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Sri Gurva-Avirbhava Prasastih

By Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj


sri-gaura-mandala majhe hapaniya grama
yetha avatirna mora prabhu guna-dhama [1]

In Sri Gaura Mandal, there is a village called Hapaniya where my Lord, an abode of all good qualities, appeared.

patita-pavani ganga-tira-sannihita
nyaya-ratna-vidyapitha bhuvana-vidita [2]

It stands on the bank of the Ganga, who is very merciful to the fallen souls; renowned in the whole world, this abode is a holy repository of knowledge and jewels of logic.

setha vaise viprabara prasanta udara
sri-upendra-chandra vidyaratna nama yanra [3]

In this place resided an honourable brahman of a very peaceful and magnanimous nature whose name was Sri Upendra Chandra Vidyaratna.

bhattacharya-kula-ravi parama vidvana
nirantara seva-para laksmi-narayana [4]

Highly learned, he was the sun of the renowned Bhattacharya family line and he always engaged in service of Laksmi Narayan.

tanra patni gauri-devi parama-pavani
maha-sadhvi jaganmata prabhura janani [5]

His spouse, Sri Gauri Devi, a supreme saviour, a great saint, and the mother of the whole universe, is the mother of my Lord.


atharasa satera sake saurasvina masa
sanibara chhabbisa divasa parakasa [6]

He appeared on a Saturday, on the 26th day of the Ashvin month in 1817 of the Shaka Era [Saturday, 10 October 1895, according to the Gregorian calendar].

budha-ditya jiva-yoge tunga-graha-gane
ramachandra-rasyasraye virachandra-dine [7]

He appeared on the day of the auspicious conjunction of Sun and Mercury and Moon and Jupiter, under the same sign as Lord Ramachandra and on the same day as Sri Virachandra Prabhu.

subhankari pusya-anke kartiki-navami
dharani haila dhanya prabhu-pada chumi' [8]

My Lord appeared on the navami-tithi (ninth day) of Kartik month when the stars aligned in the most auspicious position of the pushya naksatra, and the earth, feeling blessed and grateful, kissed the lotus feet of my Lord.


uthila ananda-rola acharya-bhavane
sankha-ghanta hulu-dhvani deya nari-gane [9]

There arouse a tumultuous joyful vibration at the house of my Guru as the ladies blew the conchshells, rang the bells, and made auspicious cries.

ajanulambita-bhuja purata-sundara
devi anke sobhe divya-jyoti manohara [10]

He lay on the lap of his mother—he possessed a beautiful golden form, his long arms reached his knees, and his auspicious divine lustre was extremely charming.

heriya putrera mukha mugdha pitamata
mugdha haila putra-rupe yata pativrata [11]

Seeing their son's face, his father and mother became captivated. All the chase ladies became charmed by the boy's form.

ramachandra janma-ksana smari viprabara
rakhila putrera nama ramendra-sundara [12]

Remembering that the boy appeared at the same moment as Lord Ramachandra, the brahman father named his son Ramendra Sundar.

apurva balaka sobha vyapila bhuvane
anindya ramendra chandra bare dine dine [13]

As Ramedra Chandra, faultless in his behaviour, was growing day by day his unprecedented beauty spread around the whole world.


dekhite dekhite prabhu labhiya yauvana
parama samrddha kari dhana uparjana [14]

Soon my Lord became a youth and became greatly enriched as he started collecting his wealth.

divya subimala tanu maha-jyotirmaya
nirakhi sakala loka sadhvasa manaya [15]

Seeing his divine, extremely pure and graceful body, adorned with a great lustre, all people became startled and revered him.

vairagya-bhavita-bhakti-purna kalevara
sauvala-pihita yena maha-sarovara [16]

His body was full of devotion immersed in renunciation, just as a great pond becomes covered by algae.

maha-jnani suka-praya virakta-pradhana
heri pita-mata mane chinte anuksana [17]

