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Sri Guru Sri Gaura Sri Nityananda Arati
jaya jaya gurudeva karuna-sagara Glory to Srila Gurudev, Sri Bhakti Sundar Govinda Dev-Goswami Maharaj, an ocean of mercy.
prakasile ekachakray bhuvana-mangala He manifested the effulgent service of Sri Guru Sri Gaura Sri Nityananda in Sri Ekachakra Dham for the benefit of the entire world.
gora-preme matoyara nityananda-rupa Nityananda is present here in His mad with Gora-prema Form, and Chaitanya as Rasaraj (Krishna) and Mahabhava (Srimati Radharani).
kasita-kanchana jini sri-anga labani The beauty of Their holy Form surpasses that of molten gold, and garlands of beautiful forest flowers play on Their necks.
murachita kotikama rupa-rasarange Their beauty resembles the beauty of ten million cupids and the sight of their ecstatic form makes one swoon—Their sweetness and dancing overpower any kind of benediction.
koti-chandra-bhanusobha ratna-simhasane Extremely fortunate souls who have the eyes of divine love can see Them sitting on the throne, shining brighter than millions of moons and suns.
mrdanga mandira-baje susankha-dhvanita During the arati, devotees play the mridanga, blow the conch, and offer a lamp whose wicks are actually the 108 Upanisads, the crown jewels of the Vedas.
bhuvana-mohana duhu rupera arati Their arati attracts the whole universe and can be always seen by the residents of Gupta Vrndavan (Nabadwip).
gaura-nityananda-bhakta krpa patra gana Sarvabhauma, Gopinath, those in the line of Jiva can see this beautiful arati that is so extremely rare to see.
nadiya lilara nityananda-gauranidhi Nityananda and Gauranga manifest Their Pastimes in Nabadwip, and by fortunate providence They also appear in this holy abode that rescues the fallen souls.
avichintya nityananda-chaitanya-prakasa By the mercy of Sri Gurudev, this fallen soul sees this kind of inconceivable arati of Nityananda and Chaitanya.
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