By Srila Bhakti Vinod Thakur
bada krpa kari', gauda-vana-majhe
godrume diyachha sthana
ajna dila more, ei vraje vasi',
harinama kara gana
Gurudev! Bestowing a great mercy on me, you have given me a place in Sri
Godrumdwip amidst the forests of Gauda. You ordered me: "Reside in this abode
which is non-different from Vraja and chant the Lord's Name."
kintu kabe prabho, yogyata arpibe,
e dasere daya kari'
chitta sthira habe, sakala sahiba,
ekante bhajiba hari [2]
But when, O master, will you mercifully grant this servant the qualification
to do this? Then my heart will become steadfast, I will tolerate everything,
and I will serve the Lord sincerely.
saisava-yauvane, jada-sukha-sange,
abhyasa ha-ila manda
nija-karma-dose, e deha ha-ila,
bhajanera pratibandha [3]
In my childhood and youth, I always indulged in material happiness and I have
become habituated to bad things. Because of my own sins, this body has
become an impediment to spiritual practice.
vardhakye ekhana, pancha-roge hata,
kemane bhajiba bala'
kandiya kandiya, tomara charane
padiyachhi suvihvala [4]
Now aged, I am afflicted by five-fold diseases. Tell me, how shall I serve?
Crying incessantly, I have fallen at your feet, utterly bewildered.
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