Seeing that he was becoming a great scholar and always showed indifference to the world similar to that of Sukadev Goswami, his father and mother constantly worried.

sannyasi haibe putra na rahive ghare
maha-yogi maha-tyagi laksana sarire [18]

They knew their son would become a sannyasi and nothing could keep him at home—they saw the symptoms of a great yogi and a renunciate in his body.

antare ananda bahye duhkha parakasa
kathodine kaila vipra sri-vaikuntha-vasa [19]

Thus, internally very happy, but externally showing sadness, the brahman (Sri Upendra Chandra) left the world for the holy abode of Vaikuntha.


krame krame prabhu mora apana prakasi
svechchhaya vandhana khandi haila sannyasi [20]

Gradually, my Lord manifested himself and out of his own freewill cut away all ties with the world and became a sannyasi.

grha-tyaji mayapura karila vijaya
sri-gauranga-janma-bhumi chidananda-maya [21]

Leaving his home, he left for Mayapur, the land of Sri Gauranga's appearance, full of cognisance and joy.

sri-bhakti-siddhanta sarasvati prabhu-sthane
laila sannyasa dina-uddhara karane [22]

He took sannyas from Sri Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupad in order to save the poor souls.

sri-bhakti-raksaka sankirtana-murti-dhara
sei hetu guru nama rakhila sridhara [23]

His Guru gave him the name Sridhar for he is a protector of holy devotion (Sri Bhakti Raksak) and he is the embodiment (murti-dhara) of sankirtan, congregational chanting.

patita-pavana-rupe tridandira vese
nama-prema vitariya bule dese dese [24]

Wearing the dress of a mendicant, he travelled the breadth and width of the country as a savour of fallen souls, distributing ecstatic love for the Holy Name.

dina hina papi tapi sabare udhari
amrta sinchila visve, yetha gaura-hari [25]

Just like Sri Gaura Hari (the Golden Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu), he rescued everyone, all kinds of lowly, poor and fallen sinners showering nectar all over the universe.


jaya jaya patita-pavana prabhu-bara
nyasi chura-mani bhakti-raksaka sridhara [26]

All glory, all glory to you, my worshippable Lord, the rescuer of fallen souls, a crest jewel amongst the renunciates—all glory to Sri Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj.

asankhya pranati tava pada-padme mora
krpaya karaha nasa karma-bandha ghora [27]

I am offering countless obeisances at your holy lotus feet. Please destroy the terrible material shackles that bind me.

bhavarnave padi sudha habudubu khai
e adhame udhariya deha pade thani [28]

I have fallen into the material ocean and only keep on struggling to keep afloat. Please rescue this wretch by giving some place at your feet.

vandi avirbhava tithi sri-krsna-navami
yenha dhanya haila prabhu-pada-padma chumi [29]

I offer my obeisance to the Sri Krishna Navami day, the day of your appearance, the day on which this blessed world could gain a kiss of your lotus feet.

vandi hapaniya grama maha-tirtha-vadhi
vandi prabhu sri-upendra-chandra-dayambudhi [30]

I offer my obeisance to Sri Hapaniya village, this grand place of pilgrimage. I offer my obeisance to the unlimitedly merciful Sri Upendra Chandra.

vandi nitya bhattacharya kulabdha-bhaskara
vandi vidyaratna putra ramendra-sundara [31]

I offer my eternal obeisance to the effulgent sun of the family of Sri Upedra Chandra Bhattacharya—I offer my obeisance to his expert son, Sri Ramendra Sundar.

sabadhane vando mui gauri-devi mata
yanra anka alo kari prabhu prakasita [32]

With great care I bow down to his mother Gauri Devi, on whose lap my Lord appeared and whose lap he thus illuminated.

prabhura sambhandha-dhari yateka sujana
sanande vandana kari sabara charana [33]

I very joyfully offer obeisance and prayers to all those who have any connection to my Lord.

sabe krpa kari more kara asirvada
nirvighne hauka labha prabhura prasada [34]

Please you all kindly give me your blessings so I may without any obstacles receive the mercy of my Lord.


