna
jayore jayore jaya gaura
jayore jayore jaya
jiva jaga jiva jaga
jnani jnana-yoge

kabe aha gauranga
kabe gaura-vane
kabe habe bolo se dina
kabe sri-chaitanya more
ke yabi ke yabi
ki jani ki bole
ki-rupe paiba seva
krpa kara vaisnava thakura
kumkumakta kanchana

madhava bahuta minati
mana re mana kara varna
manasa deha geha
mayura mukuta pitambara

na dhanam na janam
namo namah tulasi krsna
namo namah tulasi maharani
narada-muni bhajaya vina
nayanam galadasru
naumi sri-guru-padabjam (Sri Pranati Dasakam)
nitai amara dayara avadhi
nitai guna-mani amara
nite yasmin nisante

o more jivana-gati
ohe harinama tava
omana ki kare varana

parama karuna
pita-varana kali
prabhu tava pada yuge
prapanche padiya

radha bhajane yadi
radha krsna bol bol
radha krsna prana mora
radha madhava kunja-vihari
radhe jaya jaya madhava
radhe radhe govinda
radhika-charana padma
rupera gaurava keno
rupera vairagya-kale

sachira angane kabhu
sadopasya sriman
sakhi go kemate
sarira avidya jala
sarvasva tomara
smaratu mano mama
sri-chaitanya krpa haite
sri-gaura-mandala majhe
sri-hari-vasare hari
sri-krsna-chaitanya daya
sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu jive
sri-krsna-chaitanya prabhu nityananda
sri-krsna-kirtane yadi
sri-krsnera sata-nama
srila gadadhara-prarthana
srila jiva-gosvami-sochaka
srila-raghunatha bhatta-gosvami-sochaka
srila raghunatha-dasa-gosvami-sochaka
srila prabhupada-pranati
srila sanata-gosvami-sochaka
srimad-bhagavate mahaprabhura
sri-rupa-manjari pada
sri-rupa-vadane sri-sachi
sri-rupera bara bhai
sri-sriman-mahaprabhura sata-nama
suddha bhakata charana renu
suna he rasika jana
suna mora duhkhera kahini
sunya dharatala chaudike

tapanamisrera putra
tatala saukate
thakura vaisnava-gana
thakura vaisnava-pada
tilaka dharana mantra
trnad api sunichena
tuhu daya-sagara


vachya o vachaka—dui
Vaisnava ke?
vaisnava thakura dayara
varaja vipine
vasatu mano mama
vibhavari sesa
virajara pare suddha
visve udita, nama-tapana

yabe rupa-sanatana
yadi gaura na hata
yadi te haripada
yana kali rupa sarira
ye anila prema-dhana
yo' nanto' nantavaktrau
yugayutam nimesena

*Mana tumi tirthe sada rata
*Dasavidha Nama-Aparadha





We are presenting an offering of 108 KIRTANS recorded and collected throughout His Divine Grace's manifest pastimes, chanted among his associates, devotees and fortunate souls at various festivals, programmes and devotional assemblies. We pray this compilation can nourish devotees' hearts and its glory may continue to forever resound throughout the world.

His Divine Grace elaborates on transcendental significance of Hari-kirtan in Guidance 4:

'What does Krishna-sankirtan mean? Playing the mridanga, karatals and singing songs together with many people is not kirtan. If you sing together with some radio artist or a musician, you may practise music skills, but through radio kirtans you can neither taste the nectar of divine love that was described above, nor will such kirtan destroy your material bondage. It has to be pure sankirtan. It takes a pure great soul to bring and introduce such pure sankirtan. A pure great soul is a soul who has been captured by devotion through chanting of the Holy Name, and who has been accepted by Bhakti Devi. If you can join and assist the chanting, the dancing of such pure Vaishnavs, then when you see such chanting of the Holy Name, when you hear it, or speak about it, it will destroy your material existence, paralyse your material desires – your heart will become pure, and you will get to taste or realise this ocean of entire ecstasy. If you have an open mind, if your heart is clean, and if you do not have enmity or hostility, then all this will clearly appear before your eyes – maha-sankirtan will be resounding in your ears, and you will realise what a beautiful kirtan devotees do and how much joy they do it with.'

! The audio files can be listened to or downloaded by clicking on each kirtan below or accessed through: Google Drive (and download all together as a zipped archive – 360 Mb).
(It is possible to save the files on most mobile devices; otherwise, they can be downloaded on a computer and then uploaded to the device.)

