Our Disciplic Succession:
Srila Bhakti Nirmal Acharya Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj  Bhagavan Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupad
"The Sun Never Sets on Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math":
Worldwide Affiliate Branches and Centres

Sri Guru Prasasti

Composed by Srila B.S. Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj
Offered in 1955, on the 61st Holy Day of
Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj


bhagyadhisa tvadiyo vimala-sukhamayah samprakasas tu nityo
gaudam radham tathedam tribhuvanam akhilam dhanya-dhanyan chakara
khande kale drsam no gagana-jala-nidhim purayitva budhanam
anandam varddhayan vai svaparijana-ganair dhamani tvam vibhasi [1]

O master of my fortune! Your brilliant, eternal appearance, full of pure joy, has made the district of Radha, the land of Gauda, and the whole of the three worlds most fortunate. In this time of discord, you shine in your abode with your associates and thereby remove the clouds from our eyes, and increase the joy of the wise.

devadyas te 'khila-guna-ganan naiva gatum samarthah
kvaham jivo 'tisaya-patito manda-bhagyo 'tiksudrah
bho aradhya stavana-visaye kintu dinadhamasya
pratyasa tat sukarunataya virachandrabhidas tvam [2]

O lord! Even the most exalted souls are unable to sing all your glories. And who am I? I am an extremely fallen soul, unfortunate and utterly insignificant. O worshippable master! This poor and fallen soul's hope to glorify you, however, is that you, out of deep compassion, are known to be Virachandra Prabhu.

drstva visvasya jivan khalu hari-vimukhan gauradevo dayaya
rupam gaude bhavantam parama-karunaya prahinod dina-bandho
etaj jnatva prakasat sudina-samudayam smaram asah saharsa
jayante chaiva maya-nigada-nikara-sammochane 'smakam addha [3]

Seeing the souls of the world so averse to the Lord, Sri Gaura, with the deepest compassion, mercifully sent you to Gauda, O friend of the fallen! Understanding this and remembering this day made most auspicious by your appearance, we are hopeful and joyful that we will be liberated from the chains of maya.

yadvad bhanuh kirana-nikarair bhasayan visvam etan
nasam krtva nikhila-tamasam tejasa samvibhati
krtva nasam prakrti-tamasam satya-suryam prakasya
divya-jnanair hari-guna-ganais tvan cha tadvad vibhasi [4]

As the sun illuminates the world with its rays, dispels all darkness, and shines brightly, so you dispel the darkness of the material world, reveal the sun of truth, and shine with divine knowledge and the qualities of the Lord.

duhkhaih purnam vibudha-hrdayam kala-dharmmach cha drstva
mayavadan kalija-kumatan duskrtan sasitun cha
dese dese bhramasi vitaran gaura-vanin cha nama
dhrtva deva tribhuvana-jayam vajra-kalpam tridandam [5]

O lord! Seeing the hearts of the wise filled with sadness as a result of the influence of time, you roam from place to place to subdue the illusionists, the misconceptions produced by Kali, and the wicked by distributing Gaura's message and Name, carrying your tridanda, which resembles the thunderbolt for conquering the three worlds.

varsayam vai sajala-jalado vadayan mandra-bherim
yadvad visve bhramati bahudha varidharan cha varsan
tadvad bhumau bhramasi saganair ghosayan gaura-gatha
nityam divyamrta-sukarunam tvam hi deva pravarsan [6]

As the rain-clouds play their deep kettle-drums, circle in the sky, and profusely shower torrents of rain during the rainy season, so you wander over the earth with your associates proclaiming the glories of Sri Gaura and constantly showering down the divine nectar of your mercy, O lord!

sri-chaitanya-vilasa-dhamani navadvipasrame sundare
sri-gauranga-vidhos tatha vraja-yunoh seva-sudha-sampadam
tanvan ganga-tate dayamaya-vibho sadhun samahladayan
sri-rupanuga-sampradaya-vibhavan udbhasayan bhasase [7]

O merciful Lord! You speak in the abode of Sri Chaitanya's Pastimes in a beautiful asram in Nabadwip on the bank of the Ganges, enhance the wealth that is the nectar of the service of the moon Sri Gauranga and the youthful couple of Vraja, and thus delight the sadhus and illuminate the dignity of the Sri Rupanuga sampradaya.

charvakantakrtantako 'khila-guruh pasanda-sailasanir
mayavada-mahavivartta-gahanaj jivan samuddharayan
sri-gaurendu-jayadhvajo vijayate swamin bhavan nityasah [8]

