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Sri Sri Gaurasundarer Avirbhav:
By Srila Krishna Das Kaviraj Goswami
chaudda-sata sata sake masa ye phalguna In the year 1407 of the Saka Era (A.D. 1486), in the month of Phalguna [March–April], on the evening of the full moon, the desired auspicious moment appeared.
simha-rasi, simha-lagna, uchcha graha-gana According to the Vedic astronomy, when the figure of the lion appears both in the zodiac and as the time of birth [lagna], this indicates a very high conjunction of planets, an area under the influence of sad-varga and asta-varga, which are all-auspicious moments.
a-kalanka gaurachandra dila darasana When the spotless moon of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu became visible, what is the need for a moon full of black marks on its body?
eta jani' rahu kaila chandrera grahana Considering this, Rahu, the black planet, covered the full moon, and immediately the vibrations of 'Krishna! Krishna! Hari!' inundated the three worlds.
jaya jaya dhvani haila sakala bhuvana The chants of 'Jay! Jay!' filled the whole world, and everybody was astonished at that, wondering what was going on.
jagat bhariya loka bale—'hari' 'hari' When the whole world was chanting the Holy Name, Krishna, in the form of Gaurahari, made His advent on earth.
prasanna ha-ila saba jagatera mana The whole world felt pleased. Laughing at the Hindus, even Muslims chanted Holy Names.
'hari' bali' narigana dei hulahuli All ladies chanted the Holy Name, uttering auspicious cries. And in heaven, demigods played musical instruments and danced, curious to see what was to happen next.
prasanna haila dasa dik, prasanna nadijala All the ten directions became pleased, as did the water of all rivers. All living beings, moving and non-moving, were overwhelmed with transcendental happiness.
nadiya-udayagiri, purnachandra gaurahari, By His causeless mercy the full moon Gaurahari arose in the district of Nadia, which is compared to Udayagiri, where the sun first becomes visible – His rising in the sky destroyed the darkness of sin; all three worlds became joyful and chanted the Holy Name of the Lord.
sei-kale nijalaya, uthiya advaita raya, At that time, Sri Advaita Acharya Prabhu, who was in his house in Santipur, was dancing for joy. Grabbing Haridas Thakur, he danced and rejoiced, loudly chanting Holy Names. Why were they dancing? No one knew.
dekhi' uparaga hasi', sighra ganga-ghate asi', Seeing the lunar eclipse and laughing, Advaita Acharya and Haridas Thakur hurried to the bank of the Ganges and bathed happily. On pretext of observing the lunar eclipse, Advaita Acharya mentally distributed various types of charity to brahmans.
jagat anandamaya, dekhi' mane sa-vismaya, When he saw that the whole world was jubilant, Haridas Thakur was astonished. He allusively suggested to Advaita Acharya, 'I am happy to see your joy. I can understand that there is some special reason for that.'
acharyaratna, srivasa, haila mane sukhollasa, Overwhelmed with joy, Acharyaratna (Chandrasekhar) and Srinivas (Srivas Pandit) went to bathe in the Ganges. Their minds full of happiness, they chanted Holy Names of the Lord and mentally distributed charity.
ei mata bhakta-tati, yanra yei dese sthiti, In this way, renounced devotees in various corners of the world mentally received those gifts. Dancing, chanting Holy Names and overcome with joy, they distributed gifts on pretext of observing the lunar eclipse.
brahmana-sajana-nari, nana-dravye thali bhari', Gathering various gifts, brahmans, gentlemen and ladies arrived with their presentations. Seeing the newborn boy, whose holy form resembled raw gold, they happily offered their blessings.
savitri, gauri, sarasvati, sachi, rambha, arundhati, Gathering various gifts and dressing themselves as wives of brahmans, all the celestial ladies – Savitri (Brahma's wife), Gauri (Lord Siva's wife), Saraswati (Nrsimhadev's wife), Sachi (Indradev's wife), Rambha (celestial dancer), Arundhati (Vasistha's wife) and others – arrived to see the child.
antarikse deva-gana, gandharva, siddha, charana, In the sky, all demigods, including the inhabitants of Siddhaloka, Gandharvaloka and Charanaloka, offered prayers and danced to the accompaniment of music. In Nabadwip, all professional dancers, musicians and religious poets gathered, too, dancing in great jubilation.
keba ase keba yaya, keba nache keba gaya, Some came, some went; some danced, some sang.Coming from all these different backgrounds, nobody was able to understand what anyone was saying. All unhappiness and grief was shuttered and the world was purged of illusion. Jagannath Misra was almost unconscious with joy.