001 - Vandana
002 - 'Sri Guru Parampara'
003 - 'Jaya jaya gurudevera'
004 - 'Jaya guru-maharaja'
005 - 'Sujanarvuda-radhita'
006 - 'Samsara-davanala'
007 - 'Gurudev! krpa-bindu diya'
008 - 'Sri guru-charana-padma'
009 - 'Gurudev bara krpa kari'
010 - 'Vaisnava thakura dayara'
011 - 'Thakura vaisnava-gana'
012 - 'Krpa kari vaisnava'
013 - 'Thakura vaisnava pada'
014 - 'Ei-bara karuna kara'
015 - 'Ki-rupe paiba seva'
016 - 'Sarvasva tomara'
017 - 'Amara jivana'
018 - 'Manasa, deha, geha'
019 - 'E ghora-samsare'
020 - 'Vaisnav Ke?'
021 - 'Kabe habe bala'
022 - 'Ki jani ki bale'
023 - 'Mana tumi tirthe'
024 - 'Kabe sri-chaitanya more'
025 - 'Namo namah tulasi maharani'
026 - 'Sri-krsna-chaitanya... jive'
027 - 'Sri krsna chaitanya... daya'
028 - 'Emana durmati'
029 - 'Udila aruna'
030 - 'Jiva jaga jiva jaga'
031 - 'Bhaja re bhaja re amar'
032 - 'Hari hari viphale'
033 - 'Nitai-pada-kamala'
034 - 'Nitai gunamani amara'
035 - 'Akrodha paramananda'
036 - 'Are bhai! Nitai amara'
037 - 'Nitai mora jivana dhana'
038 - 'Daya kare more Nitai'
039 - 'Jayore jayore jaya Nityananda'
040 - 'Rarhe majhe eka chaka'
041 - 'Iha Kali-yuga dhanya'
042 - 'Ei bara karuna kara... Nitai'
043 - 'Nitai Chaitanya donhe'
044 - 'Nitai Chaitanya bale'
045 - 'Parama karuna'
046 - 'Gaurangera duti pada'
047 - 'Avatara-sara'
048 - 'Yadi Gaura na hata'
049 - 'Gaya Gora madhur svare'
050 - 'Bimala hema-jini'
051 - 'Ke yabi ke yabi bhai'
052 - 'Nadiya-nagare Nitai neche'
053 - 'E mana! Gauranga bine'
054 - 'Kabe aha Gauranga'

055 - 'Aruna vasane'
056 - 'Kali-kukkura-kadana'
057 - 'Jaya Sachi-nandana'
058 - 'Yasomati-nandana'
059 - 'Bhajahu re mana'
060 - 'Janama saphala ta'ra'
061 - 'Tumi sarvesvaresvara'
062 - 'Gopinath mama nivedana'
063 - 'Yasoda-nandana Krsna'
064 - 'Vibhavari sesa'
065 - 'Nagare nagare Gora gaya'
066 - 'He deva bhavantam vande'
067 - Sri Dasavatara Stotram
068 - 'Namamisvaram sach-chid...'
069 - 'Suna he rasika-jana'
070 - 'Hari he dayala mora'
071 - 'Jaya Radha-Madhava'
072 - 'Mayura-mukuta'
073 - 'Jaya Radhe jaya Krsna'
074 - 'Radhe jaya jaya'
075 - 'Radhe! Radhe! Govinda!'
076 - 'Radha-bhajane yadi'
077 - 'Radhika-charana-padma'
078 - 'Radha-kunda-tata'
079 - 'Varaja-vipine'
080 - 'Kumkumakta kanchana'
081 - 'Narada-muni bhajaya vina'
082 - 'Sri hari-vasare'
083 - 'Suddha-bhakata-charana-renu'
084 - 'Sri-gaura-mandala majhe'
085 - Morning arati (Ekachakra)
086 - Evening arati (Ekachakra)
087 - Evening kirtan (Ekachakra)
088 - Evening arati (Tarakeshwar)
089 - Morning arati (Nrisingha Palli)
090 - Evening arati (Nrisingha Palli)
091 - Morning kirtan (Nrisingha Palli)
092 - 'Bhagyadhisa tvadiyo'
093 - 'Hari-bhakti-rasamrta-dana'
094 - 'Naumi sri-gurupadabjam'
095 - Morning parikrama (Nabadwip)
096 - 'O mora jivana-gati Sri-Rupa'
097 - Dasavidha Nama-Aparadha
098 - 'Sri-rupa-manjari-pada'
099 - 'Ye anila prema-dhana'
100 - 'Pita-varana kali-pavana'
101 - 'Tunhu daya-sagara'
102 - 'Sri-krsna-kirtane yadi'
103 - 'Prabhu! tava pada-yuge'
104 - 'Anadi karama-phale padi'
105 - 'Aparadha-phale mama'
106 - 'Gaite gaite nama'
107 - 'Bandhu-gana! sunaha'
108 - 'Hari haraye nama Krsna'

'It is said, “Krishna personally appears in Hari-sankirtan." That is the result of Hari-sankirtan. The Name, form, qualities, pastimes of Krishna reveal themselves. Those who can chant such kirtan or hear such kirtan will get the realisation that the Lord is full of love and mercy. Suppose there is a discussion about Krishna – if one’s heart does not get attracted to Him or the desire to serve Krishna does not arise in the listeners after hearing such a discussion, then you must understand that it is not the proper sankirtan. In the proper, pure Hari-sankirtan, you will feel in your heart that Sri Nam Prabhu is sach-chid-ananda (eternal, cognisant, and blissful). "Nama amani udita haya, bhakata-gita-same – when devotees chant the Holy Name, the Holy Name arises on its own." If the desire to know about Him and the inclination to serve Him awakens within you, then you must understand that you have heard the proper Hari-sankirtan.