— : • : —



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Akrodha paramananda
Amara jivana
Aruna vasane
Atmanivedana tuya pade

Balarama Nityananda
Bara sukhera khabara gai
Bhagyadhisa-tvadiyo (Sri Guru Prasasti)
Bhajahu re mana
Bhaja re bhaja re amar
Bhuliya tomare
bimala hema jini

Chaudda-sata sata-sake
Dhana mora Nityananda
Durlabha manava janma

Ei-bara karuna kara
E ghora samsare
Emona durmati

Gaurangera duti pada
Gaya gora madhur svare
Gopinath (Nivedana)
Gurudev! Bada krpa kari
Gurudev! Krpa-bindu diya

Ha ha bhakti-vinoda
Hari-bhakti-rasamrta-dana (Stava Kusumanjali)
Hari haraye Namah Krsna
Hari he dayala mora
He deva bhavantam vande

Jagannatha-suta (Nadiya nagare nitai neche)
Janama saphala ta'ra
Jaya guru maharaja (Sri Guru arati-stuti)
Jaya Guru Maharaja karuna-sagara (Sri Sri Nitai-Chaitanya arati)
Jaya jaya Gorachander
Jaya jaya gurudeva karuna-sagara (Sri Guru Sri Gaura Sri Nityananda Arati)
Jaya jaya gurudeva karuna-sagara (Sri Nitai Gauranga Arati, Nrisingha Palli)
Jaya jaya gurudever (Sri Guru arati)
Jayare jayare jaya Gaura-Saraswati
Jayare jayare jaya paramahamsa
Jaya Sachi-nandana
Jaya Radha-Madhava
Jaya Radhe, Jaya Krsna

Kabe habe bolo
Kabe Sri Chaitanya more
Kali kukura kadana
Ke yabi ke yabi
Ki jani ki bale
Ki-rupe paiba seva
Krpa kara Vaishnav Thakura

Mana tumi tirthe sada rata
Manasa deha geha

Namo namah tulasi maharani
Naumi sri-gurupadabjam (Sri Pranati Dasakam)
Nitai amara dayara avadhi
Nitai gunamani amara

Parama karuna

Radha bhajane yadi
Radhe Radhe Govinda

Samsara-davanala (Sri Gurvastakam)
Sarvasva tomara
Sri-gaura-mandala majhe
Sri Guru-charana-padma
Sri Guru-Parampara
Sri Guru-charana-padma
Sri Hari-vasare
Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more
Sri Krsna-Chaitanya Prabhu jive daya kari
Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Sochaka
Srimad Rupa-pada-rajah Prarthana Dasakam
Sri Nrsimha, Jaya Nrsimha
Sri Rupa-manjari-pada
Sri Sad-Goswamy-Astakam
Sri Sri Damodarastakam
Sri Srimad Gaura-Kishor-Namaskar Dasakam
Sri Sri Siksastakam
Sujanarvuda-radhita (Sri Sri Prabhupada-padma Stavakah)
Suno he rasika-jana

Thakura vaisnava-gana

Udila aruna

Vaisnav ke?
Vaisnava Thakura dayara
Varaja-vipine yamuna kule

Yadi Gaura na ha'ta
Yasoda-Nandana Krsna
Yasomati-stanya-payi (Nagare nagare gora gay)
Ye anila prema-dhana (Viraha-giti)

Dasavidha Nama-Aparadha





Sanatan-siksa: Power Transmission
'When a devotee surrenders fully and practises Krishna consciousness properly, Krishna gives them whatever virtues or good qualities He has. This is called power transmission.'



You think your mind wants this and that, and you always give food to it, then it becomes strong and it can take you away from your service and from Krishna consciousness.