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Sri Srimad Gaura-Kishora-namaskara Dasakam
Prayerful Obeisances to (By Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj)
guror guro me paramo gurus tvam O guru of my guru! My Param Guru, you are worshipped in the foremost society of Sri Gauranga’s devotees. May you be propitiated with this servitor surrendered unto your loving servitor Dayita Das (Srila Prabhupad). O Gaura Kishor, obeisances to you again and again.
sarasvati-nama-jagat-prasiddham O worshipful one, you have revealed in this world my Master, who is world-renowned as Sri Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, who is the only friend of fallen souls. O Gaura Kishor, obeisances to you again and again.
kvachid-vrajaranya-vivikta-basi When you lived in solitude in Vraja Dham, you happily worshipped the most secret pastimes of the Youthful Divine Couple of Vraja, but externally you followed the formal rules of renunciation and, at some point, accepted the garb of an avadhut. O Gaura Kishor, obeisances to you again and again.
kvachit punar gaura-vanantachari Sometimes, you roam the edge of Gauravan (Sri Nabadwip Dham), wandering along the sandy banks of the Ganga. You wear a pure loin-cloth and carry a mendicant’s water-pot. O Gaura Kishor, obeisances to you again and again.
sada harer nama muda ratantam You always chant the Holy Name of the Lord with great happiness and beg madhukari house to house, like a bee collecting honey flower to flower. You are a great soul whom even demigods offer obeisances to. O Gaura Kishor, obeisances to you again and again.
kvachid-rudantan cha hasan-natantam Overwhelmed with love for your worshipful Lord, you sometimes dance, sometimes cry, sometimes laugh and sometimes sing prayers out loud. People always abundantly offer obeisances to you. O Gaura Kishor, obeisances to you again and again.
mahayaso-bhaktivinoda-bandho! O friend of greatly renowned Thakur Bhaktivinod! O one and only ocean of the nectar of transcendental love for Mahaprabhu Sri Chaitanyadev! O moon, recipient of Vaisnav Sarvabhauma Sri Jagannath’s mercy! O Gaura Kishor, obeisances to you again and again.
samapya radha-vratam-uttamam tvam Completing the highest Urjja-vrata, you selected the uttana day of Sri Damodar month and attained the treasure of being a loving friend of Sri Radhika. O Gaura Kishor, obeisances to you again and again.
vihaya sangam kuliya-layanam Giving up the company of the residents of Kuliya, you accepted the service of your staunch follower, Sri Dayita Das, and are now residing in a holy temple in Sri Dham Mayapur. O Gaura Kishor, obeisances to you again and again.
sada nimagno ‘py aparadha-panke Although I am always submerged in the mud of offences, I (this fallen soul) am begging you for your causeless mercy. Please take pity, rescue this poor person. O Gaura Kishor, obeisances to you again and again.
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• Bengali
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