acharyaratna, srivasa, jagannatha-misra-pasa, 'Chandrasekhar Acharya and Srivas Pandit, who were Jagannath Misra's neighbours, also came and tried to caution him. They performed the ceremonies prescribed at the time of birth by religious regulations, and then Jagannath Misra distributed various charity.
yautuka paila yata, ghare va achhila kata, Whatever presentations Jagannath Misra received and whatever he had at home, he distributed everything among brahmans. He honoured all dancers, singers, religious poets and the poor by giving them various wealth.
srivasera brahmani, nama tanra 'malini', The brahmani wife of Srivas Thakur, Malini, arrived together with the wife of Chandrasekhar. The ladies offered vermilion, turmeric, oil, fused rice, bananas and various fruit, expressing their worship.
advaita-acharya-bharya, jagat-pujita arya, Advaita Acharya's pious spouse, Sri Sita Thakurani, who is worshippable for the whole world, came, on the order of her husband, to see the crest-jewel of a child, bringing along various gifts.
suvarnera kadi-ba-uli, rajatamudra-pasuli, She brought gold earrings the shape of a conch, silver anklets with coin-like ornaments, gold bracelets, bangles as well as two exquisite conch bangles for both hands, curved silver foot-bracelets and various gold necklaces with coin-like ornaments.
vyaghra-nakha hema-jadi, kati-pattasutra-dori, There were also tiger nails set in gold, coloured threads worn on the waist, various ornaments for hands and legs, fine silk saris and silk shirts for the baby. Many other riches, including gold and silver coins, were also presented to the child.
durva, dhanya, gorochana, haridra, kunkuma, chandana, Taking auspicious offerings, including fresh grass, paddy, gocharan, tumeric, kumkum and sandalwood, along with baskets full of clothes and ornaments, she came in a cloth-covered palanquin together with her maidservants.
bhaksya, bhojya, upahara, sange la-ila bahu bhara, She arrived at Sachi Devi's house with a great amount of various food preparations and gifts. When she saw the figure of the child, she thought that He looked just like Gokula Kan (baby Krishna) Himself, only His bodily colour was different.
sarva anga—sunirmana, suvarna-pratima-bhana, The limbs of His body were very beautifully built, making Him look like a golden doll. All His limbs were adorned with auspicious signs. Seeing the divine effulgence of the boy, Sita Thakurani's heart melted with maternal affection.
durva, dhanya, dila sirse, kaila bahu asise, Placing grass and paddy on his head, she abundantly blessed the baby boy, saying, 'May You and Your brother live a long life.' Suddenly, she felt some fear in her heart that the baby could be attacked by some ghosts or witches, so, to protect the child, she named Him Nimai.
putramata-snanadine, dila vastra vibhusane, When the mother and the son came out of the labour room after several days and bathed, Sita Thakurani honoured the child along with His father, Jagannath Misra, by giving them various clothes and ornaments. Then, after being honoured by mother Sachi Devi and Jagannath Misra, Sita Thakurani went back to her house, feeling excited at heart.
aichhe sachi-jagannatha, putra pana laksminatha, In this way Mother Sachi and Jagannath Misra obtained the husband of the goddess of fortune as their son – all their desires were fulfilled. Their house was filled with riches and grains. Everybody was drawn to the graceful beauty and effulgence of the child, and Mother Sachi and Jagannath Misra felt increasingly joyful day by day.
misra—vaisnava, santa, alampata, suddha, danta, Jagannath Misra is an ideal Vaishnav. He is peaceful, restrained in sense gratification, pure and controlled. He is not proud of his wealth or opulence. He collected whatever riches came owing to His son and distributed everything among brahmans out of love for Lord Vishnu.
lagna gani' harsamati, nilambara chakravarti, After calculating the birth time of Nimai, Nilambar Chakravarti said something to Jagannath Misra privately. 'Considering all the different symptoms of a great personality in both the body and birth time of the child, this child will deliver the whole world.'
aichhe prabhu sachi-ghare, krpaya kaila avatare, Thus, the Lord mercifully appeared at the house of Sachi Devi. Lord Gaura is very merciful, so when anybody hears about His advent in this world, He becomes very compassionate to them and allows them to come to His holy feet.
paiya manusa janma, ye na sune gaura-guna, If you get a human birth but do not hear about the glories of Gaurahari, your birth is useless. You have a river of nectar but you drink from a well of poison – why did you not just die right after you were born then?
sri-chaitanya-nityananda, acharya advaitachandra, Taking on my head as my treasure the lotus feet of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Acharya Advaitachandra, Sri Svarup Damodar, Sri Rupa Goswami and Sri Raghunath Das Goswami, I (Krishna Das) have thus described the advent of Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
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