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Sri Sri Nitai-Chaitanya Arati By Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
jaya guru maharaja karuna-sagara Glory to Guru Maharaj, Sri Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, an ocean of mercy.
prakasile nilachale bhuvana-mangala He manifested the effulgent service of Nitai Chaitanyadev in Nilachal for the benefit of the entire world.
gora-preme matoyara nityananda-rupa Nityananda is present here in His mad with Gora-prema Form, and Chaitanya as Rasaraj (Krishna) and Mahabhava (Srimati Radharani).
kasita-kanchana jini sri-anga labani The beauty of Their holy Form surpasses that of molten gold, and garlands of beautiful forest flowers play on Their necks.
murachita kotikama rupa-rasarange Their beauty resembles the beauty of ten million cupids and the sight of their ecstatic form makes one swoon—Their sweetness and dancing overpower any kind of benediction.
koti-chandra-bhanusobha ratna-simhasane Extremely fortunate souls who have the eyes of divine love can see Them sitting on the throne, shining brighter than millions of moons and suns.
mrdanga mandira-baje susankha-dhvanita During the arati, devotees play the mridanga, blow the conch, and offer a lamp whose wicks are actually the 108 Upanisads, the crown jewels of the Vedas.
bhuvana-mohana duhu rupera arati The arati of these Two attract the whole universe and can be always seen by the residents of Gupta Vrndavan (Nabadwip).
sri-svarupa-ramananda rupa-sanatana Sri Svarupa, Sri Ramananda, Sri Rupa and Sanatan, Sri Raghunath, Sri Haridas, Sri Gadadhar have this wealth.
sarvabhauma gopinatha jivanuga-jana Sarvabhauma, Gopinath, those in the line of Jiva can see this beautiful arati that is so extremely rare to see.
nadiya prakase nityananda-gaura-nidhi Nityananda and Gauranga manifest Themselves in Nabadwip, and by fortunate providence They also appear in Sri Puri Dham, the abode that rescues the fallen souls.
avichintya nityananda-chaitanya-prakasa By the mercy of Sri Gurudev, this fallen soul sees this kind of inconceivable arati of Nityananda and Chaitanya. (Sri Govinda Das can see this arati by the mercy of his Sri Gurudev.)
Commentary by Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj: "Actually there is some background to the reason that I composed this kirtan. In the Gaudiya Vaisnava society, especially in the time of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami, we have been singing at the arati time, "Jaya jaya Gaurachander aratika sobha." The divine forms of Radha, Krishna and Mahaprabhu are on the altar, and we are doing arati to the three of them every day, but only singing glorification of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Why are Radha, Govinda and Mahaprabhu within the same simhasana and what is Their glorification? That type of arati kirtan is not in our sampradaya. Then I prayed to Srila Guru Maharaj: "Can you kindly make one arati sankirtan of that?" Then Guru Maharaj composed the Radha, Krishna and Mahaprabhu Arati, "Jayare jayare jaya Gaura-Saraswati, Bhakativinoda nvaya karuna murati." We started to sing that song every Friday and give honour. Now we sing both "Jaya jaya Gaurachander aratika sobha" and "Jayare jayare jaya Gaura-Saraswati" every day. At the time of composing "Jayare jayare jaya Gaura-Saraswati," Srila Guru Maharaj was organising the whole Gaudiya Mission.
sujanarvvuda-radhita-pada-yugam Many devotees do not know who composed this song. The whole ISKCON temple is chanting this song but they do not know who composed it. It is a composition of Srila Guru Maharaj, a Sanskrit composition. I felt it was necessary for the Nitai-Chaitanya song because we have Mahaprabhu's song, but in Puri Dham, Nitai-Chaitanya live together. The Deities manifested in the time of Srila Guru Maharaj and I thought it would be very good if I could compose a song. Srila Guru Maharaj was showing his age at that time and he could not write any more. Then, taking permission from Srila Guru Maharaj, I composed that song. Nitai-Chaitanya are worshipped by the devotees at arati time, and a special arati kirtan for Nitai-Chaitanya is very appropriate.
jaya guru maharaja karuna-sagara If we want to do anything we must firstly go to Gurudev. So we are giving 'jaya' to Gurudev and taking his permission. Our Srila Guru Maharaj is Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami and I am giving 'jaya' to His Divine Grace.
prakasile nilachale bhuvana-mangala 'Nilachala' means Puri Dham. There in Puri Dham, both Nitai and Chaitanyadeva are manifested by the divine mercy of Srila Guru Maharaj and Their service is going on continuously.