'Sri Nityananda is the father of sankirtan, He is the presiding Deity of sankirtan. If you get taste for kirtan, you get the mercy of Nitai. "Kirtan" does not mean gratification of one’s own senses – when Sri Nityananda Prabhu hears chanting of the Holy Name, He becomes very happy. It is a matter of a great fortune and it a very great thing to become qualified to give joy to Sri Nitaichand, to attain the right to chant the Holy Name, and to feel happiness when chanting the Holy Name. This happiness comes by His mercy. If Nityananda Prabhu relishes someone’s kirtan, if He likes it, if He becomes happy, then His happiness is reflected onto the person chanting kirtan, i.e. the person who is chanting will also feel happy. "Kirtan" is not some melody, tune, or showing off music skills. Ecstasy of kirtan is born from a lustrous heart, purified by pure goodness. This is a very high attainment. Unless pure goodness appears in one’s heart, the ecstasy of kirtan can never appear there.'





All Glory to Sri Sri Guru Gauranga

Taking the dust from the holy feet of all devotees and well-wishers of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, hankering to serve you all on the occasion of the grand festival of Om Vishnupad Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj's divine appearance day, we humbly bow down at your holy feet and present a collection of 51 recordings of Srila Govinda Maharaj chanting kirtans in various years between 1988 and 2009. May this nectar of Sri Hari-Kirtan from the holy lotus mouth of His Divine Grace nourish and massage the hearts of the entire Devotional Family of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math.

THE LINK TO THE FILES—for download or listening online (not all mobile devices may support online playback, but the files can be downloaded).
DOWNLOAD ALL FILES (.zip) (134 Mb)—for listening offline and comfortable upload to mobile devices.


00 "Jaya Dhvani"
01 "Vandava"
02 "Jaya Guru Maharaj yati-rajesvara"
03 "Jaya jaya Gaurachander arati ujjvala"
04 "Yasomati nandana vrajabara nagara"
05 "Namo namah Tulasi Maharani"
06 "Kabe Sri Chaitanya more karibena daya"
07 "(Ohe) Vaishnava Thakur dayara sagara"
08 "Ei bara karuna kara vaishnava gosai"
09 "Gurudev krpa bindu diya"
10 "Sri guru charana padma"
11 "Emona durmati samsara bhitare"
12 "Ki jani ki bale tomara dhamete"
13 "Bhajahu re mana Sri Nanda nandana"
14 "Janama saphala ta'ra"
15 "Hari he dayala"
16 "Durlabha manava janma"
17 "Manasa deha geha"
18 "Bhuliya tomare samsara asiya"
19 "Dhana mora Nityananda"
20 "Akrodha paramananda Nityananda Ray"
21 "Nitai pada kamala"
22 "Parama karuna pahu dui jana"
23 "Yadi Gaura na haite"
24 "Avatara sara Gaura avatara"
25 "Gaurangera duti pada"
26 "Bimala hema jini"
27 "Kali ghora timire"
28 "Sri radhara bhave yini suvarna varana"
29 "Ki jani ki bole," "Emona durmati"
30 "Jaya Radhe Jaya Krishna"
31 "Radha bhajane yadi"
32 "Jaya Radha Madhava"
33 "Radhika charana padma"
34 "Radha Krsna prana mora yugala kisora"
35 "Radhe Jaya Jaya Madhava Daite"
36 "Radha kunda tata"
37 "Gopinath mama nivedana suna"
38 "Suno he rasika jana"
39 "Sri Dasavatar Stotram"
40 "He deva bhavantam vande"
41 "Gaya Gaura madhur svare"
42 "Sujanarvuda radhita pada yugam"
43 "Jayare jayare jaya paramahamsa mahasaya"
44 "Bhaya bhanjana jayasamsana"
45 "Sri Daita Dasa Dasakam"
46 "Sri Nityananda Dvadasakam"
47 "Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Sochaka"
48 "Sri Rupa manjari pada sei mora sampada"
49 "Ye anilo prema dhana"
50 "Jaya Radhe jaya Krsna jaya Vrndavan", "Hari Haraye"