O master! As the universal Guru, the destroyer of the conclusion of Charvak Muni, the thunderbolt atop the mountain of misconception, and the crown jewel amongst the great suns who demolish the dark conception of the Buddhists, you rescue souls from the abyss of the greatest illusion, mayavad, and are ever victorious as the victory flag of the moon Sri Gaura.

sri-gauranga-sarasvati-dhunidhara sri-bhakti-samraksaka
sri-siddhanta-sarasvati-priya-vara nyasisvara sri-guro
adyo deva bhavat subhodaya-dine samprarthaye ‘ham vibho
padabje khalu nitya-bhrtya iti me karunyamatanvatam [9]

O carrier of the current coming from Sri Gauranga through Srila Saraswati Thakur! O grand guardian of pure devotion! O dearmost of Sri Siddhanta Saraswati! O general of the sannyasis! O divine dispeller of darkness! O master! O lord! Today on the day of your auspicious appearance, I wholeheartedly pray that you will extend your mercy to me as an eternal servant of your lotus feet.


— : • : —


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Akrodha paramananda
Amara jivana
Aruna vasane
Atmanivedana tuya pade

Balarama Nityananda
Bara sukhera khabara gai
Bhagyadhisa-tvadiyo (Sri Guru Prasasti)
Bhajahu re mana
Bhaja re bhaja re amar
Bhuliya tomare
bimala hema jini

Chaudda-sata sata-sake
Dhana mora Nityananda
Durlabha manava janma

Ei-bara karuna kara
E ghora samsare
Emona durmati

Gaurangera duti pada
Gaya gora madhur svare
Gopinath (Nivedana)
Gurudev! Bada krpa kari
Gurudev! Krpa-bindu diya

Ha ha bhakti-vinoda
Hari-bhakti-rasamrta-dana (Stava Kusumanjali)
Hari haraye Namah Krsna
Hari he dayala mora
He deva bhavantam vande

Jagannatha-suta (Nadiya nagare nitai neche)
Janama saphala ta'ra
Jaya guru maharaja (Sri Guru arati-stuti)
Jaya Guru Maharaja karuna-sagara (Sri Sri Nitai-Chaitanya arati)
Jaya jaya Gorachander
Jaya jaya gurudeva karuna-sagara (Sri Guru Sri Gaura Sri Nityananda Arati)
Jaya jaya gurudeva karuna-sagara (Sri Nitai Gauranga Arati, Nrisingha Palli)
Jaya jaya gurudever (Sri Guru arati)
Jayare jayare jaya Gaura-Saraswati
Jayare jayare jaya paramahamsa
Jaya Sachi-nandana
Jaya Radha-Madhava
Jaya Radhe, Jaya Krsna

Kabe habe bolo
Kabe Sri Chaitanya more
Kali kukura kadana
Ke yabi ke yabi
Ki jani ki bale
Ki-rupe paiba seva
Krpa kara Vaishnav Thakura

Mana tumi tirthe sada rata
Manasa deha geha

Namo namah tulasi maharani
Naumi sri-gurupadabjam (Sri Pranati Dasakam)
Nitai amara dayara avadhi
Nitai gunamani amara

Parama karuna
Param Gurvastakam

Radha bhajane yadi
Radhe Radhe Govinda

Samsara-davanala (Sri Gurvastakam)
Sarvasva tomara
Sri-gaura-mandala majhe
Sri Guru-charana-padma
Sri Guru-Parampara
Sri Guru-charana-padma
Sri Hari-vasare
Sri Krsna Chaitanya Prabhu daya kara more
Sri Krsna-Chaitanya Prabhu jive daya kari
Srila Raghunath Das Goswami Sochaka
Srimad Rupa-pada-rajah Prarthana Dasakam
Sri Nrsimha, Jaya Nrsimha
Sri Rupa-manjari-pada
Sri Sad-Goswamy-Astakam
Sri Sri Damodarastakam
Sri Srimad Gaura-Kishor-Namaskar Dasakam
Sri Sri Siksastakam
Sujanarvuda-radhita (Sri Sri Prabhupada-padma Stavakah)
Suno he rasika-jana

Thakura vaisnava-gana

Udila aruna

Vaisnav ke?
Vaisnava Thakura dayara
Varaja-vipine yamuna kule

Yadi Gaura na ha'ta
Yasoda-Nandana Krsna
Yasomati-stanya-payi (Nagare nagare gora gay)
Ye anila prema-dhana (Viraha-giti)

Dasavidha Nama-Aparadha





A New Lease of Life
'When you get association of a sadhu you understand that you have wasted all your time on maya. Maya has always been taking our time, and we have been always listening to her instruction, but now, by sadhu-sanga, we understand that we did wrong..'



When we do some service and increase our own enjoyment, it is not good.
Through that enjoyment ego can come.