gora-preme matoyara nityananda-rupa Then comes the glorification of those personalities who are living on the simhasan (altar). First is the glorification of Nityananda Prabhu, because by the grace of Nityananda Prabhu we will get the mercy of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. We are saying Nitai-Chaitanya, and it is very appropriate because Nityananda Prabhu is the form of Sri Gurudev and also without His mercy we will not get the mercy of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Sometimes we are saying Chaitanya-Nitai but normally Nitai-Chaitanya. Both are standing there and giving Their merciful glance to the conditioned souls. One form is in the intoxicated, dancing mood of Nityananda Prabhu, always giving the fearless spiritual wealth by which we will be benefited. Happily we can practise that. The mood of Nityananda Prabhu, with His right hand up and left hand giving merciful blessings is the mood that you will do service fearlessly. And Mahaprabhu is also present there, but in the form of Rasaraj and Mahabhav. Actually Mahaprabhu's form is Krishna Himself taking the heart and halo of Radharani and becoming Chaitanyadev, so Rasaraj is actually Krishna and Mahabhav is Radharani. Krishna and Radharani are both there within one, and that is Chaitanya-svarup, Mahaprabhu. And His manifestation we are seeing in the simhasan.
kasita-kanchana jini sri-anga labani Both are standing effulgent like gold. When gold is cut with a sharp knife its effulgence comes out more and more. Their golden form is like that, fully effulgent. Garlands of different beautiful flowers are there and those garlands are playing on the necks of Nitai-Chaitanyadeva.
murachita koti-kama rupa-rasarange If anyone will see that divine form of Nitai-Chaitanyadeva he will faint with transcendental feelings. They are dancing in the mood of bestowing mercy, touching the hearts of everyone and inconceivably giving mercy to the conditioned souls in an unconditional way.
koti-chandra-bhanu-sobha ratna-simhasane Nitai-Chaitanyadeva are like the morning sun and the full moon but our vision is covered. If we look with clean, devotional eyes, full of love and affection, then we can see Their divine form. And for this vision, we need good fortune which comes through the mercy of the Vaisnavas. Then with sadhu-sanga, association of the Vaisnavas and their merciful glance, we can see that divine form.
mrdanga mandira baje susankha-dhvanita Here is an ornamental expression. When this type of arati comes and we stand in front of Nitai-Chaitanyadeva and do the arati, what do we do? We play the mrdanga and the karatals and we blow the conch. Externally it happens but also internally. With the panchapati, the ghee lamp with 108 wicks, we are doing arati. Externally we are doing this and internally we shall try to see that each lamp of that arati, is not only a lamp but it is the Vedas. The different parts of the Vedas that are existing within bhakti-yoga have taken form in each lamp as a bhakti-yoga lamp. The 108 Upanishads and all others are taking this form and worshipping the Lord through that arati.
bhuvana-mohana duhu rupera arati Anyone who looks with prema netra (eyes of love) will see love, real love and affection, and they will be extremely charmed. Only those who live in Gupta Vrindavan can see with that type of vision. Gupta Vrindavan means Nabadwip Dham. Those who live in Nabadwip Dham always look at that arati of Nitai Chaitanyadeva—this arati is performed every day and by the grace of Srila Guru Maharaj this property of Nabadwip has come to Puri Dham to bestow its mercy on the conditioned souls. This type of arati is only seen by the Nabadwip Dham-basis, the parshadas (associates) of Sriman Mahaprabhu, and those who are very affectionate with Mahaprabhu, Chaitanyadeva.
sri-svarupa-ramananda rupa-sanatana And His associates, Sri Svarupa Damodara, Ramananda Raya, Rupa Goswami, Sanatana Goswami, Raghunatha Das Goswami, Haridas Thakur and Gadadhara Pandit are performing this arati and can see this arati.
sarvabhauma gopinatha jivanuga-jana Sarvabhauma Bhattacharyya, Gopinath Acharyya and Jivanugajana, those who live in the sampradaya of Jiva Goswami, are all glorifying that arati, looking at that arati and doing that arati. It is very easy for them to do this but it is very difficult for others.
nadiya prakase nityananda-gaura-nidhi We are so fortunate that the arati of Gauranga and Nityananda is very famous in Nabadwip Dham, where Nityananda Prabhu and Mahaprabhu are present eternally; but in patita-pavana-ksetra, Puri Dham, it has been mercifully given by our fortune-maker, Sri Gurudeva.
avichintya nityananda-chaitanya-prakasa 'Avichintya' means inconceivable. This type of arati can only be conceived by a very fortunate soul. He can see it and can also do that arati if he has received the mercy of Srila Gurudeva. Through the mercy of Gurudeva anyone can see this type of manifestation of Nitai-Chaitanyadeva and Their arati, and can join within that sankirtan. — : • : —
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